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The Record and guide: v. 38, no. 973: November 6, 1886

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1376 The Record and Guide. November 6,1888 flats with stores, corner 25.6x70, two inside buUd¬ ings 25x60, and one 25.5x60; also 108th st, s s. 75 w 10th av, one flve-story brick (stone front flrst story) flat, 25x65, tin roofs; cost, corner, $28,000; three inside buildings on av, each, $20,000, and .st building, $23,000; John P. Moore, 425 West SOth st; ar'ts, D. & J, Jardine. Plan 1871. NOBTH OF 125th STREET. 169th St. 8 s, 217 w 10th av, three-story and basement frame dwell'gs, 20x45, tin roofs; cost, $4,000; Margaret McCue, 216 Delancey st; ar't, C, S. Clark. Plan 1866. 169th st, s s, 2.37 w 10th av, three-story and basement frame dwell'g, 20x45, tin roof; cost, S;4,00(i; Wilhelmina Siebert, 261 West 126th st; ar't, C. S. Clark. Plan 1867. 23d and 24th wabds. 170th st, s s, 100 w Franklin av, six two-story aud basement frame dwell'gs, 18.10x38, tin roofs; cost, each, S!2.500: ow'r and b'r, Henry A. Sher¬ wood, 1340 Washington av; ar't, W. W. Gardi¬ ner. Plan 1868. Morris av, e s, abt 100 s Gray st, two story frame dwell'g, 20x30, peak roof shingled; cost, $2,000; W. E. Andrews, Tremont; ar't, James Stroud; b'r, Harry HaU. Plan 1873. I34th st, s s, 225 w Alexander av, two-story brick dry kiln for lumber, 21x86, tar and gravel rooflng;'cost, abt $1,500: ow'rs and b'rs, N. Y. Lumber and Wood Woi-king Co., 22 Cortlandt st. Plan 1880. Sedgwick av, u w eor 184th st, two-story and attic frame dwell'g, 36 and 33x52, rear 19 and 23, peak roof slated; cost, $6,000; Melvina P. Anger, 119 West 123d st or 23d st; ar't and b'r, Charles E. Jacques. Plan 1878. Ash or Grove st, n s, 135 w Anthony or Pros¬ pect av. two-story frame dwell'g, 20x28, tin roof; cost, $1,675; Emma P. Whitety, 450 West 62d st; ar't, C. S. Clark; b'rs, H. & C. Clark. Plan 1835. KUffiS COUNTT. Plan 1667—Park av, No, 574, rear, one-story frame shop, 24x12, tin roof; cost, $100; T, W, Hynes & Co.,on premises; ar't, C. Pranz. Cor¬ rection. 1694—16th st, No. 224, one three-story frame dweU'g, 22x45, tin roof; cost, $4,000; Geo. Schmidt, cor 16th st and 6th av; ar't, Carl F. Eisenach; b'r, C. Dietrich. 1695—Pacific st, No. 1654, s s, one-story fi-ame shed, 20x12, gravel roof; cost, $50; Lorenzo Lotz. 1696—Harman st, s s, 200 e Irving av, one-story frame (brick filled) dwell'g, 22x34, tin roof; eost, $600; J. Stone, Bleecker st; m'n, J. MiUer, 1697—Greene av, n s, 100 e Nostrand av, four three-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, 17 x42, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost,each, $7,000; J. P. Puels, cor Nostrand and Lexington avs; ar't, Amzi Hill. 1698—Richardson st, u e cor Leonard st, one¬ story frame foundry, 32x75, tin roof; cost, $375; Lewis & Egginsten, 1143 De Klalb av; c'r,----- Kesseler. 1699—Luquer st. No. 89, n s, one four-story brick tenem't, 25x53, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $6,000; ow'r and b'r, Jno. P. Nilson, 28 hasset pl; ar't, Geo. Damen. 1700—Columbia pl, Nos. 35 and 37, e s, two five-story brick tenem'ts, each 25x65, tin roofs, gal¬ vanized iron cornices; cost, each, $10,000; Thos. Minford, 103 WaU st. New York; ar'ts, W. Field & Son, New York; b'r, R. Healy. 1701—Van Sicklen av, w s, 200 s Bi"oadway, one¬ story frame stable, 10x12; cost, $40; A. Hart, on premises. 1702—Stanhope stj s s, 100 e Hamburg av, ten two-stoiT frame (brick filled) dwell'gs, 20x45, tin roofs; cost, each, $-3,000; Alonzo M. Sager, 1248 Bushwick av; ar't, Jno. E. Sager. 1703—7th av, n s, 80 n 20th st, one three-story frame (brick filled) dwell'g, 21x50, tin roof; cost, $4,5(>0; Mrs. Dempsey, 437 20th st; ar't and b'r, W. J. Conway. 1704—Diamond st, No. 168, s w cor Norman av, onestory frame office, 8x10; cost, $20; F. ReiUy, 160 Norman av; c'r, J, Newton. 1705—13th st, n s, 200 e 2d av, one two-story and basement frame (brick filled) dwell'g, 21x30, tin roof; cost, $1,800; Kate Hanrity, on premises; ar't and e'r, G. Redmond, 170V-Somers st, s e eor Sackman st, two three-story frame stores and dwellings, 20x48, tin roofs; cost, each, $3,500; ow'r and b'r, Mrs, Dora J, Fagan, 148 Somers st; ar't, Th, Engelhardt. 1707—Degraw st, n s,. 120 e Rogers av, one three-story brick dwell'gs, each 19.4>^x45xl0.0)^, giavel roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $l,80u; J. R. Ferguson, 917 Douglass st; ar't, A. HiU. 1708—Liberty av, n s, 50 e John st, one-story frame stable 12x12, felt roof; cost, $40; Gus Halter, cor John and Liberty avs; c'r, W. lliff. 1709—13th st, s s, 250 w 4th av, one two-story frame dweU'g, 21x30; tin roof; cost, $1,200; W. . Hassoway, on premises; ar't and c'r, G, Red- niond, 1710—Jefferson av, Nos. 341 and 343, two three- sfcory and basement brick dweU'gs, 21x45 and 23x : 45v^tin roofs, galvinized iron cornices; cost, $6,000 and $8,000; ow'rs, ar'ts and c'rs, Colson & ;:Reiners, 123 Tompkins av; m'n, Jas, Rickard. 1711—Clason av, w s. 100s Pacific st, onestory frame shed, 16x80, gravel roof; cost, $275; Catha¬ rine Lynch. 624 Clason av; c'r, Jno. Powers, 1712—Flushing ay, s s, 390 e Marcy av, one- . sfcory frame, office and shed, 18x100 and 18x88, board roofs; cost, each, $400; Jacob Bossert, cor Lee av and Middleton st; ar'ts, Pl?,tte & Acker. 1713—Stagg st, No, 219, one two-story frame , sheid, 10x16x10, add stable 25x30,^ gravel roofs; cost, $500; O. Wieber, rai premises; ar'fcs, Platte Ss Acker, ■ . 1714—Graham av, e s, 60 s Broome st, two three¬ story frame (brick filled) dwell'gs, 19x47, tiu roofs; cost, each, $3,200; Rorden & Kohlmann, cor Van Cott and Oakland avs; c'r, Thos. Kepple; m'n, M. Vogel; ar't, P, Weber. 1715—Sumner av, w s, 80 n Quincy st, one-story brick stable, 12x16.6. gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $373; J. C. Strieker, cor Simmer av and C^uincyst; m'n, C. N. Wood. 1716—Lorimer st, n w cor iSTassau av, one three¬ story frame (brick filled) store and dweU'g, 20x 55. tinroof; cost, $4,500; M. Newman, cor Nor¬ man and Manhattan avs; ar't, F. Weber, b'rs, not selected. 1717—Pacrfiest, ss, 200 w New York av, one two-story and attic brick and stone dwell'g, 41x 36, with extension 23x16.3, slate roof, galvanized iron cornice: cost, $14,000; Jeremiah Johnson, Jr., 62 Liberty st. New York; ar't. Geo. P. Chap¬ peU; m'n, J. Ashfield & Son; c'r, M. C. Rush. 1718—Smith av, w s. 175 n Fulton av, one two¬ story frame dwell'g, 21x30, tin roof; cost, $2,451; Eugene Klock, 70 MUler av; m'n, H. P. Smith; ar't, G. H. Bohanna. 1719—SkUlman st, w s, 150 s Myrtle av, one three-story brick dweU'g, 20x50. tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $6,000; ow'r and b'r, Geo. Browley, 250 Steuben st; ar't, M. J. MoiTiU. 1720—Clason av, e s, 50 n Bergen st, one one¬ story frame stable, 25x30, felt roof; cost, $150; John P. Wierk, 154 Eagle street; ar't and b'r, J. D. Eggers. 1721—Central av, n w Greene av, two three story frame stores and teuem'ts, 25x65, tin roofs; cost, $8,700; ow'r and b'r, L. Kunz, 251 Central av; ar't, F. Holmberg. 1722—McDougal st. No. 87, n s, 150 e Howard av, one one-story frame stable, 16x12, gravel roof • cost, $50; Fred Geuther, 237 West SOth st, New York. 1723—Leonard st, n e cor. Conselyea st, one two-story frame stable, 16.8x21.6, tin roof; cost, $300; Dr. Armgardt, on premises; b'r, U, Maurer. 1724—Bushwick av, s e cor Schaeffer st, two two-story and basement frame (brick fllled) dweU'gs, 21x44, tin roof; cost, each $2,500; ow'r ai't and b'r J. W, Lamb, 82 Bushwick av. 1725—Brooklyn and Jamaica plank road, n s, 50 e Miller av, one three-story frame (brick fllled) tenem'fc, 21x50, tin roof; cost, $4,50(): Theo. Schussler, 59 Sumner av; ar't, E. A. Wagner; b'rs. J. Schneider and A. Hensinger. 1726—Himrod st, s s, 280 e Evergreen av, two two-story and basemenfc frame dweU'gs, 30x32, tin roofs; cost, each, $2,500; John Webb, 434 South 5th st; b'r, P. Modeste. 1727—Herkimer sfc. No. 1014, s w cor Bancroft pl; one one-story frame stabie, 6x12.6. tin roof: eost. $15; Patrick Sheridan, 1010 Herkimer sfc; b'r P. Doyle. 1728-Sumpter st, No. 31, one two-stOry frame stable, 17x19, tin roof; oost, $400; S. A. Quell, on premises; ar't smd b'r, A. Kline. 1729—Flushing av, No. 688, s s, 75 from Throop av, one one-story frame shop, 20x24, tin roof; cost, $400; Chs. FugoU, on premises; ar't and b'r, L. Meyer. 1730—Plank I'oad, s s, 100 e Pennsylvania av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 20x40 and 33.6, tin roof; cost, $1,800; Andrew Fey; b'i-8, B. Becht and C. Leihbacher. 1731—Conselyea st, s s, 100 w Ewen st. two three-story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 25x55, tin roof; cost, each, $4,000; ow'r and b'r, Stephen J. Burrows, 236 Ainslie st; ar't, Th. Engelhardfc. 1732—Havemeyer st, e s, 75 n North 5th st, one fchree-story frame tenem't, 14x45, tin roof; cost $2,00^; M. McDonald; ar'ts and b'rs, C. L. John¬ son Sons. 1733—EUery st, n s, 75 e Nostrand av, one three¬ story frame tenem't, 25x55, tin roof, brick coi*- nice; cost $4,000; ow'r and b'r, George Straub, 22 Ditmars st; ar't, Th. Engelhardt. 1734—Rapelyea st, e s, 100 n Eagle st, one two- stoi'y frame dweU'g, 20x30, and extension 13x14, tinroof: cosfc, $1,900; George Beach, Locust st, near Fulton av. 1735—Palmetto st, n w e, 2,50 s w Hamburg av, one three-story frame tenem't, 25x55, tinroof, brick cornice; cost, $4,800; P. Kreidmaks, 263 Central av; ar't, Th. J, Beir, 1736—Degraw st, s s, 156,8 e 4th av, five three¬ story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, 16,4x 40, gravel roofs* cost, each, $3,500; George R. Brown. 34 South Portland av; b'rs, L. E. Brown and J. F. Kentana. 1737—Stockton st, s s, 1.10 e Marcy av, ten three-story frame (brick filled) stores and tene¬ ments, 25x55, tin roofs; cost, total, $40,000; ow'r andb'r, George Straub, 22 Ditmars st; ar't, Th. Engelhardt. 1738—Maspeth av, n e cor Humboldfc st, one three-sfcory frame (brick filled^ store and fcenem't, 40.3x39.7x41.6, fcin roof; cost, $4,500; Joseph VoU¬ hardt, on premises; ar'fc, H. VoUweUer; b'r, J, Schoch. 1739—Bushwick av, n e cor Linden sfc, one two¬ story frame dweU'g, 28.10 and 17.6x45.10, shingle roof; cosfc, $5,000; J, E. Rhodes, 122 Penn sfc; ar^, Constable Bros; b'r, E. D. Garnsey. 1740—Nostrand av. n e cor EUery sfc, three three- sfcory frame (brick fiUed) sfcores.and tenem'fcs, 25x .55, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,.500; George Straub. 23 Ditmars st; ar'fc, T.H, Engelhardt. ALTERATIONS NEW YORK CIT¥. Plan 2153—142d st, s s, 200 e St. Nicholas av, frame buUding moved and altered: cost, $250; G, N, MarshaU, Germantown, Pa" 5:154—Rivingtbii sfc, Nix 153, attic raised fco fuU Bfccry, new store front, iron-beams furnished: cost, $3,000; Aron Maas, 7^X Norfolk st; ar't, Charles Rentz. 3155—43d st. No. 29 W., repair damage by fire; cost. $1,100; S. W. Andrews, 35 West 42d st: b'r, E. Smith. 3156—Greenwich st, No. 496, one-story brick extension to factory, 25x38.6, tin roof; cost, abt $800; lessee, P. L. Hatch, Newark, N. J.; b"r, M. Snekeker. 2157—5th av, No. 8?5, fcwo-story and basement brick addifcion to extension, 15x7; cost, $7,000; Amos Cotting. 13 East 42d st; ar't, E. D. Lind¬ say ; b'rs, McKenzie & McPherson. 2158—29th st, No. 26 E.. two-story brick ex¬ tension, 7x14.7. for butlers pantry, tin roof; cost, $800; F. D. Tappen, 49 East 68th st; ar't, Sherwood Dunn; b'r, G. 1). Hil.yard. 2159—Sthst, Nos. 419 and 421, rear buUding (drying room of factory) raised onestory; cost. $1,000; lessees, Chalmers Spence Co., on premises; ar't, W. J. Pryer, Jr.; b'r, not selected. 2160—55th st, Nos. 636-640 W.. one-story brick extension to factory, 46.6x38.10x46.3x30.3. tin roof; cost, $2,000; H. S. Mott. 54th stand llth av; ar'fc, W. B. TuthiU; b'rs. Wm. Schmalz and Geo. Hyde. 2161—10th st. No. 231 E., rear alteration; cost, $500; J. C. Meister, Charles City, Va.; b'rs, P. Tostevin's Sons and Guy Culgin. 2162—125th sfc. No. 167 E., well hole cut; cost, $1,300; Frank Hardy, 1 Wesfc 123d st. 2163—Fulton and Fi-ont sts, Fulton Market; one-story iron and frame extension for office, S6x 4, tin roof; cost. $1000: lessees. Wm. Ottmann & Co., Fulton Market; ar'ts, Weber & Drosser. 2164—Front st, No. 244, raised one-half story; eost, about $300; W. E. TreadweU, 186 West llth st; ar'fc, Charles Mettam. 3165—Washington av. No. 1293, front alter¬ ation, bay window put in; cost, $200; Hannah E, Houchin, on premises; ar't. W.W, Gardiner, 2166-6ih av, Nos. 2042-2044, s e cor 115th st, two one-story and basement brick extensions, lOx 15, for butler's pantries, tin roofs; cost,each,$l,500; J, H, Sherwood, 115th st, s e cor 6th av; ar't, J. E, Terhune. 2167—16th st, Nos. 514-516 E., altered for stores, in flrst story, iron columns and beams furnished- cost, $2,500; Karl M. WaUach, 308 East 78th st; ar'ts, Hornum Bros. 2168-19th st. No. 138 W., front alterations; cost, $100; Adolph Sussmann, 262 6th av; b'r, Archibald Erskine. 2169—4eth8t, No. 38 W., extension raised one story for use as conservatory, of iron and glass • cost, abt $6,000; E. P. Fowler, 24 West 39th sfc- ar't, Frank Waller; b'r, E. M. Hackett. 2170—Broadway, No. 859. and 71 Franklin st. new elevator in Broadway building, floors strengthened, steam heating apparatus pufc in and general repairs; cosfc, $15,000; Lucien C. Warner, 353 Broadway; ar't, W. B, TufchUl; b'rs, C. A. Cowen and Christie & Dykes. 2171—14th st, No. 21 W., two-story brick exten¬ sion for butler's pantry, 8x20, tin roof; cost, $1,000; Mary S. Van Beuren, on premises; ar't, F. S. Copley; m'n, J. J. Tucker. 2172—Howard st. No. 16, partition removed, &c.; cost, $35; lessee, Kessler & Co., on premises; b'r. W. Joralemon. 3173-76th st. No. 228 E., store in firsfc story, iron girder and columns furnished; cosfc, $850; Simon Bing, Jr., 130 East 74th st; ar't, G. W. Spitzer. 2174—33d bt. No. 339 W., flrst story altered for business purposes, iron girder and columns fur¬ nished; cost, $1,000; W. C. Martin & Bro., 939 Park av; ar't, Edward Outwater. 2175—Pearl st. No. 146, new store front, floor¬ iug, &c.; cost, $800; lessee, Louis MueUer, 224 East 13th 8t; ar't, J. Kastner. 2176—4th av, No. 4, internal alterations; cnst, abt $200; Cecilia L. NoUbeck, Fishkill, N. Y ■ agent, H. 8. Ely; b'rs, P. & W. E. Bloodgood and H. M. Smith Sc Son. 2177—Housfcon sfc, No. 256 W., fronfc alterafcion, iron beams furnished; cosfc, $175; Corporation of Trinity Church, 222 Pulton st; b'r, G. W. Lithgow. 3178—Tiebout av, e s, 100 s Welsh st, additional story on extension; cost, $150; Harriet A. Shep¬ pard, Tiebout av, Fordham; ai-'fcs and b'rs, Miller & Tompkins. 2179—1st av, No. 1038, new store fronfc; cost, $250; Peter Sehaffner, 1108 2d av; ar'c, E. G. Glaeckner; b'rs, M. Bchmeckenbecher's Sens. EIM8 COrNTT. Plan 984—Hooper st, No. 126, onestory brick extension, 7.6x9, tin roof; cost, $200; Jno. Pey¬ ser, on premises; m'ns, W. & T, Lamb, Jr,; c'rs, C, L, Johnson's Sons, 985—3d av. No, 633, internal alterations; cosfc, $300; A, Lindgren, on premises; b'r, A. Nostrum. 986—CarroU sfc. No! 344, add one brick story; cosfc, $797; A. J. Dower, 380 Union sfc; ar'ts and c'rs, Arnold & Son; m'n, T. J. Nasb, 987—Nostrand av, Nos. 50, 53 and 54. buildings raised and brick waU builfc underneath; cost, $780; Binns Sc Eddie, Bedford av; m'n, W. J. Manning. 988—Nassau av, e s, 250 s plank road, building rai»edand placed on,new foundation; cosfc, $385; Andrew Clinfcon, on premises; ar'tand c'r, Chas. Buekman; m'n, S. Bechfc. 989—Henry st, n w cor Luquer st, add one story on three buUdings; cost, $2,200; R, E, Topping, 869 FrankUn av; ar't and c'r, H, S. Hawkins; m'ns,.M, Gibbons & Son, 990—Bergen st, s s, 65 e Bth av, three-story brick extension, 7.4x11,8, tinroof; cost, $500; ow'r and c'r. A. Wilfion, 496 Bergen sfc. 991—Atlantic av, s w cor ytiea ftv, lour-story