Estate Record
Vol. XVII.
No. 415.
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWEET...............President and Tbeasubeb
PEESTON I. SWEET...........Seobetabv.
L. ISEABLS.........................Business Mavageb
ONE YEAR, in advance___$10 00.
Communications should be addressed to
Nos. 345 and 948 Bboadwat
February 17,18, 19, 21, 22, 23.
Broadway, w. s. (lately opened), 390.4 north ol
the southerly line of property formerly of In¬
stitution of the Deaf and Dumb, measured"
along west line of Broadway, runs thence
south at right angles lo that part of west line
of Broadway 57.6 x thence south 16-100 of a
foot X thence north on a line at right angles
with llth av. 101.3 x thence north on a Tine
parallel with llth av. 100 x thence north on a
line at right angles with llth av. 172.6 x thence
north parallel to llthav. 125 x thence north
at right angles to llth av. 192.6 to a point on
llth av. which is 355.7 south of the southerly
line of a street x thence north along east line
of llth av. 374.8 to north line of the Institute
propertjr x thence southeast along said line
308.8 of a foot to west line of Broadway x
thence south along w. s. Broadway to an angle
23.6 X thence stUl along Broadway 549.7 to
beginning; Plots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10,11, 12. 13,
17,18,19 on Map of east part of property of
Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Samuel Cohen
to Samuel bchififer. (Subj. Morts. $58,000.)
Jan. 25...................other consid. and nom
Bboome St., n. w. cor. Mercer st., 25x100. Mar¬
garet widow of William Downs. Jr., Ocean
Point, N. J., to Piatt K. Dickinson et al.
(Exrs. and Trustees.) (Q. C)..............nom
Boulevard, n. w. cor. 84th st., 102.5x173.7x102.2
X165.5. (Foreclos.) John J. Macklin (Bef.) to
Eussell Sage. Oct. 25, 1875............10,000
Boulevard, s. w. cor. 85th st,, 3.02.5x173.7x102.2
X180.10. (Foreclos.) John J. Macklin (Kef.)
to BusseU Sage. Oct. 25,1875.......___10,000
Cannon st. (Nos. 15 and 17), w. s., 100 s. Broome
St., 44x71. Sarah wife of Herman J. Bachran
to Emma M. Bachran. (Subj. Morts. $24,675.)
Feb. 19..................................25,000
Cedar st. (No. 141), n. s, 40.4 e. Washington st.,
29.6x54. (Foreclos.) Frank Eudd (Eef.) to
Charles McManus. Feb. 19................10,100
Same property. Mutual Life Insurance Co, to
Charles McManus___.............".........nom
Cherry .st. (Nos. 401, 403 and 405), s. s., 65x88,
with all machinery, &c. Benjamin Wood to
Matthias M. Dodd, East Orange, N. J. (Subj.
Mort. $16,000)......,.....___............. 22,000
Christopher st., s.s., 177.9 e. Waverly pl., 2lx
60.3x11.6x48.9. Thomas B. Groome, Jersey
City, N..J., to Martha G. wife of Joseph Bres-
len. (Subj. Morts. $3,000.) Feb. 11,
other considl and nom
Chrystie st., w. s,, 150 n. Bayard st., 37.8x100.
Fritz A. Halbe to August Schaffer. (B. and S.)
Feb. 23.-----.............................30,000
Henry st., n. s., 96 e. Scammel st., 24x77.7.
(Foreclos.) John A. Goodlett (Eef.) to Martha
J. Stanisics. . Feb. 10......................9,000
Henry St., n.s.,-ihdett., 24x87.6. Samuel N.
-Zemansky to Noah Mitchell, (impart.) (Subj.
Morts, $6,000.) Feb. 16...................nom
ELingsbridge road, w. s., at intersection of north
boundary of land of S. Knapp, thence rans w.
858.6 X thence north in a straight line 753.7 to
land of Institution for the Blind x thence east
427 to the w. s. of Kingsbriage road x thence
southeast along said road to beginning. (All
right of.) John D. Phillips to Samuel Schiffer
and Samuel Cohen. (Subj. to all incumbrances.)
Dec. 31, 1875..............................nom
Mercer st. (No. 213), w. s., 25x100. George
Hoflinan to Thomas Thacher. (Subj. Morts. â–
$15,000.) Feb. 3..........................27,000
Orchard st., w. s., 105.8 s. Hester st., 24.1x100.
Peter Stadlinger to Hattie Y. Blauvelt, South
Brunswick, N. J. (Subj. Morts. $17,000.) Feb.
Orchard st., s. e. cor. Stanton St., 50x65.6.
Caroline Armstrong to George Herdtfelder.
(Q. C.) Feb. 18,1869......................nom
Sheriff St. (No. 54), e. s., 150 n. Delancey st., 25
XlOO. Nathan Goldschmidt to Henriette Stern¬
berg. (Subj. Morts. $18,000. and interest and
taxes for 1875.) Feb. 21.....'..............19,006
Spring st., n. s., lOl w. Bowery, 25.3x114x25x107.
Henry Biellng to Magdalena Raabe. (Subj.
Morts, $33,000.) Feb. 17...................33,000
Water st. (No. 436), n. s., 25 x y block. Emeline
Mailler (Exti-x. of William M. Mailler) to Wil¬
liam P. Mailler. March 1,1873............10,000
West Washington pl. (No. 56), n. e. s., 322 n. w.
6th av., 22x97, with all lumiture, property and
effects on premises. Silas S. Furbush to Eob-
. ert F. Smith. Feb. 18......................7,500
Same property. Eobert F. Smith to Hemietta H.
wife of Silas S. Furbush. (C. a. G.)........7.500
6th St., n. s., 275 w. Av. A, 25x90,10, Michael
Felsiuffer to William Pelsinger. (Subj. Morts.
$15,000.) Feb. 16........................18,500
9th St., s. s., 152.7 e. 6th av., 16.8x93.11. Mary M.
wife of Nathaniel E. Moseley to Robert A,
Barry. (Subj. Morts. $13,000.) Feb. 21.... 22,000
10th St., p. s.,-118 w. Av. 0, 25x92.3. Gertraud
wife of Peter Adler to Conrad Waldeck. (Subj.
Morts. $6,800.) Feb, 15...................15;500
IOth St., s. s., 225 e. 2d av., 25x92.4. John Heim
to Isaac Hochster. (With gas fixtures and two
mirrors.) (Subj. to Morts. $15,450, and taxes
for 1874 and 1875.) Feb. 17................16,000
12th St., s. s., 175 w. 5th av., 25x100.3. . Emily
Krackowizer (Extrx.), Ossining, N. Y., to Free¬
man Bloodgood. Feb. 15.................18,000
13th St., s. s., 245.6 w. Av. A, 24.3x103.3. Jolin
C. P. Eoemer to Conrad F. Wehmeyer. (Subj.
to Morts. $10,900.) Feb. 8.................18,000
17th St., n. s., 285 e. Oth av.,'25x92. Jane Potter
(widow) to Emily R. M. Hewson. (Subj, Morts.
$17,000.) Feb. 10..........................30,000
21ST St., n. s., 87 w. 9th av., 22x90. George Wad¬
dington (Eef.) to Wm. A. Pond. (Foreclos.)
Feb. 17..................................13,000
22d St., n. s.. IOO e. 9th av., 18.9x98.9. Meyer
Hecht to Samuel Feder. Paterson, N. J. (Subj.
Morts. $9,000.) Feb. 17...................21,000
29th St., s. s., 141.8 w. 4th av., 20.10x98.9. Wm.
Sinclair (Eef.) to Edwin Corning, Haekensack,
N. J. (Foreclos.) Feb. 19................21,100
29tH St., n. s., 144 e. 7th av., runs n. 98.9 x east
28 X north diagonally to a point 111.1 n. 29th st.
X east 25 x south 113.11 to 29th st. x west 65 to
beginning. Jacob Capron to Alien G. New¬
man. Feb. 18...........................nom
30th St., s. s., 65 w. 2d av., 17.6x88.5. (Foreclos.)
Edward D. Gale (Eef.) lo James M. Geery.
Feb. 23................................... 10,200
32d St., s. s., 204.2 w. 6th av., 20.10x98.9. David
Thompson, Newark, N. J., to George W.
Brooks. (Subj. to Mort., taxes, assessments,
&c., amounting to $16,300.) Feb. 14........nom
34th 8t„n. s., 80 e! Lexington av.. 17.6x85, ex¬
cepting strip 10x20 off ofn. w. cor. (With all
furniture, &c.) Kate L. wife of Thomas J. Ir¬
win to John J. Nathans. Feb. 17...........4,000
Same property. Emma C. wife of Henry P. Hen¬
drickson to John J. Nathans. Feb. 17......6,000
39th St., s. s., 303 w. 5th av., 22.98.9. Henrietta
E. wife of James Talcott to John R. Stevens.
Feb. 23...................................32,500
41ST St., s. s., 349 e. 2d av., 16x98.9 Mary F.
wife of Calvin 0. Billings to Mortimer W. BU¬
lings. (Subj, to Mort. $7,000.) Feb, 15......nom
44th St.. n. s., 250 w. 5tli av., 25x100.5. William
Topping to John J. i \ ues, Brooklyn. Dec. 29,
51ST St., n. s., 200 e. J .ii av., 60x100.5. Edmund
Connelly to "The Church of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus." (C: a. G.) Feb. 21...............nom
51S3ist., s. 3.,.500 e-llthav., 25x42.3. Gustav H.
Kissel to James O'Donohue. Dec. 27,1875.. 3,500
52D St., n. s., 439 e. 1st av., runs n. 50 x south¬
east In a straight line to a point 519 e. 1st av.
and 36.10 n. 62d st. x south 36.10 x west 80 to
beginning. De Witt C. GrinneU to Harriet wife
of G. A. Pudickar, L. I. (Subj. to Morts. $20,000
and interest from July 1,1875, and taxes and
assessments $3,118.) Feb. 9..............64,000
55TH St.. n. s.. 100 e. Madison av., 106x100.5.
Silas M, Styles to R. Kelly Stvles. (Q. C.)
Dec. 10,1875...............................nom
Same property. John E. Styles to R. Kelly Styles.
55TH St., n. s., 225 w. 6Mi av., 25x100.5. Terence
Farley to CorneUus Treacy. (Subj. to Morts.
$6,500.) Dec. 1, 1875......"..................nom
58TH St., s. s., 245 e. 6th av., 25x100.5. Louis
Beer to Sigismund Beer. (Subj. to Morts.
$15,000 and'interest, taxes lor 1875 and as¬
sessments.) Jan. 25—...................21,500
59TH St., n. s.. 75 e. 1st av., 25x75.5. Charles Mc¬
Donald and James Nunan to Jamos Williams.
(Subj. to Morts. $9,000.) Feb. 10.......16.500
59th st, U.S., 175 e. 1st av., 25x100.5. Charles
McDonald and James Nunan to Michael Cronin.
(Subj. Morts. $9,000.) Feb. 10............16,500
59th St., s. s.. 320 e. Oth av., 25x100.5. Oscar C.
Ferris et al. (Exrs.) of Thomas T.Ferris to
John M. Pinkney. Feb. 22................14,700
COTHSt., n. s., 125 w. 1st av., 50x100.5. Moritz
Herzberg lo Alfi-ed Bennet. (Subj. to Morts.
$26,500.) Feb. 19.........................43,750
G2d St., n. s., 118 e. 2d av., 16x100.5. Joseph
LIndow 10 Berman Steinberg. Feb, 23.....6,800
62d St., n. s., 159 e. 4th av., 16x69.7x16x68.
Saulsbury L. Bradley to George M. GOl (as
Trustee). Feb. 19....................... .15,000
71st St., n. s., 350 w. 9th av., 20x102.2. Jefferson
W. Southmayd to Harriet B. Croswell, Rahway,
N.J. (Subji Mort. $11,000.) Oct. 26,1875.21,000
71STSt., n. s., 350 w. Oth av., 20x102.2. Harriet
B. CrosweU, Rahway, N. J., to George Ray.
(Subj. Morts. $11,000.) Jan. 19.. .exch. and nom
71st St., n. s., 350 w. 9th av., 20x102.2. George
Ray to Edward Watson. (Subj. Morts. $11,000.)
Jan. 18..........................exch. and nom
75th St., s. s., 100 w. 4th av., 50x102.2. John
BeU to Daniel G. Rollins. (Subj. Morts.
$12,f00.) Jan. 28........................17,000
82D St., n, s., 98 e. Av. A, 20x100.2 Wilhelm
Neuhaus t o Charlotte Ahloers. (Subj. Morts.
$2,210.) Feb. 14.........................3.000
84TH St., n. s., 150 w. 3d av., 72x102.2. John
MitcheU to Emma J. MitcheU. (Q. C.) Feb.
86TH St., n. s., 350 w. 4lh av., 75x100.11. Lewis
M. St. John, East St. Louis, IU., to Louisiana
St. John. Feb. 9..........................12,500
104th St., s. s., 100 w. 2d av., 25x100.11. Jacob
Neubauer to Jacob Hoehn. Dec. 21,1875.. .3,000
104TH St., n. s., 233.4 w. 2d av., 116.8x100.10... (
104th St., n. s., 200 w. 2d av., 16.8x100.10......f
Siegmund T. Meyer to John D. PhUUps. (Subj.
Morts. $54,550, and taxes for 1875.) Dec. 16,
1875.,............................. :.....70,000
104th St., s. s., 180 e. 4th av., 140x100.11. WilUam
H. Gebhard to Ambrose Blake. Feb. 1... .24,500
105th St., s. s., 100 e. 4th av., 150x100.11. Joseph
L. R. Wood to Louisa S. wife of WiUiam H.
Hoover. Nov. 19,1875.................. 32,000
106th St.. s. s.. 70 e. 3d av., 40x59.11. Jeremiah
Pangburn to Emmor K.Adams. (Subj. ^Morts.
$3,000.) {.y part.) Jan. 24................4,000
112th St., n. s., lOOw. 2d av., 20x120x26x136.8.
Catherine wife of John Griffin to Chichester
MiUs, Brooklyn. (Subj. Morts. $2,250.) Feb.
3................................exch. and nom
112th St., n. 8., 120 w. 2d av., runs n. 120 x south¬
west to a point distant 61.-4 n. 112th st. x north¬
west 6.3 X south 66 x east 65 to beginning.
John B. KeUy to Catharine Griffin. (Subj.
Morts. $7,250, and all encumbrances, with in¬
terest.) Feb. 14............. ............nom
122d St., n. s.. 290 e. 4th av., 17.6x100.11. Anna
A. wile of Peter GoiTuan to Robert C. Camp¬
bell. (Morts. $3,700.) Feb. 17.............5,000
123D St., n. s., 200 e. 6th av., 25x100.11. ComeUus
V. Lawrence to John H. Eiker. (Subj. to aU
Morts., taxes and assessments.) Feb 11.
other consid. and nom