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October 6,1883 The Real Est4t.t5 Recosb. 775 S The Third Av. Railroad Co.—B. Conroy.......................... 2,042 52 4 Thompson, Joseph — N, Y, Hoop Co............................... 63 00 1 Van Schoeuing, Ernest—G, J. Orr 169 40 39 Wright, William S.—P. P. Foote.. 3,555 73 1 Woerner, Wilhelmina—H. Wunder¬ lich........................... 7 09 2 Ward, William—W. Ottmann..... 385 31 SiTISFIED JCDGBllDNES. NEW YOItK September 29 to October 5—ineluslTO. Bennett, Soulice—Jacob Cranford. {I8S0).. J343 81 Bartholomew, Henry A,—L, T. Bell. <1879), 2aj 94 Same—same. <:RT9)................... 98 63 Conklin, Egbert—Julius Cohn. (1879) .,., 74 80 Clark, Francis A,—Mathew Marx, (1883).,,, 95 62 Same-----same. (1883)................. 307 24 Duckworth. Isaac F.—fiandallBisbee. (11?83) 33 65 Duryee, Joseph W. — Carlisle Norwood, recvp. (18V7>.......................... 8,216 46 Esdra. Arthur A.—Fred Krutina. (1881)... 360 11 Elwell, James W. acd Charles P.—Sarah A. Green. (1881) ....................... 139 80 Same-----same. (18ru).................... 12.069 96 Faharius, Ferdinand W. and Fredericka W. —Anna Sieke, (1883).................. Flannery, Thomas—Helena Flannery. (1883) Gilmore, John W —Giorgio Se nes. (1880).,, Greene. Wm, H —,'ulius Cohn, (1879)....... Goldsmith, Jamas Q.—T, E. Studley. (1883). Hammond, Charles A.—John Brosen. (1883). Same— Henry Allen. (1883)......... •Hamilton Bank Note Co.—C. W, Goodhue. (1883)..................................... JHogrewe, Frederick—Man eel ia E. Ogden, (1883).................................... Havilana, Joseph and Mary E.—I. C. B, Ran¬ som. (]882(........................... Ingersoll, Ida M.—Maria Halaey, (1683)..... Same-—-same, (1883)................ Lewis, Sarab—KnicKerbocker Ice Co. (1881) Levy, Louis—Hyman Sonn. (1883).......... •"Lalor. William—Sarah A Havilan-i. (1877) Marshall, Joseph- G, A. Saward, (1883)..... Same——Georee Mackenzie. (1882)........ Same-----J, J. Richards. (1883) ........... Same—J. S. Carpentier. (1882).......... 8ame-^J. R. Allaben. (1883).......... Mutual District Messenger Co.—J. J. Duane, {1883) ................................. McNeil, Archibald—J. E, Stow. (1883)...... 1.189 71 tMyera. Frederick S,—Alice V, O'Halloran, (1883) .................................... Phillips, Mary A, E.—Hiram Morrison. (1880) ................................... Poznanski, Morris—Rachael Wilson. (1880.) Same—Arthur Wilson. (1880).......... Same-----Rosalie Hirschfleld. (188")....... Piel, Gottfried and Wilhelm—Michael Lyons (1883).................................. Philip, Louis B.—Leopold Beyer. (1883)___ Riegelman, Henry-H. J. Welch. (IP82).... Rosenthal. Isaac—Sol. Hyman. (1881)...... tReilly, Bernard-G. W.Weld. (1882)....... tSame-----same. (1681).................... 3,451 91 §Same-—J. B. Manning. 0881)........... 2,746 45 147 EO 186 70 38 91 74 80 49 78 438 18 221 77 241 19 289 44 123 36 105 37 204 94 386 31 476 89 159 di 163 46 fO 33 290 37 194 19 90 32 273 60 ISO SO 13,o;b or 1,613 64 135 2fl 9D5 60 77 73 362 88 230 61 683 87 83 3! •Same-----Wm. King. (1883)............... '623 1? •Same-----G. P. Fuessel. (1>82)............ 1-^1 14 Robinson, Benjamin F. — Hyman Sonn. (1883).................................... 476 89 Spencer, Harvey J. C. Brown. (1883). ... 144 41 TomliDson. Theodore E.—J. S. Mitchell (D. G. Crosby, by assign,) (1874) ........... 436 95 Trimble, Merrltt-Chas. Guntzer. (1833)..., 319 93 •Traux, Henry S.—H. R. Kelly. (1883)..... 169 38 Van Voorhis. Cornelius W.—J. B. Stock. {1883) .............................. 1.759 89 •Weber. Albert—T. R. Dawley. (1883;....... 322 38 White, Andrew J.—G. H. Bass. (1883)...... 360 49 Willett. Marinus—Tiffany & Co, (1880)...... 97 99 •Vacated by order of Court, t Secured on Appeal. t Released, g Reversed. 1 Satisfied by Execution. ••Dischareed by Boing through bankruptcy. +t Par¬ tially suspendjBd upon appeal. KINGS COCHTT. September 39 to October 5—inclualve. Apsley. George E.—J. Wood. (1883)........ S36 99 Bell. Wm. B.—Lydia Bass. (1883.) (Vacated.) 1,^25 45 Carter, William A,—J, M, Hildreth. (1880).. 29 73 Crandell, C, P.—C. Wachters. (18T7)........ 43 39 Lang, John M.—I. Moog. (1883.) (Execution) 67 37 Mansfield, Maria—Cath. L. Spencer. (1878),. 1,115 33 Marshal!, Joseph,—J. R, Allaben. (1883)..., 90 32 Pearsall, Alva—H. D. Hotchkiss. {1888),.. . 38 27 Qualey, Julia—J. P. Bennett. (1883.) (Exo- cution).................................... 125 75 MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW TORK CITT. Bept. and Oct. 4 Broadway and 7th av. 39th and 40th st —block, Robert Robinson agt The Metro¬ politan Opera House Co., owner and Mr. Tredwell and Mr, Mickel, debtors, (Dis¬ charged Oct, 5)........................... $15 00 Bowery, Nos, 190 to 205, e s..............1 5 Chrystie st, Nos. 167 to 175, w s...........]■ The People's Theatre. \ John Fish agt Henry C. Miner, reputed owner and debtor........................6,180 86 3 Eighty-second st, No. 406 E., s s, 158,1 e Ist av, 25 ft. (root. Martin W, Schramm agt Andrew Kelly, reputed owner and debtor------............................... 5125 6 Eighty-second st. No. 334 R,, s s, bet 1st and 3d avs. Frank P.Wehriingagt-----Giebel, reputed owner and dfbtor............... 97 48 2 Fourth av, n w cor SOth st, 100x150, Abra¬ ham Valk agt Abraham Benson, owner and contractor...................... 75 00 8 Same property. 20x160. Bernard Foley agt same at d heirs of J. A. Page.............. 83 35 3 Same property. James Ketly agt same 31 50 1 Morton st. No. 23. s s, 135 e Bedford st. 25 ft. front. Alfred Beinhauer agt Louis Eaegener, reputed owner, andjjohn Shan¬ non, contractor____...................... 42 66 & Mott Bt, No. 138, e s, bet Grand and Hester Sts, Louis Weinberg agt E. Sire & Son, reputeti owners........„..........,, — fr 1)6 % ' 2ft One Hundred and Eighteenth st, s w cor Lexington av, 50i1CO. Henry Turno agt Estate ot CaroUne L M. K. Yost.......... 367 89 29 One Hundred and Twenty-flrst st. No. 69- 81 E , n w cor 4ih av. Charles Q. fSippell a?t Spencer A. Fanning, owner, and Henry Taylor, contractor ...................... 17 87 2 One Hundred and Fourth Bt a s. 230 w 4th av. 25 fl. front. Frank Grube aet Thomas Flynn, debtor, and Newman Cowen and Jacob Korn, reputed owners ......... 60 00 2 Same property. James D. McGown agt same ................................ 72 00 8 One Hundred and Twenty-fifth st, Nos. 45 to 51 W., n s, 385e6thav. IfiO (t. front. Patrick Kennedy agt Wallace P. Birdsall, reputed owner and debtor ............ 550 OO One Hundred and Twenty-fourth st, b s, a 300 e 8th av, 100 ft. front.............. One Hundred and Twenty-lhird st, n a, 30)6 8thav. 100 ft. front ............... Deaa'S W. Moran agt Thomas H. Beeck¬ man and Willett Bronson. reputed own¬ ers.................................... 672 03 4 Sameproperty. John Morrow agt IraE. Doying and Willett Bronson, reputed owners, and Thos, H, Beeckman. con¬ tractor..................................... 883 10 3 Sixty-ninth st. n s, 100 e 3d av, 140 ft. front. Martin W. Schramm agt Andrew Eelly, reputed owner......................... 941 00 1 Tinton av, w s, 120 n Strong av. 23d Ward. Wm, Clarke agt John Kern, debtor, and Joseph Jones, owner .................... 31 98 KINGS COENTT. Sept. and Oct. 29 Eighteenth st, s s. abt SOO w ;fd av. lOOx lhe block to ]9ih St. P. Wright & Sons agt -----Byxbee and — Josepha, owners, &c 1 Dupont et, No. 71, n s, bet branklin st and Maubattan av. J. W. .T. D. Jonea agt Ferdinand Bock, owner, and F. Bock and A, Lang, debtors..................... 2 Same property. Claus Naele ngt Ferdinand Bock, owner, and A. Li uge, debtor____.. 3 Manhattan av, No. 147, w s, 160 s Norman av, 511x100, Claus Nagle aet Hans Cras- by, owner, and A. Lange, debtor.......... 3 Wallabout st, No, 376. William Wilson agt A. Meth, owner, and F. Kuehne, debtor.. 3 Same property, Henry Ruchhauser agt same.................. 4 Norman av, No. il^. ss, 75 w Eckford st. 25 XlOO. Randall & Miller agt William Leh¬ ing, owner and debtor ............ 1, 5 Reid av. Nos. 00 and 62. w s, 19.3 s Lafayette av, 40x50. Frederick A. Hutchinson agt Charlea D. Adams, Eliaa T. Eddy, Rufus Ressegule and John E. Sagar, owners, and Eliaa T. Eddy, as owner and con¬ tractor............................... 843 50 860 85 331 00 76 00 125 00 4S5 00 600 00 460 00 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. NKW TORK CITY. Sept. and Oct. •39 Monroe st, or Rutgers pl. No. 15, n s. 150.6 w Clinton at. Moses Lubelsky agt Henri¬ etta Franklin. (Lien flled Sept. 28, 1S83>.$I,0I6 00 39 Third av, n w cor 115th sf, 47.8x71.7. Will- son & Adams agt Samuel A. Noten and Samuei A. Purdv. Jr. (Aug. II. 1883).....1,737 17 39 Same property Davy & Heney agt same, (April 17. 188-3)..............................1,640 00 20 Same properly. Young & Gerard agl same. (Aug, 13, 1883).............................3,807 00 29 Sarae property. Nolan & McGrath agt same, I Aug 23,1883)................... 200 00 30 Same property Dennis W, Moran agt same. (Aug. 24, 1863)................... 770 OO 39 Same properly. Pat. McGowan agt same. (Aug. 38. 1883) ........................... 34000 29 Same property, Waefelaer & Wood agt same, (Sept. 37,1883) .................. 890 38 1 Broadway, s e cor ^3d st. 100x100. Geoige Hayes agl Jeanette P. Gour and Henry W. Wilsnu. (Sept. 17, 158:!) .......... 178 67 1 Park av. No. 13, e s, bet aiih and 35th sts. Daniel Cunningham ag Charles A. Pea¬ body, Jr, (Aug. 10, 1883)................. 210 14 aSeventh av, n w cor 137th at, 99.11x125. Abraham Steers agt Samuel H, Bailey. (July 19, 1883).............................2,900 10 2 Same property. Steers Bros, agt same, (July 19. 1883).............................. 106 78 2 Same property. The J, L, Mott Ironworks agtsame. (July M. 1883).............. 507 00 ♦4 Eighth av. s e cor 143d st, 25x100. John Brady agi: Patrick Whelan and Henry Tavlor, (Sept, 37. 1883)................... 7 60 4 Worth st, No, 199, n s. 10 . w Mott si. John Harrington agt Solomnn Jacobs, Louis Silveratone and E. B. Hays. (Aug. 4, '83) 35 00 4 Same property. John G. Duffy agt aame. 30 00 4 Same property. Wm. G. Patton agt same,, 35 00 4 Same property. John C. Farr agt «ame___ 195 51 •Discharged by depositing amount of lien and interest with Couuty Clerk, ' KINGS COUNTY. September 39 to October 5—Inclusive. Marcy av, n e cor Hopkins st, rear. S. Hall agt H. Jennerich, owner, and A, A. Reeves, contractor, {Sept, 4, 1853) .....$386 00 McDonough st, n s, 125 w Reid av, lOOslOO. J. M. Kelly agt H. A. Foster, owner, and S. H, Vandewater. (July 23, 1883)........... 240 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED NEW TORK CITT. SOUTH OF 14th BT. South 5th av, Nos, 124 and 126, runs through to Thompsun st, one six-story brick warehouse, 48.1 aod 49.11x16(5, tin roof; cost, possibly S4O,(XI0; owner, Amos E.. Eno, 8 Pine st; architect, R. Mook; builder, J. Rue. Plan 1137. Av B, s w cor 7th st. one five-story brick tene¬ ment, 28x58, tinroof; post, ?I8,(IOO; owner. Es¬ tate of Beruai d J. Hanigan, by Edward H. Hani- fan and another, comnjittee of same, Plainflelti, ■, ^.; Mclnitect, Wm, Graul. Plan 1133. Av B, w IS, as 6 7tji Pt, one fiyp-story brjck liene. ment, 39.7x52, tin roo£; cost, $11,000; owner and architect, surne as last. Plan 1134, Columbia st, s e cor Houston st, five-story brick tenem't aod store, 21.3x50, tinroof; cost, $15,0(i0; owner, Geo. H, Benner, 81 Cedar st; architect, Adam Munch; builder, John Fitzpatrick. Plan 1147. BETWEEN 14th AKD 59TH STS. 15th St, Nob. 319, 321 and 328, n s, 200 w Sth av, rear, two buildings, ooe two-story brick factory, 26i65, one two-story biick stable. 75x3'>, and office, 12x17. tin roof; cost, total, t7.,5U0; owner, Gilman B. Seely, 349 West4th st; architect, John Sexton, Plan 1132. 18th st. No. 134 E,, five-story brown stone front apartment house, 19x79, tiu roof; cost, $ia,0CO: owner. Anthony Dugro, 103 East !6th st; architect, F, W. Klemt. Plau 1145. 18th Bt, No. 136 E., flve-story brown atone front apartment houee, 31x79, tin roof; cost, $20,000; owner and architect, same as last. Plan 1146. 2;id st, 8 8. 175 e llth av, one six-story brick factory, 40x91), gravel roof; cost, 132,000; owner. Fowler M'f'g Co., limited, by Calvin M, Cram, Vice-President, 7 Washington pl; architect, A. B, Jennings. Plan 1123, 35th St. Nos. 444, 446 and 448 W., three five- story brick tenem'ts, 25x76, tin roof; cost, $17,t'00; owners, John Schmitt and M. Haupt, 61)2 East 17th st; architect, Jobst Hoffmann. Plan 1141.- 43d st. No. 333 W., one five-story brick tenem't, 3.5x83, tin roof; cost, $18,000; owners, L. & K, Ungricb, 160 West 33d st; architect, M, L, Un¬ grich; builder, not selected, Plau 1140. 44th st, Nos, 330 aud 232 E., one two-story brick stable, .54x27, gravel roof; eost, $4,000; lessee, Henry Bernke or Bemke, 818 East 41th st; owner of ground, Cathariue Newschafer, "i 19 Kast 31st Bt; arcbitect and builder, B, Plump, Plan 1143, Ist av, s w cor 56th st, one one-story wood and glass store, 25x32, tin roof; cjot, $700; owner, James J, Flood, 351 East 55th st; mason, W, Mc¬ Grath; carpenter, notselec'ed. Plan 1138. BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STBEICTS, WEST OF 8th AVKNOK, 60th st, No. 215 W,, one flve-story brown stone dweU'g, 2.5x77, tinroof; cost, $15,000; owner and builder, Thomas Cowman, 429 West48th st; arch¬ itect, M. L. Ungrich, Plan 1139, BBTWBBN 59th AND 12.5TH STREETS, EAST OF 5TH AVENUE, 03d st, n s, 100 e Eastern Boulevard, one two¬ story brick stable, 3i'.8x89.10, gravel roof; cost, $6,000; owners, Neidlinger, Schmidt & Co., foot of East 63d st; architects aud builders, J. & L. Weber. Plan 1142. • 75th st. No. 409 E.. n s, 138 e 1st av, one one¬ story brick stable, 20x50, tin roof; cost, $2,000; owner, Adam Sperzel, 41.1) East 75lh st; architect, W. Ross; builder, M. E. Schneider; carpenter, not selected. Plan 1125. ]22d st, s s, 100 e Madison av, six buildings, two tbree-story brown stone dwell'gs, 15x50, and four five-story brown stone apartment houses, 25x30, tin roof; cost, each private house, $12,000, and each flat, $35,000; owner and architect, Al¬ fred Eehoe, 581 East 131st st. Plnn 112S. Lexington av, s w cor 76th st, six three-story Connecticut brov^n stone dwell'gs, 17x50, tin roof; cost, each, $18,000; owner, Anthony Mc¬ Quade, 157 East 82d st; architects, Thom & Wit- son; builder, day's work. Plan 1144. NORTH OF 125th ST. 10th av, s w cor 173d st, one two-story frame dwelling, 28x35x46, slats roof; cost, $9,001); owner, Adolph Hinze, 761 Sth av; architect, H, Eieitler. Plan 1148. 23d and 24th wards. Kingsbridge road, a s, bet Jerome av and The Fordham Reformed Dutch Church, one one-and- a-half-story frame dweU'g, 18x'i6. shingle roof; cost, I------; owner, John B, Haskiu, Pordham; architect, W, W. Gardiner. Plan 1130, 147th st, n s, 435 e Prospect av, one two-story and basement frame dwell'g, 18 and 21x25; shingle roof; cost, $1,000; owner, Theodore Neilsen, 141st st, near Southern Boulevard. Plan 1131, 161st st, s s, 100 w Concord av, one three-story frame dweU'g, 16.8x45. tin roof; cost, $4,500; owner, EUzabeth J. Gray. No. 1 Sylvan pl; builder, P. Garvin, Plan II2S, College av, s e cor 161st st, two two-story and basement, 19x35, tin roof; cost, each, $8,.500; owner, Edward Deicke, 550 East 161st st. Plan 1135. Madison av, s w cor Fitch st, 24th Ward, one tbree-story frame dwell'g, 32x48.6, tin roof; cost, $6,000; owner, Albert Ayres, 1793 North 3d av; architect, W. W. Gardiner. Plan 1139. Robbins av, e s, 100 n 151st st, one two-story frame dwell'g, 30x25. tin rooE, co^^t, $1,700; owner, Patrick Callahan, 416 North 3d av; archi¬ tect aud builder, Geo. Mand. Plan 1127. Sedgwick av, 675 s Morris Dock Station, three three-story frame dweU'gs, 16.8x45; cos*}, each, $3,000; owners. John McKenzie and Duncan Mc¬ Kenzie, 53 East 41st st; architect, J. B. Lord; builders, W. Coogan, and McEenzie & Mc¬ Pherson. Plan 1134. 4th av or Railroad av, e s, 260 n 177th st, one one-story stable or shed, 15x10, board i-oof; cost, $50; owners, G. D. W. Clocke and others, Tre¬ mont; builder, John Kerby. Plan 11S6. RINGS COINTT. Plan 1133—52d st, s B, 220 w ith av, one two- Btory aud basement frame dweU'g, 30x30, tin roof; cost, 41,600} 9TF»W, J. TV. Bouter, TJijion