Vol. XIL
No. 289
■ Published Weekly by
One year, iu advance......................$6 00
All communications should be addressed to
Whiting Builoing, 315 and 347 Broadwat.
On and after October 1st tlie subscription
price of llie Real Estate Recokd -will be
$8 per 3'ear, payable in advance.
IS Ann ST., s. w. cor. Nassau st.
(Cont'n to Sept. 19, 1874.) Arnet
Seaman agt. J.. G. Bennett........ $88 00
24 Broadway, w. s., 31 s. 53d st.
John Stewart agt. J. H. Goodwin. 11 25
25 Broadway (Nos. 1430 akd 14303^),
e. s. Elias Wasson agt. Cyrus
Clark............................ 284 00
23 CUERRY' ST. (Nos. (39 AND 71), E. S.,
2 houses. Francis McNiit agt.
Charles Kelly..................... 69 00
19 FlFTY-EIGHTU ST., S. S., 325 W. 8tH
av., 8 houses. C. F. Gilman agt.
Isaac Bernheimer................ 33,266 22
19 Forty-second st. .(No. 350 W.), s.
s. Edward Lennen agt. James
Dunseith......................... 350 00
20 FiFTY'-FIRST ST. (NOS. 34 AND 26 W.),
B. s. (Cont'n to Sept. 25, 1874.)
Patrick Sullivan agt. J.. K..Sp.r.att. 2,100 00
22 Fortieth st., s. e. cok. Prospect
pl., 5 houses. Middles eld Marble
Co. agt. W. L. Cutting........... 1,500 00
22 Fortieth st., n. w. cor. Prospect
pl., 2 houses. Middlefield Marble
Co. agt..W. L. Cutting........... 440 00
23 Fiftieth st., n. s., 2 houses, 425 w.
10th av. John Sullivan agt T. E.
Foran...........,................ 500 00
24 Forty-seventh st., s. s., 13 houses,
100 e. Lexington av. Michael
Barry agt. A. 6. Birdsall......... 1,160 00
25: Forty-first st. (Nos. 440, 443, 444,
446, and 448 W.), s. s. (Cont'n to
Oct. 4, 1874.) William Murray
agt.------Williams............... 900 00
25 FoRTY'-FiRST ST. (Nos. 440, 442, 444,
446, and 448 W.), s. s. Haden,
Wilson & Winans agt. Carl Wil-
lielni............................ 540 00
25 FoRTY'-FiRST ST. (Nos. 444, 442, 444,
446, and 448 W.), s. s. (Cont'n to
Oct. 12, 1874.) Eeinbardt 6z, ■
Wunsch agt. William Werner..... 300 00
25 Fiftieth st. (Nos. 404 and 406 W.),
s. s. (Cont'n to Oct. 4, 1874.)
Haden, Wilson & Winans, agt.
MartinKarl.................,..,,,,., 330 00
. 20 Lexington av., s. e. cor. 47th st.,
5 houses on av. ext'dg s. from cor.,
and 12 bouses on st. com. 85 e.
Lexington av., and ext'dg.320 feet.
Albert A. Farnbam agt. Cathaime
A. Birdsall....................... 13,000 00
34 Same property. Michael, Barry
agt. A. B. Birdsall............ ^j.
33 Ninth av. and 53d st., s. e. ooh.
Josepb O'Brien agt. JobnMessei.. * 93 50
Ninth st. (No, 309 £.), n. s.......(
23 Second av.. (Nos.,36.and 28)..... f
Henry C. Myer agt. Frederick
. Jolinson........................... 498 27
One Hundred and Eleventh st., "
n. s., 9 houses, com. 143 w. Av.
A and ext'dg w. 175............
One Hundred and Twelfth st.,
s. s., 9 houses, com. 143 w. Av.
A and ext'dg av. 175............J
Daniel Carroll and Henry Howard
agt. Thomas Mackellar...........
One HuNUftED and Twelfth st., 1
n. s., 6 houses, com. 143 w. Av. |
A.and ext'dg w. 125............(
One Hundred and Thirteenth j"
St., s. s:, 6 bouses, com. 143 w. |
Av. A and ext'dg w. 125........J
Daniel Carroll and Henry Howard
agt. Thomas Mackellar...........
One Hundred and Twenty'-eighth
St. (Nos. 114,116,118, and 120), s.
s., 4 bouses, com. 215 e. 4th av.
and ext'dg 75. Patrick Brennan
agt. Henry P. Hunt et al..........
Pier No. 39 East River, bet. Mar-
ket aud Pike sts. Mary Smith
(Admx.,;&c.) agt. Peter Charles...
Sixty-EiRST st. (No. 131W.), n. s.,
bet. 9th and 10th avs. Bartholo-
mcAV Regan agt. Frank Masigh___
Second av. (Nos. 26 and 28),, e.
s., 3 houses....................
Ninth ST. (No. 309 E.)............
Henry C. Meyer and Frederick R.
Smart agt. Frederick Johnson___
Second av. (Nos. 831, 833, and 835),
w. s., bet. Mth and 45th sts., 3
houses. • W. Morris Hawkins agt.
Henry A. Henken................
Twenty-fifth st. (No. 105 W.), n.
s. Z. Parish Wheeler agt. Kate
Thirty-eighth st. (No. 304 W.), s.
s., bet. 8th and 9th avs. John
Madden agt. Jacob Korn.........
Thirty-ninth st. (No. 438 W.), s.
s. Joseph A. Dunbar aud Spen¬
cer D. Jackson agt. Chas. Becker.
2,300 00
900 00
500 00
1,825 00
39 00
498 27
855 69
374 07
210 00
1,000 00
In these lists of judgments the names alphabetically
arranged, aiid wiiich are first on each line, are thoss oj
the judgment debtor.
17 Ackroyd, Edward—James Wright..
18 Akin, John—J. M. Ransom.........
18 Alberger, M. H.—L. P. Bayne......
19 Ainslie, J ames and Mary—J. L. Car¬
brey .............................
24 Ashman,William T.—R. W. Woodruir
24 Alden, Henry W.—James B. Mackie
24 Ahlstrom, Jasper O. — Robert H.
17 Bacon, Wilbur R.—W. H. Sage.....
17 Baeuerle, Herman and Anna—H. J.
17 Broughton, John R.—J. J. Canlon..
17 Baker, JolmH-.—Garret- Leverson...
18 Braehvogel, Albert aud Alene—Sam¬
uel Keefer....................... 3,170 00
18 Brennan, Matthew T. (Sheriif, &c.)
Gertrude H. Tienieyer............
18 Bough, George—Bernard Goodkind.
18 Bower, Adolph—Phineas Bartlett...
18 Bennett, James G.—H. A. Story___
18 Bougrelle, Leonce—Benjamin Law-
19 Blackweli," Tunis'h.—G.' H." Sharpe'.
19 Barnard, Charles N.—Matthew Low.
20 Bernsdorf, Charles J.—Dudley Kav¬
anagh............................ 330 34
20 Bond, Addison F.—L. P. Bayne..... 1,261 94
......... " " " " 135 77
63 65
167 35
1,961 31
71 26
18 Monroe st.. s. s., 125 w. Tompkins
av., 50x100. Chas. Schwenk agt.
Thomas, Rose, and Sarah J. By-
water and Henry T. McCoun...... %72 88
20 Jefferson st., s. s., near Broad-
way, 80x100, 4 houses. Richard
Tracy agt. Johu Erickson, Charles
Blackmore, and R. Fenier........ 300 00
23 Court st. (No. 237),. e. s., 40.9 s.
Warren st., 2tJx83.8. Chas. H.
White agt. Jacobson & Collins,
and M. G. and W. J. Collins...... 380 00
24 Same property. Phillip Sullivan
agt. same........................ 191 00
17 De Kalb av. (Nos. 868, 870, 873, 874,
and 876), s. s., 375 e. Throop av.,
120x100. Robt. Hell agt. Jas. M.
Ashton and Isaac C. Debevoise ... 490 00
17 Twenty-sixth st., s. s., 25x100.
Starr & Adams agt. Jacob Walters
and John Douglass............... 65 93
18 Eighteenth st., n. s., 46 w. 8th
av., 14x80. Hobby, Leeds & Co.
agt. William Matthews, L. Daiger,
and Eliz. Silby................... 77 13
19 Herkimer st., s. s., 50 e. Uticaav.,
25x92.9. J. T. E. Litchfield agt.
Jno. E. Wood and Francis Feley.. 85 99
23 Jefferson st., s. s., 340 e. Howard
av., 80.6x100. Patrick McDonald
jk agt. Errison & Blackmore and R.
^ J Farrier........................ 217 00
18 Willow^ st. (No. 128). Ferd.
Sehaettler agt. Wm. McNaughton
and Eliz, L. Howe............... 109 50
19 Baltic st., n. s., bet. 4th and 5th
avs. Theo. W. Swimm agt. Steph¬
en Knowlton (agent) and Kitty
McQulssey....................... 73 25
S506 22
862 43
330 86
96 33
609 44
89 58
230 80
324 68
316 82
166 63
1,936 28
134 37
819 03
330 67
637 49
600 61
342 56
1,664 16
20 Blaisdell, Alonzo C—C. H. Fellows,
20 Blunt, Edmund, Jr.—F. W. Devoe..
23 Bosch, A.—Robert Osborne.........
23 Bowen, EdAvard A.^E. M. White...
23 Blackman, Mrs.—John Flanigan ...
23 Barnard, Samuel W. — The Ninth
Nat. Bank of the City of N. Y.... 4,040 97
23 Baker, Josiah H.—Amos. C. Littell. 1,093 80
23 Baldwin, E. J.—Wilham W^ Tupper 195 13
34 Blake, S. D.—Jonas Sonnebom..... 976 53
24 Burns, Laurence—Joshua S. Peck.. 163 71
24 Bagley, Jaines—David D. Bragan... 321 66
24 Burns, Cornelius—A. B. Johnson... 91 38
24 Bellew, F. H. T.—J. N. Galway'.... 80 53
24 Boleslawski, Charles—F. C. Cantine 325 00
Barnard, John T. )
34 Barnard, John T., Jr. V Edwin Bergh 744 19
Barnard, George K. )
34 Bogert, James B.—D. E. Rutherford 308 18
17 Crooks, William B.—H. H. SaAvyer. 80 88
17 Carter, James P.—Barnett Goodkind 327 78
17 Curtis, EdAvard and Frederick—Jo¬
seph Wild........................ 205 93
18 Cohn, Abraham aud Solomon A.—
Nathl. Fisher..................... 1,475 77
18 Cohvell Archibald—J. W. Jones___ 385 05
19 Curtis, Ira—H. Z. Buell...........'. 5,.5.56 91
19 Cuddy, Patrick—J. E. Millard...... .529 75
19 Crook, A. J.—Albert Haug......... 221 02
20 Condit, Israel D.—H. A. Miller..... .523 46
20 Conklin, Robert—J. H. Onderdonk. 104 ,50
20 Condit, EdAvard A.—H. C. Scribner. 172 04
22 Crozier, Archibald H.—J. E. Carey. 149 81
23 Colligau, WiUiam—Mayor, &c., N.5f. 1,066 33
23 Colpe, EdAvard—Marshall Spring ... 86 69
23 Churchill, Aaron—E. J. Woolsey... 393 13
o., Condon, David {.Thomas I anp 76 21
-^ Cunning, Daniel j ^'^^^^^ l.ane... <b 41
24 Crans, Geo. P.—S. P. Tallman...... 74 53
17 Dunn, Thomas-Mary De Peyster... 374 76
17 Donnelly, Terence O. N.—J. E. Hal¬
sey.............................. 373 90
18 De Benton, Mrs. Walter—Daniel
O'SuUivan........................ 184 81
19 Dorr, PhiUp H.—H. M. Patterson... 1,066 48
20 Danenhauer, Frederick—EdAvard
Kirk............................. 244 96
20 Duperott, F.—M. Moran............ 31 06
20 Donohue, Catharine—David Auer-
bach............................. 103 62
23 Dunn, Jolm—David ToiTens........ 419 00