Real Estate Record and Builders Guide
Founded March 21, 1868, by CLINTON W. SWEET
Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building Management in the Metropolitan District
Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY
PRANK E. PBRLBT, President and Editor; B. 3. DODOE, Vice-President; W. P. TIENKEN, Vice-President; J. W. FRANK. Secretary-Treasurer
Entered aa aecoDd claaa matter NoremtMr 8, 18T9, at tbe Post Office at New Terk, N. T„ under tbe Aet «f Marcb 8, 1879.
Copyright. 1922, by The Record and Guide Company, 119 West 40tli Street, New Tork (Telephone: Bryant 4800)
No. 12 (2844)
$12.00 A YEAR
AdvertlsiiiK Index Page
A. B. See Electric Elevator
4th Cover
Ackerly, Orville B., & Son-----369
Acme Foundry ................376
Adams & Co..................368
Adler, Ernest N................369
American Bond & Mortgage Co.376
American Bureau of R. E.,
2d Cover
American Enameled Brick & Tile
Ames & Co.....................367
Amy, A. V., & Co.............367
Anderson James S., & Co......367
Anderson Brick & Supply
4th Cover
Armstrong & Armstrong......SiJO
Asbestos Mfg. Co..............38^
Ashforth & Co................367
Athens Brick, Lime & Cement
Co....................4th Cover
Automatic Fire Alarm Co......376
Baiter, Alexander .............SUS
Bauer, Milbank & Molloy......367
Bechman, A. G................370
Bell Co., H. W.................378
Benenson Realty X^o___'id Cover
Boyd, James ............2d Cover
Bonded Securities Corp........376
Boylan, John J.................367
Brener, Samuel ..........2d Cover
Brett & Goode ......Front Cover
Brook Louis, Inc...............381
Brooks & Momand ............364
Brown, Frederick ......2d Cover
Brown, J. Romaine Co.Front Cover
Bulkley & Horton Co..........370
Burling & McCurdy ..........370
Busher, Eugene J., Co..........367
Butler & Baldwin ..Front Cover
Cahn, Harry ...........2d Cover
(Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd.367
Carpenter. Leonard J..........367
Chauncey Real Estate.........367
City Investing Co..............356
Classified Advertisements ......366
Coburn, Alfred P..............308
Corth, George H., & Co......369
Ouikshank Co.......Front Cover
Cruikshank, Wm., Sons,
Front Cover
Cudner, R. E., Co...............367
Cushman & Wakefield.........368
Cutler, Arthur, & Co............367
Cutner, Harry B..............367
Davenport Real Estate Co......370
Davis, G. Malvin................369
De Rosa, C. M., Co............368
Davies, J. Clarence ............364
Day, Joseph P................367
Dike, O. D. & H. V.............367
Dodge, F. W., Co............383
Dowd. James A................3G9
Dubois, Chas. A...............368
DufCy, J. P., Co...............379
Dunlap & Lloyd ...............308
Duross Co.....................367
Edwards, Charles G., Co........367
Edwards, Dowdney & Richart.356
Eliiman, Douglas L., & Co___364
Ely. Horace S., & Co.Front Cover
Empire Brick & Supply.4th Cover
Editorials ....................................... 357
Cost and Efficiency of Fuel Oil................. 359
Mortgage Money Now in Plentiful Supply...... 361
Proposed Plan to Conserve Coal................ 362
Review of Real Estate Alarket for the Week... 363
Private Sales of the Week....................... 363
Mortgage Loans .....,.......................... 364
Leases ........................................... 366
Statistical Table of the Week.................. 370
Historic Building Boom in South................ 371
Building Industry Anticipates Busy Autumn..... 373
Personal and Trade Notes....................... 373
Trade and Technical Society Events............ 373
Building Material Market...................... 374
Contemplated Construction ..................... 376
Contracts Awarded .............................. 378
Plans Filed for New Construction.............. 379
Plans Filed for Alterations......................380
Mechanics' Liens and Satisfied Liens..............382
English. J. B...................367
F. S. C. Cement Blocks.4th Cover
Pinch, Chas. H., & Co.........374
Finkelstein, Jacob & Co........368
Fischer, J. Arthur ...........370
Fisher, James B...............370
Fox, Predk., & Co............3U7
Prey, Wm. J..................370
Goodwin & Goodwin............"i;7
Hecla Iron Works ............378
Hess, M. & L., Inc...Front Cover
Holmes Elec. Portective........379
Home Title Insurance Co......356
Hubbard C. Bertram .........367
Hygrade Builders Supply
4th Cover
J. & E. Realty Co...............369
Jackson, Daniel H........2d Cover
Kane, John P., Co.....4th Cover
Keller, Charles G.............368
Kelley, T. H..................368
Kelly, Albert E................368
Kempner & Son, Inc.Front Cover
Kewanee Boiler Co., Inc.Title Pase
Kilpatrick, Wm. D.............".lO
Kissling. J. P. & L. A.........â– .H'ei
Kloes. F. J." ..................374
Kohler, Chas. S................350
Kopp, H. C, & Co.............307
Kraslow, Walter ........2d Cover
Kurz, Wm. P. A., Co.........370
Lackmann, Otto ...............370
Ladd cii; Nichols, Inc...........350
Lawrence, Blake & Jewell......356
Lawrence Cement Co___4th Cover
Lawyers Mortgage Co...2d Cover
Lawyers Title & Trust Co.....364
Leaycraft, J., & Co___Front Cover
Leist, Henry G................367
Cevers, Robert ................368
Losere, L. G....................370
Martin, Samuel H..............367
May. Lewis H., Co............367
McMahon, Joseph T.....2d Cover
Merrall, Wm. B................3Gi1
Milner, Joseph .................368
Mississippi Wire Glass..4th Cover
Monell, P. Bronson ............3ff7
Moore, John Constable........369
Moors, J. K...................S(i7
Morgan, Leonard. Co..........369
Muhlker, Arthur G............363
Murtha & Schmohl.....4th Cover
Nail & Parker ...............356
Nassoit & Lanning ...........367
Xatanson, Max N.........2d Cover
National Marble & Slate Corp.382
AdTertiBinK Index Page
Neenan Elevators-American Ma¬
chine & Foundry Co..........379
Nehring Bros..................367
New York Edison Co., The___377
New York Herald .............365
New York Roof Repairing Co.379
.New York Title & Mortgage Co.356
Niewenhous Co., Inc...........378
Niewenhous, Henry S...........370
Noyes, Chas. P., Co.Front Cover
Ogden & Clarkson Corp.........367
O'Hare, Geo. L..................356
Oppenheimer, Fred ............369
O'Reilly & Dahn...............367
Payton, Philip A., Jr., Co.2d Cover
Pease & Eliiman___Front Cover
Pell, S. Osgood & Co..........382
Pflomm, P. & G......Front Cover
Phelps, Albert D...............370
Pomeroy, S. H., Co., Inc......376
Porter & Co..........Front Cover
Quell & Quell .................370
Read, Geo., R., & Co.Front Cover
Realty Co. of America........350
Rinaldo Hiram ...............368
Rockaway White Sand Co.
4th Cover
Runk, Geo. S..................368
Ryan, Geo. J..................307
Satfir, Abraham ................369
Sansone, F. P., Co..............368
Schindler & Liebler ...........SOS
Schneider & Multer ............370
Schweibert Henry .............370
Seaman & Pendergast..........368
Shaw Arthur L................369
Shaw, Rockwell & Sanford.....368
Sherman & Kirschner ........369
Slattery Gas Radiator Co......374
Smith, Malcolm B., Inc.........367
Spear & Co.....................368
Speyers. James B., Inc..........369
Spotts & Starr ................367
Sterling Mortgage Co___2d Cover
Straus, S. W., â– & Co............379
Tabolt, Jacob J.................368
Tankoos, Smith & Co...........369
Title Guarantee & Trust Co..358
Tyng, Stephen H.. Jr., & Co. .356
Union Stove Works ...........381
U. S. Realty & Improvement Co.,
2d Cover
U. S. Title Guaranty Co........366
Van Valen, Chas. B.....2d Cover
Wacht, Samuel ...........2d Cover
Walden, James P.............368
Walsh, J. Irving ..............367
Watson Elevator Co., Inc.
4th Cover
Weill, H. M., Co.........2d Cover
Wells Architectural Iron Co..376
Wells, James N., & Sons........367
White, Wm. A., & Sons
Front Cover
Whiting, Wm. H., & Co.
Front Cover
Whitney-Foster Corp..........36S
Wilkes Co., A..................374
Williams-Dexter Co............369
Winter, Benjamin .......2d Cover
Wood-Dolson Co.....Front Cover
Wvekoff. Walter C............307
Zittel, Fredk., & Sons.........367
Repair parts in our
Nezu York warehouse.
The KE'^anee Firebox Boiler is backed by our
guarantee for endurance.
When you need parts or service we endeavor
to meet your time to the day and hour.
Kewa?4ee Boiler 0?m?a^y Inc.
47 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK Longacre 8170