Real Estate Record and Builders Guide
Founded March 21, 18M, by CLINTON W. SWEET
Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building iManagement in the Metropolitan District
Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY
RRANK B. PERLEY, President and Editor; B. 8. DODOB, Vice-President; 'W. P. TIE»IKEN, 'Vlco-Fresldent; J. W. FRANK, Secretary-Treasurer
Entered u B«»nd claw nuttar Nnember 8, 1ST9, at tb* Foat OlTlca at New Talk, N. Y., under tbe Aet et March i. 1879.
Copyright. 1B22. by The Record and Guide Company. 119 West 40th Street, New York (Telephone:
Bryant 4800)
VOL. C.\
No. 10 (2842)
25c. A COPY
$12.00 A YEAS
AdvertiHinc Index Page
.K. B. See Elwtric Elevator
4th Cover
Ackerly, Orville B., A: Son......305
Acme Foundry ................314
Adams & Co...................304
Adler, Ernest N................305
American Bond .V- Mortjingi- ( ((.31-
Amerioan Bureau of H. E..
â– 2d Cover
American Enameled Bricli A: Tile
Ames & Co.....................3,(;:;
Amy, A. v.. & Co..............3(i:;
Anderson, .laiucs S., & Co......:'â– (>â– '.
Anderson Briik ..<; Supply
4th Covr
Armstrong & Armstrong ......3(i."i
Asbestos Mfg. Co...............31-1
Ashforth & Co..................303
Athens Brick, Lime & Cement
Co..................4th Cover
Automatic Fire Alarm Co.......312
Baiter, Alex:u(der .............304
Bauer, Mill)ank & Molloy......303
Bechman, A. (i.................SlXi
Bell Co. H. W..................314
Benenson Eealty Co....-(l C(pver
Boyd, James ............2d ('(â– v,r
Bonded Securities Corp..........312
Boylan. John J.................3o:;
Brener. Samuel .........2(1 ('ever
Brett i Goode ......Front Cover
Brook. Louis, Inc...............317
Brooks & Momand ............3(i(>
Brown, Frederick ........2d Cover
Brown, J. Romaine CcFnoit Cover
Bulklev & Horton Co.........306
Burling & Met '((rdy ............300
Busher, Eugene J., Co..........303
Butler & Baldwin ..Front Cover
Cahn. Harry ...........2il Cover
Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd.303
I'nrpenter, Leonard .1..........'103,
CliMUlleey Ke.Tl Estate ........303
City Investing C"..............202
Classilied .\ilvertisements ......3(i2
Celiuru. .\lt'red P..............304
C.rtll. (Jeertle H., & Cn......305
Cress \- Brown ___Front ('ever
Cruikshank Co.......Front Cover
Cruikshank. Wm., Sons,
Front ('over
Cudner, K. E.. Co..............3I«
Cushman & Wakefleld ........3(14
Cutler, Artliur, & Co...........'1(13
Cutner, Harry B..............3(..T
Davenport Keal Kstate C, :;!((;
Davie-.. .T. Clarence ...........3.(io
Hav. Joseph P................303
Dike, O. D. & H. V............3(t:;
Dedpp. F. W.. Co..............3l'.1
Hewii. .lames A...............3(t.'i
Hulieis. Clias. A...............3(1-1
I luff V. .1 I'.. Co...............:!14
Dnniaii & Lleyd ..............3(14
Duross C".....................3((3
Kdwards. Charles G.. Co.........".o.';
Edwards. Dewdiiev & Kichart .2'.I2
Eliiman. Deutrlas L.. & Co......300
Ely. Iliiraee S.. ,V- Cu.Ii'ront: Cover
Empire I'.riek & Supply.4th C'over
English, J. B...................303
F. S. C. Cement Blocks.4th Cover
Pinch. Chas. H., & Co..........310
Editorials....................................... 293
Legislature Passes Bill for Coal Administrator.. 29S
Revival of Real Estate .\ctivity on Third Avenue 29.i
Mayor Hylan's Plan for New Subways.......... 2'>7
Review of Real Estate Market for the Week.... 29)
Private Sales of the Week....................... 299
Mortgage Loans ................................ 300
Leases.......................................... 304
Statistical Table of the Week................... 305
Large Building Program for 1923 .Assured...... 307
Large Factory for R. H. Macy & Co. Inc...... 308
^L'^ny New Projects on Building Program...... 309
Personal and Trade Notes...................... 309
Trade and Technical Society Events............ 309
Building Material Market....................... 310
Contemplated Construction ..................... 312
Contracts Awarded ............................. 313
Plans Filed for New Construction................ 315
Plans Filed for Alterations...................... 316
Mechanics' Plans and Satisfied Liens........... 318
Finkelstein, Jacob & Co.....
Fischer, J. Arthur .........
Fisher. James B.............
Fox. Ferdk.. iV- Co.........
Fiey. Wm. J...............
(ieodwiii vV (.Joodwin ........
(Julden lieyal Scott.........
Hecla Iron Works...........
Hess. M. & L., Ine___Front
Holmes Elec. rrote<-iive.....
Home Title Insurance ('e ,.
Hubbaid, ('. Iteriram......
Hygra.le r.iiildeis Sopplylth
.1. * E. Itealty Co.........
.laekson, lianiel H......2ii
Kane, John I'. Co. ,4th
Keller, Charl.'s (i...........
Ki'llev, T, H...............
Kelly. Albert E............
Kempner ,\: Son, Inc.Frout
I'Cewanee P.oiler Co., Inc.Titli
Kilpatrick. Wtn. D..........
Kissling. J, P. \- L. A......
Klees. F. J................
Kolielr. Chas, S.............
Kopp. H. (',. & Ce...........
Kraslow. Walter .. , . .2d
Kurz, Win. F, A., Co.....
Lacknianu. ((tto ...........
.. .304
, , :>(I3
,. :;(!(;
. :;(i3
, 3(l(>
. , , 30.'i
,. :;o4
,, .:;io
( 'over
,. rid."'
., ,:;(i4
.'. 3(il
. ..310
, , 2'.i2
,, ,:;(i3
, , ,.",(ll'i
Ladd & Nichols. Inc............292
Lawreuce, Hl.ike & Jewell......2'.I2
Lawrence (Jement Co....Ith Cover
Lawyers Mortgage Co..,2d t^'over
Lawyers Title- & Trust Co___300't, J., iV Ce...,Fr(pnt Cover
Leist, Henrv t;................3(13.
Levers. Robert .................3(H
Losere, L. G...................300
Martin. Samuel H. ..
Mav. Lewis H.. Co.....
McMahon, Joseph T. .
Merrall. Wm. H......
Milner. Joseph .......
.Mississippi Wire Cla;
Monell, F, Bronson..
Motire, John Conslalih
Moors. J. K........
Morgan. I,eonard, Co,
Muhlker. Arthur C...
Murtlnt i^ Schmohl . ,
Xail \- I'arker ........
Xassoit A^ l.a lining . -
Xatanson. .Max N.....
.Xalioiial Marble \- Shi
Xational Metals Co. .
-Neen.i n lOlevators-.Vmer
chine & Foundry c,
Xeliring Bros.........
, 3113
, 304
..4th C.
2d ('(
11 Ma
Advertisine Index Page
Xew York Edison (-'o,. The___313
Xew York Herald..............3IH
Xew York Roofing
New York Roof Repairing Co.317
New York Title & Mortgage Co.292
Niewenhous Co., Ine............:;I4
Xieweiihevis. Henry ............306
Xoyes. Chas. F., Co.Front Cover
(igdeii ,v- Clarkson Cerp........SOS
(lllare. (ieo, L.................292
Olipeuheimer, Fred ............305
()'Keilly & Dahu ..............303
I'ayion, Philip A., Jr., Ce,2d Cover
I'ease ,V; ElUman,.., Front Cover
Pell, S. Osgood & Co...........315
PHomm, F, & G......Front Cover
Phelps. Albert D................3(Hi
Pomeroy, S. H., Co,. Iii<-........312
Porter & t'o...........Front Cover
Quell & Quell ..................306
Iteail. Geo., R.. i>i Co.Front Cover
Keallv (Jo. of America..........292
Kiii.ildo. Hiram ...............304
Knek.iway White Sand Co.
4th Cover
Rose. J., & Co.................315
Runk, <ieo. S..................304
Kyan. Gee, J..................303
Satfir. .Vbraham ...............305
Sansone, F. P., Co..............305
Sehindler & Liebler ...........304
Sehiieider & Multer ...........30«
Schweibert, Henry .............306
Seaman A: IVnilergast .........304
Sliaw, Arthur L................305
Shaw, Rockwell A: Sanford___304
.slierinan & Kirschner .........305
Slattery Gas Radiator Co......310
JSniith, Malcolm E,, Ine........303
.Siiear A: Co...................304
'Speyers. James B., Inc.........305
Spotts & Starr .................303
Sterling Mortgage Co,,..2d Cover
Straus. S. W., & Co...........315
Tabolt, Jacob J...............304
Tankoos, Smith & Co..........305
Title Guarantee & Trust Co, .292
Tyng. Stephen H.. Jr.. & Co..292
rnion Stove Works............317
r, S, Gas Range Corp........312
U. S. Realtv A: linproveinent Co.,
2d Cover
r. S. Title Guaranty Co........3(12
\'an Valen. Chas. I:......2d Cover
W.ieht, Sainuel ..........2d Cover
Walden. James P...............304
Walsh. J. Irving ...............303
Watson Elevator (7o.. Inc.
4th Cover
Weill, H, M., Co........2d Cover
Wells .Yrchiteetnral Iron Co..314
Wells, .lames N., A- Sons........303
Wliile, Wm. A,. A; Sons
Front Cover
Whiting, Wm. H., & Co.
Front Cover
Whil nev Foster Corp..........304
Wilkes Co.. .K..................310
Williams Dexter Co............305
Winter, Heniainin ......2d Cover
W.....11 lots..11 Cov.'r
Wvekoff. Walter C.............303
Zittel. Fredk., ,t Sons..........,S03
Imitations may turn out
to be costly substitutes
The K^^^'^^^S Firebdx Boiler took forty years' big
busines.s, specially equipped plant, experienced organ¬
ization, and striino- resources to develop.
Xow the cost to you is no more than for a boiler built
to resemble it.
Kewanee Boiler Company I^hc.
Longacre 8170