Record and Guide.
-May 9,1891
36th st, n s, 185 e 9th a*,^-*'""-^!^^^,. '^.one flat,
S8 4188,9, tin roof; cost, $'i,Ti<wo; o'm'r and bT, J,
Curry, 208 West lt'4th st; ar't, M, V, B. Ferdon.
Plan 679,
39lh st. No. 143 E., tvfo-story brk dwell'g,
17.8x16, tin roof; cost^ Sl,150; Emily Hill, on
premise;; ar't, "W. L. (iceltz; m'n, P. L, Boban;
c'r, W. Ses ton. Plan 674,
Slst sfc, s s, 484 w Sth av. two five-story brk and
stone flats, 20,4x90. tin roofs; cost, S2<i,000 each;
J. Monykowski, 458 West 5Uth st; ar't, J. W.
Cole, Pl9u653
102d st, s s, 100.e 3d av, four-story brk stable,
35x100, tin roof; cost, saO.OOO; J. Duffy, 156 East
lU2d st; ar't, A. Spence, Plan 631,
lOfith st, s s, 200 w 1st av, five-story brk flat,
2.5390,11, tin roof; cost, $22,000; Demfsey &
Smilh, 440East 113lh st: ar't, J, C. Burne. Plan
80tb st, No. 166 E., five-story brk and stone flat.
85x87.10, tiu roof; cost, S19.0ipO; A. Jacob, 26i'
East7Slb st; ar't, F. Wennemer. Plan 6113.
93d st, n s, 330 e 5th av, four four-story and
basement stone dwell'gs. three 19x55, one 19.8x
55, ali witb extensions, tin roofs; cost, 88,000 each;
ow'r and b'r, P. Braender, 120 East 86th st; ar't,
W, Graul, Plan 653.
109th sfc, n e cor Lesington av i two five-story
llOtb st, s e cor Lexington av f brk fiats. 2.5x
96.11, tin roofs; cost, §35,000 each; W. Lyman,
51 East laad st; ar't, J, Hauser. Plan 664.
116tb st, s e cor Lexington av, five-story brk
flat, 25x96.11, tin roof; eost, §^6.000; J, Hickey,
83 Easfc llOfch st; ar't, E. Wenz. Plan 6S0.
7Sth st, Nos. 106 and 108 W., two four-sfcory
aud basement stone dwell'gs, 23,9 aud 35x56. with
Ifi-foot extensions, tin roofs; total cost, §45,000;
E Marfcin, 100 West Slst st; ar't, H, L, Harris.
Plan 633.
Cenfcral Park West, w s, befc 71st and 72d sts, one
eleven-story brk, iron, stone and terra cotta hotel,
304.4x150, tin roof; cost, estimated, §1,000,000;
Jacob Rothschild, 31 West 57th st; ar't, Alfred
Zucker. Plan 667.
62d st, No. 36 W,, frame shed, 17x40, gravel
roof; cost, S50; lessee, W. Reiss, on premises.
Plan 673.
75tb st, n s, 300 elOth av.tive four-story and base¬
ment stone dwell'gs, 20x56, with extensions, tin
roofs; cost. S-2-?,000 each; R, Wallace, 318 East
SSth st; ar't, G. A. t^chellenger. Flan 660,
76th st, n s, -^31 w West End av, two four-story
brk and stone dwell'gs, 2is55, tin roofs; cost,
$35,000 each; W. H. Jacob aud ano., UO East 33d
st; ar't, 0. T, Motb. Plan O.iS.
77lh st, p s, 200 e 10th av, six four-slory aud
basement stcne dwell'gs, two, 19x56; four, ;i0i;50,
tin roofs; cost, S'J3,000 eacb; Carrie S. Kennedy,
1090 Lesington av; ar't, G. A. ScheUenger.
Plan 659,
78th st, s s, 100 w Amsterdam av, four three-
story and basement stone dwell'gs, 18.9x55, tin
and slate roofs; coifc, *;-iO,OUO each; ow'r, ai-'t aud
b'r. A, Boebmer, ,58 Liberty st. Plan t'69,
164lh st, No, 138 W., five-story stone fiat, 32.8
x9ll,ll, tio rooE; cosfc, $-,^-^,000; L. Kahu, 3d9 Wesfc
123d st; ar't, G. Haar, Plan 076.
Columbus av, e s, 50 n 7i th st, three flve-story
brk and stone fiats, 25x87, tin roofs; cost, abt
$18,000 each; Mrs E, McK. Gunning, 101 West
86tb sfc; ar't, G. Palliser. Plau 655.
NORTH OP 125th street.
Prescott av. w s, 50 n Bolton road, two-story
frame dweli'g. 18x24, tin roof; cost, ¥1,500; ow'r
and b'r, T. Reefe, cor Co oyer aud Emerson sts;
ar't, C, M, Youngs. Plan 639,
Sherman av, w s. 150 n 173d st, two-sfcory
framedwell'g, -.i^xSS, tin roof; cost. S2.00II; J,
Higgins. Hawkshaw pl, near 173d st; ar't, J. E.
Kerby. Plan 670.
147th St. n s, 325 w St. Nicholas av, two three-
story and basement Slone dwell'gs, 2:J.6x55, 35,6x
61, tiu roofs; cost, abt S15.0(j0 each; E. B.
Southworlh ei al., loS West 119th st; ar't, P. F.
Higgs. Plan 6+8.
23d and 24th wards.
Simpson sfc, w s, 350 s Home sfc, two-story frame
dwell'g, 30x35, tin roof; cost, ^2,000; agenfc and
b'r, S, B, Leai-y, 1064 Home st. Plan 63-^.
139th st, s s, 375 e WiUis av, two five-story brk
and stone fials, 35x83, tin roofs; cost, S30,000
each; ageut, J, S, Dale, 641 Walton av; ar't, R.
R, Davis. Plan 614.
150th st, s s, 75 e Tinton av, two-story frame
store, 20x30, gravel roof; ctjst, $800; J. Wilker,
938 East 150tb st: c'r, W. McEntyre, Plan 628.
181st st, s s, 1(jO w Bathgate av, rear, one-and-a-
half-story frame stable, 8xii0, felt roof; cost,
¥135; J. Ovens, on premises; ar't, J, J, Vreeland.
Plan 634,
Bainbridge av, w s, lOOsSuburbanst, two-story
frame dwell'g, 21x30, wilh extension, shingle roof;
cosfc, S4.300; J. Hare, 151 West 13:idst;3ar't, C. C.
Churchill; c'r, T. J. Clarke. Plan 643.
Bafcbgale av, s w cor 181st st, oue-and-a-half-
story framestable. 14x16, sbingle roof; cost. §100;
M. Dunne, 2139 Balbgateav, Plan 630.
Cauldwell av, e s, 164 n 156th st, frame plat¬
form, 48x68, felt roof; cost, ?I,OOU; P, and W.
â– Ebling, 838 Cauldwell av; ar't, J, Brandt. Pian
Elmav, ss, 150 w Soutbern Boulevar-1, two¬
story frame dweU'g, 18x25, tin roof; cost, $1,500;
W. Coogan, 1413 Franklin_av; m'us, Rouland &
Stone; c'rs, Robinson & Sullivan, Pian 637.
Stebbins av, e s, 313 n 167lhst. two-story frame
dweU'g, 23x38, tinroof; cost, $3,000; S.R. Park¬
er, Intervale av, near 167fch st; ar't, C. C. Chui'ch-
ill. Plan 642.
Washington av, w s, 337 n Quarry road. 24th
Ward, one-and-a-haif-ftory frame stable, 18x25,
shingle roof; cost, $350; A. Weiffenbach, 3041
Wasbingion av; c'r, L. A. Soule. Plau 646.
Elsmere pi, s s, 147 e Prospecfc av, two-story
frame dwell'g, 18x30 and 43, tin roof; cost, S3,9U0:
ow'r and b'r, J. H. Metzler, 37 Rogers pl; ar't,
J, J. Vreeland, Plan 6-56.
Fairmount pl, n s, 147 e Prospect av, two-story
frame dwell'g, 18x38 and41, tinroof; cost, $3,300;
ow'r, ar't, &c., same as last. Plan 657.
3d st, e s, bet Willard and Opdyke avs, founda¬
tion for dwell'g, 20x39; cost, $250; M. 1. Christen¬
sen, 273 2d st; m'n. A, CampbeU.' Plan 672.
135lh st, n s, 100 e Willis av, one three-story
brk and stone dweU'g. 18x43, and one five-story
flat, 33s85, tin roofs; total cost, $37,000; A. Bal-
BCbun, 18 East 91st st; ar't. E. Wena. Plan 651,
154lh st, s s. 125 w Courtlandt av, two-story
frame stable. -22x23, shingle roof; cost, $450;
Catherine C. Twomey, 566 East 154tb st: ar'fc, E.
Stiehler. Plan 675.
Boston av, e s, 50 s Perot st, two-and-a-half-
story frame dweU'g, 20x43, slate roof; cost,
g4,00O; T. O'Reilly, 3U4 East 84fch st; b'rs, McEi¬
roy & Son. Plan 64S».
Washington av, w s. 35 s lS4th st, two-story
and atfcic frame dweU'g, 30x40 and 56, tin and
slate roof; cost, 54,510; CeUa T, Lappine, 171st st
and 3d av; ar't, H. B. Van Benschoten. Plan 768.
Plan 851—16th st, n s, 88 e Sth av, foar fcwo-
story and basement brk dwell'gs, 18x42, tin roofs,
iron cornices; cost, $16,000: ow'r, ar't and b'r,
Edwin J. Bedeil, 36 Courfc st.
852—Keap st. No, 53, r.-^ar. oue two-story brk
shop, '30x32, tin roof, ir'-n coi-nice; cosfc. $1,200;
WiUiam Schwarze. on premises; ar't, J. E,
853—Paciflc st, n s, 375 e Clason ay, two four-
story brk flats, 15 aud 25x08. liu roofs, iron cor¬
nices; cost, ¥5,000 and S6,.500; Thos, E, Rooney,
1069 Paciflc st; ar't, R- Dixou.
8.54—Jefferson av, n s, 100 w Howard av, four
two-story and basement brk dweU'gs, 17.6x40, tiu
roofs, iron cornices; cost, H,000; C, E, Palmer;
832 Jefferson av; ar't, O, E. Palmer,
855^Schermerborn st, s s, 77 e Ne'vins st, oue
three-story and basement brk and terra cofcta
dwell'g, 38x25 and extension 8x5, tin roof, terra
cotta cornice; cost, S5,000; Dr, Wm. Griffiths,
on preuiises; ar't, M. J. Morrell; b'r, not selected,
836—Myrtle av, s e cor BleecKer st, one thr:e-
story frame store aud dweU'g, 30 aud -<i7.6 aod
6 on rear x50 irreg., tiu roof; cost, Hi,500; ow'r
and b'r, H, F. Hopkins; ar'fc, E. Dennis.
857—South 6tL st, n s, 125 w Bedford av, one
three-story brk theatre, 74 and 84sli 0, lin roof,
iron and brk cornice; cnst, $65,000; W. W. Cole,
197 South 9ih st; ar't, W, H. Gaylor.
858—Atlantic av, n s, 25 w Troy av, one one-
slory frame store, 12x20, tin roof; cost, $-350;
Richard Hendrickson, 1587 Atlantic av: b'rs,
Powderly & Murphy,
859-Chrislopber av, w s, 350 s Sutter av, eiahb
two-slory and basement frame (brk filled) dwell¬
ings, lS.9s36, tin roofs; cosl, $3,400 eacb; George'
A, Remsen, 461 Quincy st; b'r, T, Barrett; ar't,
860—Ross sfc. n s, 275 e Lee av, two four-sfcory
brk lenem'ts, 35 and 18 0x73, tin roofs, iron cor¬
nices; eost. $111,000 each; F. R, Hein, 344 Have¬
meyer st; ar't, Ei, W. Billard; b'r, not selected.
861—Garfleld pi, ns, 253 e 6th av, one three-
story and basement brown stone aweU'g. li'ixia.
aud extensions 10x15, tin roof, iron cornice; cost,
S5.500; M. E, Conlon, 346 15tb st; ar't, F, J, Con¬
862—Jefferson av. ns,41 e Lewls-av, nine fchree-
story and basemeut red sandstone buildiugs, 19.8
x45, tin roofs, iron cornices; cost, 86,000; T, W.
Swimm, 358 Putnam nv; ar'fcs, Langston & Dabl¬
863—Middagh st, s s, 100 w Henry st, one two¬
story brk stable, 20x75, gravel roof, brk cornice;
cosfc.-53,000: Ernsfc Van Au. Henry st, cor Mid¬
dagh sl; m'ns, DoenecKe & Bro,; c'r, J. Rueger.
864—Broadway, s wcor junction South 8th sr.
one five-storj^ iron and brk store, 65 8x100 and
91,1. irreg.. tin roof, iron cornice; cost. §34,000;
Louis Zechiel, 213 Soulh 8th st; ar't, T. Engel¬
hardt; b'l-s, W, J, Moran and J. Wagner, Jr,
86,5—Decatur st, n s, 35 w Saratoga av, thirteen
two-slory and basement brown slone dwell'gs,
18.4x42, gravel roofs, iron cornices; cost, eacb,
S4,000; P. Gardner, 1303 Atlantic av; ar'cs,
Langsfcon & Dahlander,
866—4lh St. n s. 250 e Smitb st, one two-story
and attic brk school, 74x24, slate roof, iron cor¬
nice; cost, $16,000; Henry W, Maxwell, 194
Broadway, New York; ar'ts. Fowler & Hough;
m'n, J, Thatcher; c'rs, Morris & Selover.
867—Garfield pl, s s, 350,4 e 7tb av, five three-
story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 19 6x
48, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $11,000;
Marfcin & Lee, 440 Clermont av.
86S—Tbatford av, e s, 50 s Sutter av, one three-
story frame store and dwell'g, 18x36, tin roof;
cost, $2,600; Jos. Morris, Osborn st,
809—Dwigbt st, w s, 80 s Sullivan st, one one¬
story fraine dweU'g, 20x35, tiu roof; cost, $600;
ow'r and b'r, Jost Nilsson, 35 Sullivan st,
870—Bteuben sfc, e s, 65 s Park av, one tbree-
story brk tenem't, 25x40, tin roof, iron cornice;
cost, $5,700; WiUiam ,Plath, 342 Park,av; ar't,
S. Harbison; b'rs, E, Loerchand J. Er WUliams.
871—Reid av, e s, 80 n Hancock st, tbree four-
story brk stores and flats, 19,3x65, tin roofs, iron
cornices; cost, each, $7 500; J. S. Willdridge, ISI
Vermont av; ar't, M. F. Walsh; m'n, notselected;
c'r, day's work.
873—Tompkins av, Nos. 344 and 346, two three-
story brk storesand dwell'gs, 25x75, and 15-foot
extension, tin roofs, irou cornice'; cost, total,
$2.5,000; J. D. Eden, Tompkins av, cor Quincy sfc;
ar't, C. Wemer; b'rs, J. Brown and H, J, Smith.
873—Putnam av, s s, 334 s Heid av, six two¬
story and basement brown stone dweU'gs,
19,5x45, tin roofs and wooden cornices; cost, each,
$4,500; ow'r, ar't and b'r, John J. DeEevere, 749
Jefferson av.
874—Franklin av, No. 176, 200 s Myrtle av,
one one-story brk store, 14x33, gravel roof.'
wooden cornice; cost, $490; Jacob Offerman. on
premises; b'rs. King Bros, and H, J. Smith.
875—Johnson av, n s, 24 w Morgan av, one one¬
story brk and iron grain dryer, 30,5x24,7, brk
roof; cost $1,000; Kings Co. Drying Co,, on
876—Wyona st, w s, 175 s Eastern Parkway,
one two-story frame dwell'g,30x35, tin roof; cost,
$1,800; George Scherer, Cleveland near Liberty
av. ar't, C. Meins; b'r, A. Hensinger,
877—53d st, s S..80 w 4th av. three two-story
basement and cellar frame (brk filled) dwell'gs,
30x40, tin roofs; cost, eacb, $3,000; J. B. McQuil¬
lan. 53d st, near 4th av; ar'ts, H. L. Spicer &
878—Blake av, s s, 100 e Schenck av. one two¬
story frame dweU'g, 81x30 tin roof; cost, $3,300;
George A. Lane, 311 Glenmore av; ar't, C,
879—Van Cott av, s s, 25 w North Henry st,
one three-story frame (brk fliled) tenem't, 25x58,
tinroof; cost, $4,500; Henry Fleehsenhaar, 200
Kentav; ar't, H. VoUweiler; b'r, nofcselecfced.
880—Sfcockholm st. No. 171, ono-and-a-half-
story frame stable, &c,, 25xl5, tm roof; cost,
$75; Henry Schlachter. on premises,
881—Arlington av, n s, 35 w Jerome st, one
two-stiry and attic frame dwell'g, 23 and 18x46,
shingle roof; cost, $4,500; Fred'k D, Hart, Ches¬
nut st, near Fulton; ar't, A. McLean; b'r, A.
883—Hart; st, n s, 50 w Evergreen av, one one¬
story frame shed, 15x45, gravel roof; cosfc, f 100;
F, Gomiiiger, 1052 Broadway, b'r, J. Rueger,
883—Bergen st, s s. 200 w Schenectady av, one
three-story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 20x47, tin
roof; cost, $2,700; Mr, Garvey, Bergen st, near
Schenectady av; c'r, P. Modeste.
8H4—Cook sfc, No, 19, one lour-story frame (brk
fliled) tenem't, 25x58, tin roof; cost, S6,500; ow'r
and b'r, L. Michel. Graham av, near Meserole st;
ar'ts, D. Acker & Son.
885—Moore st. No. 17, one four-story frame
(brk fliled) tenem'fc. 35x60, tiu roof; cost, $6,600; .
ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as last.
886—Varet st. No, 78, one four-story frame (brk
filled) teuem't, 25x60, tin roof; cost, $6,500; ow'r,
ar'fc and b'r, same as last,
887-Thatfordav, e s, 175 n Livonia av, one
two-storv frame dwell'g. lSx33, tin roof; cost,
$1,800; Paulina Hartmann, Watkins st, â–
88S—Reid av, w s, 50 n Macon st, one three-
story brk sfcable, 50x94, gravel roof, wooden cor¬
nice; cost, $18,500; Wm. M. Wilson, 551 Hancock
st; ar't, L, R. Holske.
8S9—Eaoteru Parkway, s e cor Osbom st, one
tbree-story frame store and dwell'g, 80x46, tin
roof; cost, $'i,800; Harris Max, Osborn st.
890—Broadway, es,60 n Greeneav, one oue-
story framestable, 10x13; cost, ^25; W. H. Blakly,
1309 Broadway.
891—Coroelia st, n s, 200 e Broadway, two
fcbree-story frame (brk filled) teuem'ts, 30x50,
tin roof; cost, $3,500; oWr and b'r, Aug, Tode¬
bush, 330 Bleecker sfc; ai't, B. Finkensieper.
893-Market sfc,w s, 103.5 n Record pl, one
two-story frame dwell'g. 31.8 and 30.8x31, wifch L
41,6, fcin roof; cost, $4,300; Rosanna McVine,
2999 Atlanticav; ar't, J. Bruns; b'r, not selected,
893—Morrell st, w s. 75 n Mooie st, one three-
story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 25x56, tin roof;
cost, $5,000; August Fagot, on premises; ar'fc,
T, Engelbardt; b'rs, P. Kunzweiler and C.
894—Belmont av, n s, 60 e Atkins av, two two¬
story frame dweU'gs, 20x311: tin roofs; cost. $4,-
400; ow'r aud c'r, Donald Laing, Atkins sfc, near
Belmont av.
895—Hamburg av, s w cor Madison st, one
three-story fraine (brk flUed) store and tenem't,
38x6'3, lin roof; cost, $5,500; ow'r and b'r, E. F,
Wildner. 119S Madison st; ar't, T. Engelbardt.
896-^Hamburg av.w s, 28 s Madison sfc, four
fcwo-story and basement frame (brk filled) dwell¬
ings, 18x45, tin roofs; cost, each, $2,500; ow'r
aud ar't, same as last; b'r, not selected,
897—3d av, e s, 25 n Carroll st, one three-story
brk store and dwell'g, 28x55, tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, §7,000; Mr. Maher, 3d av, eor Oar-
roll st; J. Piggot; b'r, W. J. Conway.
898—Stockton st, Nos, 39^9,300 e Nostrand av,
oue one-slory brk drying-room, 9x17, tin roof;
cost, $125; Mr, Rivtt, 35 Stockton st; b'r, E. S,
899—North Henry st, Herbert st and Monitor
st, one One-story brk church and chapel esten¬
sion, 88x164, Aki-on fcile roof; cost, $100,000; rec¬
tor. Ef J. McGolrick, 80 Herbert st; ar'fc, T. H.
900—Monitor st, sw cor Herbert st, < ne three-
story and altic rectory, 23,and 27x56, Akron tile
roof; cost, $30,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last.
901—Ralph av, n e cor Decatm- st, one four-
story brk store and tenem't, 23x63, tin roof, iron
cornice; cost, $11,000; ow'r and b'r, Chas. S.
Reynolds, 243 Reid av; ar'ts, A. Hill & Sons.