Real Estate Record and Builders Guide
Founded March 21, liSS, by CLINTON W. SWEET
Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building Management in the Metropolitan District
Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY
I'RANK B. PERLBY, President and Editor ; H. 8. DODOB, Vloe-Presldent; W. P. TlBa^KKN. Vice-President: J. W. FRANK, Secretarr-Tressurer
Entered u Nicciod eUn mattar Narambn I, iar9, at tba Poat OSUa at Naw Tart. N. T., sndar tha Aat tf Manh I, ISTi.
Copyright. 1022. by The Record and Guide r,.mpany, li;i West 40th Street, Xew York (Telephone: Vanderbilt 1500)
No. 22 (2854)
NEW YORK, NOVE.MBER 2.-), 1922
25c. A COPY
$12.00 A YEAR
Advertising Index Page
A. B. See Electric Elevator
4th Cover
Ackerley. Orville B., & Son.....689
Acme Foundry ................TOI
Adams & Co...................biw
Adler, Ernest N...........•^•â– ™
American Bond & Mortgage Co.700
American Bureau of R. E.,
2d Cover
American Enameled Brick &
Ames & Co.....................•)»'
Amy, A. v., & Co..............OSi
Anderson Brick & Supply,
4th Cover
Anderson, James S., & Co.....087
Armstrong & Armstrong ......689
Asbestos Mfg. Co..............701
Ashforth & Co.................';*7
Athens Brick, Lime & Cement
Co.....................4th Cover
Automatic Fire Alarm Co......6',)6
Bauer, Milbank & Molloy......0S7
Bechman, A. G.................'â– 'â– '"
Bell, H. \V.. Co................C,00
Benenson Kealty Co......2d Cover
Bonded Securities Corp........700
Boyd, James..............2d Covtr
Boylan, John J................OSi
Brener, Samuel ..........2d Cover
Brett & Wyckoff......Front Cover
Brook, Louis, Inc................703
Brooks & Momand........2d Cover
Brown, Frederick.........2d Cover
Brown, J. Romaine Co.Front Cover
Bulkley & Horton Co..........690
Burling & McCurdy............690
Busher, Eugene J., Co.........687
Butler & Baldwin.....Front Cover
Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd...687
Carpenter, Leonard J..........687
Carroll, Cyril A................688
Chauncey Real Estate..........6,s i
City Investing Co..............676
Classified Advertisements......686
Clayton Tile & Marble Co.....703
Coburn, Alfred P..............I'^^S
Crane, Wm. M., Co............694
Cross & Brown Co___Front Cover
Cruikshank Co........Front Cover
Cruikshank, Wm., Sons,
Front Cover
Cudner. R. E., Co..............i'..S7
Cushman & Wakefield____......OJ^"^
Cutler, Arthur, & Co...........GS7
Cutner, Harry B...............fiS7
Davenport Real Estate Co.....6'.)0
Davis, G. Malvin...............6S',i
De Rosa. Chas. M.. Co........6SS
Davies, J. Clarence............6S3
Day, Joseph P.................6S7
Dike, O. D. & H. V.............6S7
Dodge, F. W., Co..............7ii2
Dowd. James A................689
Dubois. Chas. A................OSS
Duffv. J. P.. Co................699
Dunlap & Lloyd................688
Duross Co.....................6S7
Edwards. Charles G., Co......6S7
Edwards. Dowdney & Richart.676
Eliiman. Douglas L., & Co___685
Elv. Horace S.. & Co..Front Cover
Editorials ..................................... 677
Commissioner McCaffrey Explains Law......... 679
General Business Follows Auto Trade.......... 680
Foundations Started for Hotel Roosevelt........ 681
Home Builders .\ttracted by Water Front Lots.. 682
Review of Real Estate Market for the Week___ 683
I'rivate Sales of the Week...................... 683
Mortgage Loans .............................. 685
Statistical Table of the Week................... 690
Bricklayers' Strike Hampers Building.......... 691
To Build and Sell Many Small Houses.......... 692
Construction Industry Optimistic Over Outlook 693
Personal and Trade Notes..................... 693
Trade and Technical Society Events............ 693
Building Material Market ..................... 694
Contemplated Construction.................... 696
Contracts -\warded............................ 697
Plans Filed for New Construction.............. 698
Plans Filed for Alterations..................... 700
Mechanics' Liens and Satisfied Liens........... 703
Advertising Index Page
Empire Brick & Supply..4th Cover
English, J. B..................CS7
Finch, Chas. H., & Co.........Otis
Finkelstein, Jacob & Co.......6SS
Fischer, J. Arthur.............0S7
Fisher. James B...............6:)i)
Fox, Fredk., & Co..............6S7
Frey, Wm. J...................690
Gold. Louis & Co., Inc.........OS.j
Goodwin & Goodwin...........0S7
Hecla Iron Works..............60S
Hess. M. c& L., Inc___Front Cover
Hoeckh, John J................()8,S
Holmes Elec. Protective........i.'.in
Home Title Insurance Co......676
Hubbard, C. Bertram..........687
Hygrade Builders Supply Co..
4th Cover
J. & E. Realty Co.............(isn
Jackson, Daniel H.............os.T
Kane, John P., Co......4th Cover
Jveller, Charles G............ 6.SS
Kelley, T. H...................688
Kelly, Albert E................688
Kempner & Son. Inc..Front Cover
Kewanee Boiler Co.. Inc.Title Page
M'patrick. Wm. D........... 67(5
Kissling, J. P. & L. A........688
Advertising Index Page
Kloes, F. J.....................700
Kohler. Chas. S................676
Kopp. H. C. & Co.............i;s7
Kraslow. Walter..........2d Cover
Kurz, Wm. F. A., Co...........690
Lackman. Otto ................twin
Ladd & Nichols, Inc...........ilTH
Lawrence, Blake & Jewell.....676
Lawrence Ci'meiit Co.....4th Cover
Lawyers Mortgage Co.........i;'."l
Lawyers Title & Trust Co..
2d Cover
Leaycraft. J. & Co...Front Cover
Leist. Hfiiry G.................687
Levers. Robert ................688
Losere. I.. G...................iKIO
.Martin. Samuel H..............i;s7
iMay. Lewis H.. Co............f'.sT
.McMahon. Joseph T......2d Cover
-Mf-rrall. Wm. B................(lyi
-Miliifr. .Joseph ................fiR.S
Mississippi Wire Glass...4th Cover
Monell, P. Bronson.............(is7
Moore, Jolm Constable........6.Sn
Moors. .T. K................... .C.S7
Mor^-'on. Leonard Co...........6,^0
Muhlker. Arthur G.............ils;i
Murtha & Schmohl Co...4th Cover
Advertising Index Page
Nail & Parker..................676
.Nassoit & Lanning.............687
Xatanson. Ma,\ N.........2d Cover
National Electric Laboratories,
â– 2d Cover
Neenan Elevators-American Ma¬
chine & Foundry Co..4th Cover
Nehring Bros..................687
New York Edison Co.. The.....697
New Vork Koof Repairing Co..701
New York Title & Mortgage Co.676
Ov'ieweuhous. Henry S..........690
Noyes, Chas. F., Co...Front Cover
(ij-'deu Ai Clarkson Corp........687
ullaif. Geo. L.................676
iippcnheiuicr, Fred ............689
OKeilly A: Dahn...............687
O'Reilly, Thos. J..............685
Uttinger, Nathan L............688
Payton. Phillip A., Jr., Co.2d Cover
Pease & Eliiman......Front Cover
Pell, S. Osgood A: Co...........700
I'tlumm, F. & G.......Frout Cover
Phelps, Albert D...............690
Pomeroy, S. H., Co., Inc.......700
Porter & Co..........Front Cover
Quell A: Quell...................690
gueeiisljoro Corporation..2d Cover
Read. Geo. R., & Co...Front Cover
Kcaii y Co. of America..........676
Kinaldo. Hiram ................688
lluckaway White Sand Co.,
4th Cover
Runk, Geo. .S...................688
Ryan, Geo. J...................687
Saffir. Abraham ............... csn
Schindler Ac Liebler.........!! ,688
Schweibert, Henry .......... 690
Seaman A: Pendergast..........688
Shaw. Arthur L.............. 689
Shaw, Rockwell & Sanford___688
Sherman & Kirschner..........689
Slattery Gas Radiator Co......698
Smith, .Malcolm E., Inc___ 687
Spear A: Co................... 688
Speyers, James B., Inc........689
Spotts & Starr........... 687
Straus, S. W.. A: Co............699
Talbot, Jacob J....... 688
Tankoos. Smith & Co. (iS7
Title Guarantee & Trust Co... 676
Tyng, Stephen H., Jr.. & Co.., ij76
I'nion Stove Works............701
US. Realty ,& Improvement
Co.......^...........2d Cover
Van ^â– alen, Chas. B.......2d Cover
Wacht. Samuel............2d Cover
Walden, James P...... tjss
"'alsh. J. Irving......... 0S7
Watson Elevator Co., Inc..
,,. „ . ,_. ^th Cover
^\ ells -Vrchiteotural Iron Co...701
}} ells. James ,\.. A: Sons.......687
n hite, Wm, .K., A: Sons,
«^..-.- „- „ Front Cover
A\ hiting, \A m. H.. & Co..
,,,.., ^ Front Cover
^^ hitncy-Foster Corp.......
Winter. Kenjamin........2d Cover
Wood Poison Co......Front Cover
Zittell. Fredk., A: Sons.........bS7
Grates and coal
bills are related-
Kewanee Firebox Steel boilers have the
right size grate to insure economy and
save coal. Inefficient boilers with relatively
big grates waste half the coal.
Kewa>[ee Boiler Company Jthc.
LoiiBacra 8170