Aeademy st___7^0. 707.
.•\ilen st... .571*.. 577, 595, 737,777, 8.54, 871, '.Kiü. Oas,
-Ittorney st... .666. T02, 777, 968, 1006.
ß St....702.
Bankst....«8:), ÜÖ9.
.Baxter st___666, 6-S3. 702, r:!7. O.M). 1040.
lieach st___683, 75S,'96S.
Bedford st___797, 950.
Beeknian st___•'.13, 702.
Benson st___i«>j.
Bleecker st ....577, 59.5. 613, c;«, 704. S:;5. Oi">(),
Bloonilieldst. ...1029.
Bloomingdale road___632. ><0I.
Bnltouroad....6S:3, 703.
Bond st.....576, 9S7.
Boulevard, from 59th to OOtli st___0.".>0.
Boulevard, frora 69th to-SOth st___6>v>, 6S+, 0(i'.»,
Boulevard, from SOth to92d st... .704, 777, lül)6
Boulevard, from'.):Mto lOSth st___61 :r 777. 030
Boulevard, from iOSth to 125th st.. 050, 1020.
Boulevard, from 125th to 115th st... .666, T04, ',IU0.
Boulevard, from 14.5th st to t«>nninnt)on.....^;7,
704, 987, 1006, H 29.
Bowerj'___032, 10U6.
Bridge St.... 660, 987,
Broad st....59.5, 909.
Broadway, south of Canai st... .577, .505, 613.
Broadway, from Canal to 14th st___087, 1006.
Broadway, from 34th to 59th .•<t....6-50, 702 7.sr
^:3o, 909, 910, 950, 1030.
Rroome st, east of Broadwav___737,777, ssy. <i()..i
93(1, 1020, 1049. â– ' > ' • .
Rroome st, west of Broadwav___577, .505 (>:« 7;:r
O'JO, 06S.
Canal st, east of Broadway... .030.
Canal st, west of Broadway___720.
Cannon st-----.577, 666, 667. Slö, fi?-"?.
Carmine st... .666, 720. 889.
Catbarine st___6.=)(i.
Cedar st___930.
Chambers st___777.
Charles St....632, «GO, 909. m>.
Charlton st___632, 1049.
Cbatham st... .632, SI6. 909.
Cherry_st....577, 6.S^'. 6S4. 909, 010, 930, O.'.o, ncs,
Christopher st___.-j95. 61;:.
Chrystie st... .-0^7, (.:50, Sö.>, 009. !Wo
Church st... .Gl';, 70::J. 7.5S '<â– '=''>
Cliffst....777. '' ""
Clinton st... 577, 702, 777, SIC. ^^A. S7I.
Columbia st___632, 606. 854
Cortlaudt st___.59.5.
r:rosby st.,. «13, 777.
Delancey st. ..577, 702, 7.'Ä 797, S7], Osr. 1()40
Deyst.....59o, G;J2. ' • • »
Division st....720. 737. 7;iS, 1049.
Dominick st.....577. 505, 684 030
Duanest___703, 707.
East Broadway... .650, 738, 797, 969.
Edridgeßt.....577, 737. 050, 1006.
Elizabeth st....577, 613, 684, 871, 930.
Emerson st___797, !? 16,1Ü29
Elm St....6.50, 797. !Kl), iftOR
Forsyth st... .632, S16, 1049.
"''J'nL'**-'--'"''-'^- '<^3, 777, SU\. S71, 909. 1006.
Front St... .900, 910. in0i\ 1020
Fiiltoust___666, S54.
Gänse voort st___909.
Goerck^st^.....577, 702, 7.58, 777, 707. 889. 930,1988,
C4oldst...'.889. 1006,
^"'^'ool: goTii?'' ^^^'''"^ ^""*°"'*^-• • •^®'
»rand st,' from Clinton to Bowery... .702.
Grand .st, west of B<^wfrv___<â– •'>(», mi:. txi, sso.
«00. 1029, 1010.
Greonest-----758, S54, 930, Oöü, 1006,
Groenwich st, south of Canal .<;t___.577, '/';">. GnO.
666,702, 720, 510,88?, 1006, 1020.
Green wich st. north of Canal «t___63-i, Mi',, •x\i).
Hester st....6'36, 83-5, S7!, 9S9, 1Ü49.
Hamilton st___650, (>S4, 777, 797, 0.50,
Henryst-----613, 632, 720, 758. «16, ^ö\. .^00. 0^=^.
Horatio st___758, S71, 909.
.Houston st, East.. ..650, OSl, 703, â– '<00. '.»v.i, '.m.
Houston st, West___68i, s:-;.^, a'io.
Hudson st, south of Houston ht. ...â– i77, (ilö, .20.
Hudson st, north of Hnnstnn st... r>77 föO, SiK)
Hawthorne st___707, 1(t20.
Isham St.... 102?.
Jackson st___666,
Jacob st___930, 9SS.
James st....777, 909, 010, inr.t.
Janest....S90, 1006.
John St....909.
Kingsliridge road___704, 707, '.151. Ufln.
Lawrence st-----702, 703, 950.
Leonard St.... 909, 088, loor..
Leroy st___1049.
.Liberty St.... 684,930.
Lewis St-----.H77, 613, 738, OfiU.
Ludlow st-----595, 63''?,'"ÖD. 7i):-;. 72n, 7;^. 771,'.«".j
Madison st___632, 6.W, 666, 'äI. 703. .sie, s;i, <.«i9.
Manhattan st___650. S71.
Maidun Iane....900.
Maugin st___S35, Io;>;>. 1040.
^Marion st___95Ü.
Mercerst....633, 909.
Monroes!-----577, 684, 707. *i9ii. '.«i'.i. ]m»\
Moore St.. ..1006!
Morton st.... 777.
Mott St... .650, 777, 909, 950.
3IunK'rry ~l... .613, Soö, 909, ?1<», Oöd.
Murray st ...577,613. 100«.
New Bowery,.. .816.
New Chamb'ers st___013, 909, 050, 087.
Norfolk St.. ..650, 666, 720. 909, 910, 1006.
N'oitU Moora st...,6i3,6S3, 930. O-^».
North William st... .909, 1040.
Oak St....613, 909, 950.
Oliver .st... .930, 050, 1040.
Orchard st,...632, 666, 797, 010, 050.
Pearl St....C50, 6S4, 854, 890.9.50. 969, 087
1039, 1049.
PeckSlip....650, S54, 1006.
Pell St..,..595.
Perryst... .595, 7:J8, 8IG, 1020, 1040
Pikest....! 049.
Pinost-----595, 1006.
Pitt St.... 613, 650, 777, 1049.
Platt St....909.
Princest___758, 1029.
Readest....703, SIG.
Ridge St.... 871,9.50.
Rivington sC-----738, 816, 909, 1025».
Rose st___650, 890.
Sherifl st.
613, 816, 890.
595, 613, 666, 909, 9.50, 1020.
South William st___703, 797.
Spring St.,, .6,50, 738, 969, 989, 1029.
State St....937.
Stau ton st___.577, 758,
Stonest___703, 797.
Stuyvesantst..'..613, 988, 1049.
Suffolkst... 666, m
Snllivan st... .mö, 758, 816, 988, UH9.
Thompson st....595, 613, 632, 650, 651,666,
816, 835, 890, 909, 969, 1029, 1049.
Thomas st.... .'«.so 009, 960.
0.50, itH);.
\'esey st___O'i'i.
X'arick st___1007.
Walker St....816.
U'arron st.....50.5, 613. lutJti.
AViishington st, south ol Canal st___-50
6^3. Ij'^-l, SIC, '.K^.
Wa.shington S'|uure, Ivist___0S^.
Wator s!___6i;;, 632, .y."0. 009, OKI. 0:!0,
WaltN.st___030, 1020.
\\'e=t st___.")0.">, .'.'.ir., (;::2, 6S».
West Broadwav. . .r.i;;. '.mo.
White St....61;^.
William st___6^1, 777, 81f., 000, 1040.
Willett. st___707, siCj s:?r,, 9:;o. 0<'.0, O^s,
Wooster st___684.
AV.irth st___t.;;!-.'. r.si. soo, o.s-^.
Ist St. ..3'JO, Q'i^.
2d ii. 096. 6"i4. 7u3, ',',s, 0S5. 1029,
^il st ;: 'it... .577, 615*2. 7:i-% S10,8.54, 871, 890, 1040.
:M st, West, lato Amity- M .., SSO, 987, OsS.
tth si, east of Broadwa\-. . .613. •v;2, Wr, 73S
871, 910, 930, 1029.
Jth st, west of Broadway. . 650.
5th st-----577, li'M, 632. 7üö. T,is^ sOO, 1U40.
•â– >th st-----6S4; 73*:, SlO. b35, "y'A, 95u, 060, O"«"-, 1001
7th St.. ..816, So.5, 930, 1007, 1029. 1040.
8th st, east of Broadwa}-___577, 720, 7.SS. 0."iii.
>:th st, west of Broadwav___6.50.
oth st, east of Broadway___703, 720, [m.
i''t1i st, oasi of Istnv.'. lii;!"., V.'i'v, s:',',. y,\ 'jn)
lOtl. '4,, bef Ut riv ni,<l Ri-r-.,nrhvnv
lOth sl, west of Broadwav___sltK '^Vl,
Ilth sL, east of Ist av.,. ."871, ObS.
Ilth st, bei Ist 'tv nnd Brondway..
Mth it, wesL üf Broadway___t»0,
910. 030, 950, OSS. 1020.
i'!tli st, east of Ist hv___b77. ros.
OSS, 1049. â–
12th st bet Ist av and Broadwar.
.r.i I.
703. V20, •x:o,
'<(,>:;, Vyi, 87],
'â– .". <>K 0.50,
10(16, i
77, 797, 854, 909, 950, 969.
- -------------------------------.„_,. ...,.7,8.54.
12tb st, west of Broadivav... -jO«. 6,^2, ^^50. <i7],
13th st, east of Ist av___614, 6-50, 703, 816, 1020.
ISthst, bet.lst av and BroaäAvay___»iöo, 758. Jdöfi.
loth st, west üf Broadway___(332.
Mth st, east of 3d nv___685. 835, 9.50, OW, inn*
Mth st, bet od and 6thavs,.. 777, 707.
Hthst, west of '>th :n-....666, 75S. Tf»r 451 icn).
15th st, oa.-t of od av___75S, b35, 1006. 1007, tdü'.
löth st, bet od and 6th avs___797, 91u.
15th st, bet 6th and Sth avs___571, 9ott.
I5th st, west of Sth av,.. .969, 1007.
1-Othst, east of 3d äv___577. 777, 8-5.5. 0,50, inn:.
lOtli st. bet 3d and 6th avs___1050.
löth st, bet üth and Sth avs___596. 703, 8.54.
IGth st, west of 8th av.....969, 1007.
t7th st, east of 3d av___666, 720, 85.5, S90, 0«;t.
17th st, bet 3d and Cth avs.... 1029, 10.50.
r7th st, bet ötb and Sth avs___890.
I7th st, west of 8th av___797, 835, 950.
I8th st, east of 3d av... .758, 871.
18th St. bet 3d and 6th avs... ,7T7, 816,
18th st, bet 6th and Sth avs___988, 105().
I8th st, west of Sth av.., ,816, 871.
19th st, east of 3d av... .633, 684, 8)»5, OtJO.
19th st, bet 3d and 6th avs ... 758.
lOth st, bet 6th and 8th avs... 614.
20th st, east of M av....703, 855, 988.
20th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .614, 738, 969.
20th st, bet 6th and Sth avs___1050.
20th st, west of Sth av... ..596. 666,
21st st, east of 3d av.... 684
2lst st, bet 3d and 6th avs... ..577, 703, 835.
2Ist st, bet 6th and Sth avs... ..577, 632, 777.
22d st, east of 3d av... .8.55.
22d st, bet 3d and 6th av«... .4)80.
22d st, bet 6th and Sth avs.....577.
22d st. west of Sth av.... 788, 758, 797, 969,
23d st, east of 3d av.,..666, 930, 1007.
23d 3t, bet 6th and Sth avs.... 577, 835.
23d st, west of Sth av... .666, 738, 890, 1050.-
24th st, east of 3d av... .577, 614, 684, 720, 890.
34th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .703, 738, 835, 910.
24th st, bet 6fch awd Sth avs... ..577. 70-'?