Augiist 24, 1907
Ne ws
HlngB Ooontr.
GREENPOINT.—A permlt has' been granfced for the erectlon of
the new Greenpoint Savlnga Bank building at Calyer st and Man-
hattan av. The structure is to he classlcal in design and wlU cost
MANHATTAN AV.—Helrale & Huberty, 190 Montague st, have
compieted plans for a 1-sty bank buUdlng to be erected at the
southwest corner o£ Manhattan av and Calyer st, to cost $90,000.
The Greenpoint Savings Bank is the owner.
JAY ST.—John E, Damerel, 291 Claremonfc av, Jersey City, N. J.,
will erect two 5-sty fiata, on Jay st, east side, 105 ft. norfch of
Myrtle av, to oost $60.000. Wm. J. Dilhey, 1 Unlon sq, is making
SEIGEL ST.—Plans have beeu complefced by Raymond F. AI-
mirall, 51 Chambers at, Manhattan, for a 1-sfcy pubiic library, 87,6x
4S ft, £or the City of New York, fco be erected on Selgel efc, south-
west corner of Morrell st, to cost $50,000.
RUTLAND ROAD,—Six 2-sy brick dweUines will he erected on
the south side of Rutland road, 345 ft. west of Rogers av, 20x43
ft„ 1 family each, fcotal cost.'$39,000, E. A. Hartley, 182 RutÄ©and
road, owner. BenJ, Driesler, 13 Willoughby at, architect.
PULTON ST.—A 3-sty brick storage and factory, 40x79 ft,, will
be erected on Pulton st, north side, 40 £t. west o£ Verona pl, to
cost $9,000. H, G, Frelsch, 560 Nostrand av, is owner, and R.
Von Lehn Sons, 1565 New York av, are making plans,
STAGG ST—Shampan & Shampau, 772 Broadway. Brooklyn. are
making plans for a 5-sty hrick store and flat. 25x86,6 £t,, íor
Klipper. Juckholtz & Mandel, 1301 Broadway, to be erecfced on
Sfcagg st. south side, 100 ft. wesfc o£ Graham av, to cost $30,000,
19TH ST.—Contracts have not been let yet on rooflng, plumbing,
trim and mantels, hardware, gas flxturea. plastering, painting, etc.
for two flat houses whieh Architect and Builder Moris Sherwin, 44
Court st, is about to build at lOth st and 7th av. Goat, about $28,-
000. They wiU be built of brick and stone, with composition roof,
hardwood finish, dumbv.'aiters, bathroom and laundry fixtures, etc,
115TH ST.—Two store and flat houses are about to he buílt on
the west side of 115th st, north o£ Mermaid av, £or Jaeob Kulla,
owner. Erom plans by S, MiUman & Son. 1782 Pitkin av. Cost,
PROSPECT PL.—Two dwellings are about to be built on the north
side of Proapect pl, 250 ft. east of Nostrand av, by D. E, Morris,
SOl Prospect pl. A. S, Hedmon, 371 Fulton st, is architecfc, Cost,
aboufc $90,000,
ROCKAWAT AV,—Louis Rosenberg, 188 East New Tork av, who
recently purchased property on the east slde o£ Rockaway av, south
of Dumont av, will improve by the erection o£ flve flats. Max
Hirsch, 177 Moutague st, is architect. Owner will superintend,
CoBt, $50,000.
ROCKAWAY AV.—Plans have been prepared by Danmar & Co., 1
Thatford av, £or a store and flat, to be erected at Rockaway and
Sufcter avs, £or I. Silverman. Cost, $50,000.
Queens Coanty.
LONG BEACH.—Messrs, Seymour and Paul A. Davis, of Atlantic
City. are preparing plans £or the 5-sty, 630x328 £t., marhle, terra
cotta and brick hofcel to be erected at Long Beach for G. J. Waters
at a cost of $l,000,00:.l,
PLANDOME,—Henry S, Kissam, 156 5th av, Manhattan, is re-
ceiving estimates for a 2-sty residence for P. H. Ashmead, at
PÄ©andome, L. I, Pramc, tile work, electric light fixfcures, cabinet
mautel and plumbing. Estimated cost is about $7,000,
Westchester Oonnty.
PLBASANTVILLE.—Bids are wanted by the Board of Water Com-
missioners Aug 26 Eor constructing storage reservoir with earth
dam, masonry core wall, spillway, gate house and pipe conduit.
Engineers, Byrne & Darlĩng, Barrett Bldg., Whlte Plains. W. S.
Moore, village clerk,
PELHAM.—Arthur G, C, Fletoher, No, 1133 Broadway, Manhattan,
is preparing plans for a 2-sty dwelling for Charles Smlth, Pelham.
AIso for a 2-sty dwellins for Dominick Smith, Pelham, N. Y.
RYE.—Henry S. Kisaam, 156 5th av, Manhattan, ia preparlng plans
for a 2-sty residenee for Waidron WiUiams, at Rye, N. Y. Esti-
mated cost Is placed at about $30,0(X),
PLEASANTVILLE.—The Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society,
which îor 27 years has cared for orphans and deserfced children. will
soon abandon its home at Broadway and ISOth sfc, New Tork City,
and through the efforts of Adolph Lewiaohn, who has for several
years been its preaident and the largest contributor fco the fund, the
society will establish a new home at Pleasantville, to cost about
$200,000. In a description furnished by the architecta, Jacobs &
Heidelberg, it is stated that the place "when eorapleted will re-
semhle, as far as possible, a model village, with semi-public build-
ings, place of worship, hospital, gymnasiura, dwelling houses. farms
and al! the interest and activity of normal, healthy couutry life."
There will be accommodations when the buildiÅ©gs are completed £or
about one thousand children.
Nen York State.
ARVERNE, L. I,—The Righfc Rev. Charles McDonnell, hishop of
the diocese of Brooklyn, has purchaaed eleven lota on the west
side of Remington av. at Arverne, from the SomerviIIe Realty
Company, and plans are to be prepared for the erection of a hand-
some church at an early date. No architect yet selected,
SCHENECTADT.—For the construction o£ the new State NormaÄ©
College in this city State Commisaioner o£ Education, Andrew S.
> Draper received a bid of $358,692 Erom A, E. Sfcephena & Co,, of
Binghamton. There were 10 oíher bidders, all o£ whom were in
exceSB of the $361,000 available for the work,
COHOES,—Bids will be received up to Sept. 3 for construcfcing a
sewer in Hart st, trom Main to Congress st, Bids wiU also be re-
ceived for extending the sewer in Rensselaer av to. the Mohawk
SYRACUSE,—Archlmedes Russell la preparing plans to remodel
the old courfc houae for the city o£ Syracuse. The coat Is nlaeed at
ALBANY,—The Albany Brasa & Iron Co,, 172 Broadway, 1b plan-
ning to erect a factory building,—Thomaa Stephens & Sons, 275
Lark st, wlll erect aeveral flat bulIdÍDgs.—The bulldings at 32 and
34 Delaware av will be erected by the P. J, CoUan Âgency, 59
State st, acting for íhe owners.
LANCASTER,—The Sfcate Board oE Health at Albany have ap-
proved the plans of Joos & Gaicheil, Prudential Bldg., Buífalo, íor
a aewerage system and disposal plant.
LITTLE FALLS,—The citizens have voted In Eavor oí Isauing
$10,000 bonds to improve the electric light system.
POUGHKBEPSIE,—For a general contract, bids wlll be received
by Percival M. Lloyd, architect, 39 Market afc, on 8-sty flreproof
apartment houae C'Scott'a Chambers") up to Sept 1, 19()7. Pressed
brick trimmed with limestone and marble, concrete floors and roofs
on steel frame, tile partitions, marble, tile, oak and beech flooring,
marble and ornamental iron stairs, freight, passenger elevatora and
dumbwaiters, plate and art glass, kaiameine doors, plumbing, heat-
ing,. gas and electric lighting, Address Percival M. Lloyd.
NAPANOCH,—The Legislature has authorized construetion of
waíer supply for the Eastern New Tork Reformatory at Napanoch.
Cost, $10,000, Joaeph P. Scott, at Elmira, N. T., is general super-
ALBANY.—Architects FuIIer & Pltcher wUl let contracta in con-
nection with remodellng Ä©he building recently occupied by the Al-
bany Historical and Art Society,—W. E. Drislane Co, wiU remodel
the building at 60 Chapel at, recently purchased.—Albany Steam
Trap Co. will erect a brick shop at 317 North Pearl at.—A new rec-
tory wfll be built hy St. Francis de Sales parish in West Albany.
R, P. Sewell & Sona have the general contract.—P. J. Callan Real
Estate Agency has sold the property at Quall st and Washington
av, and the purchasers will erect two 2-flat houses thereon.—Hazel
Crest Heal Estate Co, will erect severa! houses in Colonie, to be held
as an investment,—Cox Brass Manufacturing Co. wiU erect a brick
addition to its faclory in Van Woert st.—Charlea H. BrowneU wiU
erect a 2-sty frame dwelling at 115 North AUen at.—John Danzo
will erect a l'Á-aty hrick addition to bis house at 16 Van Zandt st.—
James H, Albertson will erect a 3^-sty brick additlon to hls buUd-
ing at 53 South Hawk at,—August Weichman wiU erect a 2-Bty flat
house at 584 Washington av,
SCHENECTADY,—Work haa commenced on the new Jewish Temple
on Nott Terrace. Plans were drawn by Architects Arthur G. Lind-
ley 00.—John Ferguson bas the confcract £or flve new dwellings for
the DeForest-Nicklas Co., along Upper Union av.—C. W. TrumbuU
will build two houses on Bedford road, to cost about $3,000. '
BLLENVILLE.~The Huntoon Co. will erect a large factory.
ROCHESTER.—The Bauseh & Lomb Optical Company haa flted
Plans for an addition to the Eactory in St. Paul st, whlch wIUI cost
HUNTINGTON, L. L—A new high Bchool haa been declded on. No
plans or architeet seiected yet.
New Jersej.
NEWARK.—The Pirst Church Evangelical Asaociation (Lutheran)
has completed plans for a new church to be ereeted at the northwest
corner of Avon av and South 17th st. The amount appropriated ia
$30,000, and it is estimated that the bullding wUl cost $22,000, the
iot $4,000, and the furnishiugs $3,000, approximately. The exterfor
plan was drawn by Francis Avereamp.
MAPLEWOOD.—John E. Annin. real estate broker of 800 Broad
st, Newark. who also has offlces in Asbury Park, has juat consum-
mated the sale o£ the old Pierson farm o£ 36 acres in Maplewood, to
a Brooklyn syndieate, which will develop it.
NEWARK.—Ground has been broken at 263 BelleviUe av for the
erection of a brick apartment house by the Union BuIIding Com-
pany of 15 Clinton st, The plans were drawn by Peter Charles
whose offices are in the Union Building. Bstimated cost $20 (WO —
Plans have heen completed by Nathan Myers, of 238 Washington st
for the erection of a large brick apartment house on tha cor of
Plane and Court sts, The huilding will contain apartmenta for 15
families and cover an area of 65x70 £t. Estimated cost ,$20,000.
JERSEY CITY.—Architecfc ChristÄ©an H. Ziegler Is preparing plans
for Lewis Max, o£ 60 Montgomery st, £or extensive alteratlona to
4 bnck buildings in Greeiie st. The cost is estimated at $10000 —
Dewayne Carr, o£ 13 Bond sfc, has jusfc accepted plans from Architect
George A. Flagg for the erection o£ a 2-£amily frama house on the
westerly side of Garrison av.
NBWARK.—Plana have been completed by Peter Charles, of 15
Clinton st,. for the erectioa o£ a brick apartment house at 1130
North Broad st, which wlll be built by the Union Buildmg Co of
room 217, Union Building, Each fioor wiU be arranged Into 'two
apartments of seven rooms and bath eaoh. The bulldlng will be
^^^structed hy day's work, by the owners, 'and wilĩ cost about
NEWARK,—Plans are in progress in the offlce of P. T. McLagen
at 751 Broad st, for a private residence for Ulysses B Brewster of
4o Fulton st, Newark. It wUI be situated on Mount Prospect'av
near Ballaotine Parkway. No details have been decided upon or
speeificatjons written. The estimated cost is placed at $15,000 The
architect will superintend and award aĩl contracts.
LLEWELLTN PARK,—About $25,000 will be expênded on the erec-
tion o£ a private residenee in Llewellyn Park, West Orange by Al-
fred B. Jenkins, o£ íhe same place, according to plana prep'ared bv
H. W. Wilkinaon, o£ 114 East 28th st, New Tork. The building wiil
be o£ brick and frame construction. 2^-Btys, 30x85 ft. The specifl-
cations call for terra cotta roof, hardwood Interior trim, steam heat
tile bath, oak floora, plate glass, beam ceiling, special mantels and
combination gas and electric flxtures of approved designs. The ma-
sonry and carpenfcry eontracfcs have been awarded to Norman
Thateher, o£ 17 Alden at, Orange, and Adolph Voegel o£ 299 Park
av, West Orange, respectively. '
MONTCLAIR.—E. C. Churehill, of Everybody'a Magazine, 31 Bast
17th sfc, Manhattan. will erect a 2i^-Bfcy reinforced conerete reai-
dence at 99 Central av, Monlelair, according to plans prepared by
Christopher Meyers. of 400 BÄ©oomfleld av, Monfcclalr. The structure
wili he 34x44, ft„ to cost about $12,000.
IRVINGTON,—Six thousand dollars will be expended by Charles L
Steinbrenner, architeet, of IIS Market st. on the erection of a pri-
vate residence for his own use at 24 and 26 Hazelwood av. Irvington,
NEWARK,—Plans of the F. H. Ogden Compauy for the propoaed
reeonstruetion of the Turn Hall have been aecepted. Estimated
cost of work, $45,000.
PATERSON.—Cbairman Kearns, of the BuildÄ©ng Committee, la
securing options on a site £or a new school in the downtown aoc-
(ContlQued oa page 320.)