Real Estate Record
Vol. XY. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1875. No. 364
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Nos. 345 AND 347 Bsoadwat
""" NEW YOBJg^
Feb. 25, 26, 27, Ifar. 1, 2, 3.
Baxter st. (No. 04), s. w. cor. Franklin st., 2nx
56.10x2.5x54.9, li. & 1. Julia wife of Isaac
Elsbach to Salomon Kalisch. Feb. 26 . .$16,300
Broome st., n. e. cor. Marion st., 2.5.3x71.4x
23.10x65.10. Metha wife of Claus Stelling to
Retina Flock (Extrx.) and George H. Eckhoff
and Albert Hahn (Trustees). (All title.)
March 1.................................18,000
Boulevard (llth av.), n. e. cor. 109th st., )
109th St., n. s., 75 e. Boulevard, 52.8x101.6... j
Charles E. Loew to Joseph Wangler. April
1, 1873..................................70,000
Cedar st. (No. 82), s. s., 21.10x84.9x10.2x23.11
xll.3x63.3. Thomas Smitii (Committee),
Louisa A. Denton, Helen L. wife of Wm. H.
Smith, and W. H. Smith (as Guard.), Geneva,
Ontario Co., N. Y., to John N. Wbiting.
Jan. 20..................................64,500
Curystie St., w. B., 214.8 n. Stanton st., 20x100.
John B. Smith to Herman Wronkow. Feb.
Centre st. (No. 07), n. w. s., 79.10 s. w. Worth.
St., 21.2x—x20.9x—, h. & I. Morgan Jones
to Heni7 McCaddin, Jr. Sept. 28, 1874 .. .7,500
CuATHAM St. (No. 4), and [43 on Chatham st.,
Catharine st. (No. 6) f 34.5 on Catharine
St., X 60 on one side aiid 30 on other side.
Charlotte F. White (widow) to William N.
Seymour, James H. White, and Jonathan E.
Brush, of W. N. Seymour & Co. (Q.C.) (All
title.) March 1..........................2,195
Cedar st., s. s. (No. 82), runs east 21.10 x south
84.9 X west 10.2 x north 23.11 x west 11.3 x
north 63.3. John N. Whiting, East Orange,
N. J., to Equitable Life Assurance Soc. (C.
a. G.)....................................nom.
Chrystie st., e. s., 50 s. Stanton st., 25x100.
Matthew T. Brennan (late Sheriff) to August
and Louis Limbert and William Geisler. (All
right of Lawrence S. Smith.) Feb. 25... .1,000
Chrystie st., s. e. cor. Stanton st., 50x100.
Same to same. (AU right of L. S. Smith.)
(See Stanton st.) Feb. 25................1,500
East Broadway-, s. s., 26.1 e. Rutgers st., 26.1
xlOO. Isaac Elsbach to Morris and Samuel
Goldstein. (See Ludlow st.) Feb. 26.... 28,000
Franklin st., s. s., 39.6 w. Elm st., 19.6x75.4x
19x75.4, h. & 1. Morgan Jones to Henry Mc-
Ca'ddin, Jr., Brooklyn. Sept. 29..........9,000
Grand st. (No. 484), n. e. cor. Willett st., 16x
62, h. & 1. {)4 part.) John J. Herbert to
Sarah Herbert. (C. a. G.) Feb. 25.........100
Greenwich st., e. s., cor. Rector st., 44x28x45x
28. RobertFash,RichmondHilI,L. I., to Ma¬
ria L. and Christopher H. Fash, Jersey City.
(3^ part.) Feb. 26.......................6,500
Same property. Charlotte A. Mathez, Brook¬
lyn, to same parties. {}{ part.) Mar. 1., .6,500
Henrt st., s. s., 295 w. Jackson st., 20x)4
block. John H. Chambers, Newark, to Wil¬
liam L. Shardlow. (Q. C.) Feb. 23......nom.
Henry st., s. s., 215.3 e. Scammel st., 24 x X
block, h. & 1. Bernhard Joachim to Andreas
Buge. (See Houston st.) March 1......23,000
Houston St., s. s., 40. w. Pitt st., 20x50, h. & 1.
Andreas Buge to Anna wife of Bernhard
fjoachim. (See Henry st.) March 1.,,, .15,000
Houston st. (Nos. 191,193, and 195 E.), s. s., 40
e. Orchard st., 60x31.^ John Pyne (Ref.) to
Siraon and Isaac Scheuer. (Partition.) Feb.
Ludlow st. (Nos. 41 and 43), w. «., 25x87.6.
Morris and Samuel Goldstein to Isaac Els¬
bach. (See East Broadway.) Feb. 26... .29,500
Lewis st., e. s., abt. 124.2 n. Houston st., 25x
100. Rose Dwyer to John Lenihen. Feb.
Prince st., n. e. cor. Marion st., 76.11x75.1x73
x75, church. The Shiloh Presbyterian Church
to the Trustees of the Presbytery New York.
Feb. 5..................................6.5,000
Prospect pl., n. e. cor. 42d st., 17.1x58. Mau¬
rice Leyne (Ref.) to Walter L. Cutting (Exr.)
(Foreclos.) Feb. 25......................8,.500
Rivington st., s. s., 25.2 w. Orchard st., 25x50.
Samuel Hirsch to Aloyse Wendling. (Q. C.)
(Error.) Feb. 23.........................nom.
Same property. Mary wife of Aloyse Wendling
to Samuel Hirsch. (Q. C.) (Error.) Feb.
Rivington st. (No. 144), n. s., 22x75. Ann Eliz.
Mott to Richard C. Reynolds. Feb. 24... .2,-500
Stanton st., s. s., near Chrystie st., 25x100, on
Delancey map this lot is on Forsyth st. Mat¬
thew T. Brennan (late Sheriff) to August and
Louis Limbert and William Geisler. (All
right of Lawrence S. Smith.) Feb. 25 ... .1,000
Water st., s. s., extd'g from Pine st. to De-1
peyster st., x 69.3 on Pine st. and 64 on De-
peyster st....................... .........y
Depeyster St. (No. 6), s. w. s., 16.4x36.11x |
Eugene R. Durkee, Babylon, L. I., Zina Case,
Brooklyn, to Charies P. Hatch. Dec. 31..140,000
Same property. Charles P. Hatch to Eugene
R. Durkee, Zina Case, George Crary, and
George H. Burgess, of E. R. Durkee & Co.
Dec. 31................................140,000
2d St., s. s., 308.4 w. 1st av., 16.8x60xl6.9x.57.9,
h. & I. Henry Latham to Henry Latham, Jr.
Feb. 26................ .................nom.
Same property. Henry Latham, Jr., to Eliza C.
3d St., 6. s., 60 e. 2d av., 20x50, h. & 1. Freder¬
ick Bornhagen to Mary wife of Friedrich
Stable. Oct. 8,1874.....................11,000
3d St., s. s., 386.2 w. Av. D, 22.9x105.9, h. & 1.
Conrad Hehner to Michael Metzen, Brooklyn.
March 1.................................22,000
llTH St. (No. 82 W.), s. 8., 278.6 w. 5th av., 21.4
x94.9. James Carson Brevoort to Herman Von
Keller asd Flavins J. Allen. Feb. 19 ... .21,000
17th St., n. s., 132.3 e. Irving pl., 25x92. Wil¬
liam P. Stymus to Isaac Rodman. Feb. 26,12,750
IOth st., s. s., 306 w. Av. D, 40.4x92.3x40.4x92.3,
h. & I. Gabriel J. Wolff to Jacob Waldheim¬
er. (See 78th St.) March 1..............45,000
19th St., s. s., 250.11 w. 7th av., 15.5x92, h. & 1.
Amalia M. C. wife of Frederick W. Persch to
Daniel Scholl. March 1..................13,000
21ST St. (No. 36 W.), s. s., 536.3 w. 5th av., 16.7
x92. Mary M. De Camp to Emma G. Broad.
Feb. 24..............................„. .25,500
24th St., 8. s., 516.6 w. Sth av., 19.5x80, h. & 1.
John Branique to Henry T. Lowndes. (Morts.
.$15,400.) Feb. 22........................exch.
27th St., 8. B.,460 w. 6th av., 20x98.9, h. &1."
Samuel Zeimer to George Herdtfelder. (See
56thst.) Feb. 27........................20,000
29th St., n. s., 185 e. 3d av., 25x98.9. Aron
Frank to Hirsch Frank. (All title.) Mar.l..6,500
29th St., n. 8., 198 w. 9th av., 22x98.9, h. & 1.
Joseph T. Farrington to John C. Johnson.
Feb. 18..................................nom.
Same property. John C. Johnson to Zaehariah
Acker. Feb. 25.........................18,000
31st St. (.No. 12 W.), s. s., 197 w. Sth av., 28x
98.9. Jane N. Anderson, Tallahasse, Fla., to
New York Academy of Medicine. Jan. 21.42,500
32d St., n. 8., 445 w. 5th av., 25x98.9. Hamilton
Odell (Ref.) to William B. Astor, (Foreclos.)
Feb. 24.................................29,000
. 40th St., B. s., 116.8e. 9th av., 16.8x98.9. Thom¬
as Angus to Mary Grant. Feb. 15........9,000
41ST St., n. B., 225 w. 10th av., 25x98.9. Charles
AUaire to William Campbell. Jan. 31.... .6,500
42d St., n. 6., 98 e. 2d av.. 17xl00..5. Newman
Cowen to Robert J. Rosenthal. Feb. 25 .10,750
42d St., s. s., 286.3 e. llth av., 19.7x98.9. Ann
wife of Eraest H. Mears to Matthew J. Cog-
gey. (See 10th av.) Feb. 25............12,000
46th St., n. s., 3.50 w. 9th av., 27.8x90.8x86 to'
Interior gore, 370 w. 9th av. and 2,3.7 n. 46th
St., runs north 76.10 x east 25 x southwest -
80.9 to beginning..........................j
46th St., n.'s., adj. first lot above described, |
Domenico Cella, Boston, Mass., to Alexander
Tormoso. Oct. 26, 1869...................5,000
Same property. Alexander Tormoso to Angela
wife of Domenico Cella, Boston, Mass. (C.
a. G.) Oct. 29,1869......................5,000
47Tn St., s. s., 79 e. 6th av., 19x90, h. & 1.
Charles E. Beebe, Warren G. Brown, and John
B. Norris (Exrs.) to Emily A. Brown. Feb.
48Tn St., n. s., 325 e. 1st av., 50x100.5. ()4 part.)
John C. Wandell to Joshua S. Peck. Feb.
16............ ...........................8,750
51sT St., s. s., 73 e. 1st av., 18xl00..5, h. & L
Fi-ancis Everdell to I-ydla Everdell and Fran¬
ces Adlard. (C. a. G.) Feb. 25..........nom.
51ST St., n. s., 112.9 e. 1st av., 18.9x100.5, h. & 1.
Daniel McKenzie and George W. Ridgley to
Patrick Lavelle. Feb. 25................16,000
51ST St., n. s., 235 e. 8th av., ^^0x100.5, h. & 1.
William H. Demarest to Nathaniel C. Husted.
Feb. 27.................................26,000
52d St., s. s., 260 e. Oth av., 20x100.5, h. & 1.
Oliver H. P. Archer to William B. Asten.
Feb. 1...................................31,000
53d St., n. s., 225 e. Madison av., 20x100.5, h. & L
Sarah V. ^vife of Benjamin C. Thornal to Ed¬
ward M. Voorhees. March 1............33,000
55th St., s. s., 147.6 w. Madison av., 22.6x100.5.
Edward Oppenheimer to Franklin H. Kalb¬
fleisch. Feb. 25.........................45,000
oSth St., n. s., 83 w. 2d av., 17x100.4, h. & 1.
August Hassey to Henry Immen. (See 2d av.)
March 1.................................13,000
.55th St., s. s., 103 w. Madison av., 22x100.5, h.
& 1. (Foreclos.) George S. Sedgwick to
Siegmund J. Bach. March 1............45,000
55th St., n. s., 395 e. 9th av., 1.5x100.5. Joseph
Thompson to Johu H. Odell., Feb. 27 .. .18,500
56th St., 8. s., 90.6 w. Lexington av., 19.6x100.5,
h. & 1. Morgan Jones to Henry McCaddin,
Brooklyn. Sept. 29.....................20,000
56th St., n. s., 692 w. 5th av., 19.4x100.5, h. & 1.
Marv B. Seltzer (widow) to David Hecht.
Feb." 27..................................35,000
56th St., n. s., 2.50 e. 10th av., 125x100.5.
George Herdtfelder to Samuel Zeimer. Feb.
58th St., s. s., 95 w, 3d av., 100x100.5, hs. & Is. "j
58th St., s. s., 195 w. 3d av., 100x100.5, hs. & f
Is. (All)..................................J
Benjamin Shuman to Tobias Kohn, Hartford,
Conn. Feb. 15.....................'...,145,000
58th St., 6. s., 110 e. 4th av., 18x100.5, h. «fe 1.
Terence Farley to Adolph B. Ausbacher.
March 1.................................20,000
71sT St., n. s., 2.51.8 w. 3d av., 16.8x102.2, h. & 1,
Terence Farley to Adolph B. Ausbacher.
March 1.................................18,000
73d St., s. s., 150 w. 3d av., 25x102.2. Isidor
Falk to Sigismund Windt. Feb. 15......16,000
74th St., s. 8., 95 w. Madison av., 22x102.2, h.
& 1. 'William H. Hall to Joseph Seckendor-
fer. March 1..........................,37,405
75th St., n. s., 1586.1st av., 19.1x102.2. George
Coburn, Baltimore, Md., to Mary McCaddin.
Feb. 25........;..........................1,925
75th St., s. s., 100 w. 2d av., 100x103.2. Albert
Beverly to Thomas P. Okie, Jr. (C. a. G.)
Feb. 24..............................___nom.
78th St. (Nos. 235, 237,239, 241,243, and 245 E.),
n. s., 208.2 w. 2d av., 83x102.2. Jacob Wald- .
heimer to Gabriel J. Wolff. (See 10th st.) :,
March 1.................................44,000
80th St., s. s., 125 e. 2d av., 25x100, h. & 1. ■■
William Rau to Sarah Weselman (widow).
Feb; 27................................. .19,000