Thli lectlon Included all recorded Conyeyanees, Iflscellaneoua Conveyances, Mortgraffea, Asslgnmenta of Mortsaffea and Batlafted
Mortgages and Mortgage Bxtenalons, Leases, Auction Sales, 'Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised I>Kal Sales, Foreclosure BuiM,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Bstate, Building Loan CoBtracia,
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan.
Vol. CX
No. 21
. Manhattan
_ DEC. 20. 21. 2-.'. i;:i & 2C>.
Allen St. 194-194y.; see 3 av, 2209.
Bleecker st, 361 (2:020-47), cs, 37 s Charles.
17x70x17.3x70, 3-8ty bk tnt & strs; Chas Mau,
Bronx, to 135 East 21st St Realty Co, 505 5
ay; mtg $10,000; Dec20'22; A$7,500-11,000 (R S
$i4), ^ . O C & 100
!Broome st, 293 (2:418-13),.ss, 21.10 w Eld¬
ridge, 21.10x87.6, S-8ty bk tnt & strs; Carrie
Pia at Cornwall, N Y. to X Y Z Realty Corpn,
305 Bway; DeelO; Dec20'22: A$12,000-15,000 (K
S $15), O C & 100
Cannon st, 49 (2:333-69), ws, 50 n Delancey,
25x50, 5-8ty bk loft & str bldg; A$6,500-ll,000;
also DELANCEY ST, 278 (2:333), ns, 50 w Can¬
non, 25x75, 5-8ty bk tnt; A$7,000-12,000; Prank
Richard et al to Sophie Eber, 755 De Kalb av.
Bklyn; Decl2; Dec20'22 (R S $18.50). noin
Charles st, 126; see Greenwich, 713.
Charlton st, 24 (2:506-20), ss, 315,1 e Varick,
18,10x100,1, 2-sty bk dwg; Margt P Clarke, 21
Charlton, to Amy G Olney, 126 E 28; mtg $7,-
500; Dec20; Dee21'22; A$10,000-13,000 (R S $12)
Cherry st, 335; see Water, 582.
Delancey st, .278; see Cannon, 49,
Exterior st (5:1483-28), swc 72d (Nos SSl-S),
76,8x75,3x76.8x82, except part for Exterior st
or Av B, 3 & 5-sty bk bakery; A$23,5fl0-in",00ll:
also 72D ST, ,530-2 E (3:1483-32), ss, 498 e Av
A, 50x102.2, 5-sty bk bakery; A$15,000-41,fl00;
Elias Gottfried to Gottfried Baking Co, 530
E 72; mtg $54,730; DeclO; Dec22'22 (R S $9:),
O C & 100
Forsyth st. 187; see 3 av, 2209.
Front st, 102 (1:33-29), ns, 65.7 e Gouverneur
la, 20x80.5x19,7x80.11, 4-8ty bk loft bldg; Jas J
Kane. 720 5Sth, Bklyn, to Jas J Kane & Sons
Shipwrights, Inc, 102 Front; Dec22; Dec23'22-
A$35,000-42,000, uom
Grand st. 79 (1:229-24), ss, 84 e Wooster, 22
x96, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Emma A Colla-
more-Partridge, & ano, to United Interests.
Inc, 233 Bway; mtg $11.500; DecS; Dec2r22; A
$13,000-27,000 (R S $14). O C & 100
â– Great .Jones st, 46 (2:5.'il-48), ns, 106 w
Bowery, 2,1.1x90.4x23.3x87.11, 7-stv bk loft &
str bldg; Etagloc Holding Co, 14 E 48, to An¬
nette C Robinson at Smithtown, N Y; B&S-
DeclS; Dec22'22; A$13,000-50,000. nom
Great Jones st, 46; Annette C Robinson tc
Morris Benedon, 66 E 4; mtg $.12,500; Dec20-
Dec22'22 (R S ,$9.30). n^a
,»,*'''*f,5.Y'*'' **• â– 'â– 1* (2:6.32-36), nec Charies
(No 125), runs elS.lO xnl3,4xw40.9 to st xs
19 6 to beg, 4-8ty bk tnt & strs; Frantus Re¬
alty Corpn, 206 Bway, to Peretz Zukerberg,
??°„4™^' Bayonne, N J; mtg $5,000; DeclS;
Dec21'22; A$6,000-6,500 (R S $2750).
„ ^ . 0 C & 100
Greenwich »t, 715 (2:632-37), es, 19.6 n
Charles, runs e40,9xnl2.3xn0,10xw36.9 to st xs
19.4 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; A$3,500-4,000;
also GREENAA'ICH ST, 717 (2:632-38), es, 38,10
n Charies, 19.6x36.7x13.4x36.9, 4-8ty bk tnt &
strs; A$3,500-4,000; Sophe Pruce, 126 Albanv
av, Bklyn, N Y, to Frantus Realty Corpn, 206
Bway; mtg $9,000; Dec20; Dec21'22. uora
Greenwich st, 715; also GREENWICH ST
717; Greenwich Realty & Constn Corpn to same
mtg $9,000: Dec20: Dec21'22 (R S SOc). 9,300
Greenwich st, 717; see Greenwich, 715.
Lawrence st. 106; see 125th, 537 W
ooif^'",,**; ^^^ (2:330-27), W8, 180 n Stanton,
20x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty bk rear
tnt; Sol Gross, 92 Clymer st, Bklyn, to Maris
Schwartz, ni Lewis; mtg $10,250; Dec20; Dae
21-22; A$6,000-10,000 (R S $4). O C & 100
Lewis st, 165; see Lewis, l'67-9.
Levris st, 167-9 (2:357-74), swc 4th (Nos SSS
90), 42,6x75x—X69.7; also LEWIS ST, 165 i2:
357), nws, 42.6 s 4th, 20x75, 6-8ty bk tnt &
strs; Louis Adler et al, EXRS, &c, Julius
Miller, to Ernestina .Alv(-r, 57 Mangin; mtg
$30,000; Novu'; Dec-.':ri;2; A$23,000 63,000 R S
$241. 69,600
Ludlow Rt, 173 (2:112-29), nws, abt 180 n
Slanton, 25x87.6, 3 sty bk tnt & strs; Yette
Kaplan, Bklyn, to Jos Kaplan, 376 E 7, Bklyn:
OctlO: Dec20'22; A$13.,300-23.fl00. nom
.Uacdougal st. llii (L';.340 4), es, 150 n B!ct!C-k-
cr, -.',3x100, H-stv bk tnt & strs & 6-sty bk rear
lilt; Adolph Lipshuts!, P.klvn, et al to Rocco
Losasso, 110 Macdougal; mtg $20,000 & PM
mtg $9,600; Dec26'22; A$15,000-25,000 (R S
$13). O C & IOO
.MaiUsun st. 312 (1 :.'|-|.S 241. ss, 86.4 w Gouver¬
nenr, 19.0x110,6x10.0x111.7. :; st.v bk tnt: Louis
Goldstein et al, heirs Aaron Goldstein, to
.Annie i;oldstein, widow, 435 Convent avj mtg
.f1I.f«lo: DeclO; Dcc2:i-J-2; A$n,0O0-ll,0OO. uora
.Alorton st, 16 (2:,3S0 :!3j. SS, 175 w Bleecker,
23x00. 2-sty Ilk tnt & str; Roger Foster t<
Perl ha Grossman. 271 Ft AA'ash av; Dcc22;
licc2.-r-22: .\$10,00O-lo,500 (R S $14). O C & L»0
.Morton st, 16: Bertha Grossman to David
Lippiiiann. 223 W SO, & Lester H Goodkind,
170 \A' S7. each Vi pari: B&S; Dec22; Dec2;'.
'22 (i; S Sl). uom
Morion St. 42 (2 ;.3,v:!-23), ss, 175.2 w Bedford,
24.4xH,Sx24.10xS7, 3-sty bk tnt; Edith S White-
house et al, BXRS AVm P Douglas, to Par
Development Corpu, 2:13 Bway; DeclS; Dec20'22
A$I0..300.2I!,000 (R S $23.50), .25,600
.Mott St. SSO (2;,3U.s 17). es, 101,6 s Houston,
-23.\S1.2. 3 stv bk tnt & strs; Alfred AVeil to
Frankie Weil. i:i3 \V 70; i'. RT&I; B&S; Dec
2i;22; A$ll,0flO-22.,300 (R S SOc), nom
Oi-i'hard st, 99; see :; av, 2209.
Pike Ht, 3 (1:283 97), es, 40,6 n East Bway.
:â– siv bk tnt & strs: Julius Baehrach Co to Is¬
rael Finkelstein, 87 Henry; mtg $5,000 & PM
mlg $3,000; Dec20'22; A$6,500-9,000 (R S $8).
O C & 100
I nion si| W. l-l'J; see llth, .38 E.
Iniversilv pl, 127: see llth, 38 E.
Vniversit.v pi, 13K: see llth, 38 E.
Walei- st, 582 (1:245-40), ns, abt 100 w Mont
S-omery, 30.8x120 to Cherry (No 335), 5-sty bk
loft bldg; Terrain Realtv Co, 130 W 42, to Ja¬
iob M Jaffe, 335 Cherry; mtg $20,000; DeclS;
Iiec2r22; A$13,000--27.000 (R S $6), nom
31) st, ,182 E (2;33i!-i;), ss, 22 e Lewis, 20.x41x
20.?.x42..K. 3-sty bk tnt: Abe Strassburg 77
Lewis to Louis Shachter. 83 Cannon: mtp
$:',.,300; Decl3; Dec21'22 ; A$3,000-3,500 (R S $2).
4T1I st, :I56 E (2:373 30), sa, 81 w Av D, IOx
vs. :;-sty hk tnt; .Adelaide E Mason & ano
EXRS ,Tohn Paar, to Herman Mermelstein, 743
i: 6; AT; PM mtg $7,000; Dec20; Dec23'22; A
.SO.000 10.300 (R S .VIO). 10,006
4TH St., :«8-90 E; see Lewis, 1C7-9.
STH St. 141-3 E; see 3 av, 2209.
lOTIi st, 410 E (2::no-14), ss, 173 e Av C,
20x02.3, O-sty bk factory; Cath C Fries, TRSTE
N Y Nipple Mfg Co, bankrupt, to Isidore
Sway, 443 Claremont Parkway, Bronx, & Ida
Kuschner, 1915 Soutehrn blvd, Bronx; AT;
Uecl; I)cc20-22; A,$7,500 17,000 (R S SOc).
O C & 150
IITH Kt, 50« E (2:404-8). S3, 1208 e Av A,
runs e29x394.8 xw-34 xnlO.8 xe25 xn75 to st to
beg. 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt;
Selig Feldman of Bklyn to C Hiram Morrison,
1.38 Elizabeth, Newark, N J; AL; Decll; Dec
-2022; A$14,000-22,000 (R S SOc), uom
IITH st, 25 W (2:575-63), ns, 270 w 5 av, 20x
103.3, 3-sty bk dwg; WiUiams-Dexter Co, 32
Court, Bklyn, to Johu T De Vries, 244 Madison
av; mtg $18,000; Dee20; Dec21'22; A$19,500-26,-
000 (R S $14), O C & 100
12Tn 8t, 98-102 E; see 4 av, 101-11.
ISTH st, 1-5 E: see llth, 38 E.
ISTH st, 7-9 K; see llth, 38 E.
ISTH 8t, 11 E; see llth, 38 E.
13TH st, 17 E; see llth, 38 E,
ISTH st, 7-11. W: see llth, 38 E.
13TH st, 34-8 W; see llth, 38 E,
14TH St. 1-25 E: see llth. 38 E,
14TH st, 2-36 E; see llth, 38 E,
14TH st, 27-35 E; see llth, 38 E,
14TH st, 38 y. (2:5<ri-8), sec University pl
(No 127), —X—, l-stv bk loft & str bldg; A
$143.000-180,0!lO; also 13TH ST. 34 AV (2:5715-
22), ss, abt 403 e 0 av, —.-;—, O-sty bk loft &
str bldg; A$23,ooii .3:j 000: also 13TH ST, :W S
\V (2:,37fi-20l. ss. abt :;40 e 6 av, —x—, 3-sty
Ik shop; A,fls,liOO 27.oi;0; ,-ilso 13TH ST, 1-3 E
(2:.371-:3«i, ns, abt IOO e 3 av, —x—, 3-sty bk
loft & str. bldg; A$55,000-S,3,0OO; also 13TH :;!.
3 E (2:571-,".3), ns, abt 130 e 5 av, —x—, 3-sty
bk loft & str bldg; A$19,0fl0-28,000; also 13TH
S'I', II E (2:371-33), ns, abt 210 e 3 av, —.x—, 4
slv hk tut & str; A$19,0OO-22.000; also 13TH
S'i'. 17 E (2:371-,".0|, ns. abt 205 w University
pl. —X—. 2 stv hk shop: A$12,0O0-14.00O: f.lso
.3TI1 ,AA'. ii:!-li7 (2 :.37I-1 3), nec 13th, —x—, 4
& 3-stv hk & stn office & str bldg; A,$213,000-
2S7,0OO': also IITH ST, 2-10 E (2:571-4-8), sec
3 av, —X—, 2 5-, 2 fi-, & 1 1-sly bk & stn loft &
sir bldgs; A$000,COO-708.0flfl; also 14TH ST, 12-
Ui E (2:371-9), ss, alit 173 e 3 av, —x— to litfl
I Nos 7-9), 3-sty bk loft & sir bldg; A$305,0OO-
.-1S3.II0O; also 14TH ST. 1.S--20 E (2:571-12 & 13),
ss, abt 240 e 3 av, -x—. 1 4- & 1 6-sty bk
lofl & sir bldgs: A¥180.00O-22:i,lHlil; also 14TH
ST 22--2ii E (2:371-pt 11 14), ss, abt 135 w
University nl. —x—. 5-slv bk loft & str bldg;
A$-------$-----'-: also MTH ST, 2S-36 E (2:571-17-
21), swc University pl (No 12S1. —x—, 4 5 & 1
i:-stv bk loft & str bldg; A.'j;473,Oiiii 569,000; also
I3TH ST. 7-11 W 12:577-40-51), ns, abt 175 w
.J av, —X—. 3 stv bk str; A$no .000-130 000; also
14TH ST. 22-2S AV (2:577-20-20), ss, abt 325 w
.-, av _x—, 4 & 3 stv bk str; A$280,00<_!-:!(.3.-
000; also 14TII Sl\ :io W (2;.377-pt It 2.)). ss,
abt 4::o w 5 av. —.v—. 3-sty hk str; AS,------.
.-?------; also 14TH ST, 32 AV (2:377 pt It 24,1, ss,
abt 430 w 3 av. —x—, 3-sty bk str; A$-------
$------; also 14TH ST. 34-S W (2 :,377-21-23), ss,
abt .370 e G av. —x—, 5sty lik str: A$210,000-
285,000: also 14TH ST, 40 W i2:,377-pt It 20),
ss, abt 3,30 e 0 av. —x—, 5-sty bk str: A$-------
.«------; also 14TII ST. 42 AV (2:577-pt It 10). ,?s,
abt 220 e 6 av, —x—, 3-sty bk str; A$-------
$.-----â– also IITH ST. 44 AV (2:577-18). ss, abt
295 e 6 av, —x—, 4-stv bk str; A$70,O0O-03,-
000; also 14TH ST, 1-23 E (3:842-1, 5, 7, U, 10
to 19), nec 3 av (No 69), —x—, 11 4, 1 5, 1 0-
stv bk loft & str bldgs; A$943,500-1.183,000;
alio UNION SQ AV, 1-9 (:! :S42-21-23), nwc llth
(Xos 27-S31. ~x—. .s & 9-sty bk loft, office &
sir bldg; A.f2:W,OoO 473.000; also 1,5TH ST, 20 E
(n:842-,33). ss, abt 170 w Union set, —.v—, S-sly
bk loft & str bldg; A$35 000-90,000: also
UNION SO W, 11-15 (3:812-26), swc loth, —x
^, 3-sly bk loft & sir bldg; A$44D,000-130,000;
also 13TH ST, 22 E (3:842-32), ss, abt 140 w
Union sq, —x—, 3-sty stn loft & str bldg; A
,S,3OO00-43.000; also 15TH ST, 16-18 E (3:842-31-
40). ss, abt 1.30 e 3 av, —x—, 3 4 & 3 6-sty bk
loft & str bldgs; A,$-215,000-357,000; also 3TH
AV, 71 (3:842-42), see 15th (Nos 2-4), —x—,
n-stv bk loft & str bldg; A,$39O,0O0-800,00O;
also "5TH AV, 84-90 (3:816-37), nwc llth (No
1), —X—, U-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$415,000-
810,000; also STH AV, 92-90 (3:816-42-14). sv?c
I5th (No 21. —X—, 2 5 & 1 4-3ty bk office &
str bldgs; A$43,3,000-535,000; also 15TH ST, .38-
40 \V (3:816-63), ss, abt 355 e 6 av, —x—. C-
aty bk loft bids; A$78,000-150,000; also 1.3TH
st, 46 AV (3:816-67), ss, abt 275 e 6 av, —-v—,
4-stv bk tnt & strs; A$26,000-28,000; also 14TH
ST,"3-9 AV (3:816 33-36), ns, aht 105 w & av,
—X—, 3 5 & 1 3-sty bk loft & str bldgs; A
$180,000-209,000; also IITH ST, 11-27 W (3:810-
24), 113, abt 205 w 3 av, —x— to 1.3th (Nos 8-
ISi, 4-stv stn office bldg & vaeant; A$090,000-
1.05,000;'also 14TH ST, 29-51 AV (3:816-12-231,
ns, abt 435 w 5 av, —x—, 4 3, 5 5 & 1 4-sty bk
loft & str bldgs; A$539,0OO-668,000; also 15TH
ST, 13-17 E (3:843-11), ns, abt 200 e 5 av,
—.V—, 3-stv bk tnt & strs; A$26.000-35,000; also
15TH ST, 19 E (3:813-14), ns, abt 220 w Uuion
sa, —X—, 3-stv bk loft bldg: A$13,000-15,000:
also 15TH ST,' 21 E (3:843-15), ns, abt 170 w
Union sq, —x—, 2-sty bk tnt & strs; A$36,000-
3S.O0O: also 15TH ST, 21 B, rear of (3:813-10),
A,$9,000-9 500; also 15TH ST, 23 E (3:843-17),
ns, abt 145 w Union sq, —x—, 3-8ty bk tnt
& str; A$19,O0O-20,00O; also UNION SQ W. 17-
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