Vol. X. NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1872. No. 229.
Publislied Weekly by
One year, in advance......................$6 00
AM communications should he addressed to
â– 7 AND 9 Warren Strkkt.
No receipt for naouey due the Eeal E.ST.^TE Record
will be acknowledged.unless signed by one of our regular
collectors, Henry d. s.mitii or Thomas F. CumiiNGS.
All bills for collection will be sent from the office on a regu¬
larly printed form.
Note.—The dates 26, 27, 29, 30 and 31, placed before
the liens, are for July. The others are for August.
July and August,
26 Ali,en st,, e. s. (No, 24). Ann
Kiernan agt. — Waring........... $183 00
29 BowEKY, w. s. .(No, 168), bet. Spring
and Broome sts. Max Dittburner
to B. B,-d,uth...................... 19 00
29 Corlears st., bounded bv "Water
st. and East River. Cornel H,
Delamater agt. Walsh Bros........ 1,077 48
29 Columbia st., s, w. cor. Riving-
ton st. (No, 67), Murphy, Nesbit
& Irwin agt. Lewis Buckman...... 1,663 93
1 Fifty-fifth st., s. s. (No. 2.58 W.),
Moseley Iron Bridge and Roof Co.
agt. Sanford & Patchen........... 818 92
1 Fifty-ninth st., n. s. (Nos. 6, 7,14,
15, 16, 17). A, H. Doremus agt.
—, Martin, Jr. & Co, &—,Fernando 631 00
26 Forty-eighth st., n, s, (No. 163
W.) Wm. H, Jenkins agt, Mr. Height 659 00
26 Fifty-seventh st.^ s. s., 80 e. 1st
av., 5 houses. James Fay agt. Mar¬
garet Pur cell..................... 2,100 00
26 Forty-sixth st,, s, s., 65 e. 9th av.,
2 houses. Aug. B, Perrine agt.
Meyer Rosenthal................. 106 00
27 Forty-sixth st., n. s. (No. 543 W,).
J, H. Havens & Son agt. M, Midel-
staedter.......,.................. 33 30
27 Forty-fifth st., s, s, (No. 484 W,).
Dunbar & Jackson agt. Mr. Michels 1,500 00
29 First aY;, n, w, cor, 119Tn st.
John A Mount agt, Chas. Teitjen. 879 17
29 Fifty-sixth st,, s. s. (Nos. 22, 24,
26, 28, and 30, W.), Sebastian
Marschang agt. Tallman Brothers. 31 50
29 Same property. Lolis Dieckmann
agt, same......................... 21 87
29 Same property. William Lipke-
mann agt, same................... 30 62
29 FORTIETIJ ST,, s. s. (No. 321 W.).
John gchreyer agt. Edward and
Mrs. Linnen.,................. 40 00
29 Fourteenth st. (No. 201), x.' w,
cor. 7th av. Murphy & Nesbit
agt, John N. Genin.............. 683 41
30 Forty-fifth st,, s, s,, 325 w. 9th
av, Joseph Wigger agt, Jacob Mi¬
chaels............................ 90 00
30 Forty-first st., s. s,(No,"228"e.')!
on -n -^^^ â– ^®''*^ ^St- Christian Laux... 63 00
rfO Forty-seventh st., s, s, (No, 150
W.), Thonias Little agt. Henry
A. Allen..................... 34 50
31 Forty-sixth ST,, s. s. (No. 212 W.)."
John Durnen & Co, agt. M, C.
OI TT?3'^...............••............ 555 32
61 Houston st,, n, w, cor. . Mercer
St. Mystic Granite Co, agt, —.
Gleason...........,,. .. 193 00
26 Lexington av,, e." V. (Na'sei) "H
QA Tir"^* ^i«™oas agt. Thos. J. McCahilL . 100 00
-^^ox^^^^^J-' s- s- (Nos. 218, 220 &
^^4J). Murphy & Nesbit agt. M.
Rinaldo.,..-----.............. 200 57
30 Ninth av., w, s. (No. 99). Francis
Cook agt. John McUvaine......... 400 00
26 One Hundred and Twenty-eighth
St., s, s., 290 e. 4th av., 4 hs. J, Q,
A. Butler and H, A. Perkins agt.
David Todd, H. P. Hunt, et al..,. 878 50
27 One Hundred and Twenty-sev-
enth St., n. s., 310 w. 5th av., 8 hs.
Charles Welde agt. E. W. Gardiner 2,643 60
27 Same property. Same agt. same. 333 80
30 One Hundred and fifteenth st.,
s. s.,170e. lstav.,2.5x—. Anthony
McOwen agt. Ann H. Marshall.,, 1,000 00
1 One Hundred and Fifteenth st.,
n. s., 300 e. 2d av., 50x100. W. H.
Colwell & Co. agt. M. O'Connor... 3G5 00
31 One Hundred and Twenty-first
St., n. s., 225 w. Av. A (7 houses).
James Carney agt. Charles Decker
and John W. Smith............... 770 00
25 Perry st., n. s. (No. 29). G. W.
Crawford agt. Jacob Demude..... .55 28
26 Same property. Seaman & Gaines
agt. Jacob Demude............... 1,899 14
1 Perry st. (No. 29). A. Howser &
M. D, Clearwater agt, Jacob De-
muth (continuation).............. 409 42
1 Sixty-second st., n. s., about 125
e. Madison av., 75xJ^ block, 4 hs.
John J. Bowes & Bros. agt. James
Thornton & Mr. Steinhart......... 684 56
27 Sixty-sixth st., s. s., 175 w. 1st
av. (6 houses). Smith & Co. agt.
James Crombie...............___ 5,026 73
26 Seventy-sixth st., s. s., 124 e. 3d
av. (7 houses). John Hickey agt.
Metzger & Oppenheim............ 2,400 00
29 Sixty-third st., s, s., 100 w. 1st
av, John Farrell agt. John Glass. 1,018 35
30 Stanton st. (No. 239), s, w, cor.
Willett st. Murphy & Nesbit agt.
John Geis....................... 730 68
31 Same property. Nich. Ernst and
Jacob Stockinger agt. John Geis.. 264 54
26 Thirty eighth st,, s. s. (No.263 W,).
Bell Bros. agt. Philip Hattemer.., 345 00
29 Thirty-eighth st,, s. s. (Nos, 433
& 434 W.), Futh & Hinchman agt,
Joseph Stern and Jacob Metzger,.. 3,050 00
30 Thirty-third st., s, s,, 175 e, 8th
av, Joseph Wigger agt. Philip
Hattemer........................ 275 00
31 Tenth AV., w. s., 50 s. 3.5th st. (3
houses), O'Mara Bros, agt, John
Cody............................. 916 06
29 Varick pl., e, s. (No, 7), John
Miller agt.---------.,............... 409 30
July >
26 Clinton st,, s. w. cor. Sackett st,,
100x100, H. W, Kelly agt. McFar¬
land Paint Co, and J. A, Betts and
E. S. Mills.....................â– ,. $625 00
31 "V^AN Buren ST., n. s., 125 e. Tomp-
Wns av., 77.8x100. M. N, Hartt
and E. N. Wood agt. A, White and
I. S. Brundage and Henry Taylor. 925 00
30 Monroe st., n. s., 204.8 w, Bedford
av., 16.8x90, Jno, MuUin agt,
Margt. J, D.unbar................. 50 00
25 Dekalb av., n, s., 24,1 e, Vander-
bilt av., 80x80, Chas. K White
agt. Thos. H. Vanderhoff and Fran¬
ces Gutterrez..................... 93 00
26 First st,, n, s., 290 e. 6th av,, lOOx
100. Kenyon & Newton agt. Jas. Ir¬
win and John Mueler............. 500 00
31 Liberty av., s. s., 25 e. Snediker
av., 25x100. Jno. Schluchtner agt.
J. Gunser, Jr., and Eliz.'McGuiness 260 00
26 Macomb st., s. s., 250 e. 6th av.,
100x100 (5 houses). Kenyon &
Newton agt. Jas. Irwin and H'y S.
Rappelyea___.................... 2,.500 00
26 First st., n. s., 250 e. 6th av., 100
X—(5 houses). Same agt. the same 3,500 00
31 First st., n. s., 250 e. 6th av., lOOx
200 (10 houses). McKinney & Cas-
sin agt. Jas. Irwin, H. S. Rappel¬
yea aud A. F. Schroeder.......... 1,300 00
29 President st., s. s., 275 e. Hicks
St., 20x100, Walsh & McDermott
agt, Geo. R. Truman............. 900 00
30 ImLAY ST., E. S., BET. EwER AND
Madison sts., 100x80. Wm. Mar¬
tin agt. R. Taylor and A, C, Mur¬
phy and Eagleton Mfg. Co........ 483 98
30 Iml.\y ST., E. s., 75 s. Ewer st., 100
xyO. P. R. Kelly agt. the same.,. 1,449 00
31 Same property. Geo. H, Heath
agt. the same..................... 780 73
31 Van Buren st., n. s.,*125 e. Tomp-
kins av., 78.8x100. Wm. H. Rush-
more & Co. agt. J, S. Brundage, J.
A. White, and Henry Taylor...... 1,849 93
29 Sixth st., s. s., 116.8 e, 6th av.,
40x80. Pat. Bergen agt. F. D. Do¬
remus and J. A. Van Brunt....... 45 00
hi these lists of jxtdgmenis the names alphabetically
arranged, and which are first on each line, are those of
the judgment debtor.
25 Adams, Frank W.—Arthur Lott..-.. $319 70
25 Armour, H. O,—^Michigan Central
R, R,........................... 109 03
25 Alt, Casper—Herman Kamerly...... 64 00
27 Alsfield, Christian—Charles Goodwin 926 90
24 Bemus, M, P.—Nat, Broadway Bank 1,037 .51
24 Bender, H. P.—W. P. Kingman..., 74 65
25 Bowen, Jason M,—O, B. Hinman... 2,888 53
35 Buck, Leander—J. G, Dimond...... 3,738 34
25 Burt, Spencer—C, S, Freely........ 15 16
25 Birk, Matthias—J, J. Hecht........ 409 84
36 Brower, James M,—J, B. Schoon¬
maker........................... 313 95
26 Bedell, Alva A.—John Drohan...... 438 00
26 Bates, Edward M.—Samuel Lyon.., 3,180 31
26 Bohr, George—Richard Hamilton... 1,060 64
37 Babcock, Stephen B,—^Enrique Guti¬
errez............................. 190 34
37 Billich, Frederick—Chas. Goodwin.. 926 90
^^SefjoEn'^'fJ^^-Hopp..... 173 75
30 Bock, —.—^and — Schneider, et aL—
Ad. Gebhard..................... 149 33
30 Bowen, H, C. and Charles—Adolph
Brown........................... 425 83
30 Bnckalew, Edward—Alf. Bennett... 103 73
31 Brauski, Selleg—Morris Meyers..... 93 93
31 Bennett, Alice M.—National Stove
Works........................... 408 14
25 Clarke, Thomas-J. G. Woodward.. 3,000 00
35 Conroy, Michael—J. K Spratt...... 848 06
25 Charles, Robert—F. T. Hopkins.... 34 07
25 Cooper, Henry—A. C. Hodgeman... 27 33
35 Cogan, Thomas—D. E. Donovan.... 533 7S
25 Clark, Matthias—Robert Malcolm... 750 03
25 Coburn, Robert H.—Wm. Gerson... 1,000 36
36 Cole, Charles—Pat. Heam.......... 76 70
39 Case, R. D.—W. B. Daniels........ 159 49
30 Clifford, Bridget—G. A. Haas....... 73 50
30 Cohen, Abraham—Zelic Simon...... 31 39
30 Gambles, Adam—Charles Wills..... 66 85
30 Chamberlain, George. H—John Van
Pelt.............................. 2.59 a5
31 Cnret, —.—Henry Wannemacher___ 267 50
24 Doying, Ira E.—Phinney Ayres..... 284 73
35 Demarest, J. L. and H. O.—^Bank of
Chemung.i....................... 87 57
25 Drought, Isaac—D. M. Kellogg..... 254 38
26 Downing, George R. — John Kelly
(Sheriif)......................... 457 88
26 Doran, —.-------. and McCarthy et al. '
-—E. H- VanBrunt............... 269 07.
36 Davett, James—James McCreery.... 914 96
26 Doran, Thomas—Samuel Lyon...... 3,180 31
26 Dean, H. A.—PhiL Bolander........ 712 04
27 Davis, Ji-rFrank Lazajus. ..•..;..;: 79 48