This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfle*
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts,
Wills and Rea;i Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan.
Vol. CX
NEAV YORK, JULY 29, 1922
No. 5
JULY 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 & 25.
Bleecker st, 142 (2:525-48), swc West Bway
(Nos SlO-18), 25x125, 5-sly bk lodging house &
str; Mary G Eichardson, EXTEX Calvin Stev¬
ens, to Laura E AValker, SSS W 179; Julyl2;
July20'22; A.«2S.0fl0-SS,O0O (E S $66). 66,000
Bleecker st, 14-3 (2:.525-48), swc West Bway
(Nos 510-18.1, 25x125. 5-sty bk lodging house &
strs; Laura E Walker lo Leonard Weill, 936
West End av; mlg $S3,S00; July20; July21'22;
A$28,0OO-5S,O0O. nom
Broome st, 59 (2:326-10), ss, abt SO e Can¬
non, 25x100, S-sty bk tnt; Alfred L Smith,
1065 Clay av, EXE Emmet H Smith, to Clar-
isse t; Dilmas, 1234 Pacific, Bklyn, devisee Em¬
met H Smith, 2-16 parts; Julyl7; Julyl9'22;
A$8,000-21,000 (E S SOc), nom
Broome st, 59; same to Mary B Wells, 19
Bernon av, Bklvn, devisee same, 5-16 part;
Julyl7: Julyl9'22 (E S 50c). nom
Broome st, 312-14 (2:419-36-37), ns, SO w
Forsyth, 44x100, 2-5-sty bk tnts & sirs;
Grantham Estates, Inc, to Benedict Weiss-
man, SOS Broome; mtg $45,000; JulylO; July
21'22; A$30,000-57,000 (E S $251. O C & 100
Charles St. 119-121 12:632-58.591. ns, 65.4 e
Greenwich, S9.4xl4.10x;i9.6x32. 1-2 A; 1-3-sty bk
tnts : AVm H Pangburn el al to Charlotte Geis-
sler, 28 Jewell av. Port Eichmond, N Y; mtg
$6000; Julyl2; Julvl9'22; A$3,S0O-S,000 (E S
$2). O C & 100
Chrystie st. 5J (l:;jn2-3i, es, 74.2 n Canal, 25
x99.4x-24.11x98.9, S-sty bk tnt & strs & S-sty
bk rear tnt; Benj M Gruenstein et al to Jacob
Cohen, 5 & 7 Attorney, & Harrv Cohen, 595
Willoughby av, Bklyn : mtg $24,500 & PM mtg
$11,500; June23; JulylO'22 ; "A$17,i:00-26,000 (E S
$20.30). O C & ino
Clinton st, S'J (2:3.50-38), nee Stanton (Nos
170-4), 27.6x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Herman
S Horn, Bklyn, to Bessie Hutner, 32 Clinton;
mtg $48,857.40: AL; JulylS; Julyl9'22; A$28,-
000-45,000 (E S $17), O C & 100
Clinton st, 210; see Henry, 208.
Elm st, nec Pearl; see Pearl, nec Elm.
Hamilton pl, 90-96; see 141st W, ns, 446.1 e
Hamilton pl, 98-102 (7:2073-42), swc 142d,
97.8x15.2x89.11x53.4, 7-sly bk tnt; Hamiltonian
Corpn to Ninety Hamilton Place Corpn, SO B
42; mtg $60,000; Julyl; July2S'22; A$27,O0O-
8S,000 (E S$25). O C & 100
Hamilton pl. 98-102; Kaaterskill Eealty Co
to same; correction & confirmation deed; mtg
$60,000; Julyl: July2S'22. nom
Henry st, 204 (l:-270-4S), 33, abt 2S w Clinton,
23.9x100, 4-stv bk tnt; Eachel Goldman to Jos
Eothman. ------; mtg $12,500; Mario; July21'22;
A$13,000-20.000 (E S $S). nom
Henry st, -3IM; Jos Eothman to Home of Old
Israel, Inc, 201 Henry; JulylO; Julv21"22.
O C & 100
Henry st, 208 (1:269-SS), sec Clinton (No
210), 23.9x100, 6-sly bk tnt & sirs; Saml Glas-
er lo Bessie Preiman, 328 Madison; mtg $49,-
500 & PM mlg $6,300: Julvl7; Julyl9'22; A$26,-
000-50.000 (E S $10.50). O C & 100
Henry st, 308; Bessie Freiman to Harry
Stein. 194 Eivington; mtg $36,000; Julyl7; July
19'22 IE S $1.30). O C & 100
Houston st, 92 W (2:523-58), ns, •17.6 w West
Bway, 18.9x98, 2-sty hk tnt & str; Jos Person-
eni lo Giulio Bidone, John Piselli & Eiecardo
Clavariuo, all at 92 West Houston; July7; July
20'22; A$11.000-1S,000 (E S $25). O C & 100
Lafayette st, 24-34; see Pearl, nee Elm.
Leroy st, 7 (2:586-72), ns, 73 w Bleecker,
21.10x90x22x90, 2 sly fr bk ft tnt & 2-sty fr
rear tnt; Kate Berry to Alberto Baratta, 167
Thompson; mtg $4,000 & PM mlg $2,700; July
17; Julyl9'22; A$S,50O-9,O00. 100
Lenis st, 115 (2:330-25), ws, ISO s Houston,
25.1x100, S & 5-sty hk loft & str bldg; A$8,-
000-16,000; also AV C, 64-66 (2:374-6), es, 24 s
Slh, 4Sx,S3, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; A$32,000-64,00O;
Izak E Lan;;ner to Leopold Katz, 23 Park av,
Jamaica, L I; AL; Julyll; July21'22 (K S $5),
Lewis St. 150 (2:336-5), see Sd (No 380), 45.6
x2(ixl5.4x'20.2, 3-sty bk tnt & str; Saml Fried¬
man, Schenectady, N Y. to Mary Klein, 1752
2 av; AL; Junc29; Julyl9'22; A$3,00O-7,000 (E
S .$2). 100
Ludlow St. 00 (2:408-19), ws, abt 110 n Grand
25XS7.6, 5-stv bk tnl & strs; Yetta Schwartz
to Simon (Jn-eiifleld, ISSO Merriam av; AL;
JulvS; July25'22: A$I6,OflO-28,000 (E S $10).
Ludlow St. 140 (2:411-46), es. 200 n Eiving¬
ton, 25xS9,4. 0-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk
rear tnl: Barnet Edelstein to David H Eow¬
land. SU W 7; mtg .f 22.000; July26'17; July25
'•-'2; .An 11.111 in 30.000 (E S $3). 0 C & 100
Alacdougal st, 128 12:540-13), es, abt 90 s 3d,
25x100, 5-stv bk Int .V: strs; Louis F Cardani
et al to Eocco La Vigna. 24 Minetta la; mlg
S.21,000; JuneSO; July2r22; A$13,0CO-3O,000 (E S
$15). 36,000
Madison st, 116 (1:270-31), es. abt SS w Mar¬
ket, 23x100. I'l-stv bk tnt & sirs & 6-sty bk
rear tnt; Saml D Cohen, 645 Virginia Park,
Detroit. Mich, et al. lo John Sanche, 2045
Hughes av, Bronx: confirmation & correction
deed: mtg $0,000; Mav27; July22'22; A$14,00<)-
2O..500. ' â– O C & 100
Market st, 65 (1:253-34), ws, 69.1 s Hamil¬
ton. 37.4:S.s.9x::;7.4x5S.1. 6-sty bk tnt & strs:
Martin ilaroiie to .Tolin A' Lupiauo, 100 Eoose-
vell: mtg .'527.300 & PM mlg $3,500: Jan2; July
22'22; .A:j;i3,5cfl-29..500. S,800
.Alarket St. 09 (1 :-2,53-.321. ws, 106.6 s HamU¬
ton, S7.7x.59.7x37.7x.5S.9. O-sty bk tnt & sirs;
Martin (larom- to Eos,- Lupiauo, 71 Market;
mtg .i;-27..50fl & I'M mtg $4,000; JanS; July22'22;
A$13.5(i0-2'.1,500. *,100
Mott st, 207-9: see Spring, 29.
Pearl st, 112-14 (1:31-3-41, ss, 23.6 e Hanover
sii, runs e4iixs0:).Oxw-2:;xw22.4xn32.3xwl.4xnS8.3,
2-4.sty bk loft & str bldgs: Sam Samuels to
Muraleth Holding Corpu, 1475 Bway; mlg $70,-
OOO; Julyll; July21'22; A$88,000-97,000 (E S
SIO). 100
Pearl st (1:168-9-16), nec Elm, runs nl40.1 to
intersection es Elm, with ws Lafayette (Nos
24-34) xs along ws Lafayette, 1S4.5 to Pearl
xv.i;9.10 lo beg, l-stv fr bldgs & vacant; Step¬
hen O Lockwood & ano, TESTES Sarah M
(iarretsor. & as EXES Maria Jones, to Mar-
chaul Estates. Inc, 120 Bway; June29; Julyl9
'22; A,fl55.(i(iii l'5S,(lOo. Order of court
Sheriff st, 47 |2;33S-71). WS, 75 h Delancey,
•25x73, S-sty bk tnl & sirs ; Cyrille Eealty Co,
Bklvn, to Migdal Eealty Corpn, 261 Bway;
mtg $13,760 .A- PM mtg Sl.OOO; July20; July
21'22: A$9.000-17,OCO (E S ,$4). O C & 100
Spring st, 29 (2:494-35). nwc Molt (Nos 207-
9). 16.11x64x16.7x07.4, 3-sty bk tnl & str & 2-
Flv bk rear stable; Wie._'and AA'eber to Citizens
In'vesling Co. 220 Lafavette: PM mtg $14,000;
July24: Julv-25'22: A$12,000-16,000 (E S $20).
Stanton st. 170-4; see Clinton, 32.
Thompson st. 143 (2:517-281. ws, 243.0 u
Prince, 24.8x100. O-sty bk tut & strs & 2-sty
bk rear tut; Eose Hepner. 796 E 163, et al, to
Hyman Gordon, 317 AV 93, V2 Vt; B&S & CaG;
mlg ,$17,000; JulvlS; July'2(l'22; A$1S,000-22,0(XI
(E S $5). nom
Thompson st, 145 (2:317-27), ws, 26S.2 n
Prince, 24.7x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Hyman
Gordon lo Eose Hepner, 796 E 163, Bronx;
Hannah Dushkind, 1037 Bryant av, Bronx;
Beatrice Gordon, 796 E 163, Bronx ; Bella Gor¬
don. 790 E 103, Bronx, & Irving H Gordon
.SSI E 175. Bronx. i4 pt: B&S & CaG; mtg
$21,000; .A.Sl5,000-24.000 (E S $5). nom
Vnion sq E, 24, or 4TH av, 181 (3:871-3), eS,
52 u 15th, 26x125, 4 sty bk loft & str bldg,
1 sty ext: Jos S Alark, 119 Green st. Wood-
bridge, N J, to B D G Co, 24 Union sq; mtg
$79,400: AugSl'21; Julyl9'22; A$SS,000-100,000
(E S $20). nom
Water st, 112 (1:31-25), ws, 62.4 3 AVall, 20.3
x41.4x20.4x40.8, ss, 4-sty bk office & str bldg;
Isiil.ir Silverberg lo Elber Corpn,------; mtg
.•^::;7..5IH): .Apr2n; Julv2(|-22: A.«;,3O,O00-3S,OO0 (E S
S3I)). â– O C & 100
AVest st (2:.59S). es. 121.8 n Charlton, strip,
runs e64.0xsOi,4xwO-I.O to AVest st xn0i4 to
beg; also AVEST ST (2:.59S), es. 97.4 n Charl¬
ton, strip, runs e77.lNsOi:.xw77.1 to West st
xnOi/. to beg; also WEST ST (2:598), es, SO s
King, runs e70xs4S.7 to pt 7S.0 s King xel4.4
Xs21.5xs31.4xw0.9xn72.11xwl4.0xii48.6 xw70 to
A'.'i-st st, xnfl.S to beg; City New York to
-Ail.-laide McAlpin Pyle. Morristown, NJ, in¬
divid; Marv A'anderhoef Pyle, Bernardsville,
NJ. EXTEX Wm S Pyle. & Saml W Fair-
child. 3000 Sedgwick av, EXE Wm S Pyle;
QC; May.5'21; Tulyl4'22. nom
West st (2:.5flS). same prop: Saml W Fair-
child, individ & EXE & TESTE AA'm S Pyle,
to Mary A' Pvle, Bernardsville, XJ. EXTEX
& TESTE Wm S Pvle & Geo Leask. 1,35 Cen¬
tral Park AV. as TESTE AVm S Pyle: QC;
Mav6'21: Ju1y14'22 nom
AVest St. es, 97.4 n Charlton; see West st, es,
121.S n Charlton.
West st, es. 30 5 King; see West St, es, 121 S
n Charlton. _ ^
3D St. -30 E (2:4.58-20). ss, 135 w 2 av, 20x61,
3-stv bk tut: Saml Shapiro to Fanny Shapiro.
20 E 3: mtg $7,500; JulvlS: Julyl9'22; A$6,S0O-
11.OO!) (E S $3..50). O C & 100
3I> St. 380 E; see Lewis. 150.
4TH st, 142-4 AV (2;.543-4S), ss. 209.6 w Alac-
dougal. 32.0x109. O-stv bk tnt & strs; Saml
Grosner 10 Ernesto Flora. 144 AV 4: mtg ,$3S.0C0
& PM mtg $19,500: Julyl: July21'22: A$22,000-
Cfi.mn lE S $39.50). 0 C & 100
IITH St. 643 E (2:394-471, ns, lOS w Av C,
25x1":'..3. 5-stv bk tut & strs & 2-sly bk rear
tnt: Jacob li.avis to Jacob Eealty Corpn. 4.55
Euiti.n. Bklvn; mlg ?------: JulyO; July21'22; A
Sli-.ii(;b-19.000 (E S .f::i. nom
llTIl St. 30 W (2:.574-2i'i). ss. .507,2 e 6 av, 21.S
x94.in. 3-stv .*c b bk dwg: Ella Al Irons. Tren¬
ton, X J, et al. devisees EsteUe C H Wilte, to
Edw Swann, 13 W 9: Julyll; Julyl9'22; A
SIS oon-2s,n(io (e s .'?:i2). si.ooo
13TH St. 530-4 E (2:406-211, ss. 2'20 w Av B,
50x103.3. 6-sly bk tnl & strs: .Alfred H Town-
lev ref, to Doiuenieo Spina, 97 West Houston,
plff: mtg .$45,(iiui; FOEECLOS •------; Julyl8'22 ;
A$19.0O0-60.fl0() (E S .$13). 15,000
UTH st, 417 E (3:946-10), ns. 219.3 e 1 av.
24,111x103.3, 5 sty bk tnt & sirs; Isidor E
Isaacs, Bronx, 10 .Augusta .Tarazever, 12 Grove,
Plaintield, X J; July 17; July2.5'22; A,$14,000-
22 OOO (E S $18..50). O C & 100
14TH St. 335-37 W (3:738-14-15), ns. 475 w 8
av 75x125. 2-4-stv bk dwgs; Xathan Constn Co
to Alinaret Bldg'Co. '271 West 125: mlL- $130,-
nno & PM mtg .?32..5(111; July21; July25-22 : A
.•<7(l.0(«1-22O.0l)O (E S .$05). O C & 100
15TH st, .5-31 E i3:'.it:1-14), ns. 295.0 o .Av A,
25x103,3. 4-stv bk tnl .A- strs .<c 4-sty bk rear
tnt: Faucstine Eeal Estate Corpn to Bene-
il..lto G Tamburello, 1N7 Id av; mtg $9,750;
JulvlS'22; A.$8.00O-13,O0O (E S .$3.30). 0 C & 100
17TH st. 5;!!)-41 E: sec Av B, 292-98.
31ST st, 5 W (3:823-35), nes. 145 w 5 av, 25
xos.1.1. 5 stv stn loft .^- sir bbl.L', 1 & 3-sly ext;
Xagli- Ave ('..iistn Co to Leo I Meinhard. 143
AV 73: mm $30,000; JulylS: Julyl9'22; A.?30.-
000-4S.O(!0. O C lA- 100
21ST sl, 443 W (3:719-16), ns, 479,7 w 9 av,
19.9x98.9, 4 stv bk dwg. 2-sty ext: Emma J O
Sherman lo Gail S Corbell, 443 AV 21 : mtg
$------; June29'17; July21'22; A$ll,S0O-17,O0O.
26TH St. 332 E (3:931-38), sws, abt 180 w 1
av. 25x9s.;i. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4 bk rear
tnls; Everett B Heymann to 3.'',2 E 26th SI,
Inc. 165 Bway: mtg $12,000; July21: July--'2'22;
A$10.000-15.rxifl (E S .$3). O C & 100
26TH st, 212-32 W (3:775-58), ss, 170.1 W 7
:iv. runs s98.9xw221.9xii39.11xn58.10 to st xe
223,3 lo beg, 4 & 5-sly bk loft bldg; NY Fur
Auction Sales Corpn to X Y -Auction Co, 5oO
AV .36: mtg $185,000: JulylO; Julyl8'22; A$196c-
000-275.000 (E S $90). O C & IOO
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