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The Record and guide: v. 38, no. 962: August 21, 1886

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August 21, 1886 The Record and Guide. 1069 48th st. No. 514 W., five-story brick tenem't with store. 5i.5x70, tin roof; cost, $15,0 0; Mary B. Casey, 564 10th av; ar't, Joseph Wolf. Plan 1455. 48th st. No. 516 W., two-story brick stable, 25x 95, tin roof; cost, $S,000; Mary E. Casey, 564 10th av; ar't, Joseph Wolf. Plan 1456. 7th av, s e cor 38th st, one-story brick store, 50.6x48, metal roofing; cost, $8,000; A. A. P. Wen¬ del, Irvington, N. Y.; ar't, J. B. Snook; b'r, not selected. Plan 1453. 10th av, Nos. 547 and .549, two five-story brick tenem'ts with stores,;24.8x.55, tin roofs; cost, each, $13,000; estate John Muller, dec'd, Gesche Muller, extrx., 246 West 49th st; ar't, R. S. Townsend; b'r, not selected. Plan 1451. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OP 5th AVENUE. 2d av. No. 2292, rear, one-story brick tin roofer's shop, 25.2x40, tin roof; cost, $1,500; Henry Turno, 21b6 Ist av; ar't, Adam Munch. Plan 1441. 73d st, s s. 80 e 3d av. one-story brick office, lOx 22, tiu roof; cost, $1,200; S. J. Coif ord, Newport, R. I., agent, L. J. Carpenter; b'r, W. A. Hankin¬ son. Plan 1462. 1st av, n w cor 106th st, five-story brick tenem't with store, 25..5x70, tin roof; cost, $15,000: Mar¬ tha Gelston, 1^7 East 123d st; ar't, J. H. Valen- tme. Plan 1457. 1st av, w s, 35.5 n 106th st, three five-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 35x61, tin roofs; cost, each, $13,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 1458. 106th st, n s, 75 w 1st av, five-story brick tene¬ ment with store, 25x62, tin roof; cost, $13,000: ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 1459. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF 8th avenue. 60th st, s s, 100 w 10th av, three five-story brick tenem'ts, with store in one, 35x85, tin roof; cost each, $18,000; John D. Karst, Jr., 1874 3d av ar't, Alex. I. Finkle. Plan 1438. ' 74th st, s w cor 9th av, flve-story brick flat with stores, 35x98.3, tin roof: cost, $26,000; Margaret A. Brennan, 417 West 69th st; ar'ts, Thom& Wil¬ son; built by day's work. Plan 1444. 74th st, s s, 35 w 9th av, four four-storv and basement brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 18, 19 and 20x55, tin roofs; cost, each, $19,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 1445. 85th st, s s, 350 e 9th av, two four-story brick dweU'gs, 25x84, rear 16, tin roof; cost, each, $30,000: Charles H. Bliss, "The Rutland," 57th st and Broadway; ar't, E. L. Angell. Plan 1446. 10th av, e s, 75 n 63d st, two flve-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x77, tin roofs; cost, each, $15,000; Simon Haberman, BeUeviUe, N. J.; ar't G. A. ScheUenger. Plan 1431. 110th and 135th streets, between 5th and 8th avenues. eth av, s w cor 124th st, four three-story brick fiats with store in corner building, total 100.11x35, in corner and in inside houses 50, tin roofs; cost corner, $10,000, others, each, $8,000: Abram b' Vandusen, 2039 6th av; ar't, Charles H. Beer Plan 1447. north of 125th STREET. Schepp pl, e s, abt 175 w Western Boulevard, three hot-houses; cost, each, $75; lessee, W. A. Finger, llth av cor 16ist st; b'r, S. B. Clevenger Plan 1435. 142d st, n s, 200 e llth av, three-story and attic brick dweU'g, 37x40, peak roof slated; cost, $12,000; Hannah M. Halpin, 215 West 130th st; ar't, J. H Duncan. Plan 1439. Manhattan st, n s, 63 e old Broadway, five- story brick flat with store, 38x60, tin roof; cost, $24,000; Mary Deering, Riverside av, s e cor 103d st; ar't, R. W. Townsend; b'rs, not selected. Plan 1450. Sth av, n w cor 136th st, five-story brick fiat with store, 35x81, tin roof; cost, $35,700; Whit¬ field Terriberry, 243 Broadway; ar't, J. C. Burne; b'r, not selected. Plan 1448. Sth av, w s, 25 n 136th st, three flve-story brick flats with stores, 25x66, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 1449. 23d and 24th wards. Denman pl, s s, 75 w Tinton av, two-story and basement frame dwell'g, 30x31, tin roof; cost, $2,500; Godfrey Hock, Denman pl, bet Tinton and Forest avs; ar't, Mathew Lynch; b'r, Julius Heb- erlein. Plan 1439. Morris st, s s, 150 w Madison av, two-story frame dwell'g, 22.6x33.9, shingle roof; cost. $3,500: Edward Favier, 918 Tinton av; ar't, Ei-nst Von Fintel; b'rs, not selected. Plan 1433. Potter pl, n s, 635 w Cadiz pl, two-story frame dweU'g with stone basement, 21x26.3, shingle roof; cost, $2,400; David Banks, 1683 Railroad av; ar't, Ernst Von Fintel; b'r, not selected. Plan 1434. 154th st. No. 97 E., one-story frame dwell'g, 18x 30, tiu roof; cost, $1,000; Barbara Koenig, on premises; ar't, Louis Falk; b'r, not selected. Plan 1428. l()4th st, n s, 343 w Washington av, two-story frame shed for lumber, 50x35, gravel roof; cost, $500; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Louis Falk, 777 East 165th St. Plan 1437. Bathgate av, w s. 111 n 175th st, two-story frame dweU'g, 30x30, rear 34, tin roof; cost, $2,500; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Anthony K. Royce, 178th st, near VanderbUt av; m'ns,"" Hawley & WUson. Plan 1443. Clermont av, e s, 100 s Devoe st, two-story frame dweU'g, 22x35, shingle roof; cost, $3,500; John 0. Holohan, Highbridge; ar't, Richard Vom Lehn. Plan 1440. Lincoln av, 3d av and 137th st, triangular block, five-story brick flat with stores, 81.4:x84.8x 3110, tin roof; cost, $33,000; Dominick O'ReUly, 308 East 119th st; ar'ts, Babcock & McEvoy. Plan 1460. Morris av. n e cor 15Sth st, four two-story basement and attic brick dwell'gs, 20 and IS.Sx 40, tin roofs with mansard; cost, each. $3,000; Eugene A. Crow. Forest av, north of 141st st, and Theodore Golden, 1383 3d av; ar't, Oswald Wirz. Plan 1463. Morris av, w s, 500 s Highbridge road, one- and-a-half-story frame carriage house and stable, 26x18, shingle roof; cost, $400; Emily Richensteen, Fordham; b'r, C. B. Schuyler. Plan 1454. RINGS CODNTI. Plan 1144—Myrtle av, s s, 44.9 e Ralph st, two three-story brick tenem'ts, 2.5x50, felt roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $8,000; Jacob J, Barnes, 62 Washington st; ar't, E. D. Howes. 1145—South Sth st. No. 118, s s, 213 w Bedford av, one four-story brick tenem't, 25x73.8, tin roof, wooden and metal cornice; cost, $8,000; Mrs. Martha BeU, Sing Sing, N. Y.; ar't, C. A. Mushlit; b'r, W. R. BeU. 1146—Pacific st, n s, 75 w Brooklyn av, two three-story brick dwell'gs, 18.6x36, exten¬ sion 14x18, tin roof, Tvcoden cornice; cost, each, abt $5,000; T. B. Jackson, 424 Clinton av; ar't and b'r, W. E. Jackson. 1147—Putnam av, n s, 185 e Sumner av, five two-story and basement and attic brown stone dweU'gs, 18x42, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $5,500; ow'r and b'r, Thomas MiUer, 650 Monroe st; art, A. HiU. 1148—Decatur st, s s, 125 w Lewis av, four two¬ story and basement dwell'gs, 20x43, tin roof, wooden cornice; total, cost, $21,000; McLaughlin & McConnell, Columbia and Warren sts; ar't, W. M. Coots: b'rs, Lewis Bros. 1149—Dean st, n s, 80 e Albany av, five three- story brick tenem'ts. 30x40, tin roofs, wooden cor¬ nices: cost, each, $3,.500: Samuel HiUiard, 1546 Pa¬ cific .st; ar't, A. V. Porter; b'r, M. Hughes. 1150—19th st, s s, 287.6 e.5th av, five two-story frame dweU'gs, 12.6x35, tin roofs; cost, each, $1,600; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Wm. E. Kay, 27618th st. 1151—North Sth st, s s, 310 w 1st st, one three- story brick boUer house, 75x141, gravel roof, brick cornice; cost, $18,000; ow'js and ar'ts, Dick & Meiyer, North 7th st, near 1st st; b'r, T. Gibbons. 1152—Bay av, s s, 50 w Schenck av, one two¬ story frame dweU'g, 20x30, tin roof; cost, $1,600; M. J. Brown, Smith av, near Bay av; b'r, W. C. Anderson. 1153—Aberdeen st, s s, 350 e Broadway, four two-story and basement frame (brick filled) dwell'gs, 20x36, tin roofs; cost, each, $3,500; A. M. Sagar; b'r, J. E. Sagar. 1154—President st, n s, 427 e Sth av, two three- story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 30x50, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $8,000; ow'r and b'r, Lester Liewis; ar't, A. E. White. 1155—Evergreen av, e s, 50 s Jacob st, one two¬ story frame dweU'g, 20x30, gravel roof; cost, $800; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Geo. B. Phillips, 433a Monroe st. 1156—4th pl, s s, abt 175 e Clinton st, one four- story brick tenem't, 25x60, tin roof, wooden cor¬ nice; cost, $8,500; Mr. Cross, 4th pl; ar't, G. Da¬ men; b'r, J. J. Brennan. 11.57—Ten Byckst, No. 34, one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 35x58, tm roof; cost, $5,000; Joseph ZoU, 175 Boerum st; ar'ts, Platte & Acker; b'rs, C. Wieber and J. Roeuth. 1158—Park av, n w cor Grand av, one one-story brick depot, 61.4x819.10, iron and tin roof, iron and brick cornice; cose, $13,000; A. I. Du Pont, 43 Ryerson st; ai-'t, W. H. Searles; b'r, J. N. Smith. 1159—Throop av, n w cor Decatur st, one four- story brown stone store and tenem't, 21x60, gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $8,000; Henry B. Moore, 326 Tompkins av; ar't, A. HiU. 1160—Harman st, s s, 350 e Irving av, one one- story frame dweU'g, 23x^0, gravel roof; cost, $400; NeU McNoUy; ar't, C. H. Reynolds; b'rs, Doig & Port and Gately & Smith. 1161—Rockaway av, s e cor St. Marks av, one two-story frame (brick ffiled) store anddwell'g, 30x43, tin roof; cost, $2,000; John ShoU; b'r, C. Horn. 1162—Alabama av, w s, 100 n Union av, two two-story frame dwell'gs, 21x32, and extension 13x18, tin roofs; cost, each, $3,000; ow'rs and c'rs, James Dinsmore & Co., Madison st. Bast New York; m'n, W. Schnor; ar't, C. L. D. Spalthof. 1163—Bushwick av, n w cor Adams st, two four-story brick stores and tenem'ts, 37.6 and 35x 54 and 65.6, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $7,000 and $6,500; Henry Huether, Bushwick av and Beaver st; ar't, G. HUlenbrand; b'r, not selected. 1164—Carroll st, n s, 300 w Pranklin av, one one-story frame dweU'g, 16x19, shingle roof; cost, $75; James Fox, Carroll st, b'r, Joyce & Morrow. 1165—48th st, s s, 300 w 4th av, five two-story frame dwell'gs, 16x36, and extension 7.6x11.6, tin roofs; cost, each, $3,000; ow'r, &c., J. R. Schoon- over, 385a 12th st. 1166—Boerum st. No. 330, s s, 249.9 e Bushwick av, one three-story frame (brick fiUed) tenem't, 25 x38, tin roof; cost, $3,000; Philip Fuchs, 230 Boerum st; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'r, D. Ki-euder. 1167—New Lots road, s s, 150 e Monroe st, one two-story frame stable, 33x35, tin roof; cost, $400; Z. Duryea, on premises; ar't, L. SchUlinger; b'r, J. Rudershausen. 1168—Broadway, No. 737, n e cor Locust st, one four-story brick store and dwell'g. 3.5x56, tin roof; iron cornice; cost, $11,000; John Dittrieh, 336 Graham av; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'rs, W. Maschke and J. Rueger. 1169—Douglass st, n s, 130 w 5th av, one ^hree- story brick tenem't, 30x43, tin roof, wooden cor¬ nice; cost, $2,500; Mary Flynn, 128 4th av; ar't and c'r, J. Plynn: m'n, not selected. 1170—Columbia st, w s, 55 n Bush st, one one- story frame dweU'g, 20x18, gravel roof; cost, $150; Mrs. M. E. Haynes, Columbia and Centre sts. 1171—Pranklin st, n e cor Noble st, one one- story frame foundry. 3.5x70.6, gravel roof: cost, $800; Abendroth & Root Mfg. Co., New York; ar't and b'r, N. Baut. 1172—43d st, s s. 140 e 3d av, one twostory frame store and dwell'g, 31x44, tin roof; cost, $1,£00; L. Anderson, 319 Sackett st; ar't, G. Damen; b'r, M. Olsen. 1173—Fulton st, s e cor Kinestoii av, three four-story brick stores and dwell'gs, 18.6x60 and 23x60, tin roofs, iron cornice and one extension, 23x40.1; buildings cost, each, $6,500; extension, $1,800; Ernst Eggert; ar't, G. Damen; b'r, not selected. 1174—Berkeley pl, s s. SO w 7th av, three three- story and basement brick and brown stone dwell¬ ings, 18.4x42. tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $5,.500; ow'r, ar't and b'r, C. B. Sheldon. 296 9th St. 1175—12th st, n s, 150 w .Sd av, one three-story and basement frame tenem't, 24x30, tin roof; cost, $2,000; J. De Young, 108 12th st; ar't, G. Red¬ mond. 1176—1st st, s s, 96.6 w .5th av, one four-story brown stone tenem't, 38.6x60, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $10,(100; IlEgedorn & Squance, 6th av and llth st; ar't, F. T. Camp. 1177—Graham st, es, IOO s Myrtle av, one two¬ story brick engine house, 2.5x54.'8, tin roof, brick and stone cornice; cost, about $9.0ii0: City Brook¬ lyn, Mayor's offlce; ar't, Dep't of City Works; b'r, -----CoUins. 1178—Tompkins av,' s e cor McDonough st, one three-story and basement brick dwell'g, 33.(3x56, tin roof: cost, $14,000; J. D. SuUivan, Decatur st; ar't, J. Reemer; m'n, not .selected; c'r, A. W. Blazo. 1179—Garfield pl, s s, abt 375 w 7th av, five three-story and basement brick dweU'gs, 17x42, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $6,.50O; ow'r ar't and b'r, C. B, Sheldon, 296 9th st. 118(J—Freeman st. No. 120, s s, one two-stor.y frame store, 28 and 16x39.4 and 28.10, gravel i oof; cost, $1,500; Brooldyn Wire Nail Co., 128 Free¬ man st; ar't, J. Hellyer; b'rs, T. Kepple and Mr. Rooney. 1181—Fairfax st, n s, 230 e Bushwick av, one two-story frame (brick filled) laundry. 20x30, tin roof; cost, $500; (German Evangelical Aid Society, Fairfax st; ar't and m'n, C. Baur; c'rs. Stout Bros. 1183—North 3d st, No. 301, n s, 150 from 5th st, one twc-story brick stable, 36 and 31x13, gravel roof, brick cornice; cost, $.500; Chris. Johnhoff, on premises; b'r, J. Shoch. 1183—v3d st, s s, 375 w 4th av, two two-story and basement frame (brick filled) dwell'gs, 14x40; tin roofs; cost, $4,50i»; John Feitner, Jr., 18618th st; ar't, W. H. Wirth; b'rs, --------Dieckmann and J. KoUe. 1184—Van Siclen av, n s, 300 e Baltic av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 22x31, tin roof; cost, $2,000; Fr. Eichstaedt, Baltic av; ar't, F. Holm¬ berg; b'r, Geo. Distler. 1185—1st st, s s, 80 w 5th av. one two-story brick stable, 20x28.6, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $3,500; Hagedorn & Squance, 6th av llth st; ar't, F. T. Camp. 1186—5th av, w s, 22 s 1st st, three four-stor.y brown stone stores and tenem'ts, 26x62, tin roof, wooden cornices; total cost, $36,"00; Hagedorn & Squance, 6th av and llth st; ar't, F. T. Camp. 1187—5th av, s w cor 1st st, one four-story brown stone store and tenem't, 22 and 48x96.6, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $20,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. 1188—Starr st, s s, 113 w Wyckoff av, one one- story frame (brick filled) dwell'g, 22x28, gravel roof; cost, $650; ow'r and m'n, Andr Wolbert; ar't, E. Schrempf; c'r, L. Meyer. 1189—Canton st, w s, 90 s TiUary st, one three- story and cellar brick shop and dwell'g, 23.4x32.6, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $2,800; Kate Rep- pengale, 61 Canton st; ar't and b'r, 8. Reppengale. 1190—Magnolia st, s s, 125 w Irving av, one three-story frame (brick filled) store and tene¬ ment, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $4,700; Mrs. C. Man¬ tel, 395 Pulaski st; ar'ts, H. Loeffler & Co.; b'r, not selected. 1191—Bergen st, n s, 100 Stone av, one two¬ story frame dwell'g, 18x44, tin roof; cost, $2,.500; ow'r, ar'tand c'r, Charles Truax, Bergen st; m'n, E. Smith. 1192—Moore st. No. 36, s s, 25 w Ewen st, one one-story frame shed, 12x84, tin roof: cost, $100; George Seyfried, 21 Seigel st; b'r, A. Hawer. 1193—Waverly av, w s, 164 s Park av, one fom--story brick tenem't, 20x49, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $7,000; Peter McGoldrick, Wash¬ ington av, near Park av; ar't. T. F. Houghton. 1194—^Division av, n s, 70 w John st, one two¬ story and attic frame dwell'g, 22x33, an exten¬ sion 13x16, tin or shingle roof; cost, $3,300; Mrs. John Webster, Sheffield av, near Atlantic av; b'r, W. C. Anderson. 1195—Monitor st, e s, 50 n Richardson st, one one-and-a-half-storv frame dwell'g, 16.11x11, tin roof; cost, $300; Jacob Ruckh, 432 Humboldt st; ar't and b'r, George Schwab. ALTERATIOIVS IVEW YORK OITI. Plan 1760—29th st. No. 205 W., iron girders to support rear waU; cost, $400; lessee, Chas. Walch, on premises; ar't, A. E. Hudson; b'r, James Pot¬ terton.