Vol; XVI.
No. 394.
Published Weekly by
0. W. SWEET...............President akd Tbeasxtber
PRESTON I. SWEET...........Seobetaby.
L. ISRAELS.........................Business Majiageb
ONE YEAR, ill advance....$10 00.
Communications should be addressed to
C. "W. S'WEET,
Nos. 345 AND 347 Bboad-wai,
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a, G. occur, preced¬
ed by the name of the grantee, they mean as follows:
Ist^Q. 0. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e.,
a which all the right, title, and interest of the
grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty.
2d—C. a. G. mean a deed containing Covenant against
Grantor only. In which he covenants that he hatu not
done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬
peached, charged, or incumbered.-
September 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29.
Beaver St., s. s. (No. 44), 18.1x83. William M.
Kingsland (Trustee of Daniel C. Kingsland) to
Thomas McMullen. (^part.) Feb. 1___16,000
Broome St., s. s., 37.6 w. Essex st., 24.6x64.3.
Bertha Koburger to Franz Backhaua. Sept.
Beoomb St., n. s., 100 e. Pitt st., 25x87.6 Ephraim
D. Brown and others (Trustees) to Peter
Noelke. Julyl, 1867>-.....................nom
Clinton St., e. s., 50 s. Madison St., 25x93.7.
OUver J. "WeUs (Ref.) to Eobert L. Belknap.
Sept; 28.....................................8,000
Clinton St., w, s. (No. 23), 100 n. Stanton st., 25x ,
100. Peter Stahl to Dorothea wife of George
Barchfeld. Sept. 21..----:...............29,000
East Broadway, n. s., 125 e. Catharine st., '25x
Division st., s. a., ■'25e. Catharine st., 25x70.4..
Joseph Meeks (Ref.) to John F. Halsey, Tenafly,
N. J. (Foreclos.) Sept. 13................7,500
East Broadwat, s. s., 86.4 e. Gouverneur st.,
21x7x111.2. (Leasehold.) FrankUn R. Barnps
(Admr. Louis Frey) to Arthur McGerald. July
Front st., w. s. (Nos. 262 and 264), 33.3x64. John
S. Young to Joseph Levy. Sept. 28.......30,000
Grand st. (No. 78), n. s., 75 w., Wooster st., 25x
100. Joseph Lindow to Louis Feldman. Sept.
Grand st., s. w. cor. Laurens st., 25x50. (Lease¬
hold.) Laura L. wife of Daniel C. AVariner to
Mary B. Pitts. (1-6 part.)..................1.125
HAMiiiroN St. (No. -28). 25x50. Bridget wife of
Tliomas Connery to Thomas J. Rush. Sept.
Hamilton St., s. s. (No. 30). Charles Gilmore to
AnnM. Powers. Sept. 23..................2,000
Houston st.^ s. w. cor.-Mott st., 50.1x81x50x76.
Charles Brenneman to Christian Brenneman.
Sept. 25..................................30,000
Houston st., s. s., 50.1 w. Mott St., 13.3x82xl4.4x
81. Charles Brenneman to Margaret Leonard.
Sept: 25.................................14.000
HXTDSON St., s. s. (No. 516), 18.6 s. 10th st.,i
21.11X—.................................. '
Hudson St., e. s. (No. 514), 40.5 s. 10th st.,
John Rankin, Jr. (Exr. of John Eankin), to
WilUam H. Crane.- Sept. 1................22,600
3d St. (Nos. 352, 354 and 356 s. w. cor. Manhattan
St., 68.4x62. Same to same. Sept. 1......21,000
Leonard st. (NO; 73), 24.7x100. James H. Smith
to Joseph A. Tucker, Sr.. .nom. and other consid
Same property. Joseph A. Tucker. Sr., to Annie
wife of James H. Smith. -May 4,
nom. andother consid
Mitchell pi., n. s., 18-e. 1st av., 18x80.10.
Henry Vogel to Eebecca Behrman. (Subiect
to Morts, S7,250.) Sept. 23..................nom
Orchard et. (No. 109), bet. Broome ahd-Delabcey
(8t8.',-25x87i6.- • Henry F.'Topping to Eaward-F.
Hassey, Sept. 28.........................25,900
Orchard st., w. s., 125 n. Stanton st., 25x87.6.
EUzabeth wife of Peter Jager to Adolph Jager.
June 4....................................30,000
Same property. Adolph Jager to Peter Jager.
June 1....................................30,000
Sheriff st. (No. 84), e. s., 150.n. Rivingtonst., 25
XlOO. Martin Derx to Manhattan Building and
- Saving Fund Association. July 29..........nom
2d St., s. s., 175 e. Av. B, 25x100. Moritz Koppe
to Joseph BeUesheim. Aug. 19............nom
4th St., s. s., 275 w. 2d av., 25x105.6. EUza Lamb
and others (heirs-at-law of George C. Lamb) to
WilUam Winckel. Aug. 9..................liom
7th St., s. s., 293 e. Av. B, 25x90.10. George S.
Sedgwick (Ref.) to Jonas, Joseph, and Sam¬
uel WeU. (Foreclos.) (Subject to Morts. $7,000.)
Sept. 23....................................6,000
9th St., s. 3., 313 e. Av. B., 20x76. EUas Spingarh
(Assignee) to John M. West. Sept. 20...... .nom
9TH St., n. s., 183 w. Av. C, 60x92.3...........'.. )
Av. B, e. 8., 69.3 n. 9th St., 23x70..............|
Ellen Fagan and Joseph W. Howe (Guard.) to
Mary J. Magnes. (Subject to mort. $6,000.)
July 12...................................;.nom
9th St., s. s., 233 w. Av. C thence w. 110 thence
s. 93.11 thence e. 85 thence s. 5.1 thence e.
about 26.2 thence n. 93.11. Mary A. wife of
Charles A. Magnes and EUen Fagan to Fred¬
erick, Amelia and Julia C. Moore. July 12.. .nom
23d st, s. s., 362 w. 51h av., 65.9x98.9........
34th St., s. s., 100 e. 7th av., 18.6x98.9.......
James slip, No. 16...........................
South st. (No. 189), 45x84.....................J
James Cruikshank (Trustee) to Robert W.
James, Staten Island, {y part.)............nom
Same property. Same to Lydia L. Mason, (y
part.) Sept. 25............................nom
24th St., n. s., 135 e. 6th av., 20x98.9. Frank
Rudd (Ref.) to Benjamin F. Spink. (Subject to
mort. $10,000.).............................5,200
24th St., n. s., 677.6 e. 6th av., 24x98.9. John
Morrissey to Albert Spencer, {y part, also y
part of personal property on premises.)... .40,000
26th St., s. s., 300 w. 9th av., 36.9x98.9. Thomas
Murphy to Patrick Cowen. Sept. 25.........8,260
31ST St., s. s.. 302.6 e. 2d av., 22.6x98.9. Henry
Kreidewolf to Henry Wienand. (Subject to
mort. $8,960.) June 29....................nom
Same property. Henry Wienand to Emma Kreide¬
wolf. July 1..............................nom
36th St., s. 8., 150 e. 3d av., 25x98.9; Charles
Dittberner to Bertha wife of John W. Bink-
mann. Sept; 27..........................15,000
39TH St., n. 8., 225 w. 5th av., 20x98.9. Bradbury
C. Chetwood (Ref.) to WUUam A. DarUng.
AprU 30..................................28,300
39th St., s, 8., 276 w. 10th- av., 25x98.9. Henry ;
Valentine to James WaU. Sept. 1........15,500
Same property. James Wall to Peter Whelehan.
Sept. 24.............. .....:..............15,500
39th St., n. 8., 300 w. 9th av., 25x100. Jacob
David to Fanny wife of Jacob Cohen. Sept.
43d St., s. s., 125 w. 3d av., 25x100.. R. B. GwU-
Um (Ref.) to Catherine F. yrife of Patrick Don¬
ahue. Sept. 24........................... .13,000
45TH St., n. 8., 350 e. 8th av., 20.10x100.5. Anh
Maria EusseU and others (heirs-at-law of Eob¬
ert RusseU) to Joseph Fields. Sept; 23... .30,150
47th St., s. 8., 137.6 e. 7th av., 18.9x100.4. Henry
Hoyt to Annie M. wife of WiUiam Ha;iley___nom
48th St., 8. s., 100 w. 1st av., 25x100.5. Catha¬
rine wife of Patrick Hogan to Thomas Regan.
Aug. 10.....................................9,500
48th St., n. 8., 512 w. Sth av., 25x100.5. (Lease¬
hold.) Harriet W. wife of Charles Berryman
to Harriet wife of Edwin E. Llvermore___32,500
48th st.,-s. s., 778.10 w. 5th av:, 20.10x100.5
Amasa A. Redfield to Luther Redfield. (Lease- ,
51ST St., s. s., 217 e. 1st av., 18x100.5. Austa M.
wife of Mansfield French to Mary E. wife of
Francis B. Asbury. Sept. 1................10,00i0
52d St., s. s., 199 e. 2d av., 19x100.5. Edward T,
Hassey to Benjamin F. Tapping. Sept. 28.. 14,000
53d St., 8. s., 270 w. 2d av., 20x100.5. EmiUe wife
of Moritz Meyer to Marcus Brod. Sept. 25.. 12,000
54th St., s. s., 75 w. 1st av.,- 50x100.5.' John
Thompson to James Thompson. Sept. 27. .34,000
64th St., n. w. cor,- loth'-av., 25.5x75. Henry
WoMelkev to G. Wendolltcr. Juao 1.... .39,000
54th St., s. 8., 117.11 e. Lexington av., 17.10x
100.5. Annie C. wife of WilUam P. Kittredge
to Jacob C. Brautigan. Sept. 11...........16,000
57th .St., n. s., 72 w. Madison av., 23x100.5. Wil¬
Uam C. Lesster to Charles Barlow, Brooklyn.
Sept. 22...................................65,000
59TH .St., s. s., 140 e. 4th av., 25x100.5. .Abraham
Engelhard to James McCoy; Aug; 1;;:;. .44;000
60th St., s. e. cor. 4th av., 20x100.5. Edward D.
Gale (Ref.) to Max Danziger. Sept. 24.... 26,000
62d St., s. s., 80 e. Lexington av., 240x100.5.
Ernest MiUet and others (Exrs. of Henry
Leger) to Augustus F, Holly. June 25___78,600
Same propertv. Augustus F. Holly to Thomas
Gearty. Jiine25..........................78,6 0
74th St., s. s.. 216.e. Sth av., 22x102.2. Charles
H. Spitzner to Paul Tannert................nom
Same property. Paul Tannert to Theresa M, wife
of Charles H. Spitzner. (Subject to Mort.
$20,000.) Sept. 23;;.....;.....;..:..;......nom
75th St., s. s., 260 w. 2d av., 20x102.2. Richard
C. Beamish (Ref.) to Charles Koch.........6,400
Same property; Charles Koch to Theresa Koeh¬
ler. Sept. 22.............................15,a00
75th St., s. s., 220 w. 2d av., 20x102.2. Charles
Koch to Maria Kohler. Sept. 22..........15,000
76THSt.,. s. s., 450. w.. aVr A., 25x102^2. Wil¬
liam Zimmer to WiiUam H. and Henry E.
Burr. Sept. 24........................... .4,200, n.. s., 175.W. nth av., 25x102.2 OU¬
ver R. Steele (Ref.) to Union Dime Savings
Institution. Sept. 24...................... .2,500
lOlST St., n. a., 150 w. 9th av., 24.4x100.11.
WUliam A. Boyd (Ref) to Matilda E. Cod¬
dington. (Foreclos.) Sept. 13.............1,800
114th st, n. s., 172.9 vf. 3d av., 22.3x100.11.
WilUam Schnering to John D. McGowan.
Sept. 23....................................3,500
115th St., 8. s., 144 w. av. A., 25x—............J
3d av., e. 8., ISO n. 87th sfc.. 25x80..............\
Maria wife Samuel P. Simpson to Mary J.
Simpson. Aug. I...........................nom
119th St., n. s.,.190 w. 4rh av. (wid.), 50x100.10.
Mioritz and Emanuel Solomon to Charles Solo¬
mon. Aug. 30..........................___nom
119th St., s. s., 228.e. av. A., 20x100.10. Thomas
H. Landon (Ref.) to New York Life Insurance
Co. Sept. 23................ .....;.......10,900
125th St., n. s., 345.6 w. Oth av., 38.9x99.11. Mary
C. Platt to Joseph I,. Liscomb. Sept. 14.... 11,999
133d si., s. s., 275 e. Sth av., runs s. 52.5 to lands
of Peter Myer X northeast 87.4 to 133d .«t. xwe-st
69.5 (triangle). Samuel Schiffer to Sarah B.
Raynor (Extrx. oP WilUam H. Eaynor). {y
part.) Aug. 18___..........................nom
184th St., n. 8., 100 w. 10th av.-, 100x99.11......)
184th St., 8. 8„ 100 w. 10th av., 200x99.11......)
WilUam A. Juch to Frederick Hauberer. Sept.
Av. A, n. w. cor. 122d St., 25.2x100.
122D St., n. s.. 100 w. Av. A, 25x100.10.
Av. A, w. 8., 100.10 n. 122d St., 25x100..
Eobert S. Belknap to Francis H; Weeks and
Eobert W. De Foi est. June 7.............11,400
Sams property. Francis H. Weeks to Robert L.
BeUsnaD. June 7;................... ... .11,400
Av.A, e."s., 23n. 18th St., 20x64. (Leasehold.)
Mary E. Bauer and Frederick Bauer to George
WiUets. Sept. 20.........................,4,000
Av. A, w. 8., 25 n. 76th St., 50x75. Charles Mc¬
Donald and James.Nunan to Diedrich Dam¬
mann. Sept. 25......^................., .32.000
1st av., w, 8., 124.8 n. Ssfh St., runs n. 25 x west
80 X south 12.2 X west 20 x south 13 x east 100
to 1st av. Fi'ancis O'Hare to Kaspar Eugert.
Aug. 5....................................23,572
1st av.j w. 8., 49.9 u. 21st St., 25x100. (Lease¬
hold;) Theresa Fiegelto Amelia Gi'sky.. .11,500
1st av., e. 8., 80 n. 56th St., 28.-1x94.2x22.6x94.-
(Leasehold.) Samuel-Hirsch to Albert A.
1st av., n. e. cor. 71st st., 102.2x113. WiUiam A.
Juch to Frederick Spicher. Sept. 1.......109,000
2d av., w. s., 83 n. Sth St., 35x120. Adam Weber
to Louis Weber. Sept. 29.................30,200
2d av., w. s., 80.5 n. 51st st., 20x70. John Schap-
part.and JuUus C. Schlachter to. Anna M. wU"e
of .PhUip Bayer.. Sept. 25..,........,....... ...13,500
2p a^.-, n.-fir oor.-67th-s£H 79.12x78. ■ Joaooh Levy
to John S. Qoung. Bopt, 23...........,.., .90,000