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July 10, 1886 The Record and Guide. 909 basement brick dwell'gs. 18.6x48, tin roofs; cost, each, $9,000; R. T. Auchmuty and P. A. Scher¬ merhorn, as trustees for Ellen S. Auchmuty, 61 University pl; ar't, H. J. Hardenbergh. Plan 1227. 91st st, s s, 221 e 1st av, five-story brick silk factory, 82x98, gravel, cement and felt roof¬ ing; cost, $20,000; John J. Schillinger, 420 East 92d st; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Son, Plan 1243. 109th st, n 8,175 e 1st av, open shed for storage of lumber, 13x100, gravel roofing; cost, $100; lessee, John Cairnes, 223 East 109th st. Plan 1228, between 59th and 125th streets, west of 8th avenue. 95th st, s s, 317 e 9th av, three three-story and basement brick dweU'gs, two 20 and one 18x55, tin roofs; cost, ea,ch, $9,500; John T. Hanning, Pulton st, and Ellen M. Earle, 130th st and llth av, firm Earle & Co.; ar't, James S. Post; b'r, James Earle. Plan 1222. llth or West End av, s w cor 70th st, five-story brick flat with store, 2.5x96, tin roof; cost. $25,000; Charles Fuller, 831 West 59th st; ar't. E. L. An- gell. Plan 1234. 110th and 125th streets, between 5th and 8th avenues. 7th av, n e cor 120th st, six dweU'gs, and 120th st, n s, 77 e 7th av, three dweU'gs, in all nine three-story brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 16 to 18 x55, four to have two-story extensions, 10x12, tin roofs; cost, avenue houses, total, abt $85,000, and street houses, total, abt $40,000; James W Phelan, 205 West 121th st, and Nathan Murdough, 437 West 57th st; firm Jas. W. Phelan & Co.: ar'ts, Thom & WUson. Plan 1216. north op 125th street. Sth av, s e cor 147th st, three five-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 2.5x83, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000; John P. Dunker, 113 Manhattan st; ar't Adam Munch. Plan 1224. lOib av, s w cor 167th st, four-story brick tenem't with stores, 30x62, tin roof; cost, $7,000; John J. Organ. 165th st and 10th av; ar't, J, E, Kerbv Plan 1215. ^ 10th av, n w cor 186th st, one-story frame store, 2,5x36, tin roof; cost, $300; Margaretha Mentz, 10th av, bet 157th and 158th sts. Plan 1214, 145th st, s e cor Edgecombe av. six four-story brick dweU'gs, five 16x45 and one 2ox50,tin roofs; cost, each, $8,500; Patrick J. O'Brien, 2303 Sth av; ar't and b'r. Garret Van Cleve, Plan 1226. 16Sth st, n s, 95 e Audubon av, two-story frame dwell g, 20x27, tin roof; cost, $1,200; Mary Casey, 450 West 146tn st; b'r, Ferdinand Wolffersdorff. Plan 1237, 23d and 24th wards. Sedgwick av, w s, abt 716.4 n Cedar av, three- story frame dweU'g, 31.8x41, rear 35.8, shingle roof; cost, abt $10,000: Mary A. Walker, Belmont; ai''t8. Constable Bros. Plan 1217. Waverly st, s s, abt 745 e Central av, rear, one- and-a-half-story frame barn, 18x16, shingle roof- cost, $250; Mary S. E. Payent, 177th st, cor Pros¬ pect av; ar't, S. P. Saxe. Plan 1239. 140th st, n s, 150.6 w Alexander av, three-story brick dweU'g, 20x43, tin roof; cost, $4,700; Sarah E. Gifford, 711 East 143d st; ar't and b'r, John Anderson; m'n, Charles Drummond. Plan 1242. 154th st, n s, 150e Courtlandt av, two s(ory brick dweU'g, 25x52, tin roofs; cost, $5,000; Oharles Suker, 710 Courtlandt av; ar't, Louis Falk; br's not selected. Plan 1231. ' 155th st, s s, 225 w Elton av, two-story frame dweU'g;22x40, tin roof; cost, $3,000; Elizabeth A. Givens, 662 East 158th st; ar't and b'r, Louis Falk. Plan 1232. 177th st, s s, 300 w Monroe av, two-and-a-half- story frame dweU'g, 22x32, shingle roof; cost, $3,400; James MacArthur, 1758 Vanderbilt av ar't, W. W. Gardiner. Plan 1235. Washington av, e s, 75 s 166th st, two-story brick parsonage, 21x55, tin roof; cost, $4,000; Trustees of the Centenary M. E. Church, of Mor¬ risania, C. H. Innes, president, 163d st, cor Morris av; ar't, W. W. Gardiner; b'rs. Mull & Promer Plan 1236. Stebbens av, No. 14, e s, bet 166th and 167th sts, two-story frame dweU'g, 13x25, shingle roof- cost, $1,000; John Regan, 138 West 25th st; ar't and b'r, Louis Falk. Plan 1230. About 225 e Ci-oton aqueduct and 300 n High- bridge road, two story frame stable and loft, a5x 18; cost, abt $200; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Charles A. Brown, Creston av, Fordham. Plan 1238. KINGS COUNTY. Plan 937—Kent av, n e cor Division av, one five-story and extension brick factory, 50x60, gravel roof, wood and tin cornices; cost, $23,000- Joseph Glatz, 55 Maiden lane; ar'ts, Platte «&' Acker; m'n aud c'r, Jno. Cummisky, 516 1st st. 938—Bergen st, s s lOo w Nostrand av, five two-and-a-half-story and basement knd brick dweU'gs, 20x45, tin and slate roof, wooden cor¬ nices; cost, $7,500 each; D. H. Fowler; ar't, Geo. P. Chappell; m'n and c'r. not selected. 939—Hancock st, s s, 325 e Lewis av, three three- story and basement brick dweU'gs, 16.8x42, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $6,000 each; Geo. E Cross, 175 llth st; c'r, A. E. Reynolds. 940—Sumner av, n e cor Macon st, one three- story brick dwelling, 22x65, tin roof, wooden cor¬ nice; cost, $9,500; N. H. Schottler, 612 Marcy av a'rts, Wm. Field & Son. 941—Van Brunt st,s w cor Sedgwick st, one five-story apartment house, 100x42x39, tin roof, brick cornice; cost, $45,000; Wm. M. Martin, 7 Nassau fet. New York; a'rs, Wm. Field & Son, 111 Broadway; m'ns, Thos, B. Butan. Martin & Lee. 942—Pacific st. No. 1012, one-jtory frame stable, 13x40, felt roof; cost, $100; Catharine R, Gray, 842 Bergen st, 943—Union st, n s, 292.6 e 6th av, one three- story and basement brick dweU'g, 20x40, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost. $5,500; Mr. Cavanagh, 367 President st; ar't, R, Dixon, 944-Monroe st, n s. 85 w Reid av, two two- story and basement brick dweU'gs, 20x42, tin roofs, woodeii cornices; cost, $3,500; Kate Acoi-, 197 Bainbridge st; ar't and c'r, S, Stevens, 945—Baltic st, n s, 175 w Bond st, one one-story brick stable, 16x15, gravel roof; cost, $75; James Gilhouley, Hoyt st. .946—Pacific st, w s, 175 n Boerum pl, two four-story brick tenem'ts, 22.6 and 2.5x.55.6, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $6,500; estate of D, Doran, on premises; ar't, R, Dixon, 947—Madison st, n s, 300 e Stuyvesant av, one two story and basement brick dweU'g, 20x42, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $5,500; ow'r and ar't, A Stewart Walsh. 948—Sumner av, s w cor Madison st, five four- story brick and brown stone flats, one 20x65,4, the others, each, 20x60, tin roofs, wooden cornices- cost, each, $7,500; ow'r, ar't and b'r, W, M, andE H. Hawkins, 658 Gates av. ALTERATIOIVS MEW YORK €IT¥. Plan 1487—72d st. No. 3 E., two story brick ex¬ tension, 7,8x7; cost, $1,000; Henry J, Davison, on premises; ar't, J. E. Ware; b'rs, O. T. Mackey and Richard Deeves. 1488—18th st, n w cor 7th av, new tin roof aud iron cornice; cost, $7-50; Owen McCrorken, 201 West 21st st; ar't, Chas. Rentz. 1489—Broome st, No. 488, store in basement- cost, $.500; John S. Lyle, Tenafly, N. J.; b'rs,' James Reilly and J. M. Seaman. 1490—12th st. No. 46 E., extension raised one story; cost, $2,200; Herman Knapp, 25 West 24th st; ar't, B. Simon; b'r, John G. Porter, 1491—20th st, Nos, 1.55 and 157 W., buildings connected and one-story biick extension, 2i)xl5, lo No, lri7, tin roof; cost, $2,000; Ferdinand Neumer, on premises; ar't, Julius Kastner, 1492—1st av, No, 163, n w cor 10th st, one story brick extension, 16.6x8, rear 136, also front and internal alterations, iron columns and girders furni'shed; cost, $5,000; John W. Hamersley, 255 5th av; ar'ts, D. & J. Jardine. 1493—5th av. No. 715, size of elevator increased, brick shaft, iron skylight, &c.; cost, $2,800; lessee, Annie Brown, on prrinises; ar't, E. J N Stent & Co,; b'r, E, D, Garnsey, 1494-Madison av, s e cor 26th st, internal al¬ terations; cost, abt $9,000; lessee, University Club, on premises; ar't, C. C, Haight. 1495—Bowery, Mo. 137, internal alterations for concert hall; cost, $2,000; lessee, Carl V. Kuch- man, on premises; ar't, Wm. Graul. 1496—19th st. No. 102 E., internal and external alterations, bay window, &c,; cost, $5,000; Henry P. Kingsland, Everett House; ar't, P, W. Krug. 1497—6th av, u w cor 19th st, and No, 108 W, 20th st, connected by two-story brick extension 21.4x77.8, tin roof; cost, $12,000; lessees, Simpson' Crawford & Simpson; ar'ts, Hubert, Pirsson «fe Co. 1498—42d st. No. 651 W., one-story brick exten¬ sion, 2-2x22, tin roof; cost, $800; estate of Leonard Appleby, J. P. Sutphen, trustee, 651 West 42d st; b'r, Edward Sorenson. 1499—Sth av. No, 607, one story brick extension 24.8x54,2, tin roof; cost, $3,000; lessee, Daniel Schwarzkopf, on premises; ar't, M. C. Merritt. 1500—Christopher st. No. 81, floor of church lowered, new windows of stained glass, interior decorations, repairs, &c.; cost, $10,00U; Board of Trustees of the St, Johns Lutheran Church, H W, Hoops, pres,, 870 Bowery; ar'ts. Berg & Clark; b'rs, Steele & Costigan, 1501—46th st, INO. 2 E., bay window; cost, $1,500; Jesse Seligman, on premises; ar't, J. E. Terhune; b'r, Joseph Thompson, 1502—Fulton av. No. 1349, two-story frame ex¬ tension, 25x28, tiu roof; cost, abt $1,5 0; Adolph Georgi, on premises; ar't, Ernst Fintel. 1.503—Houston st, No. 185 W,, front alteration. Iron beams furnished; cost, $300; Phillip Fischer, oil premises; ar't, A, E, Hudson. 1504—Greenwich st, Nos. 407-411, and No. 15 Hubert st, two steam freight elevators; cost $6,000; W, D. Sloane, 642 5th av; ar't, W W Smith; b'rs, A. C. Hoe & Co. 1505—65th st, s w cor 1st av, new windows; cost, abt $125; Joseph Hammerl, 109 East 4th 8t; b'rs, J. and J. Van Riper and S. L. Berg- straser. 1506—51st st, No. 15 W., internal alterations; cost, $10,000; Ellen M. French, on premises; ar'ts E, J, N. Stent & Co.; b'r, \i. D. Garnsey, 1507—Essex st. No, 36, new show window, &c,; cost, abt $185; lessee, A. Feinberg, on premises- b'r, G. Galef. ' 1508—38th st. No, 105 E., one-story and base¬ ment brick extension, 8.4x19.6, rear 10.6, tin roof; cost, $2,000; S. S. Smith, on premises; ar't, S. D. Hatch; b'rs, not selected. 1509—Front st. No. 138, internal and rear alter¬ ations; cost, $2,000; Estate of J. A. McGard, C. H, Woodbury, trustee, 33 Pine st; ar't, 8. D. Hatch; b'rs, R, L, Darragh & Co, and James Elgar. 1510—4th st, No. 16 W., steam boUer in vault under sidewalk; cost, $1,500; agent, Lewis John¬ ston, 796 Lexington av; b'r, John AUen. 1511—Jane st. No. 47, four-story brick exten- •ion, 11,6x7, tin roof; cost, $2,000; J. W. Johu- Bton, 57 East 66th st; ar't, Emile Gruwe. 1518—68th Bt, Nos. 6-12 E., rear raised one story; cost, ^bout $2,000; agent, A. W. Cruik- shank, Broadway, n e cor 4.3d st; ar't and b'r, Daniel McEnerny; m'n, not selected. 1513—Broadway, s w cor 41st st, gaUery buUt and stairs changed; cost, $5,000; att'y for ow'r, C, E, Ogden, 111 Broadway; ar't, C, C, Haight; b'i-,s, W. H. Kirk & Co. 1514—176th st, llth av and Audubon av, three- storj' attic and basement stone extension on east¬ erly side, 4S.6xll9, peak roof slated; cost, $45,- 000; Juvenile Asylum, E. M, Kingsley, president, 42 West 50th st; a'rt, S. D. Hatch; b'rs. J. A. Hopper aud Bates & Masliu. 1515—126th st, No. 3 W,, peak roof leveled, dormer window put in; cost, $150; L, C. Warner, 2()4J 5th av; ar't, A. B. Jennings; b'r, Andrew Clement. 1516—Washington st, Nos, 217-221, new win¬ dows cut and iron skylight; cost, $476; Susan P. Lilienthal, Yonkers; b'r, P. Muldoon, 1517—150th st, s s, 100 e Robbins av, one-story frame extension to school-house, 15x29, rear 45, gravel roofing; cost, $500; St, Paul's German Lutheran Church of East Morrisania; b'r, Fred¬ erick Schwab, 1518—39th st, No, 122 E,, one-story and base¬ ment brick extension, 9.8x12, tin roof; cost, $1,500; E. H, Landon, on premises; ar't, W. M. (i^rin- nell. 1519—Duane st. No. 166, one-story brick exten¬ sion, 22x89, tin roof; cost,-----; Edwin M. Harri¬ son, 32 St. James pl, Brooklyn; ar't, Edward Si¬ mon; b'rs, Wm. Potterton and Peter Roberts. 1520—Canal st, No. 392, four-story brick exten¬ sion, 21x20, tin roof; cost, $4,500; George Blair, 11 York st; ar't and b'rs, same as last. 1521—University pl. No. 19, water tank put in; cost, $125; lessee, J. B. Martin, on premises; b'r, J, F Casey. ' ' 1522—35th st, No, 228 W,, side entrance to church, raised one story; cost, $550; Board of Trustees of the Brick ChUrch, W. B. Isham, 5 East Olst st; ar't and b'r, J, C. Klett; m'n, Charles Schubert, 1523-51st st. No, 109 W,, two story brick ex¬ tension to stables, 25x24, tin roof, skylight en¬ larged; cost, $4,500; Elliott P. Shepard, 2 West 5-3d st; ar't, J, B, Suook; b'r, not selected, 1524-39th st. No, 38 W., present extension raised one story and three-story brick extension, 14.6x13, tin roof: cost, $5,0i 0; Alfred Van Sant- wood, on premises; ar't, J. B. Snook; b'rs, Free¬ man Bloodgood nnd Christie & Dykes. 1525—Centi-al av, n w cor Moshuiu av, two- story frame extension, 20x16, shingle roof; cost, $500; Margaiet P. Redmond, on premises; art and b'r, Ferdinand Turner. ' , 1526^5th av. n e cor 90th st, two-story brick extension to riding-school, 86.4x31.6, tin roof; cost, $10,000; lessee, Carl .Antony, 5th av, cor90th st; ar'ts, Weber & Drosser. 1527—Downing st. No. 23, attic raised to full story, front wall taken down and rebuilt; cost, $2,01)0; Edwin Hotz, 263 Bowery; ar'ts, J. BoekeU & Son. 1528—3d av. No. 10.57, five-story brick exten¬ sion, 25x20, tin roof; cost, $3,000; Ferdinand Sulzberger, 3.7 East 50th st; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Son. 1529—3d av, No. 2271, new front in first story, iron columns and beams furnished; cost, $800; T. J. Monroe, 206 East 124th st; ar't and b'r, Bart. Walther. 1530—10th st, Nos. 45 and 47 E., door in party wall; cost, $75; lessee, Therese Priedlaender, on premises; ar't, Frederich Ebeling. 1531-45th st, No. 2.53 W., extension; cost, $600; Edward H. Clarke, New York Hotel; b'r. Isaac Thomas, KINGS COVNTT. Plan 602—CUfton pl, n w cor Nostrand av, put in new store front; cost, $300; Henry Van Stader, on premises; contractor, J. E. Williams. 6i)3—Pulton st. No. 1675, new sill; cost, $300; Mr. Hale, New Jersey; c'r, Jno. King, 768 Her¬ kimer St. 604—20th st, n s, 108 e 2d av, extension, 17.xl0, two-story frame and brick and stone basement, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $2,500; P. Joyce- c'r, O. Nelson, 92 Wyckoff st. 605—30th st. No. 153, put in stone foundation; cost, $-^50; FUen Wand, on premises; m'n, Wm. Smith. 197 21st St. 606—Whit will pl, n w cor 1st st, raised one story, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, 700; John Tucker, on premises; c'r, S. W, Howard, 205 10th St. 607—Bond st, No. 330, rear waU taken down, rebuild two stories of brick; cost, $170; Mr, Duun, 328 Bond st; ar'ts and m'ns. Shannon & Savage, 476 3d av. 608—Wyckoff st. No. 165, flat tin roof; cost, $2.50; Mr. Cook, l6l Wyckoff st; ar't and b'r, T. J. Nash. 609—Pierrepontst, No. 152, one-and-a-half-story brick extension, 25x16, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $600i; Wm. J. Allen, Henry st, cor Clark st; ar't, T, P, Houghton, 610—18th st, n s, 300 w 9th av, three-story brick extension, 50x40, tin roof; cost, $6,000; A. A, Fisher, iSth st, near 9th av; ar't, M, Thomas; b'rs. A, Rutan and W. Williams. 611—Sumpter st. No. 92, new store front; cost, $2,000; M. Wulp; b'r, A. Kline, 612—Lexington av. No. 445, rebuild part of front wall; cost, $15; Alice Bishop, on premises. 613—Ellery st. No. 31, one-story frame exten¬ sion, 12x18, tiu roof; cost, $300; John Steg, on premises; b'r, W. Mori-is. 615—Schaeffer st, No. 34, add one story, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $300; ow'r, ar't and b'r, David CottreU, on premisas.