Vol. XI.
No. 271
Publ'ished Weekly hy
One year, in advance......................%0 00
AU comniunications should be addressed to
AVhiting Buii.t>ing, :i45 and 347 Broadway.
Subscribers will please bear iu mind, that they
should receive the Real Estate Record promptly on
Saturday morning, as every paper is sent to the Post-
offlcc on Friday night before 11 o'clock in order that the
carriers may have it for their first deUvery. The Supcr-
bitcndeut of the newspaper mail expects this, aud
should bc notified immediately through us of any neg¬
lect on the part of carriers.
The many récent extensive conflagrations in this
conntry, involving much loss of life as well as serious
struction of property, has engaged inventive skill in
cflTorts to secure reliable means which would givc in¬
stant alarm on the occasion of a fire. A successful at¬
tempt in this direction seems to have been made by the
" American F-re Détecter Co." No. 3S8 Bowery. Their
Detectoris automatic, its principle of opération depend¬
ing upon the contraction and expansion of métal which
causes it to bc insl-antly aflccted by beat, aud by its con¬
struction gives a conséquent alarm.
AîiiD THE General Dulness in business Messrs.
Allen, Dooley & Henriques, have recently concludcd
some'quite heavy Real Estate transactions. Among
others, was one sale of 105 lots on the east side. The
affable Henriques still attends to the anctioncering busi¬
ness of the firm.
Tlie valuable information furnished in Ihe
Mortf/age Gircular every Wednesday becomes
tlie more valuable as the publication gro^vs
older, and it is simply impossible for those
désirons of being well posted in regard to the
iictual amount of money that financial insli-
tulitms are willing to advance on properly,
real or personal, to get that information out¬
side oî the Mortgage Gircular.
The avidity with which ail our new sub¬
scribers désire to possess the back numbers
shows more than anything the value and im¬
portance of the Mortgage Circular. Only very
few of the first numbers can be had for those
subscribing now, their actual value becoming
greater Avith every "Wednesday issue. No. 10
of the Mortgage Gircular is noA\' out. Sub¬
scription $10 per annum.
Property owners should bear in niind that
under the new charter the Common Council
cannot order the repaving of a street without
having preA'iously obtained a request to.that
effect froni a majority of the property holders
along the street.
It is only Avhen such a request has been re¬
ceived in due form that the ordinance can be
passed, Avhen, as usual, ail thosederiving bene¬
fit from the improYemcnt must pay tlie bills.
Peck & AVandell agt. Julm Purccll ï^ôSl 'Ù2
Bkoadway, e. s. (No.s. 414, 4A{'>, 44y
et 450). The Arcbilectiiral Iron
AVorks agt. Edward Matthews___ 831 ùli
BliOOME ST., X. E. cou. AVoOSTEK ST.
J. J. and C. IM. Bowes agt. Johu
Ptirccll..................."........ y? oy
FiFTY-FOUKTH ST., ^;. S., ilOO W. llTlI
av. J. & R. Darrow agt H. AVin-
gert.............................. 84 'J8
ay. (No. 350 AVest). Myers & Ged¬
ney agt.------..................... l,~m 05
Fifth .vv., îs. w. cor. 5.5th st., SOx
150. AVilIiam Ellingwood agt. J.
Stewart & Son.................... 111 00
Michael Falihee agt. Courtlandt
Palmer........................... 78 00
F01{TY->-INTH ST., N. s. (No. 39 A\^),
504 w. ôth av., S. M. Styles & Son
agt. Jolm Moore......"........... 30,3 4S
LeX1N0T0>- av., s. e. cok. 74TH ST.
(14 hs.) Charles F. Fontbani agt.
C. H. Beman -and Jacob T. Seagrave 1,027 00
MeKCEK ST., N. w. COK. llOUrtTOX
st. (cont'n. to May 22,1874). AA^al-
ter Jones agt. E. F. Gleason...... 10,000 00
Maoisox av., 3S-. Vf. GOK. 58tu st.
Michael Falihee agt.------......... 7'J 00
0>'E Hundked and Tiiirty-fol-rth
st., n. s., 195.0 Vf. oth av. John
McGowan and James Murray agt.
Ayres it Co....................!.. .1.20 00
One Hundked and Twenty-thjki>
st., s. s., 140 w. Cth av. (8 bs.) Rob¬
ert Moores agt. Pliny Fi-eeman___ 94,000 00
One Hundked and Fifty-foi kth
st., s. e. cor. IOth av. Jolm Prcn-
ser agt. Newton.................. 248 00
Seventy Eionra st., s. .s. (no. (iO E.)
Ernest Henscl agt. Henry Lobe ... 65 00
Seventv-fiftu ST., s. .s. (No. 228E.)
Robert Spreaton (ajjciit) agt. ]Mr.
Koch..............r.......':...... 68 00
Seventy-eighth st., s. s. (Nos. 214
and 246 E.) Mattliew Golcn agt.------ 30 00
Sixty-ninth st., s. s., 100 w. 'od av.
J. lV: k. Darrow agt. B. Mnldoon.. 320 45
Seventy-fourth ST., s. s., 75 w. Lex-
higton ay. (8hs.) Leander Stoue
agt. J. T. Scagraves.............. 810 CO
17 Thirteenth st., s. s., 197.10 e. 3d
av., 12.5x100. P. S. Conklin agt.
J. Buchanan..................... 1,190 00
14 Bro.adway (No. 98). E. G. and J.
M. Phelps agt. H. B. Dennis & A.
B. Crowell........................ 95 24
15 Tenth st., n. s., 165.9 w^ 4Tn av.,
140x100. Hobby, Leeds & Co. agt.
F. and P.Hickey and Amos F. Eîio 1,500 00
14 Madison st., n. e. cor. Patchen
av., 80x100. Jas. McKay agt. Pat.
McAuley and Tbos. Fagan........ 232 50
20 Carl st., e. s., 300 n. Myrtle av.,
25x56. Thos. Dobbin agt. estate of
Anthony Johnson aud T. Gay et al. 450 00
19 Atl-antic av., s. s. 75 w. Mcllek
av., 25x100. James Voice as^t. M.
Little, W. Turner, and J. Stell....
17 Concord st., s. s., 120 e. (îold st.
C. H. AVhite agt. Reeve & llallo-
way and Mai-j' A. Mack...........
19 Concord st., s. s. (No. 206), bet.
Gold and Prince. AV. H. Payne agt.
Reeves and HoUoway and EdAvard
43 00
59 50
50 00
14 Macon st., n. s., 2,55 w. Lewis av.,
«OO'xlOO (15 bs.) Tbos. F. Mei-m- -
baum (agent) agt. D. H. Hill and
C. L. Norîh :..................... 3,413 00
16 Evekgjîeenav., w. s., 25 s. Palmet-
to st.; 25x100. E. AVadsworth agt.
Peter Robertson................\. 100 CO
19 GatkV. Av.r N. s. (No. 397), betayeen
Bcdford and Nostrand avs. James
Huiitt-r agt. Anthony P. Eeetze... 226 34
11 Nostrand " av., w. p., between
Président and Montgomery sts.
(King.s,.' Co. Penitentiary.) " Ken-
l'on,^Newton & Scoville a.irt. Lav,-
rence ifennessj', John Guilfoile aud
Kinps Co......................... 285 00
14 Elm s^r., s. s., 50 w. Myktle av.,
25x100. R. (i. it J. M. Phelps agt.
John AA'alsh and H. B. Dennis___ 68 9S
16 Same proferty. John Léonard
agt. saine........................ 73 88
19 ]\1aco.n st., n. s., 200 E. Throof
av., 2()()xl00. Charles Schwenk.
agt, AA'. AV. AVeeks............... 530 00
In, thèse lists nf jttdfjnients the names alphahetically
arranrjed, and ivhich are first on each Une, are those of
the jvd.ffment dehtor.
14 Ashby, Asa A.—Z. AV. Butcher..... -51,040 09
15 Anibcim, Eugène—Robert Adams .. 482 04
19 Abbott, AV. D.—J. E. Jacobs........ 230 32
1,, Aaron, Levi— / r, -r, -\r__ i m-i- oi
1'^ Aaro,,; Edward- , '-• ^' ^^^ore..... 1,106 81
14 Bruce, Jame.s—AV. B. Duncan....... 21,919 03
14 BiUings, Henry E.—Ehsha Bloomer. 125 02
1, Brov.-ne, Elizabeth— / -.Tr -p t>i„. ^- in q-
^^ Browne! Charles- \ ^^ ' "" ' ^^'^"^"^ ^^^ ^'^
15 Bond, John T.-S. C. Herring........ 300 93
15 Butes, AVilliam S. et al.—The Eighth
National Bank........-----___'___ 388 65
15 Barrait, Oliver et al.—Augustus Ta¬
ber............................... 193 68
16 Eosworth; Georii-e—G. AV. Lvon..... 84 .59
16 Bobn, AVilliam É.—AV. R. Fôster.... 3,186 41
16 Ibossaru, Ferdinand ct al.—Henrj''
AVisser........................... 15 34
16 the same--------the same......... l&'i 91
16 Black, James—Daniel Roach........ 109 25
17 Balccr, Charles AV.—John Chqip, Jr.. 340 .53
17 Berustpin, Mori-is—Jocl Feltenstein. 89 .50
17 Bouich, Charles—Andrew Logan___ 95 47
17 Bernard,: A.—John Baron........... 216 89
19 Britton,-AVinchester—C. B. Smith as
admiriistrator..................... 757 94
19 Bruen, J. C.—Eobert Donohue...... 123 77
19 Buro;hardt, C—J. H. ]Monteath..... 145 64
19 Barrow, AV.—L. S. Davidson........ 91 16
20 Buddensick, Charles A.—Petrus Ar¬
naud ..............;.............. 378 10
20 Buckhout, A.—E. C. Bedeau....... 82 02
20 Buss, Frank et al—AV. R. Mitchell... 349 53
20 Bishop, ]Mary—Louis Sanger........ 450 14
20 Betts, John tl.-pAV. A. McClane..... 114 38
,,f, Brand, Juliana-^ \ ç, ,y -d_„„,-i i oIS "9
•-" Brand, Joseph M.— \^' ^^ ' -^rana.. i,y)ih Ji
14 Cronkhite, Marvin S.—Louis Althof. 436 33
15 Champlin, Johu D. et al.—M. L.
Bush............................. 274 61
15 Coughlin, John M.—A. F. Tilden... 569 45
15 Corv.'in, Vy iUiam S. et al.—The Eighth
National Bank.................... 388 65
15 Cox; Heià-y F.—The ^Vest, Bradley
and GaÀy Manuf sj- Co.............. 3,251 73
15 Coman,'%Uin—Z.^'C. Leach........ 149 76
16 Cook,.Chfvrles A.—George Peraalt... 14(i 48
16 Caiîi, Joh^—James McCann......... 777 26
16 Ci-àhdalki'Azer B.—T. AV. Myers .... 359 53
17 CarbinefT. C—J. H. Mortimer..... 206 77
m Cale, Eutus L.—U. G. Paris......... 598 47
20 Cai-dlan James P.—"VV. B, McGuire.. 129 07