Real Estate Record and Builders Guide
Founded March Zl, 1868, by CLINTON W. SWEET
Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building Management in the Metropolitan District
Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY
PRANK B. PBRLBT, President and Editor; Bl S. DODGE, Vice-President; W. P. TIBSIKEN, Vlce-Preeldent; J. W. FRANK, Secretary-Treasurer
Entered u second elan mtter NoremlMr 8, 18T9, tt Uu Poet Otflee at New Tort, N. T., under the Aet of Uareh 8. 1879.
Copyright. 1922, by The Record and Guide Company, 119 West 40th Street, New York (Telephone: Bryant 4800)
No. 7 (2839)
25c. A COPY
$12.00 A YEAR
AdvertUinK Index Page
A. B. See Electric EUevator
4th Cover
Ackerly, OrvUle B., & Son-----209
Acme Foundry ...............218
Adams & Co.................2ph
Adier, Ernest N..............209
Americau Bureau of E. E.2d Cover
American Enameled Brick & Tile
Ames & Co....................a)7
Amy, A. V., & Co............-'07
Anderson Brick & Supply Co.,
4th Cover
Anderson, James S., & Co-----207
Armstrong & Armstrong .....'209
Asbestos Mfg. Co..............^18
Ashforth & Co................207
Athens Brick, Lime & Cement
Co...................*th Cover
Automatic Fire Alarm Co......"216
Baiter, Alexander .............208
Bauer, Milbauk & Molloy......207
Bechman, A. G................210
Beaver Tile ,Inc...............20'^
Bell, H. W., Co..............••â– -1«
Benenson Eealty Co......2d Cover
Bonded Securities Corp........21b
Boyd, James .............2d Cover
Boylan, John J................207
Brener, Samuel .........2d Cover
Brett & Goode Co-----Front Cover
Brooks & Momand ............204
Brown, Frederick .......2d Cover
Brown, J. Eomaine Co.Front Covur
Bulkley & Horton Co.........210
Burling & McCurdy ...........210
Busher, Eugene J., Co.........207
Butler & Baldwin ...Front Cover
Cahn, Harry ............2d Cover
Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd..207
Carpenter, Leonard J.........207
Chauncey Real Estate .........207
City Investing Co.............19o
Classilied Advertising .........20b
Coburn, Alfred P.............20S
Corth, George H., & Co......209
Cross & Brown ......Front Cover
Cruikshank Co.......Front Cover
Cruikshank's, Wm., Sons,
Front Cover
Cudner, E. E., Co............207
Cut'er, Arthur, & Co..........207
Cushman & Wakefield ........2^
Cutner, Harry B...............207
Davenport Real Estate Co......210
Davies, J. Clarence .........AAS*i
Day, Joseph P.............202-2U7
Dike, O. D. & H. V............207
Dodge. F. W., Co..............223
Dowd, James A.................2(»
Dubois. Chas. A................208
Duffy, J. P., Co................-21*;
Dunlap & Lloyd ..............20S
Duross Co.....................207
Edwards, Charles G.. Co........207
Edwards, Dowdney & Richart.196
Eliiman, Douglas L., & Co-----204
Ely, Horace S., & Co..Front Cover
Empire Brick & Supply Co.
4th Cover
English. J. B................207
F S. C. Cement Block Co.
4th Cover
Editorials ........................................ 197
City Property at .\uction....................... 199
New Bridge Proposal Is Criticised.............. 200
Legislature May .\ct on Coal Situation......... 201
Review of Real Estate Market for the Week.... 203
Private Sales of the Week...................... 203
Mortgage Loans ................................. 205
Leases ........................................... 209
Real Estate Notes................................ 210
Statistical Table of the Week................... 210
Scope of Prevailing Building Boom------........ 211
First Fireproof Apartment in Queens.......... 212
Gains in Local Construction Field.............. 213
Personal and Trade Notes...................____ 213
Trade and Technical Society Events............ 213
Building Material Market....................... 214
Contemplated Construction ..................... 216
Contracts Awarded ............................... 217
Plans Filed for New Construction................ 219
Plans Filed for Alterations...................... 220
Mechanics' Liens and Satisfied Liens............ 222
Finch, Chas. H.. & CoN......214
Finkelstein, Jacob, & Son......208
Fischer, J. Arthur ............207
Fisher, James B...............210
Fox, Fredk., & Co............207
Frey, William J...............210
Goodwin & Goodwin ..........207
Gulden, Royal Scott ..........2< •«
Hecla Iron Works ............-'IS
Hess, M. & L., Inc___Front Cover
Holmes Elec. Protective.......21!)
Home Title Insurance Co......196
Hubbard, C. Bertram ..........207
Hygrade Builders Supply Co..
4th Cover
J. & E. Realty Corp..........â– 200
Jackson, Daniel H.......2d Cover
Kane, John P., Co......4th Cove-
Keller, Charles G.............â– 2bs
Kellev, T. H..................'^''S
Kelly, Albert E...............20s
Kempner & Son. Inc.Front Cover
Kewanee Boiler Co......Title Page
Kilpatrick. Wm. D...........106
Kissling. J. P. & L. A..........2»S
Kloes, F. J...................-214
Eohler, Chas. S...............196
Kopp, H. C. & Co............207
Kraslow, Walter ........2d Cover
Kurz, Wm. F. A., Co..........210
Lackman, Otto ................210
Ladd & Nicols, Inc............196
Lawrence, Blake & Jewell......190
Lawrence Cement Co___4th Cover
Lawyers Mortgage Co...2d Cover
Lawyers Title & Trust Co___206
Leaycraft, J. E.. & Co.Front Cover
Leist, Henry G...............207
Levers, Robert ................208
Losere, L. G..................210
Martin. Samuel H..............207
Mav. Lewis H.. Co............2i>7
Merrall. Wm. B...............2«)
McMahon. Joseph T.....2d Cover
Milner, Joseph ................2CS
Mississippi WMre Glass..4th Cover
Monell, F. Bronson ...........207
Moore. John Constable ........20-1
Moors. J. K..................207
Morgan, Leonard, Co.........209
Muhlker. Arthur Q...........209
Murtha & Schmohl ___4th Cover
AdTertisina; Index Page
Nail & Parker ................196
Nassoit & Lanning ...........207
Katanson, Max N.......2d Cover
National Marble & Slate Corp..222
Nehring Bros..................207
New York Edison Co., The___217
New York Title & Mortgage Co.l96
Niewenhous Co.. Inc..........218
Noyes, Charles F., Co.Front Cover
Ogden & Clarkson Corp.....207
O'Hare, Geo. L...............196
Oppenheimer, Fred ............209
OReilly & Dahn ..............207
Payton, Philip A., Jr......2d Cover
Pease & Eliiman ___Front Cover
Pell, S. Osgood, & Co..........21»
Pencoyd Steel & Iron Co......21*
Pflomm, F. & G.......Front Cover
Phelps. Albert D.............210
Pomeroy, S. H., Co., Inc......216
Porter & Co...........Front Cover
Quell & Quell .................21»
Read, Geo. R., & Co.Front Cover
Eealty Co. of America..........196
Einaldo, Hiram ...............20»
Eockaway White Sand Co.
4th Cover
Eose, J.. .& Co.................219
Eunk, Geo. S..................20S
Eyan, George J...............20T
Safflr, Abraham ...............209
Sansone, F. P.. Co............209
Schindler & Liebler ..........20S
Schneider & Multer ............21ff
Schweibert, Henry ............21ff
Seaman & Pendergast..........20S
Shaw. Arthur L................209
Shaw. Eockwell & Sanford ___208
.Sherman & Kirschner..........209
Slattery Gas Eadiator Co.......214
Smith, Malcolm E., Inc........207
Spear & Co...................298
Speyers. Inc., James B........209
Spotts & Starr ................207
Sterling Mortgage Co___2d Cover
Straus, S. W., & Co............219
Tabolt. Jacob J...............209
Tankoos. Smith & Co.........209
Title Guarantee & Trust Co___196
Tyng. Stephen H.. Jr., & Co.196
United Elec. L. & P. Co........205
IT. S. Gas Eange Corp........216
U. S. Eealty & Improvement
Co....................2d Cover
U. S. Title Guaranty Co........209
Van Valen. Chas. B......2d Cover
Vorndrans, Christian, Sons___219-
Wacht, Samuel ..........2d Cover
Walden. James P.............208
Walsh, J. Irving ..............207
Warren Trading Corp.........206
Wjitson Elev. Co., Inc..4th Cover
Weill. H. M., Co........2d Cov.r
Wells Architectural Iron Co...21S
Wells Sons, James N..........2(i7
White. Wm. A., & Sons.Front Cover
Whiting, Wm. H., & Co.
Front Cover
Whitney-Poster Corp...........20S
WiUiams-Dexter Co............209
Winter. Benjamin ......2d Cover
Wood-Dolson Co.....Front Cover
Wyckoff. Walter C.............207
Zittel, Fredk., & Sons..........207
Prepared domestic size coal necessary in most boilers
will be prohibitively high everywhere this winter.
KEWANEE Smokeless boilers burn bituminous power
coal and do it economically.
KbWAI^EE boiler Q?/K7A7iY I?f C.
47 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK Longacre 8170