May 20, 1922
New Jersey
MONTCLAIR, N. J.—Goodwille & Moran. 56
West 45th st, Manhattan, have been retained
to prepare plans for an addition to the parish
house at South Fullerton av and Union st.
Montclair, for St. Luke's Protestant Church,
Rev. Luke M. White, pastor, 75 So. Fullerton
av, Montclair, owner. Cost, $25,000.
EAST ORANGE. N. J.—F. J. Meystre, 84
Washington st, Hoboken, has completed plans
for a 2i/2-sty brick dwelling, 32x33 ft, at 15
Woodlawn av. East Orange, for B. Vezetti, 921
Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken, owner and
builder. Cost, $16,000.
MONTCLAIR, N. J.—Plans have been pre¬
pared privately for three 2VA-sty frame dwell¬
ings, 26x38 ft, on Buckingham rd, Montclair,
for David H. Tichenor, Inc., 800 Broad st, New¬
ark, owner and builder. Cost, $7,000 each.
All items following refer to general
contracts, except those mark©d"sub."
BROOKLYN.—Thos. Drysdale, Inc., 250 Bal¬
tic st, has the general contract for alterations
to the factory at the northeast corner of Bed¬
ford av and DeKalb av, which is to be con¬
verted into a bank, for the Mechanics Bank,
Court and Montague sts, H. M. Denott, presi¬
dent, owner, from plans by Shampan & Sham¬
pan. ,50 Court st, architects. Cost, $15,000.
BROOKLYN.—Caye Construction Co., Inc.,
356 Fulton st, has the general contract for
alterations and an addition to the bank at 205
Montage st for American Trust Co., Harry A.
Kahler, president, 135 Broadway^ Manhattan,
owner, from plans by H. S. Luckman, care of
owner, architect.
FOREST HILLS, L. I.—Chas. Money, Inc..
241 West 36th st, Manhattan, has the general
contract for a 1-sty brick bank building at the
corner ot Austin and Continental avs, Forest
Hills, for Corn Exchange Bank, M. Brown, in
charge, 13 William st, Manhattan, owner, from
plans by Alfred Fellheimer and Stewart Wag¬
ner, 7 East 42d st, Manhattan, architects. Cost,
BROOKLYN—Edmund Broderick, 110 West
40th st, Manhattan, has the general contract
for a 1-sty brick and limestone church, 65x143
ft, in tbe south side of 21st st, 159 ft east of
Sth st, for St. John the Evangelist R. C. Church,
Rev. Thos. S. Dunigg, pastor, 21st st. near Sth
av, owner, from plans by James Martini, 31
Union sq. Manhattan, architect. Cost, $75,000.
MASPETH, L. I.—John J. Beatty. 1469 Dean
st, Brooklyn, has the general contract for a
3y.-sty face brick and stone church, 120x70 ft,
with rectory, 38x30 ft, at Maspeth, for St.
Stanislaus R. C. Church, Rev. Father Jos. A.
Bennett, pastor. Perry av, Maspeth, owner,
from plans by Gustave E. Steinback, 157 West
74th st, Manhattan, architect.
NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y,—Niewenhous Co.,
Inc., Park to Courtlandt avs and 161st st. Man¬
hattan, has the general contract for a i-sty
brick and limestone chapel, S3xll9 ft, at New
Rochelle for College of New Rochelle, Mother
M. Irene, superior, 29 Castle pl. New Rochelle,
owner, from plans by Richard H. Dana, Jr., 3.30
Madison av, Manhattan, architect.
JAMAICA, L. 1.—Moore & Patience, Inc., 103
Park av, Manhattan, have the general contract
for a 1-sty brick and stone church, 100x100 ft.
at the southwest corner of De Graw av and
Victoria st, Jamaica, for Congregation of Vic¬
toria Congregational Church, Rev. Egbert C.
Macklin, pastor, 4 Pette av, Jamaica, owner,
from plans by F. J. Kuchler, 27 Parkview av,
Jamaica, architect. Cost, $23,000.
MANHATTAN.—Chas. Money, 241 West 36th
st, has the general contract for alterations to
the dwelling at 40 East 76th st tor Mrs. Lang-
don Marvin, 48 East 76th st, owner, from plans
by Mott B. Schmidt, 14 East 76th st, architect.
BRONX.—H. H. Vought & Co., Grand Central
Terminal, have the general contract tor a 2-
sty terra cotta dwelling, 30x27 ft, with garage,
at the northwest corner of Davidson av and
IHOth st for Rev. Dr. J. M. Hudson, owner, on
premises, from plans by Jos. W. Billinger. Grand
Central Terminal, architect. Cost, $9,000.
GREAT NECK, L. I.—C. Curtis Woodruff &
Co., 213 10th av, Brooklyn, have the general
contract for a 2V4-sty brick dwelling, 30x48 ft,
at Great Neck for Mrs. M. T. Kelly, Great Neck,
owner, from plans by Rosseter & Muller, 15
West 3Sth st, Manhattan, architects. Heating,
M. J. Casey, Manhattan av. Brooklyn,
WHITE PLAINS, N. J.—Ward Carpenter Co.,
Inc., Grand st. White Plains, has the general
contract for a 2^-sty frame and stucco dwell¬
ing, 23x.36 ft, on Seymour pl, Gednay Farms,
White Plains, for Robt. E. Failey, Greenwich
av. White Plains, owner, from plans by Randall
Henderson, Depot sq. White Plains, architect.
Cost, $14,000.
BLOOMFIELD, N. J.—Chas. Lucas, Broad st,
Bloomfield, has the general contract for a 2V2-
sty frame dwelling, 24x26 ft, on Baldwin pl,
Bloomfield. for P. J. Clark, Baldwin pi, Bloom¬
field, owner, from plans by Fred L. Pierson, 160
Bloomfield av, Bloomfield, architect. Cost,
WOODCLIFF. N. J.—Rudolph J. Varana,
Hudson Heights, has the general contract for a
2Vii-sty hollow tile, kallastone, stucco and
frame dwelling, with garage, at Park av and
Slst st, Woodciiff, for Dr, Fred Spindar, 767
Bergenline av. West New York, owner, from
plans by C. E. Schermerhorn and Watson K.
Phillips 430 Walnut st, Philadelphia, archi¬
tect. Cost, $16,000.
GLEN RIDGE, N. J.—J. S. & L. Carlson Co.,
Walnut st, Montclair, have the general contract
for a 2^-sty frame or hollow tile and stucco
dwelling, "28x40 ft, on Summit av. Glen Ridge,
for W. B. Day, 899 Broad st, Newark, owner,
from plans by Frank Goodwillie, 56 West 43th
st, Manhattan, architect. Cost, $23,000-.$30,000.
Heating, Kelsey Heating Co., 565 Sth av, Man¬
WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.—Wm. Plummer, 246
So. Lexington av. White Plans, has the general
contract for a l-sty brick factory, 32x74 ft, on
Westchester av, near Kensico av. White Plains,
tor Carpenter Ice Cream Co., Realty Bldg.,
Main st. White Plains, owner, from plans by
Frank B, Brown, 6 Grand st. White Plains,
architect. Cost, $15,000.
NEWARK, N. J.—American Concrete Steel
Co., Essex Bldg., Newark, has the general con¬
tract for a 3-sty and basement brick and rein¬
forced concrete factory, 50x92 tt, at 63-73 War¬
ren st, Newark, for Central Electrotype Foundry
Co., Walter C. Jacobus, president, 9 Campbell st,
Newark, owner, from plans by Walter Snyder,
790 Broad st, Newark, engineer. Cost, $100,000.
MANHATTAN.—M. Reid & Co., 116 West
39th st, has the general contract tor alterations
to the 3-sty fireproof club house, 90x167 ft, at
1 too 11 East OOth st for the Metropolitan Club,
Frank K. Sturgis. president, 1 Bast OOth st,
owner, from plans by McKim, Mead & White,
101 Park av, architects. Cost, $26,000.
BROOKLYN.—P. J. Carlin Construction Co.,
room 1951, Grand Central Terminal, Manhattan,
has the general contract for a 4-sty brick and
stone parochial school, 51x6 ft, at Classon av
and Sterling pl for St. Teresa's R. C. Church,
Rev. Father Jos. McNamee, pastor, owner, on
premises, from plans by Robt. J. Reiley, 477
5th av, Manhattan, architect.
BROOKLYN.—Edmund D. Broderick, 110
West 4tnh st, Manhattan, has the general con¬
tract for an addition to the brick school at the
southeast corner of Classon aV and Madison st
for R. C. Church ot the Nativity, Rev. Father
John L. Beiford, pastor, 495 Classon av, owner,
from plans prepared privately. Cost, $30,000.
PORTCHESTER, N. Y.—Triangle Construc¬
tion Co., 57 So. Broadway, Yonkers, has the
general contract for an addition to the 2-sty
and basement brick junior high school at Wash¬
ington Irving Central School. Irving av. Port-
Headquarters for Bnildera for
Kitchen Ranges for Coal or Gas, Standard or
Pipeless Famaces, Heating Boilers, Laundry
Established 88 Tears Telephane: Beekman 2491
Chester, for Board of Education of Union School
District No. 4, De Witt H. Lyon, president. Rye,
owner, from plans by Karl C. Mertz, Port¬
chester, architect. Cost, $120,000. Ventilating,
heating and plumbing, Hauwell & Smithy 46
Broad st, Portchester.
POINT PLEASANT, N. J.—De Riso Bros., 17
Bergenline av. Union Hill, have the general
contract for a 2-sty hollow tile and stucco pub¬
lic high school, 102x108 ft, at the corner ot
Trenton and Forman avs. Point Pleasant, for
Board of Education of Point Pleasant Beach,
Chester W. Clayton, president board ot trus¬
tees. Point Pleasant Beach, owner, from plana
by Clinton B. Cook, .Asbury Park Trust Co.
Bldg., Asbury Park, architect. Cost, $145,000.
BROOKLYN.—Peter Cleary, 115 Marion st,
has the general contract for a 2-sty brick
parochial school at 74th st and 4th av. adjoin¬
ing Church of Our Lady of Angels, tor Our
Lady of Angels Church, Rev. Father M. J.
Flynn, pastor, 74th st and 4th av, owner, from
plans by Robt. J. Reiley, 2 East 41st st, Man¬
hattan, architect.
CLOSTER, N. J.—Equity Construction Co..
Commonwealth Bldg., Trenton, has the general
contract for an addition to a grade school at
Closter for Board ot Education ot Closter,
Clarence A. Clough, president. School Bldg.,
Closter, owner, from plans by P. J. Lauritzen,
158 West 35th st, Manhattan, and Jallade, Lind¬
say & Warren, 129 Lexington av, Manhattan,
architects. Cost, $75,000.
MA.NHATTAN.—Jacob Gescheidt, 142 East
43d st, has the general contract for alterations
to the 2-sty brick garage at 765 1st av for
Jacob Levy & Co., Tom Tomich, president,
owner, on premises, from plans by J. j. Gloster
Co., 110 West 40th st, architect. Cost, $10,000.
MANHATTAN.—Paul Lang, 1664 Park av,
has the general contract for alterations to the
1-sty brick garage. 54x92 ft, at 36-38-40 Beach
st tor estate of Thos. Lenane, Thos^ Lenane,
Jr., 307 West st, owner, from plans by Margon
& Glaser, 2804 3d av, architects. Cost, $15,-
MANHATTAN.—E. E. Paul, 101 Park av, has
the general contract for a 12-sty and basement
brick, steel and concrete store and loft build¬
ing, 100x100 ft, at 56-62 Cooper sq for Carl
Fischer Co.. 48 Cooper sq, owner, from plans
by laglee, Huston & Inglee, 126 East 59th st,
architects. Cost, $600,000. Associate architect,
Wm. R. Benedict, 70 Bast 45th st. Consulting
engineer, Clyde Place, 70 East 45th st.
MANHATTAN.—Lyons Construction Co., 2010
Broadway, has the general contract for a 7-sty
reinforced concrete lott building, 50x9 ft, at 260-
262 West 41st st for P. M. Maresi, 37 Wall st,
owner, from plans by Arthur Barzaghri, 17 East
4Sth st, architect and engineer.
NEWARK, N, J.—Enstice Bros., 40 Clinton st,
Newark, have the general contract for a 2-sty
brick and steel storage and office building, 40x
100 ft, in Johnson st, Newark, for National Lock
Washer Co., 63 Johnson st, Newark, from plana
by Monks & Johnson, 50 East 42d st, Manhattan
and Boston, architect and engineer.
LYNBROOK, L. I.—John McKeefrey, 1416
Broadway, Manhattan, has the general con¬
tract for a 1-sty brick vaudeville and moving
picture theatre, 24x100 ft, with stores, at Five
Corners, Lynbrook. for Lynbrook Theatre Corp.,
W. C. Ryder, Lynbrook, owner, from plans by
Harrison G. Wiseman, 25 West 43d st, Man¬
hattan, architect.
MASPETH, L. I.—Post & McCord, 101 Park
av, Manhattan, have the general contract for a
1-sty brick and concrete sub-station, 100x120
ft, adjoining the railroad station, Maspeth, for
New York. Queens Electric Light & Power Co..
Electric Bldg.. L. I. City, owner, from plana
by W. W. Knowles, Bridge Plaza, L. I. City,
architect. Cost, $50,000.
BROOKLYN.—Gretsch Construction Co.. room
1006, 30 East 42d st, Manhattan, has the gen¬
eral contract for a 3-sty and basement concrete
laundry shed, 100x100 ft, with garage, 45x200
ft, in 23th st, between 4th and Sth avs, for
Holland Laundry Co., 373 President st, owner,
trom plans prepared privately.
Deiser, 601 Eastern parkway, Brooklyn, has
the general contract for a 2-sty and basement
brick and steel bakery, 70x80 ft, at the north¬
west corner of Rawson st and Queens blvd, L. I.
City, for S. li. Thomas. 335 West 20th st. Man¬
hattan, owner, from plans by G. C. Buchten-
kirch, 280 Madison av, Manhattan, architect.
Cost, $30,000.
SUMMIT, N. J.—A. A. Stryker. 24 Franklin
pl. Summit, has the general contract for a 3-sty
and basement hollow tile and stucco home for
children, 06x60 ft, near Kent pi blvd. Summit,
for Summit Home for Children, B. V. Muchman,
member of board. 135 Park av. Summit, owner,
from plans by B. V. White. 29 West 34th st,
Manhattan, architect. Plumbing, M. Chrystal,
:',S7 Springfield av. Summit.
GARWOOD, N. J.—Levering & Garrigues, 552
West 23d st, Manhattan, have the general con¬
tract for three 1-sty brick foundry buildings at
Garwood for National Boiler Co., Garwood,
ownor. from plans by Hooper & Co., 116 Market
st, Newark, architect.