April 9, 1887
The Record and Guide.^
23 Prospect st, n w cor Flushing av. William
Stadler agt John Hesse. (Lien filed Jan.
7,188?)................................... $74 15
23 Prospect st, s s, 49 w Flushing av, 75sl00,
Louis Bossert agt Lucy A. and Amelia
Hesse. (Aug. 4, 1886) ....... ........... 412 85
23 Same property, John Loeffler agt same.
(July 29, 1886)...............?........ 18100
21 McDougal st, n s, 350 e Saratoga av, 50x100.
Charles F, Reichardt agt Jacob and Mary
Her I lin and Lucas Briteustein, (Mav 24.
1880).................................:...: 115 CO
4 Van Cott av, n e cor Leonard st. 24 11x80 3
x45 2x70.11. John J. Randall and William
Mider agt Frederick Isermann. (April 6.
„188S)..............................\.*^..... 275 03
6 Sterling pl, n s, 293 e 6th av, 104x100. Thos,
F. Harrington agt John Taaffe, (April
i&sr)..................................... 600 00
7 Broadway, n w cor Gates av, being Nos.
1050-1063 Broadway and 1033-1034 Gates
av, Thomas H, Nolm agt James H,
Hart, owner, and Thomas Donlon, con¬
tractor. (Mar. 23, 1887)................... 266 00
7 Bushwick av Boulevard, n s, from Stewart
st to Vanderveer st, entire block. Henry
Wield, assignee, agt Georgia S Shelton,
owner, and Albert Wilkinson and Henry .
Wield, contractors. (Oct, 8. 1886)........ 958 00
7 Hamburg av. west cor Starr st, 50x100.
John MuUin agt Catharine Weiler, John
Rueger,and Andrew Trout. (Lien filed
Oot. 18, 1886.) (By deposit)............. 26 12
7 Same premises. Wilham Gallagher agt
same, (Oct, 18,1886, (By deposit).-,___.. 12 76
7 Same premises, John Eustace agt same.
(Oct, 18, 1886,) (By deposit).............. 22 75
7 Same premises, Andrew Phillips agt same.
(Feb, 18, 1886 ) (Bydeposit ............. 24 00
7 Same premises. John Wilson agt same.
(Oct. 18.1886.) (Bydeposit)............... 16 13
The first name is that of the oumer; ar't stand
for architect, m'n for mason and b'r for builder.
The Recorb and {yuiDS has issued a compre¬
hensive volume which should be in the library of
every builder and architect. Among its valuable
contents, compiled and edited by W. J, Fryer,
Jr,, are of the Law Relating to Buildings, The
Law Limiting the Height of Dwelling Houses and
the Mechanics' Lien Law, pertinent illustrations,
full notes and an index and a full and accurate
directory of all architects in New York, Brook¬
lyn, Jersey City, Newark and Yonkers, Copies
may be obtained at The Record ^nd Guide
office for 75 cents^each, or they will be sent post
paid to any address on receipt of 85 cents.
Bedford st, No, 103, one three-story and base¬
ment brick tenem't, 26x25x51,6, metal roof: cost,
$1,503; Adolph SchreitmuUer, 207 West 10th st;
ar'ts, Jordan & Giller; m'n, J, J. Murdock; c'r.
D, Hepburn, Plan 637,
Broadway, No. 737, one seven-story and base¬
ment brick and stone store buildiag. 39.7x200,
star roofing; cost, $135,000; agents, F. R. & H. E.
Jones, 21 East llth st; ar't, E. D. Lindsey; m'n,
C. T. Wells; c'r, W. Germond: iron, Po8t& Mo-
Cord. Plan 654.
Catherine st, Nos. 47 and 49, two flve-story and
cellar brick tenem'ts, 27.4x98.4. tin roofs; cost,
each, $22,000; M. 8. Korn, 138 East 47th st; ar't,
A. I. Finkle; b'r, not chosen. Plan 655.
Gansevoort st. No. 67, one three-story brick and
iron tenem't and store, 25x60, tin roof; cost, abt
$10,000; Bernard Hughes, 790 Washington st;
ar't, B. J. Schweitzer. Plan 634.
Leroy sfc, Nos. 48 and 50, two five-story brick
tenem'ts vrith stores (stone trimmings), 25x74.3,
tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000; Ottinger & Bro.,
137 Broadway; ar't, Geo. Matthias. Plan 651.
Little West 12th st, No. 1, one three-story brick
store and open lofts, 24.6x70, tin roof; cost,
$8,700; J. C. Cooper, River Edge, Bergen Co., N.
J.; ar't, P. J. Zabriskie; contractor, Jesse New-
fnan, Plan 694.
Mott st, Nos. 61 and 63, two fivestory and
basement brick stores and tenem'ts, 25x88.6, tin
roofs; cost, each, $21,000; Barney Isaacs, 40 and
42 Orchard st; ar'ts, Schneider & Herter, Plan
Park row, nws, from Chambers to Duane sts,
one four-story basement and cellar brick and iron
office building, 34,2 and 93,5x25x70 and 95.5,
tinroof; cost, $35,000; Henry Bischoff; 2 Tryon
row; ar't, Fred Ebeling; built by day's virork.
Flan 635,
Stanton st, Nos. 79 to 87, five five-story and
basement brick tenem'ts, 26.2x21.6 and 23.10x63
and 71 resp., tin roofs; cost, corner $18,000,
others $14.0o0 each; L. Z. Bach, 210 East SOth st;
ar't, Oswald Wirz. Plan 657,
Sullivan st, Nos. 209 and 211, 50x100, rear part
of lot No, 207, 25x50, one fivestory brick stables
and lofts, 50 and 75x95, resp. 45, tin roof; cost,
;S80,O0O; Samuel McCreery, Flushing, L. L; ar't,
/. JCastner. Plan 643.
Warren st, Nos. 60 and 63, one five-story basa-
-.jnent g.nd cellar brick store and lofts above, 53.9
and 53.8x75.4 and 75.8, tin roof; cost, $40,0i.0;
lessees, Aeker, Merrill & Condit, cor Chambers
and College place; ar't, Jng. B. iSnook; b'r, not
14th st,No. 404 W. ,one one-story brick store room,
47x30, felt roof; cost, $200; Goelet Estate, 9
West 17th sfc ; lessees, H. Klnppenburg Sons,
on premises; b'r, day's work. Plan 644.
Baxter st, n w cor Franklin st, one five¬story
brick tenem't, 25x67. tin roof; cost. $23,000;
Jacob Cohen, s w cor Baxter and Walker sts:
ar't, F. Ebeling. Plan 672.
Broome st, s e cor (Dannon sfc, one five story
brick tenem't, 25x76, tin roof; cost, $22,000: A.
S. Kalischer, 224 East 79th st; ar'fc, F. Ebelinc.
Plan 670. ^
Broome st. No. 120, one five-story basement
and cellar brick and brown stone tenem't, 2.3x
77,6, tin roof; cost, $20,000; ow'r and m'n. Chas.
Downey, 155 East 106ih st; ar't, A. I. Finkle.
Plan 698,
Delancey st, n s, .50 e Norfolk st, one five-story
and basement brick tenem't and store, 25 and 17x
62.6, tinroof; cost, $ 18,000 ;:A. J. Grozcky, 112 East
109th st; ar't, J, C, Burne; b'r, day's work. Plan
Eldridge st. No, 49, one five-story and base¬
ment brick tenem't with terra cotta trimmings.
25.1x88.4, tin roof; cost, $23,000; Baum &
Friedman, 101 Nassau st; art's, Herter Bros.
Plan 693.
Eldridge st. No. 69, one five-story brick tene¬
ment, 25.3x57, tin roof; cost, $14,.500; Raphael
Kuschewsky, 3Rufcgers pl; ar't, F. Ebeling, Plan
Elizabeth st, No, 7, one five story and basement
brick tenem't, 26x87.6, tin roof; cost, $22,000;
Abraham Le Vinson, 105 Bayard st; ar't. F. Ebe¬
ling. Plan 701.
Gansevoort st, n s, 54.11 w 9th av, one five-story
brick lofts, 107 and 24.6x50 and 63 6, tin roof; cost,
$35,000; R. and Ogden Goelet, 591 and 608 Sth av;
ar'c, J. M. Dunn; m'n, Michael Reid. Plan 695.
Liberty st, Nos. 28, 30,32,34 and 38, one twelve-
story brick and stone office building, 100x80,
garnolitchic and brick roof; cost, $375,000; F. J.
atone, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.; ar't, E. D. Lindsey;
b'r, not selected. Plan 686.
Mangin st, w s, 55.4 s Stanton st, three flve-story
brick tenem'ts, 25and 15x80and 67, tin roofs; cost,
each, $15,000 and $10,000; J. M. Schmitt, 123 2d
av; ar't, Edward Vvenz. Plan 677.
Morton st. No. 45, one five story brick tenem't,
29.1 and 16.4x67.6 and 82.4, tinroof; cost, $22,-
00i>; Daniel Strauss, Europe; ar'ts, Wm. Schic¬
kel & Co.; b'r. not selected. Plan 691.
Norfolk st, Nos. 141,143 and 145, three six-story
brick tenem'ts, 25x86.6, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,-
000; ow'r and ar't, Jobst Hoffmann, 101 East 7th
st; m'n, Gustav Staiger. Plan 699.
Warren st. No. 68, one five-story basement and
cellar warehouse, 21x71, tin roof; cost, $18,000;
J. R. Brevoort, 52 East 23d st; ar'ts, J, B, Snook
& Sons; b'r, not selecfced. Plan 694,
81st st. No, 217 W., one five-story brick flat, 25
x84.6, tin roof; cost, $24,000; ow'r and ar't,
Adolph Koschel, 228 West 62d st. Plan 661,
27t&st, No, 453 W,, one fivestory brick tene¬
ment, 25x85, tin roof; cost, $30,000; ow'r and b'r,
Henry Riehl; ar't, Henry Davidson, Plan 662,
45th st, s s, 240 e 1st av, one three story brick
stable, 62x130, gravel, cement and felt roof; cost,
$30,000; Schwarzchild & Sulzberger Refining Co,
(Limited), 45th st and 1st av; ar'ts, A, B, Ogden &
Son. Plan 653.
59th st, a s, 200 w 5th av, one four-story cellar
and basement brown stone and brick dweU'g, 85x
82.6, fire-proofinjg. tin and iron; cost, $SO.00O;
Chas. A. Stein, 2:^7 Easfc 52d st; ar't, T. S. God¬
win; b'r, not given out. Plan 662.
19th st, s s, 199 w 8ih av, one five-story brown
stone fiat, 25.6 and 20.6x77, tin roof; cost, $20,000:
ow'r and b'r, Jas, B. Gillie; ar't, M, V, B, Fer¬
don, Plan 690.
28th st, Nos, 429 and 431 W,, two five-story
brick tenem'ts and stores, 25x85, tin roofs; cost,
each, $20,000; M, A, [Stafford, 177Broadway; ar't,
Henry Davidson, Plan 696.
45th st, Nos. 109 to 121 E,, and Lexington av,
Nos. 458 to 464, twelve four-story brick dweU'gs,
tin roofs; cost, total, $200,000; T. B., T. B., Jr.,
and S. T. and J. P. Gifford, 473 Lexington av,
and Chas, Graham & Sons, 305 East 43d st; ar'ts
and b'rs, C, Graham & Sons, Plan 683,
2d av, No, 916, one flve-story and cellar brick
tenem't, 25x88.6, tin roof; cost, $18,000; M. S.
Korn. 138 East 47th st; ar'fc, A, 1, Finkle; c'r,
not chosen. Plan 681,
5th avenue.
60th st, s s, 303 w 1st av, two flve-story brick
tenem'ts with stores, 27x83, tin roofs: cost, each,
$18,000 : Wm, A, Juch, 401 East 106th st; ar't,
Geo, Matthias, Plan 659,
81st st, No, 241 B., one five-story brown stone
tenem't, 25x75, and extension 10 feet, tin roof;
cost, $12,000; Mary Healy, on premises; ar't, T,
J, Sheridan, Plan 664,
lllth st, 8 s, 80 w 3d av, one four-story brick
dwell'g, 20x65, tin roof; cost, $13,000; James
Wood, 345 East 116th st; ai-'t, Andrew Spence,
Plan 633,
3d av, n e cor 59th st, one flve-story brick stora
and tenem't, 20,1x76x80, tin roof; cost, $20,000;
B. & P, Lynch, on piremises; ar't, J, P. Leo,
Plan 658.
4th av, vr s, 50,5 s 119fch st, two flve-story brick
tenem'ts with stores, 25x65, tin roofs; cost, eacb,
$30,000; R, J, McGirr, 216 East 70th st: ar't,
Andrew Spence; b'r, day's work. Plan 633,
100th st, 8 8, 100 w 3d av, nine flve-story brick
and brown stone tenein'ts, 25x65, tin roofs; cost,
each, $15,000; Leonard Beeckman, 228 East 82d
et; ar'fc, ». J^. Walgrove. Plaa667.
106th st, s 8. 235 w lsfc av, one four-story brick
tenem't, 25x6^, tin roof; cost, $12,001; Charles
McCloskey, 70 Easfc 85th st; ar't, J, F, Burrows.
Plan 668.
118th st, No. 504 E., one five-story brick tene¬
ment, 2.5x646 and 63,6, tin roof; cost, $10,r00;
Henry Krooss, 506 East 118th st; ar't, Bart Wal¬
ther. Plan68i.
122d st, n s, 100 e Madison av, one flve-story
brick tenem'fc and shop, 25x67, tin roof; cost. $20,-
000; Henry Riehl, 240 West 29th st; ar't. Henry
Davidson. Plan 697,
8th avenue.
71st st, s s, 320 w Sfch av, three four-story and
basement brick dweU'gs with stone and terracotta
trimmings, 17 and 21x62, tin and slate roofs: cost,
each, abc $18,000; agent, J. F. Andrews, 1678 Av
A; ar'ts, Lamb & Rich, Plan 639.
102d st, n s, 100 e 10th av, four five-story brick
and brown stone flats, 25x83, tin roofs; cosfc, each,
$18,000; Jacob Lawson, Brooklyn, and Francis
M. Jencks, 86 East 56th st, New York; ar't. J.
H. Taffc. Plan64L . ".-•
64th st, n s, 410 w Ofch av, seven four-story and
basement brick and brown stone dweU'gs, together
126x52, tin roofs; cost, day's woi-k; O. H. Bli>8,
Rutland, 57th st and Broadway; ar'fc, E. L,
AngeU, 137 Broadway, Plan 684,
7uth st, 8 8, 200 w West End av, three three-
story brick dweU'gs with stone trimmings, 18 and
18,6x45.6, tin roofs; cost, abt $10,OUU each; H.
Van Wagenen, 56 East 53d st, and Margaretta
Card, 164 West 73d st. Plan 674.
70th st, s s, 354 6 w West Endav, seven two and
three-story brick stables with stone trimmings, 20
to 27x—, tin and slate roofs; cosfc, abt $10,000 each;
same as last; ar'ts, Lamb. & Rich. Plan 675.
86th st, s s, 105 w 9th av, four four-story and
basement brown stone and brick dweU'gs, 20x56,
tin roofs; cost, each, $32,000; Kennedy & Dunn,
9j9 3d av; ar't, J. G. Prague. Plan 666.
86:h st, s s, 185 w 9th av, two four-story and
basement brown stone and brick dweU'gs, 20x56,
tin roofs; cost, each, $25,000; D. WUlis James, 11
Cliff st; ar't, John G. Prague. Plan 702.
86th st, s s, 385 w 9tb av, three four-story and
basement brick and brown stone dweU'gs, 21.Sx
56, tin roofs; cosfc, each, $25,000; ow'r and ar't,
same as last. Plan 703.
86th st, n s, 210 w 9fch av, six four-story and
basement brown stone and brick dwell'gs, 20x56,
tin roofs; cost, each $22,000; ow'r and ar'c, John G,
Prague, 1512 Broadway, Plan 665.
Iu7th st, n s, 80 w New av or Manhattan av,
two one-story frame sheds, 25x12 and 18, tin
roofs; cost, $3U0 and $2u0; Louis WendeU, 843
West 44th st; c'r, Henry Schiffer. Plan 669.
Sth av, w s, extends from 84th to Soth st, nine
four-story and basement brick and brown stone
dweU'gs, together in size 201.4x100, tin, fire¬
proof and mansard roofs; cost, each, average
$37,000; Wm. Noble, 42 West 72dst;ar't, E. L.
AngeU. Plan 630.
IICth and 12oth streets, between 5th and 8th
120th st, s s, 850 w 6th av, seven three-story
and basement brown stone dwellings, one 17x5a,
others 18x52, tin roofs; cost, total, $85,000; G.
H. McEntee, 216 East 105th st; ar't, A. Spence;
c'r and m'n, day's work. Plan 647.
122d st, s s, and 121st sfc, n s, 175 w 7th av, eight
(four on each st) three-story and basement
brown stone dweU'gs, two 20x54 and extension
10x14, two 19x54 and extension 10x14, four 18x
54 and extension 10x14, tin rcofs; cost, each,
$15,000; E. L. Gallon. 213 West r^2dst; ar't. G.
M, Walgrove, Plan 643.
125th st, Nos, 14 aud 16 W., one five-story
brick fiafc, 37.6 and 80x87, tin roof; cost, $35,00u;
Jacques bach, 240 East 27th st; ar't, Jobst Hoff¬
man. Plan 685,
north of 125th street.
Old Broadway, n w cor ISOth st, four fivestory
brick (stone trimmings) tenem'ts with stores, cor¬
ner 25x96, others 25x85, tin roofs; cost, each,
$20,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 650,
125th st, n e cor 7th av, six three-story brick
flats with stores, corner 50x79,11, avenue 20x60
and 70, street 20x80, tin roofs; cost, total, $75,000;
W, and A, Wilson, 33 East 17th st; art's, D. & J.
Jardine. Plan 64i'.
126th st, n s, 271.,6 e 3d av, one five-story brick
tenem't with brown stone trimmings. 33.6x83, tin
roof; cosfc, $21,000; Stephen Talbert, 180 e 114th
st; ar'ts, Cleverdon & PutzeL Plan $700.
129th st, n yr cor Boulevard, one two-story
brick dwell'g, store and private stable, 20 and 15
xlOO; cost, $12,000 ;\W Uliam Farrell, 447 West 61st
st; ar't and b'r, W. H. Walker. Plan 692.
7th aV, e s, bet 136th and 137th sts, six five-story
brick and stone dwell'gs, two 23.11x90. four 38x
75, tin roofs; cost, total, $250,000; O. & M.
Hammerstein, w s 7th av, bet I41st and 142d sts;
ar't, A, Spence; m'n and c'r, day's work. Plan
Fort Washington Ridge road, near Depot lane,
one-and-ahalf-story frame stable, 26x22, shingle
roof; cost, $300; Chas. A, Andrews, 112 Webt
133d st, Pian 673,
23d and 24th wards.
Arthur st, w s, 258 s Pelham av, one two-story
frame dwell'g, 20x28, tin roof; cost, $1,500;
Michael Crooker, Pelham av, Fordham; ar't, T.
W, Ringrose, Plan 631,
Arthur av, No, 36, one two-story frame dwell'g,
20x27, board and tin roof; cost, $1,501'; Jaines
O'NeUl, 187th st, Fordham; ar't and c'r, M, I.
Duffy; m'n, Charles McDonald, Plan 648.
8d av, e s, 25 8 169th st, one three-storr brick
9£99e md dwell'g, 26x60.4, tiu roof; cost, |ia,000i