Real Estate Record and Builders Guide
Founded March 21, 1868, by CLINTON W. SWEET
Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building Management in the Metropolitan District
Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY
FRANK E. PERLEY. President and Editor ; E. S. DODGE, Vice-President; W. P. TIENKEN. Vice-President; J. W. FRANK, Secretary-Treasurer
Entered as second class matter Norember 8. 1879. at the Post Office at New York. N. Y.. under tbe Act of March ^. 1879.
Copyright, 1922, hy The Record and Guide Company, 119 West 40th Street, New York (Telephone: Bryant 4800)
No. 21 (2829)
NEW YORK, JUNE 3, 1922
25c. A COPY
$12.00 A YEAR
Advertising Index Page
A. B. See Electric Elevator
4th Cover
Ackerly. Orville B, & Son...... 080
Adams & Co...................688
Adler, Ernest N..............089
American Bureau of R. E.2d Cover
American Enameled Brick & Tiie
Ames & Co..................6Si
Amy, A. v.. & Co..............687
Anderson Brick & Supply Co.,
4th Cover
Anderson, James S., & Co......6S7
Armstrong & Armstrong....... .689
Ashforth & Co................687
Athens Brick. Lime & Cement Co.,
4th Cover
Automatic Fire Alarm Co......090
Baiter, Alexander .............688
Bauer, Milbank & Molloy......68;
Bechman, A. G.................690
Bell, H. W., Co___..........696
Benenson Realty Co......2d Cover
Boyd. James ..................684
Boylan, John J,...............687
Brener. Samuel .'.........2d Cover
Brett & Goode Co......Front Cover
Brooks & Momand .........., . 684
Brown. Frederick ........2d Cover
Brown. J. Romaine Co.Front Cover
Bulkley & Horton Co........ 600
Burling & McCurdy ............690
Busher, Eugene J.. &, Co....... .687
Butler & Baldwin ......Front Cover
Cahn. Harry ............2d Cover
Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd. .687
Carpenter. Leonard J..........687
Chauncey Real Estate ..........687
City Investing Co..............676
Chesley, A. C, Co., Inc___... .701
Classifled Advertising ..........686
Coburn. Alfred P............ 688
Corth, George H.. & Co........! !689
Cross & Brown .......Front Cover
Cruikshank Co. ......Front Cover
Cruikshank's, Wm'.,'Sons.Front Cover
Cudner, R. E. Co..............687
Cusack Company ............ 688
Cushman & Wakefleld .......'.'.688
Cutler. Arthur. & Co............687
Cutner. Harry B.. .............687
Davenport Real Estate Co___690
Davies. J. Clarence.......682-6.84
Day, Joseph P.............682-6.87
Dike, O. D. & H. V............687
Dodge. F. W., Co..............703
Dowd. James A..............689
Dubois. Chas. A................688
Duffy Co., J. P........4th Cover
Dunlap fi Lloyd..............688
Duross Co.......'.'.............687
Edwards. Charles G.. Co........687
Edwards, Dowdney & Richart. .670
Elliman, Douglas L.. Co ......6.84
Ely. Horace S.. & Co..Front Cover
Empire Brick & Supply Co.
4th Cover
English. J. B.................687
Finch, Chas. H., & Co......699
Finkelstein, Jacob. & Son .â– ..'.. 689
Fischer. J. Arthur ............687
Fisher. James B ...........690
Fox. Fredk., fi Co......".'.___6S7
Editorials ........................................ 677
Planning Station for Commuters on Old Car Barn
Site ........................................... 679
Future of Title Insurance and Its Great Possibilities 680
Nevv Apartment Hotel Will Occupy Noted Church
Site ........................................... 681
Review of Real Estate Market for the Current
Week ......................................... 683
Private Sales of the Week....................... 683
Statistical Table of the Week..................... 690
Secretary Hoover Advises Lumber Industry Reforms 691
Work Started on New Apartment in Park Avenue
Section ......................................... 692
Commercial and Industrial Building Growing in
"Volume ....................................... 693
Personal and Trade Notes........................ 693
Trade and Technical Society Events............... 693
Building Material Market......................... 694
Current Building Operations...................... 694
Contemplated Construction........................ 696
Plans Filed for New Construction................ 699
Frey, William J.............690
Goodwin & Goodwin ..........687
Gulden, Royal Scott......... .088
Hecla Iron Works ............690
Hess. M. & L., Inc___Front Cover
Holmes Elec. Protective.4th Cover
Holt & Merrall, Inc........-.089
Home Title Insurance Co......676
Hubbard, C. Bertram .........687
J. & E. Realty Corp..........680
Jackson, Daniel H...........684
Viane. John P., Co......4th Cover
Keller. Charles G...........688
Kelley, T. H.................6.88
Kelly. Albert E...............688
Hygrade Builders' Supply Co.,
4th Cover
Kempner & Son. Inc....Front Cover
Kewanee Boiler Co. . . .Title Page
Kilpatrick, Wm. D.'.'..........676
Kissling, J. P. & L. A...... ...688
Kloes, F. J...................694
Kohler, Chas. S.............. 670
Kopp. H. C. fi Co............OSS
Kraslow. Walter ......2d Cover
Kurz, Wm. F. A.,''Co..........690
Lackman, Otto .............690
Ladd & Nichols .........â– .'....676
Lawrence, Blake & Jewell.......676
Lawrence Cement Co....4th Cover
Lawyers Mortgage Co......2d Cover
Lawyers Title & Trust C0....6S6
Leaycraft, J. E., & Co.Front Cover
Leist, Henry G.........2d Clover
Lesch & Johnson ..........699
Levers, Robert ......'.'.........6SS
Losere, L. G.................690
Marietta Hollow-Ware & Enam¬
eling Co.................694
Martin, Samuel H.............6.S7
May, Lewis H., Co___........687
McMahon, Joseph T. ..'.'.2d Cover
Milner. Joseph ................6SS
Mississippi Wire Glass . .4th Cover
Monell, F. Bronson. ...'.'.........6.87
Moore, John Constable..........(189
Moors. J. K....................6.S7
Morgan. Leonard. C:o..........6S9
Advertisinif Index Page
Muhlker, Arthur G.......... -689
Murtha & Schmohl ...4th Cover
Nail & Parker............. .676
Nassoit & Lanning ............687
Natanson, Max N. ......2d Cover
Nehring Bros.................687
New York Edison Co., The....697
Xew York Title & Mortgage Co.676
Niewenhous Co., Inc............696
.Noyes, Charles P., Co.Front Cover
Ogden & Clarkson Corp........687
O'Hare, Geo. L.................676
Oppenheimer, Fred ...........689
OReilly & Dahn..............687
Payton. Jr., PhiUp A....2d Cover
Pease & Eiiiman......Front Cover
Pell, S. Osgood, & Co-----... .699
Pencoyd Steel & Iron Co......694
Pendergast. John P., Jr........690
Pflomm, F. & G ....Front Cover
Phelps. Albert b'..............690
Pomeroy, S. H., Co., Inc........696
Porter & Co............Front Cover
Prudence Company, Inc.2d Cover
Quell & Quell ................690
Read & Co., Geo. R. ...Front Cover
Realty Co. of America........676
Rinaldo. Hiram .......' ' .....688
Rose, J., & Co..........'.'......693
Runk, Geo. S. ................688
Ryan, George J. "..............687
Safiir, Abraham ............689
Sansone, P. P.. Co.....'........689
Schindler & Liebler ........688
Schweibert, Henry ..'.'.........690
Seaman & Pendergast ...... 688
Shaw, Arthur L..............689
Shaw, Rockwell & Sanford......688
Sherman & Kirschner......689
Smith, Malcolm B., Inc___'.â– ...687
Spear & Co...................688
Speyers. Inc., James B........6S.9
Spotts & Starr ................667
Sterling Mortgage Co....2d Cover
Straus, S. W.. &. Co ..........699
Tabolt, Jacob J...'.'...........088
Tankoos. Smith & Co............689
Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 676
Tuoti, G.. fi Co..........2d Cover
Tyng. Stephen H.. Jr.. & Co___676
Union Stove Works ........698
United Elec. L. & P. Co........685
U. S. Gas Range Corp........696
U. S. Title Guaranty Co.........688
Van Valen, Chas. B....2d Cover
"N^orndrans. Christian. Sons....699
Wacht, Samuel ............684
Walden. James P.......'.'____684
Walsh, J. Irving ............6S7
Warren Trading Corp.........686
Watson Elev. Co.. Ino. .4th''Cover
Weill, H. M., Co.......2d Cover
Wells Architectural Iron Co.. .(396
Wells Sons. James N..........687
Westergren. Inc.. M. P.. .4th Cover
White, Wm. A.. & Son.Front Cover
Whiting. Wm. H.. fi Co.Front Cover
Whitney-Foster Corp...........689
Williams-Dexter Co...........689
Winter. Benjamin ........2d Cover
Wood-Dolson Co.......Front Cover
Wyckoff. Walter C.............6S7
Zittel. Fredk.. fi Sons.........687
burns any fuel
and saves
Fuel saving boilers: Easy firing boilers:
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