Park (also see 4th av), south of 50th st___138, 193,
270, 401.
from 50th to 70th....240.
north of 70th___138, 684, 6,8.5.
Pleasant (also see Av A, from 100th st to Harlem
from 100th to 116th....533, ,533, 738,
from 116t,h to 118th... ..59, 634.
from 130th to l'32d___711.
from 133d to 123d.., .317, 4:55, 471, 53:i
Ridge.... 107.
Riverside, south of S5th st___370, 054.
from 85th to 95th___37, 304, .■i:56.
from 95th to 10.5th... ..5:53, 685,
from 105th to I15th.... 10.
•»,> north of 115th... .37, 336, 654, 711.
Sherman.... 138, .5:5:!.
South 5th, south of Grand st___31.5, 403, 435,471
47-4. 1 > I
from Grand to Broome___315, 471, .500.
from Broome to Bleecker___304, 654.
St. Nicholas, from 130th to 135th st___217, 500,
654, 68.5.
from 125th to l:;0th... .240, 7.38.
from I40th to 145tli... .:504, 4:S5, 654
from 14.5t.h to 150th. ..192, 471, .5:5:5, 738.
north of 150th .. .59, 160, 217, 340.
Vermilyea___87, 336.
West End (also see 11th av)... .435.
1st, south of 5th st___.303.
from 5th to 6th....11, 337, .531, ,5:53, •'570,
from 6th to 7th... .533, 569.
from 7th to Sth... .340, 368, 685.
from 9th to 16th... .37, 4:5.5.
from 16th to 17th....270, :504, .5:5:3.
from 17th to 20th ....11, 304, 500, 711.
from ■30th to 33d.... 136, ri7l, 43?, 5:j:!, 570,
713. '
from 22d to 2.5th.... 166, 217.
from :35th to 27th___471.
from 27th to :Mth___5:;;i, .569, 6.54.
from :50th to :5.5th___240, 598, 711.
from 37th to 4Cth....471.
from 40th to 45th.... 87, 4:55, 711.
from 45th to 47th... .5:53, 638.
from 47th to 49th... .401, 569.
from .50th to .53d... .711, 7:58.
from .3i3d to 60th___1U, :56S.
from 63.1 to 65th___37, 59, 217.
from 67th to 70th... .138, 500.
from 70th to 72a... .11, .59, .533.
from 7-3d to 73d___401, 53.3.
from 7od to 74th___654, 738.
e s, from 74th to 75th___340, 628,
w s, from 74th to 75th... .:!7, 337, 500, 533.
from 7.5th to 76th___:57, 111.
from 76th to SOth___240, 66'9.
from 81st to 83d___166.
e s, from 8:5d to 84th___111, 1:58, 6.54, 711.
w s, from 8:5d to S4th___11.
- from S.5th to S7th... .317, 401.
from 87th to 91st___304, 654.
from 9.5th to 103d___138, 471, 569,
from 102<1 to 107th... .628, 654.
from 110th to 112th.... l:!S.
from 116th to 117th... .340, 368, 435.
e s, from 117th to 11.8th___11, 317.
w s, from 117th to 118th... .37, 59, 598.
from llSth to 131st....166, 5:5:5.
from 123d to 123a___370, 369, 628.
3d, south of 9th st___401, 653.
from 9th t.) 13th___4:55. 471, 500.
from 13th to 14th....5:53.
from 18th to ;30th... .1:58, .337, .53.3.
from 20th to 35th___370, 271, 530.
from 25th to 28th... ..59, ;3(i9.
from 2.8th to 33d___192, 340.
from :53d to :5.3th___5:50, 598, 638.
from :;7th to 40th___317, ;568, 598.
from 40th to 43d... .87, 192, 471.
from 43d to 4.5th___37, 166, 569,
from 4.3th to 47th___193.
from 47th to 48th___471, 500.
from 48th to 49th___654, 711.
from 49th to 50th.... 138, 401.
from .50th to 53d.... 166, :!(;9, 533,
from .5'3d to .5.5th___471, 6.54.
from 58th to 60th.... .39, 5',I8 628.
from 60th to 63d___240.
from 62d to 6.5th___193, 304.
from 65th to 70th___6S5, 738.
e s, from 70th to 71st... .'340, 369.
from 71st to 74th___369, 7:58.
from 76th to 7Sth___.50, 217.
from 78th to 79th___240, :537, 435.
from .80th to 83d... ..368, 711.
frcm 82d to.8.5th... ..87, 111, 193.
from 85th to 91st___00, 500, 569.
from 91st to 95th.... Ill, 340, 533
from 96th to 97th___655.
from '.iSth to 'J9th___37, 87, 13.8,193 217
270, 368. ' . . > ,
from 991 h to 100th___87, 336, 369.
from 100th to 10:5d___471, 711
from 104th to 105th ....111, :!69, 4:55
from 10.5th to 106th... ..5!i, 111, ]:!S, 6.54 738
from 106th to 107th... .:!7, 59, 87, 369.
e s, from 107th to 108th___369, 401
w s, from 107th to 10.8th___11, 4:5.5, ,533
from 108th to 110th... .240, 435, 430, 5:53.
ws, from 110thto 111th.. ..:569
es, from 111th to 113th....Ill, .309, 5.3:5
w s, from 111th to 113th... ..500, 5:5:5, .569
from 113th to 113th___:i69, 638.
from 113th to 114th___.304, 401
from 114th to 115th... .59, 317, 240, 711.
from 115th to X17th.., .369, 654.
froiii 117th to 3IStb,.,.»47,m,7n.
from 12oth to 123d___.5:53, 598, 738.
from 13:Sd to l'34th___6.54.
e s, from 134th to 125th___509.
w s, from l'34th to 135th... .240, 533, 6.54.
north of 12.3lh....ll, 166, 500.
3d south of 9th st___6.34, 6.8,3.
from 11th to 15th___369, 534, 639.
from 1.5th to 18th .. .38, 60, 337, 472
from ISth to 2:5d___.59, 88, 654.
from 26th to 38th.... 87, 340, :537, 685, 738.
from 29th to 33d.. ..S7, 437, .569, 711, 738.
from 3'3d to ;i5th... .138, 304, 4.36, 53:5.
from :5.3th to 38th.... 59, 401, 598.
from 38th to 40th___401, 6.54.
from 43d to 44th___1:58, 166, 7:59,
from 46th to 47th... .569, .59.8.
from 47th to 4Sth___00, 337, 369, 534,
from 48th to 50th... .87, 138, 371,
from.50th to.52d....271.
from 52d to .55th___4:56, .53.3, 570,
from 57th to 60th___.59, 139. I'.t3.
from 60th to 62d___166, 341, 473, 500.
from 63d to 64th___8 8., ;)69, 638.
from (Uth to 6.5th___341, 437. 653.
from 6.3th to 70th___341, 534. 6.54.
from 70th to 7:3d___138, 167, .369.
from 74th to 76th.... Ill, 317, 401, 533, 654,
713. '
from 76th to 78th... ..59, 340, 5:53, 598,
from SOth to 83d___305, 5:3:5.
from 83d to 8:3d... .;3;56, 7:39.
fi-om S:5d to 84th... .59, .398, 655, 739.
from S4th to 85th___.59, 3:36, 7.39.
from 85th to 87th___340, :369, .5:33.
from 87th to 90th... ..598, 654.
from 90th to Hist... .37, ;501.
from 9;st to 93d. ....500, .5:3:3.
from 9;3d to9.3lh....ll, 87, 193, 240, 436.
from 9.5th to 96th... .598, 6.54.
from 97th to 9Sth.... 304, 401, 436, 5:3:5, 638,
from 99th to 100th... .111, 193, 369.
e s, from 100th to 10:3d... ,138, 304, 369, 712,
w s, from 100th to 10:5d... .87, 271, .304, 472.
from 10:3d to 105th... .201, 240, 401.
from 105th to 106th____5119, 62H, 685.
from ICdth to 107th... .533, 028.
from 107th to 108th... .401, ,598.
from lOSth to lOOth....240, 337, 533.
from lliith to 112th....654.
from 113th to 114th... .37, 59, 166, 193, 337,
654,68.5. •
from 1 Uth to 116th.... 1.38.
from l'30th to 125th-... .401, 654, 685.
from 125th to 129th.... 166, 5; 3, 654.
4th, south of 10th st___165, 166.
from 10th to 14th.... IK, 167, 19a, 534.
from 14th to 1 Sth....'3:38.
from 18th to 26th... .30, 401, 4:56, 086.
from :54th to .'iSth___138, 370, 533,
from 38th to 51st.... 192, 369.
from 6'3d to 70th... .59, '340.
from 73d to 75th... .37, 87.
e s, from 78th to 79th___59, 60, 111, 138,337,
.598, 68.5.
from 79th to 87th... .1:38, 436.
from .S7th to 88th___317, 304, 436.
from 8Sth to 90th... .111, 472, 5:33.
from 90th to 91st... .111, 684.
from 91st to 92d... .37, ,5'J, 473, 6,85.
from 92(1 to 100th ...739.
from 100th to 105th... .271, 304, 712.
from 106th to 107th... .216, 3.$6.
from 107th to 109th.... 37, 533, 685, 713,
from 109th to 110th.... 106.
from 116th to 120th... .'340, 472, 500, 568.
from 130th to l'32d... .87, 6.34
from 12:5d to 135tb... ..39, 401, 68-5.
from 12.5th to 127th... .11, HI, 533, .569.
from 138th to 1:30th... ..569.
(also see Park av for 4th av.)
5th, south of 10th st.... 11, 37, 60, 304.
from 10th to 12th.... 87.
from 12th to 14th... .369, .533.
from 14th to 33d....317, 371, 369.
from 2.3d to 28th... .60, 193,
from 28th to 34th.... 337.
from 34th to 37th... .87, 371.
from 37th to 40th... .369, 598, 654.
from 46th to.50th... .88, 437, 685.
from .59th to 63d.... 654.
from 62d to 65th... .4:56, 569.
from 65th to 70th... .369, ri,9, -'1 ^ •'
from 72d to 75th.... 138, 167, 193, 600, ,569.
from 75th to 77th... .'340.
from 77th to SOth... 369, 638, 654.
from SOth to a5th___11, 138.
from 85th to .88th.... 3i59, 401.
from 88th to 100th... .638, 6.54.
from 100th to 115th... .534, 598.
from 115th to 130th.... .568, 638.
from l'30th to 13.5th... .713.
from 135th to 138th.... 138, .337, 4.36.
from 1:50th to 140th.... 111, :536, 569.
0th, south of Sth St... .596, 6'38, 654.
from Sth to 13th... .37, 1.38.
from ISth to 33d ...193, .'570.
from 3:5d to asth... .336, 4:56, 713, 7:39.
from 3lith to 3'.lth... .58, 598.
from 29th to :30th... .315, 62.8.
from SOth to 34th... .167, 469.
from 38th to 4:3d... .317, 500, 533.
from 43d to .50th... .217, 340, 271.
from 50th to 56th... .:504, 336, 739.
from 115th to 117th... ..300.
from 117lh to 130th... .:37, 4:56, .500, 055.
from 120th to l'3:3d... .193, :369, 436.
from l'33d to 134th.... 1:58, 193, 533.
from 131th to 1 '35th.... 638.
from 135th to 138th....193, 340, 369, 50J,
from I30tb to 135th... .37, 138, 193, 304, 500.
north of Vmt ■ .. '"•% W, ^W.
7th, south of 23d st___11, 4-36, 472
from 3:5d to 26th.... 138, 53:5.
from 26th to 31st___340, 712.
from 31st to 34th___138, 215, 472.
from 40th to 50th___371 40I, 436
from.52dto 5:5d....l38.
from .54th to 59th... .472, 500, 655, 739
from 110th to 120th... .112, 1:38.
from l'30th to 12'3d... .472, 500, 598, 628
from 122d to 12.5th___112.
from 127th to 128th... .ir3, 193, :309, 401
from 138th to 130th... .68.5.
from i;30th to 135th.... 167, 304, 401,500 598
north of 1:35th... .166, 472, 685.
Sth, from 14 to 18th sts___369, .5'.'8.
from 18th to 23d... .240, 472.
from 28th to 32d... .436, .501, 533.
from 33d to 34th___4 01, 534.
from 40th to 4.5th___371, .5:34, .598.
from 47th to .50th.... 193, .5'JS.
from .50th to .55th___las, 685.
from .5.5th to .59ih___433, 654.
from 79th to n9th.... 1:58, 739.
from 115th to 13.'d... .436, ,534, 68.5.
e s, from 13-3d to 123d___60, 317, 240,304
369, 4:56, ,5.34. . > , .
from 12:5d to 125th... .;337, 534.
from 136th to 138th___37, 87, 739.
from 128th to 133d... .138, .5:34, 6,55.
from 133d to i:36th... .112, 138, 401,
from 140th to 143d...-.473, 628.
north of 14.5th... .217, 304, 369,
9th, from 18th to '35th st___598, 628.
from 35th to 36th___37, 60, 86, 87,
from 26th to •39th.... 87, 340, 304.
from 29th to 33d... .37, 87.
from 33d to 35th... .6.52, 6.34, 655.
from 35th to 40th... ..501, 534.
from 40th to 43d... .369, 712.
from 4-3d to 45th.... 1:58, 436, 6.5.5.
from 45th to 47th. . .217, 304, 436, 68.5.
from 47th to 4Sth___4:36, .598.
from 48th to 49th. . .:337, .301, 685.
from 49th to .50th.... 138, 713.
from 50th to 55th.... 37, 138, 870, 509
from 55th to 6'3d... .1.38, 473, 6.55.
from 63d to 65th___138, 167, 655.
from 6.5th to 70th___638, 7r3.
from 70th to 72d... ..598, 6.55, 685.
from 73d to 75th... .2:59, 472.
from 75th to SOth___337. 655.
from S.'d to 85th....60, 401, 403, 473, 501.
655, 6,85.
from HOth to 9.5th___598, 62S, 65.5.
from 95th to 97th .. .473, 569, 7;39.
from 97th to 100th... .60, 87, 638, 685,
from 100th U> 10.3d... .337, 534, 713.
from 13.5th to 130th... .217.
north of 140th....37, 167, 335, .598, 739.
(also see St. Nicholas pi for 9th av, from St.
Nicholas av to 155th st.)
10th, south of 20th st___i:>,s, 240.
from •.iOth to 25th.... 87, 193, 570, 680, 739.
from ^35 to 37th....3:57.
from 30th to 32d... .S:!7, 369, .501.
from :52d to :54th... .37. 436, 713.
from 34th to ;56th... .:57, 4:56.
from :)i;th to 39th___37, 401.
from :59th to 4'3d... .598, 7;«l.
from 43d to 44th... .112, 215, 240, 436.
from 44th to 47th....401.
from 47th to 49th... .37,139.192,369,534, 655.
from SOth to 54th___138, 534, 739.
from 56th to 60th... .240, 598.
from 60th to 6'3d... ..37, 86,137, 59,S, 638.
from 6.'d to 6.5th... .37, 138, 6.55.
from 65th to 66th___37, 1■^S.
from 66th to 67th... .11, 340, 271, 712.
from 67th to 70th.... 11, 87,271,337, 369,
from 75th to S5th... .192, 301.
from 95th to 100th... .6'), 501, 534, 655.
from 100th to 103th... .401, 569, ,598.
from 110th to 120th... .369, 6.85, 713.
froml3;thto 140th.. ..401.
from HOth to 14.3th....401, 434, 634,569,
from 1.50th to 1.55th... .436, .534, 028.
from 1.55th to IGOth... .37, 271.
from 170th to 190th___10, 340,
nth, south of 25th st... .138, 167.
from 25th to 33th.... 139, 341.
from 41 st to 44th.... 138, 65.5.
from 46th to .50th.... 685.
from .50th to 54th.... 138, 501, 655.
from 54th to 60th... .5'JS.
from 60th to 70th... .86, 139, 655, 6a5.
from 70th to 75th....87, 217, 434, 436,501,
569, 5'.)8, 6.55.
from 75t,h to SOth.... 113, 369, 473, 638, 655.
from SOth to 90th.... 401, 435, 501, .369.
from 100th to 110th... .337,369, 713.
from 110th to 130th.... 167.
north of i:30th.. ..11, .598.
r3th, south of 40th.... 138, 473.
from 40th to eoth ....337,570.
north of 60th.... 112, 167, 217, 598, 685.
13th.... 138, 598.
Ashland (also see Perry st).
Centre Market.... 539.
City Hall....498. "
Clinton (see Sthst, westol Broadway)... .215, 337,
College....38, 305.
Hall..,, 838,
IrvJDg, south of ITth st.,,, 138, ,5!3f), 710.