January 2,1886
The Record and Guide.
25x66, tin roof; cost, $13,000; Henry Neus, 404
East 114th st; ar't, Adam Munch, Plan 1834.
75th st, n 8, 60 w 1st av, one-story brick store,
tin roof; cost, $1,800; Max Danziger, lie 79th st;
ar't, J, C, Burne; b'r, not selected. Flan 1839.
120th st, n s, 140 e 4th av, five-story brick tenem't
with stores, 25x60, tin roof; cost, $12,000; Anson
G, Shipman, 221 e 123d st; art's, Cleverdon &
Putzel. Plan 1840.
1st av, s e cor 73d st, five-story brick tenement
^^ ith store, 25x84, with one story extension, 4x
25, tin roof; cost, $2.t,000; Ann Mulholland, 324
E. 81st st; ar't, J. C, Burne; b'r not selected.
Plan 1836.
lat av, e s, 25 s 73d st, five-story brick tene¬
ment with store, 25x64, tin roof; 'cost, $13,000;
ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 1837,
73d st, s s, 88 e 1st av, five-story brick tenement,
25x41, tin roof; cost, $11,000; ow'r and ar't, same
as last. Plan 1838,
8th avenue,
63d st, s s, 200 w 9th av, eight five-story brick
(stone front) tenem'ts, 25x84 and 25x88, tin roofs;
cost, each, $20,000; ow'rs and b'rs, Gillie, Walker
& Lawson, 519 West 104th st; ar't, M, V, B,
Ferdon, Plan 1827.
9th av, n e cor 105th st, five-story brick flat
with store, 25.3x75, tin and plastic slate roofing;
cost, $18,000; Oscar C, Ferris, 131st st and 8ih av;
ar't, Andrew Spence, Plan 1826,
110th and 125th streets, between 5th and
8th avenues,
120th, s s, 290 w 7th av, one-story frame glazed
green-houses, 75x200; cost, $5,500; Chas. Am-
niann, 268 W, 131st st; ar't, T, E, Thomson.
Plan 1841,
130th st, s s, 365 w 7th av, three-story brick
stable and carriage house, 25x90, tin or gravel
roof; cost, $.5,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last.
Plan 1842,
north of 125th street,
12Sth st, n s. 200 e 10th av, onestory frame
temporary shed, 170x100; cost, $1,000: D. G.
Yuengling:, 128th st aud 10th av; b'r, J, Weber.
Flan 1817.
150th st, s s, 80 e Iflth av, ten two-and-a-half
and three aud-a-half story frame dwell'gs, 17x
45.6, .shingleroofs; cost, each, $2,500; Johu Strai-
ton, 131 East SOth st; ar't, J, H. Duncan, Plan
152d st, n s, 650 w Ilth av, three-story brick
tenem't, 25x50, tin roof; cost, abt $4,500; Charles
A, Briggs, ri2d st. North River; ar't, Henry
Fouchaux. Plan 1830,
10th av, e s, 100 n 162d st, three-sstory brick
store and tenem't, 22x60, tin roof; cost, $6,000;
James Knowles, 161st sfc and 10th av; ar't, J. C
Kerby. Plan 1824.
23d and 24th wards.
Warren st, n s, 146 e Worth av, two story frame
dwell'g, 20x30, with extension, 13x14, tin roof;
cost, $2,500; Ladger Chartrand, 175th sfc, near
Brook av; ar't, J. C, Kerby. Plan 18-.'3.
184th st, n e cor Bainbridge av, two-story frame
dwell'g, 20.6x34.6, shingle roof; cost, $3,200; Mrs.
Ida Morris, 1243 Washington av: ar't, T. W
Rnigi-ose; b'r, not selected. Plan 1819,
Mosholu av, n s, 5o0 w Albany road, one-story
frame stable, 24x19, tin roof; cost,------• T & W,
T}!^^^ ^ ^°-' i^verdale; b'r, F. H. Thorn, Plan
Tremont av, s s, 250 w Morris av, two-story
frame dweU'g, 22.6x44, rear 27, shingle roof; co?t,
$2,500; John H. Clements, 72 East 112th st; ar't.
J. E. Kerby. Plan 1823. '
Washington av, w s, 210 s 172d st, two two-story
frame dweU'gs, 17 and 20x4-3.6. tin roofs; cost,
each, $2,500; George W. Hals«^y, 223 North 3d av;
ar't, R. E, Rogers. Plan 1835,
Flan 1921—Ralph av, w s, 50 n Chaimcey st,
one one-story frame shop, 12.6x25, felt roof; cost,
$50; ow'rs and b'rs, Ames & Waldron, 229
Howard av,
1922—Howard av, e s, 45 n Sumpter st, three
two-story frame (brick filled) dwell'gs, 18.4x34, tin
roof; cost each, $1,400; J. Peper; b'r, E, Sutter-
bn; ar't, P. W. J&aes.
1923—Dean st, s s, 100 e Rockaway av, one three-
story frame (brick filled) dwell'g, 18x34, tin roof •
cost, $1,500; L, P, Gibbs, 443 Marcy av; art', R,
Dixon; b'r, A, J, Gibbs,
1924—Union st, n s, 292 w 5th av, two two and
a-half-story and basement, terra cotta and brick
dwell'gs, 12.6x45, tin roofs and iron cornices; cost
each, $5,500; Mrs, B. Mejrers, 210 Pacific st; ar't,
W, M. Coots; m'n, M, Meyers; c'r, day's work,
1925—9th st, n e cor Gowanus Canal, one one¬
story frame shed, 60x13.5, iron sheathing and
gravel roof; cost, $6,500; New York Tartar Co, on
premises; b'r, B, Gallagher.
1926—Sumpter st, No. 234, s s 375 e Saratoga
av, one two-story frame shop, 25x25, tin roof:
cost, $400; ow'r and bV, John O'Hara, on
premises; ar't, A. V. Porter,
1927—Evergreen av, e s, 40 n Jacob st, one two-
story frame dwell'g, 20x32, and two-story exten¬
sion, 10x15, tin roof; cost, $1,700; William H.
Bishop, 397 Central av; ar't and b'r, John
1928—Halsey st, n s, 120 e Stuyvesant av, four
two-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 20x45, tin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $3,000; Fred¬
erick and John Dhuy, 212 Reid av; b'r, J. Dhuy.
1929—Chauncey st, s s, 350 e Howard av, one
one-story frame shop, 20x40, tin roof; cost, $400;
ow'r and b'r, Wm. Qoebel. >v ,
J930—ittf^ect pi, s s, 185 9 Crriiiia av, fouy
three-story brick dwell'gs, 20x43; tin roofs, wood¬
en cornices; cost, total, $23,000; D, B. Moses, 310
Produce Exchange, New York; b'r, T. H, Rem¬
1931—McDougal st, No. 258, s s, 325 e Rocka¬
way av, one three-story frame tenem't, 28x50, tin
roof, brick cornice; cost, $4,000; Christopher Kien-
sie, 256 McDougal st; ar't and m'n, C. Bauer; c'r,
not selected,
1932—Sumpter st, No. 108, n s, 297 e Ralph av,
one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 28x50,
tin roof; cost, $4,000; Annie Diehting, 106 Sump¬
ter st; b'r, not selected.
1933—Herkimer st, s s, 50 e Buffalo av, one
three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x55, tin
roof; cost, $4,500; Sarah Hocking. 1719 Bergen
sfc; ar't, A. Hill: b'r, A. Hocking.
1934—Ellery st, n s, 390 from Nostrand av, two
three story frame (brick filled) stores and teneni't.<5,
30x65, tin roofs; cost, each, $5,200; Charlotte M,
Goodwin; ar't, J. E. Sagar.
1935—Bushwick av, s e cor Bieecker st, eight
two-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 18.9
x40, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $4,500;
Jacob Murr, 477 Bedford av; ar't, J. E. Dwyer.
1936—3d av, e s, 100 n 27th st, one three-story
brick dwell'g, 20x45, fin roof, wooden cornice;
cost, $4,000; M. Walton, 27th st near 3d av; b'r,
C. B. Shelden.
1937—5th st, s s, 3.32.6 w 6th av, fifteen two-
story and basement brick dvvell'gs, 15.8x45, tin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $3,500; ow'r
and b'r, Thomas Betts, 371 6th st.
1938—ISth st, n s, 175 e 6th av, one two-story
frame store and tenem't, 25x44, tin roof; cost,
$2,000: Jacob Barnett, 388 17th st; ar't, W. H,
Wirth; b'rs, A, Nostrand and T, Ross.
1939—Harrison av. No. 167, one three-story
frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost,
$4,000; Benj. Morrison, 42 Tompkins av; ar't, R.
Von Lehn.
1010—Hancock sfc, s s, 117 w Throop av, six
three-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs,
18x42, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, e.ach,
$6,000; Benjamin Armstrong, 391 Jefferson av;
ar't, J. D. HaU; b'r, G, B, Stoutenburg.
1941—Evergreeu av, n w cor Grove st, two (?)
three-story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 28 and
27.6x55, tin roofs; cost, .$4,800; S.-hoenwald &
Guthardfc, 325 Evergreeu av; ar't, G, HUlen-
brand; b'r, J. Fuchs,
194'3—Evergreen av, w s, 28 n Grove st, six
two-story and basement brick filled dweU'gs, 20x
44, tin roofs; cost, each, $2,700; ow'r, &c,, same
as last.,
1943—McDougal st, s s, 75 w Rockaway av, one
three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 22x45, tin
roof; cost, $3,500; ow'r aud b'r, John Wilferfc, 223
Howard av.
1944-4th av, w s, 75 n SOfch sfc, one three-story
frame stores and tenem'fc, 25x55, tin roof; cost,
$3,500; Mary A, Baxter, 2312 4th av, New York;
ar'fc, W. B, Robinson; b'r, J. H, O'Rourke,
1945—Ralph av, e s, 98 n Atlantic av, one two-
story frame shop, 25x48, tin roof, cost, $300;
ow'r, &c., C, P, Skelton, 1895 Atlantic av.
Plan 2313-79fch sfc, No, 221 E., mansard raised
to fuU story; also four-story and basement brick
extension, 12x33, tin roofs; cost, $5,000; ow'r and
b'r, W, J, O'Connor, on premises; ar't, W, P. An¬
2314—Thomas st, No. 56, repair damage by fire;
cost, .?l.2nn; ,Tohn McKesson; 25 West 34th st;
ar't, J, E. Terhuno.
2315-Madison av, s e cor 43d st, two-story
brick extension, 34x25, tin roof; cost, $3,000;
Charles Miller, on premises; ar't, J. E. Ware.
2316—Pearl st, No. 32, internal alterations for
tenem't, laundry, 22x14, buUt; cost, $7,500; Phil¬
lips Phoenix, 21 E. 33d st, trustee; ar't. A, E,
2317—Worth st, Nos, 83 and 85, extension
altered, iron skyUght put in; cost, $1,400; att'y
for ow'rs, H. S. Leavitt, 1 East 40th st; b'rs. A,
C, Hoe & Co.
2318—111th st, No, 233 E., new store fronts,
etc.; cost, $500; Abraham Siegel, 5 Rutgers pi;
ar't, E, W, Greis; b'r, J. MUler,
2319—111th st. No. 237 E., new store front, etc.;
cost, $250; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as last.
2320—49fch st, No, 23 E., internal alterations;
also two-story and basement brick extension, 19.6
x40, tin roof; cost, $15,0i)0; Gabriel Grant, on
premises; ar't, C, C. Haight; b'rs, I, A, Hopper
and D. Hepburn,
2321—James slip, No. 10, internal alteration;
cost, $800; Jacob Hoifman, 245 Henry st; ar't
and b'r, J. Hood,
2322—Mercer st, No. 109, internal alterations;
cost, $175; Emerick Kiss, 136 Bieecker st; b'r, C,
2323--AV A, w s, 89th to 90th st, one-story brick
extension, 60.3x9.2, as a connecting corridor bet
orphan asylum buildings; cost, $1,000; St. Joseph's
Orphan Asylum, Henry Heide. trustee, 81 Bar¬
row fit; ar't, W, Schickel,
2324—West Broadway, s e cor Reade st, new
show windows and iron columns to replace
granite piers; cost, $1,000; lessee, John Von
Glahn, 444 West 43d st; ar't, J, W, Cole; b'r, J.
2325—Greenwich st, No. 34, repair damage by
fire; cost, $350; Michael Hoffman, on premises;
ar't, J. CaUahan; b'rs, WaUace & Co,
2326—Sth av, n w cor 47fch sfc, repair damage by
fire, new iron cornice, &c.; cost, $700; M, Went>-
worth, 111 Bowery; ar't, F, Ebeling; b'r, E, Ofcte,
23.37—122d st, s s, 100 w 2d av, buUding changed
to one-story structure for use as a church; cost,
$500; lessee, Shiloh Baptist Church, 4th av and
ISathst; ar't, C. Baxter,
2328—Canal st, No. 262, new stairs; cosfc, $180;
Lavinia P. Archer, Garden City, L. I., and Imo-
gene F. Weeks, Montclatr, N. J.; b'r, J. D, Bu¬
2329—25th st, Nos. 513-519 W., new f-onfc, and
walls taken down and rebuilt; cost, -12 000; les¬
sees, BJake & Duffy, on premises; ar'fc, T. C.
23:50—63d st. No. 322 E., front and internal alter¬
ations; cost, $1,200; W, L, Loew, Red Bank, N.
J.; b'rs, J. Fyfe & Co.
233.1—North 3d av, w s, south of 14th st, one
building to be moved to College av, n e cor 141st
st, and altered into two dwell'gs; cost, $!,5(i0;
J, L. Mott, 2122 5th av; ar'fc, G, C. Gr«Uer; b'r,
not sele jted,
» »»» ....
Plan 1171—Herkimer st, No. 043, raised 6 feet,
brick basement beneath, also two-storv frame ex¬
tension, 12x17, tin roof; cosfc, abfc §300; Mrs. C.
Putuam, 943 Herkimer st; art, I. Smith; b'rs, B.
Spaulding and J. Smith.
1172—Marion sfc, No. 377, raised 5 feet, brick
waU beneath; cost, $450; Mrs. McCourfc, ou prem¬
ises; b'rs, W, Clark and C. Monds.
1173—Walton st, No. 01, raised 4.6, frame story
beneath, also add two stories on extension; co.st,
.«;800; ow'r and b'r, Fr. Decider & Son; art, H.
1174—HuU st, No. 43, new peak roof; cost, §100;
ow'r aud b'r, Jacob Geib, on premises.
1175—Flatbush av, No. 264, interior alterations;
cost, $75; Ackerman, New Jersey; b'r, A. Ken¬
ned v.
1176—Rodney st, Nos. 2fh-3fi, two-story brick ex¬
tension, 23,9 and 23.7x25 and 29, gravel roof;
cost, $2,000; J. S. and G. P. Simpson, on prem¬
ises; ar't, E. P. Gaylor; b'r, not selected.
1177—Atlantic av, Nq. 1790, two-story frame
extension, 15x36, tin roof, wooden cornice: cost,
abt $500; Sarah F. Green.
1178—Metropolitan av, junction Grand st,
raised 2 feet; also two-story frame extcn.sion, 2:1k
16, tin roof; cost, $(wO; ------Mayenbary; ar't, H.
Dubois; b'rs, N. Moor and M. Metzen.
1179—Myrtle av, No. 5S, one-storv brick exten¬
sion, 22x42, tin roof; cost, $550; Thomas Cassiu;
br, D. Boyle,
1180—McDougal st. No. 2ri4, one-story franio
extension, 40x22, tin roof; cost, $3.50; ow'r aud
b'r, .lacob Geib, 43 Hull st; m'n, P. Robeny.
1181—6th av, No. 432, w s, build front an-a, &c.;
cost, $500; I. Jacobs, on premises; b'r, G. VV.
Schedule of assets and liabilities filed for two weel s
ending December 31:
Nonunal Real
Liabilities. Asset.s. Assets.
Billings, J. N. & A........ $9,146 10,707 4.816
Behrens, Wm. J.......... 3.805 1,547 1 ;i(!0
Caspar, C.& Co.......... 43.836 32,430 18,406
Del Gaizo, Pasquale...... 17.9:^9 14.610 5.078
De Vries, Alexander..... 3.350 3,810 ],4()0
Grunwald, Isidor........ 42,T42 35.:i 19 9.:^.".4
Kempner, Gertrude...... 2,884 1.985 l,1t:G
Lewis Bros. & Kennedy.. 82,370 2,038 1,974
Mathews, Amos 1....... 6.026 2,723 1 .'MT
Miers, Samuel........... 7,079 6,^5o 1 270
SuUivan, Winifred........ 4,6.37 2,.330 'yir
Taylor, Richard......... 30,233 29,190 10,470
Ullner, Wm............... 4,486 5,451 1,489
Young, Thomas, Jr...... 28,768 7,766 6,2lt>
31 Atkinson, Joseph J., and Thomas F. Martin (firm of
J. J. Atkinson & Co.), to Thomas J. Henry.
26 Burnstein, Edward, to Augustus Strouse; prefer¬
ences, $691.
80 Bergmann, Elizabeth, to Theodore Fischer.
96 Conant, Eusebia F., to Nathaniel L. Newcomb.
28 De Vries, Alexander, to Ephraim Tencoom; prefer¬
ences, $750.
26 Dunbar, Melzer P., and Ezra D. Fogg (firm of M.
P. Dunbar & Co., lumber, 2.3 William st, and New
Haven, Conn.), to Charles MacVeagh.
31 Duffy, Peter, to Wm. W. Ryer.
29 Howell, David B., and Robert Devereux (Arm of
D. B. Howell & Co., Masonic goods, 437i^ Broad¬
way and 389 Broome st), to Edward Lemz; pref¬
erences, $3,620.
38 Hamblin, Ralph W. (dry goods, 815 Broadway), to
Thomas Vickery; preferences, $1,197.
84 Moral, Bernard, to David Moral; preferences,
93 Regelien, Hermann (fish, 238 Fulton st», to Jacob
Levi; preferences, 8400.
28. Braisted, Helen, to W. J. Lei*ine.
OiTT OF New Yonx, Finakcb Department, I
CoMi'TRou,ii:.i"3 Offick, Dec. S3, 1886. j
In purtuance of Section 916 of the " New York City
OonsoUdation Act of 1882." the Comptroller of the City
of New York gives notice to all persons, owners of
property affected by the follovting assessment litjte,
49d Bt, from 2d av to East River.
lAlat at, from Sth av to Av St. Nicholas.
4th av, from 96th to 103d st.
42d Bt, from 2d to Ist av,
4*1 St, from 1st av to EastP.iver-, belgian or tra-i-
felocfc pavemeae, '