8KC i 1 u .\
FOUNDED- lees:
rhli (ectlOD Includes all recorded ConTajrano*!, Mlacellanaous Conveyaocea. Mortg&gea, Aaslgnments of Mortgagrea aud Satlaar^.'
Mortsagres and Mortgage Bxtenalona, Leaaea, Auction Salea, Voluntary Auction Salea, Advertiaed Legal Sales, Foreclosure SuIC
Jadirraenta In Foreclosure Suits, Lia Pendena, Machanica' Liana, aatlaOed Mechanica' Llena, Attachmenta, Chattel MortKagea Affactli^
Raal Eatate, Building Loan Contracts, Wllla and Real Eatate Appralsala In the Borougb of Manliattan.
No. 26
DEC. 14, 15, 10. 17, 19 & 20.
Academy st, sec Nagle av; see Nagle av, sec
Academy st, nec 10 av; see Nagle av, sec
Bunk St. 59 (2:624-57), ns. 77 w 4th, runs n
45.Sxn59.3xw24.0xslOC.4 to st xe25 to beg, 6-stv
bk loft & str bldg; Peter J Shields, Bklyn, to
John S Hoyt, 000 Park av, & Alfred O Hovt,
2 E 7,3, EXRS & TRSTES Henrv R Hoyt, 3-1
pt; Mar22 ; Decl5'21; A.'i;i2,000-35,000. nora
Canal st. 269 (1:209-32), us, 202 e Bwav, 2Sx
112.9x25.7x107.5. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Koster Realty Co to Fredk J Kloes, .39 High-
alnd av, Jersev Citv, NJ, & Carl Joseph, 012
Bway, Bayonne. NJ: ratg $2.5,000 & PJI ratg
$21,000; AL; Dec20'21; A$33.000-51,000 (R S
$30. 100
Cannon st, 107-9; see Stantou, 282-4.
Cannon st, 119-21 (2:335-73), ws, 158 n Stan¬
lon, 41.7x100, C-sty bk tnt & strs; Reubin
Rothman, et al, to Juda B Hader, 444 Grand:
mlg $40,000: PJI mlg .i::3,.500; Decl2; Decl4'21;
A$20,000-51,000 (R S $14). O C & 100
Cathedra! Pkway (7:1881-S9y.), ss, 100 e
Bway, 23x11.5x26.5x10.11, 1-slv fr bldg; Geo
Ehret to Christos A Dovas, 334 AV 42; PJI
mtg .$7,000; DeclS; Decl9'21; A$S,000-5,000 (R
5 «12l. O C & 1,000
Cathedral Pkway (7:1881); Christos A Do¬
vas to Broadway A'arieties Co, .840 10 av; mtg
$7,000: DeclS; Decl9'21 (R S $5). O C & 100
Chambers st. 195 (1:139-221, ns, abl 113 w
Washington, 20.3x41.8x19x34.2, es, 3-stv bk tnt
6 strs; Herbert C PeU. Jr. et al, TRSTES
under deed of trust, to Isaac & Leonora R
Loewenlhal. 220 AA' 118, tenants bv the en¬
tirety: Decl3; Decl7'21; A$13,S00-15,.500 (R S
$161. 16.000
Clinlon st. 84 (2:348-43), es, 130 s Rivington.
23x100, S-sty bk tnt & sirs: Robt J JIacher,
Bklyn, et al, to Ida Schneider, 80 Clinton, &
Anna Troeger, 93 Clinton: mtg $19,3011; PJI
ratg $10,300; AL ; Nov29 ; Decl7'21; re-record¬
ed from Dec2'21; A$26,00O-31,00O (R S $21.30).
Columbia st, 8ft (2:3.34-42), es, 70 n Riving¬
ton, 30x2.3, S-sly bk lolt & sir bldg; Abe Adel¬
son, Bklyn, to Jloses & Benj Barth, 80 Co¬
lumliia: Ullg $3,.300; DecU; DeclC'21; A.|5,000-
8,000 (R S .$7). nora
Columbia st. 111 (2:333-28), ws, 125 n Slan¬
lon, 23x1IKI, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos L B May¬
er to Dora Kessler, 044 AA'ales av, Bronx ; AL ;
DecKi; Dec2fl'21; A$12,000-20,000. O C & 100
Oopeyster st, 25; see Front, 139.
Division st, l)T-117y2, on map 117 (1:283-90),
ss, abl 1,80 e Pike, 25xCl, 2-stv bk lofl & str
blilg; Dora Giller, Bklyu. to Jlinnie Kosven,
.3110 14 av, Bklyn; ratg $12,000; JIarl3'20; Dec
20'21; A$21,(mO-22,O0O tR S $1). nora
Division st, llT-n^i, on map 117; Edw S
Kosven, Bklyn, heir .Alorris Kosven, to Dora
Glttler. 3110 14 av, Bklyn: Jlinnie Kosven,
5110 14 av, Bklyn. & .Anna K Adamson, 1417
53d, Bklyn; mtg $12,000; DeclS; Dec20'21 (R S
?*'i. nora
Dyckman st. 118 (8:2174-pt It 62), ws. 180 n
•Nagle av. ICxlOO, 2-stv bk tut & sirs, all; also
DA'CKJIAN ST (8:2174), ws. 11)0 n Nagle liv,
4x100. v:icaut, 1-C part; Jloris Bienenstock,
Bklyn. lo Nathan Glazcr. 2.320 Grand av, Bx;
nit;/ .$9..300; AL ; Decl; Decl6'21; A$-------$------
(R S $13..30). nom
n.vckman st, ws, 196 n Nagle av; see Dyck¬
raan, 118.
East ISroadway, 27 (1:2SO-47), ss, 11S.4 e
Cath, 23.2x87.6, 7-sty bk loft & str bUIg; Jler¬
chants National Bank of New Haven, Conn, to
Coninicriial Oiitlitting Co, 27 East Bway; B&S
CaG; mlg .$33,000; DeclS; DeclC'21; A'$20,0IH)-
62,0IH1 (R S .$:;0). IOO
Forsyth st, 26 (1:292-11), es, abt 1.30 s Canal,
23x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & C-sty bk rear
till; Felix Zadek et al to Sauil Feldstein, 2
lilldridge; ralg $23,000; PJI ratg $2,0(10; Decl4;
DeclO-21; A$12,0(l0-17,n00 (R S $7). O C & IOO
Ft Charles pl, 26-30 (8:2215-194), ss, -279 sw
JLirble Hill av, S0.Sx70xSOxC4.ll, vacant; Bdw
F TLiuimel, JIt Vernon, N Y, et al, to Alexand¬
er Bldg Corpn, 280 Jladison av; ratg $5,000;
.AL; Sept27; Decl4'21; re-recorded frora Sept
28-21; A.$3.300-3..3OO (R S $21. nom
Frankfort st. 27-9. on map 37-27M: (1:103-13)
sws, 88.0 se William. 29.7x103.0x23.7x103.6, 2-8ly
bk str; John F Kaiser Co lo Johu F Kaiser,
423 West End av: ratg $30,000; Jau20-20; Dec
20-21 ; A$ll2,0IH>-70,t'00 (R S $251. O C & lUn
l-ranUfort st, 27-9, on map 27-27y2; John F
Kaiser to John F Kaiser Co, 29 Frankfort;
ratg .$.30,000; DeclC; Dec20'21 (R S $25).
O C & 100
Front st, 13!) (1:37-29), nec Depevster (No
23), 18x1)7x10.8x08,3. 5-sty bk lofl & sir bldg;
.Alorris I Horwitz lo Guaranty Trust Co, 140
Bway; ralg .$07,600; DeclO; Dec20'21; A$28,000-
35,000 (R S $1). nora
Fulton St. 89 (1:93-4). ns, 84.1 w Gold, 23.0
xCOx24.10x60. 7-sly bk loft & str bldg: AVest
I!e:ich Ri^alty Corpn lo Jlinnie W, wife Robt
II Adaras, Greenwich, Conu; B&S; ratg .$43,-
1)00; Decl2; Decl7'21: A$48,000-75,fK)0. nom
Grand st, 554-56 (2:326-241, nwc Lewis st
(No 11, 30x85, C-sty bk tnt & strs: Henry B
Schwab, Merrick, N Y, to Gustav Schw;ib, SC
E 78. y pt; Octl; Decl6'21; A$2,100-0,400 (R
5 $.-)l)l. nora
tireenwich at, 94 (1:53-41), nwc Rector (Nos
14-181, 20.11x00.8x13.8x90.6, 2 & 4-sty bk tnt
6 strs; Danl W JlcCrea, Larchraont, NY', to
I'atk .AlcCarthy, 925 AVesl End av: ratg $32,-
.3110: DeclS; necl9'21; A$3O,0O0-33,O0O <R S
.$32..30). nom
Houston St. 212 E (2:428-21), ues, 201.6 nw
Av A, 23.2x04.6 to 1st sl (No 105) x25x01.4, 5-
sty bk loft & stable: S S Brown Co to Jas O
Hubbard Co, 103 E 1: ratg $20,000; Dec20'21;
A.$1C.000-2C,000 (R S $161. O C & W"
La Salle sl. 68, late 125th, 314 W (7:1079-10),
ss, 173 w Aras av, 23x100.11. 3-sty bk tnt &
strs; Bertha Kahu to Bernhard JIaver, 41 B
72, i/i pt; B&S; AL; DecC; Decl0'21;'A$13,000-
22.000. nora
Ln Salle st, 08, late I'JSTH st, 614 W; sarae
to Saml Weil, 222 Lenox av; Benj J AVeil, 21 E
,S2; Louis A' Weil, 8 B 74, EXRS Jonas AVeil,
Vs pt; B&S; AL; Decfi: Decl0'21. noin
La Salle st. KS, late 125TH st. 514 W; Sauil
Weil et al, EXRS Jonas AA'eil. to Bertha Kahn,
.121 E 82, y, pt; AL; DecU; Dec1C'21. noui
La Salle st. GS. late 126TH st. 514 W; Bern-
hard Jlayer to same, Vs pt; B&S; AL; DecC;
DcclC'21. nom
I.enis st, 1; see Grand, S54-C.
Lewis st, 99-99M! (2:329-13-18), swc Stanton
I Nos 293-3), .30x98.9, 3-5-sty bk tnts & sirs;
Diish Corim lo Nineteen Eleven Second Ave.
Inc. ------: mtg .$45,000; AL ; Decl7 ; Dec20'21;
A$'27.I100-.34,(100 (R S $1). nom
Jlonroe st, 264 (1:201-42), ss, 123.3 w Jack¬
son. 23x,s3.Sx23x87.C, 3-sly fr bk fl tut; Jlor¬
ris S .\-elsoii, et al, to Nelson & Williara Co,
204 Jlonroe: ratg $3,700; DecO; Decl6-21 : A
.â– JlMioo 9..-00 (R S $2..30). nora
ilott sf, 212-4: see Prince, 29.
Pell St. 34 (1:103-13), ns, abt '25 e Jlott, 23.2
xloi.v2:i.v1O0. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis G
Ilaiiierslry. Barrytov/n, N Y, lo 34 Pell St,
Inc, :!4 I'cll; B&S; CaO; correction deed; Julv
3-21: licclC-21; A.$U.flflO-19,00O. O C & 100
Prince st. 29 (2:.308-S2), ns, 27.11 e Jlott, 27.8
xS0.1x2-1.4x.82.C. 3-sty bk tnt & sirs; A$lC,SflO-
20..3I1O; :iIso PRINCE ST, 31 (2:308-33), nec
Jlolt (Nos 242-4). 27.11x82.0x27.11x70.2, 5-stv
bk Inl & strs: A.$-23.0flO-.37.0no; Battery Park
Realty Corpn to Helen Kararaerer, .337 1 av,
-Astoria, LI; ratg .$32,000; DeclS; Decl9'21 (R
S $371. O C & 100
Prince st. 31; see I*rince. 29.
Rector sl. 14-18: see Greenwich, 04.
St .Murks pi. 73 (2:4.30-;i8), ns. 123 w 1 av,
23xS3.11. :i sl,^ bk dwg: Louise Z Buchholz or
Biickhul/., lo .Aliniia Kallen, 310 2 av ; mtg .$14,-
I'OO: DcclS; DeclC'21; A$18,000-21,000 (K S
$9.50). 100
South st, 152 (1:107-0), ns, abt 33 e Peck sl,
runs e24.Cxii70.6xe2.9xn7.6xw2« 5xs7C to beg, 5-
sty bk lott & str bldg; JIarine & Contractors
Supply Co to Harrv Pallrowitz, 41 Convent
:iv; U'ec7; Decl4-21; A$17,CflO-23,000. O C & 100
Stanton st, 282-4 (2:333-79), nwc Cannon (."ll
107-9), 4S.lxCl.llx45.lx02, C-sty bk tut & strTT
Arthur Srailh, REP, lo Hernian Gross, 6S W
111, plff; mtg $47,000: FORECLOS, ------; Dec
13-21: A.$2i,(100-35.000 (R S $3). 3,000
Slniiton st, 293-3; see Lewis, 99-99'/;..
SuHolk St. 18 (1:313-5), es, abt 130 u Hester,
23x100, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs & S-sly bk rear
loft bld^': Leiser IJosenbanra. Bklyn, to Leib
Ilalicr Realty Corpn, 138 Rivington; rate; $23,-
000; P.AI uitt; $2,0(10; Decl; Decl9-21; A$1S,()(X)-
20.000 (R S $ll..30). O C & ino
Thompson st, 63 (2:489-33), ws, 177.0 n
Broome. 37.4x100, O-stv bk tnt & sirs: Alfred
T Townley, ref. to Richd B Kelly. BXR F'rau-
cis P Furiiald. plff: FORECLOS. ------; DeclO;
Dec'20'21; A$23.000-l8,U0fl (R S .$33). 33,000
Washington sq AV, 39, or Jliu-odugal .'-t (2:
.3:32-28), nwc 4lh (No 131), 27.6x91.10x27.Cx92, 4-
sty & b stn dwg; Marie Kiraify. London,
Eng. widow, lo Carlo Barsotti, 42 Elra; NovS;
Dccl4'21; A.$40,000-SC,000. nom
Washington st, 259 (1:131-41, es, 21.3 n Mur¬
ray, 2fl.llx(13.3x21.10x(15.8, 4-sty bk loft & str
b'dg: R E Cochran Co to John JI Coward, 777
.Av C, Bavonne. NJ; mlg $30,000: DecU; Dec
19'21; A$18,(inO-22,000 (R S $151. O C & 100
Washington ter, 4 (8:21.5C-41H), ws, 17.0 8
ISOlh. 17.9x02.0, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Eliz C
Crittenden. 12 AA'ashington ter. to Guy L &
.loscpliine R Foster, 4 AA'ashincton ter; tenants
bv Ihe entiretv: 2 I'll nit- :ii;Kreuating $10,-
(k'iO; DeclO; Dee20'21; A$2.iXi(i-0,(lllO (R S $11).
O C & 100
Waverly pl, 3-5 (2:.348-e8), ns, 100.2 w Bway,
.30x108.1x30x108.3, 9-stv bk loft & sir bldg;
W Burke Cockran, .370 JIad av, lo Bernard P
Gray. 084 I'acific, Bklyn; B&S; Decl7; Dec20
â– 21 :'.A.$.3n,0(10-170.000. uom
AVill eriv pl. 3-5: Bernard F Gray, Bklyn,
io W F.nrki- Cockran, 370 JIad av; B&S; Dec
17: Dec2ir21. nora
William st. 266-86% (1 :110-24). 8?. abt 100 w
Pearl. :i7,8x80.4x30.4x72.2, 2-3-sty bk tnts &
strs; Fra:ik .T Bauer, New Barbadoes, N.T. fo
John F Burnhara. 331 Isl St. New Barbadoes,
NJ ; Dccl3; Decl9'21: A$2C.00O-31.00O (R S $25).
1ST st, 105 E; see Houston. 212 E.
2I> St. 22 E (2:4.38-.38), ns, 1-13.8 w 2 av, 18.2i
('.7.10x18.2x08.3, 3-sty bk loft & str bldg; Jla-
lel Rosenbaura, Bklyn, to Migdal Realty
Corpn, 2,80 Hendrix st, Bklvn; mtg .$8,000;
P.AI mtg .$2,400; Decl; Decl9'21; A$0,500-11.0(10
(It S $0). O C & 100
2I> st, 260-2 E; see Av C. 14-10.
31) st, 257 E (2:386-44), ns, 42 w -Av C, 48x
96.2. O-stv bk tut & strs: Solomon Tenenbaum
111 Sollcii Realtv Corpn, 200 W 111; ralg $30,-
0(!0: DcclS; DeclC'21 : A$29.000-OC.O(10. uora
3D st, 301-3 E (2:373-.34-;33). ns. 303.10 w Av
D, 49.1x90, 2-C-stv bk tnts & strs; A.$23,fl00-
C2.0I10; aslo -AA^ D. 23 (2:.373-39). ws. 32.6 n 3d,
27.5x100. O-sty bk tnt & strs: Aij;i6..300-37.000;
Jos Berger to Joberg Realtv Corpn, 1 B 101;
mtg $,30;000; Decl4: Decl5'21 (R S .$27).
O C & 100
:{D St. 301-3 E; also AV D. '23: Joberg Re¬
altv Corpu to Jos Berger, 1 E 101; mtg $30,-
000; Decl4: Decl3'21 (R S $13.30). O C & 100
4TH st, 3-28 E (2:373-17), SS, 3C3.3 w Av D,
22.11x96. 3-sty bk tnt: David J Hvraan fo Bes¬
sie H Hyraan, his wife, 32C E 4: inlg $(1,000;
AL; Dec]2; Decl4'21: A$ll,.30()-13,.30O (R S .$10).
O C & 100
4TH St. :)!)» E (2:330-40), ns. 47 e Lewis. 24x
9(1. 2-stv fr tnt; Townsend Jlorgan. REF, to
Melropolilan Savings Bank, plff; FORECLOS,
------; Dcclli; Decl7'21; A$7.(100-7,.500 (R S $3).
4TH St. 131 W; see AA'ashington sq AA', 39.
STH sl. 3.35 E (2:.391-42i. ns, 139.6 w Av C,
-24.9x93.11. Osty bk tnt & strs; Solomon Ten¬
enbaum to Solten Realtv Corpn, 200 AV 111;
intg $17,800; DeclS; Decl6'21; A$13,O00-34,00O.
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