Estate Record
Vol. XY.
No. 359
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWEET............President and Treasurer
PRESTON I. SWEET........Secretary.
One year, in advance...........$10 00
Communications should be addressed to
Nos. 345 and 347 B .ioadwat
Self-binding Covers to hold the Real Estate Record
will be delivered free to any subscriber on receipt of One
Dollar. In order that the flle of numbers for the year
1874 may be made complete, missing numbers can be
supplied at the rate of Twenty-five Cents each.
Thirty Cents each will be paid at this office for No.
313 of the Record.
Probably no material used in the construction of
buildings has, during the past few years, come into such
a general use as the glass tiles used for areas, vaults'
and sky-lights. In many instances, liowever, there
have been continuous complaints of leakages on one
side and of absence of ventilation on the other. By re¬
ferring to another column it will be noticed that the
difficulties attending the use of the old-fashioned tiles
have been entirely overcome, aud that the new firm, do¬
ing business under ;the style of the Humboldt Iron
Works, at 152 Centre Street, have invented, patented,
and introduced into the market a new glass tile which
obviates the possibility of any complaints as above
stated. The tile manufactured by them presents the
novel and ingenious feature that the glass is inserted
and fastened by means of a peculiar clutch or lock—and
thus locked the tile becomes thoroughly watertight, it
being impossible for the water to get through. Again,
in summer time, when the atmospher may be close, or
even suffocating, in the lower basement or front area of
a building, the glass of the tile can be easily removed
in the same manner as it can be replaced at plea.eare,
should any repairs become necessary, which is not very
likely, as the tile is so constructed as to counteract the
breaking of the glass by expansion or contraction of
the plate. Another important feature is that the lens
are made on the most scientific principles, collecting
more light and difi"using it with grea'ter efficiency than
any other lens heretofore in use. The Humboldt Iron
Works deserve great credit for having placed before the
cummunity an article which so thoroughly improves the
material so generally used now in the construction of
store fronts and stables, and which must ultimately rev¬
olutionize that entire branch of the building trade. We
would advise all builders, ironmen, and property own¬
ers to visit the Centre Street establishment above al¬
luded to, where they will find, in addition, quite a num¬
ber of articles that must attract their attention in the
course of business operations.
Jan. 20, 21, 23, 23, 25, 26.
All title to land on block bet. Ays. G and D and
. Oth and 10th sts. of which Wm. A. WsClters
died seized. Joseph M. Walters, Hohokus,
N. J., to Plorence N. and Mary J. Walters.
(Q. C.)
Amity st. (No. 120), b. s., 50 -w. Macdougal st.,
25x100. John C. Jay and Martin Zborowski
(Trustees for Augustus Jay, under will of
Ann Jay) to Augustus Jay, Washington, D.
C. :>Tan. 7-..,.,.,....,..........,....... .nom.
Broad st., n. w. cor. Stone st., 15.11x91.Cx )
EinoE St., w. s., 200 n. Stanton st., 100x100... \
John C. Jay and Martin Zborowski (Exrs
and Trustees of Peter A. Jay) to Augustus
Jay, Washington, D. C. Jan. 7..........nom.
Beekman pl., s. e. cor. 51st st., 20.5x100.
Thomas R. Agnew to M. S. Wofford......30,000
Christophkk St., u. s., ISO 0. 4th st., 23.x:75.
J.acob Story and William Veitch (Exrs. of
Martin H. Keed et al.) to Eleanor Stevenson.
Jan. 23..................................14,000
East Broadway, s. s. (No. 171), 101.5 e. Rut¬
gers St., 26x100. Woit Boroschek and Louis
Lew to Julius and Jetta Rosenberg. Janu¬
ary 21..................................16,000
Essex st., e. s., 75 s. Hester st., 25x50. George
Elder to Harvey B. Ackerman. May 1, lSh?>.
Hudson st., e. s., 34.S s. Thomas st., runs east
69.4 X eastwardly 13.1 to point 4.7 southwest
Thomas st., x northeast 4.7 to Thomas St., x
east 23.4 x southwest 20.4 x west 97.10 to
side Hudson st., x north 25. Erskine M. Rod¬
man, Plainfield, N. J., to Thornton M. liod-
man. Dec.30........................... 1,C00
Ludlow st., e. s. (No. 90), 150 n. Broome st.,
25x87.6. Matthew T. Brennan to ?vlichael C.
Gross. (Sheriff deed.) Jan. 19.........1,2.50
Ludlow st. (Nos. 99 and 101)................ [
Delancey st. (No. 97).......................i
Matthew T. Brennan (SherifE) to Michael C.
Gross. Jan. 19.......................... .2,410
Ridge st., e. s., 94 s. Stanton st., 34x100, h. & 1.
David Weisburger to Charles Liebler. Janu¬
ary 1 ...................................27,000
Stanton st., s. s., 80 e. Norfolk st., 20x.50.
Isaac Netter to August Hartwig. (Morts.
§5,600.) Jan. 5...........................1,000
IOtu St., n. e. cor. Av. A, 24x109.4...........1
IOth st., n. s., 24 e. Av. A, 23.10x109.4.......|
BowEKY (Nos. 91 and 91M), e. s., 25 s. Hester f
St., 25.2x69.9x25.8.M68.il____..............J
Ephraim Toch to Moses Bernard, and Leo¬
pold Toch. Oct. 26,
13TII St., n. s., 88 e. Av. C, 300x103.3.........(
14TU St., s. s., 88 e. Av. C, 300x103.3.........f
Frederick Smyth (Ref.) to William Hastings,
New York. (Foreclos.) Jan. 21........115,.500
Same property. William Hastings to Edward
Freel and John McNamee, Brooklyn. (X
part.) Jan. 21...........................58,438
14th St. (No. .510 E.), s. s., 171 e. Av. A, 25x
103.3. Patrick Byrne to Abrahara SImm.
Jan. 19..................................nom.
14Tn St., s. s., 294 e. 1st av., 25xl37.lx29.10x
153.5. Patrick Byrne to Abraham Heller.
Jan. 19................................. nom.
15th St., s. s., 142 e. Irving pl., 88x84. Abia A.
Selover to William F. Shirley. Jan. 23.. 85,000
17th St., s. s., 363 e. Av. B, 25x92, h. &. 1. Mor¬
ris Altman to Jacob Brunner. (C. a. G.)
Jan. 21..................................3,000
Same property. J acob Brunner to Terence Far¬
ley. Jan. 23...........................23,750
19tu St., n. s., 175 e. 4th av., 50x100.8. (Fore¬
clos.) William Sinclair (Ref.) to James Kin-
sey. Jan. 23.............................8,500
19th St., n. s., 279 w. 2d av., 23x92. Henry Ros¬
enblatt to Theodore Lotze. Dec. 29.....23,2.50
20th St. (No. 329 E.), n. s., 288.11 w. Istav., 15.4
x92, h. & 1. Mary M. wife of Silas F.. Sher¬
wood to Robert Sherwood. Jan. 25.......7,550
23d St. (No. 364 W.), s. s., 52 e. Oth av., 24x74.
Anca Mary wife of George W. Tooker to Mo¬
ses B. Taylor. Jan. 25..................19,050
27th St., n. s., 233.4 e. 2d av., 16.8x98.9, h. & 1.
Abraham Cohn to Emanuel.New..........7,500
27th St., n. s., 150 w. 10th av., 25x98.9. Louis
Stettauer to David Stettauer, Chicago, 111.
Jan. 18..................................12,000
29th St., 8. s., 75 e. 1st av., 2.5x74.1, h. &1.
Michael Murray to David McMullen. Jan.
29th St., s. s., 200 e. Sth av., 25x32.7x25.1x35.4.
George Sehimmel to George Leed. January
30th St., s. s., 170 w. let av., 22.6x08.9, h. & L
Rosalie wife of Isaac Netter t» August Hart¬
wig. (Morts. §12,000.') Jan. 5...........1,000
oOth St. (No. 340 E., or No. 4 Phelps' pl.), s. s.,
147.6 w. 1st av., 22.0x98.9, h. & 1. Joseph
Levy to Jacob Brunner. (C. a. G.) (Morts.
§12,2.50.) Jan. 22.........................3,105
Same proijerty. Jacob Bruncer to Terence
Farley. Jan. 23.........................23,750
35Tn St., n. s., 80 e. 4th av., 25x98.9. Richard
M. Nichols to Emmeline S., Theodore P., Eu¬
phemia A., and Silleck E. Nichols. (C. a. G.)
(1-5 part.) Oct. 21.......................nom.
36tii St., n. s., 250 w. 10th av., 50x98.9. Eichard
Twitchin and James Francis Twitchen to An¬
drew Kiernan and Peter Mathews. January
S.VME property. Jacob Duchardt (sometimes
called Jacob Duckart) to Michael Dooley.
(Q. C.) Jan. 20..........................nom.
SSth st. (No. 228 W.), s. s., 233.4 w. 7th av.. 20.8
x9S.9. (Partition.) Richard M. Harrison
(Ref.) to Alexander Hamilton, Jr., Williara F.
Gary, Jr., New York, and Robert B. Mintum
(Trustees), New Brighton, S. i. Jan. 7 ..18,000
SSth st., s. s., 400 c. 9th av., 25x98.9. Xaver
Junghaus to Anna Brunner (widow). March
Same property. Anna Brunner (widow) to The¬
resa Junghaus. Mar. 17................nom.
39Tn St., s. s., 325 e. 2d av., .50x98.9. Sarah My¬
ers, New Brunswick, to Hannah E. wife of
George B. Stoutenburg, Brooklyn. Decem¬
ber 19....................................50,000
44th St., n. s., 23 w. Madison av., 17.10x85.5, h.
<& 1. William M. Humphrey to Webster Wag¬
ner. Jan. 2............................30,000
45th St., n. s., 100 w. 1st av., 20x100.5. Marie
wife of Frederick W. Weber to Ferdinand
Jung. Jan. 20...........................8,000
47th St., n. s., 175 w. 1st av., 25xl00.i5. (Fore¬
clos.) Stephen J. Bidlack (Ref.) to Daniel
Schnabel. Jan. 21.......................l 925
49Tn St., n. s., 125 e. 7th av., 20.10x100.5, h. & I.
Justinian Hartley to Edward C. Boardman.
(Morts. $8,.500.) Dec. 23.................nom.
Same property. Edward G. Boardman to Ellen
M. wife of Justinian Hartley. (G. a. G.)
(Mort. S8,.500.) Dec. 24..................nom.
5lST St., s. s., 868.9 e. 2d av., 18.9x100.5. Mary
M. -wife of Thomas T. Farrington, Newburgh,
to Anna H. wife of William vVardrop. (C. a.
G.) Jan. 12, 1872....................... .nom.
52n St., s. s., 94 e. 1st av., 37.6x100.5, h. & 1.
William A. Juch to Leopold Wertheimer.
Jan. 20.................................. 33,000
53d St., n. s., 109.8, w. Broadway, 25x100.5, h.
& 1. J. Mansfield Diivies to Charles Davies,
Fishkill, N. Y. (C. a. G.) July 2.......16,000
53d St.. n. s., 450 av. 10th av., 25x44.10x25x41.4.
(Foreclos.) William G. Traphagen (Ref.) to
Nathaniel Jarvis, Jr. (Guard.) Jan. 25 ...1,900
56th St., u. s., 150 w. Oth av., runs north 100.10
X west 175 x south 53.2 x northeast 25.2 x
south 50.8 to north side .56th st., x east alqng
SOth St. 1.50. Sigismund Kaufman, Brooklyn,
and Adolph B. Ansbacher, New York, to Ter¬
ence Farley. Jan. 14.................. .106,000
56th %t., n. s., 200 w. 10th av., 50x100........ )
57th St., s. s., 1.50 w. 10th av., 12.5x100.......f
Catharine Schaefer (widow) to Martin Schwa-
ner (Exr. of Christian Schaefer). (Release
Same property. Bernhard G. Amend to Martin
Schwaner and Paul Amend. Dee. 14.. .110,000
56th St., s. s., 166 e. Madison av., 80x100.5.
Cornelius O'Reilly to Patrick Fox.' Decem¬
ber 31.....................â– ....;........ .47,775
57th St., s. s., 90 w. Lexington av-, 225x100.5,
hs. & Is. Leopold Beringer and Ahdres Dold
to Thomas Bruns and John D. Taylor. " (See
60th St.) Jan. 20......................-.139,500
60th St., s. 8., 352.7.w. 2d av., 19.2x100.5, h. & 1.
John D. Taylor and Thomas Bruus to A"ndre8
Dold and Leopold Beringer. Jan. 18 .... 19,000
60th St., s. s., 371.10 AV. 2d av., 19.2x100.5,,h.
& 1. John D. Taylor and Thonaaa Bruns to
Andres Dold aud Leopold Beringer. Jan.
18,.......................,.......,.,... ,1,9,000