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Index to The Record and Guide Vol, XLIV. JULY-----DECEMBER, INCLUSIVE. 1889. The following semi-annual Index of the Con¬ veyances and Projected Buildings in Ne.v York and Klings Counties, as published in The Record AND Guide diiriug the last half of 1889, will be found of great value to those of our subscribers who have preserved all bhe iasues of this paper during that pei-iod. Great care has been taken to keen the Index up to the same perfect stand¬ ard which has characterized it in the past. The pages are given on which all the transfers of j-ealty published in Volume XLIV. can be found, and the streets and avenues are so sub-divided that very few references are required. For in¬ stance, transfers of property on Broome street appear in nineteen issues during bhe six months; Broome street, in the Index, is sub-divided into fifteen parts, so that the least possible trouble need be incurred, any ti'ansfer being found by referring to five pages at bhe most, provided it is known between what streets the property is located. Although manyof our subscribers have used the Index for years, some of them do not fully undpjstaud the completeness of the work. We are frequently told of errors that oui' readers think they have discovered, which, upon investi¬ gation,"prove to be errors of the searcher—not of the Index. Foi' instance, in the current number appears the following: Greenwich, south of Rec¬ tor, 951, 1079, 1108, 1444, the latter being the pages on which transfers on said street maybe found, Now, turning to page 951, the average searcher would fail to find the item referi'ed to. beceuse it does not appear in the alphabetical order of streets. A close search shows the item under the head of Broadway, where a plot 162.4x 300 to Greenwich street, is conveyed. The Index is, therefore, in some cases condemned for a sup¬ posed omission which is really the strongest evi¬ dence of the thoroughness with which it ha.s been compiled. Where .such an omission should occa¬ sionally seem apparent to the subscriber, he should search the whole page, and he will then find the item which is referred to. The Projected Buildings are indexed m a simDar manner, so that it can readily be ascertained on what sbreebs improvements have been made. Those wishing to keep a file for permanent reference shoxild see that all the numbers are complete and have them bound. A suitable hinder can be obtained at the office of The Record and Guide, 191 Broadway, corner Dey street; price, one dollar. CONVEYANCES, Note.—The figures in extra black type—for instance, 141*, under the bead of Barclay street —denote that the transaction on the page given is Leasehold, or a lease running for a long t«rm of years. This explanation is made so that sub¬ scribers searching for transfers in fee can at once distinguish between the former and the lat¬ ter without i-efen-ing to the page mentioned. NEW "5:" ORE CITY. STREETS. Academy___954, 1051. Allen, south of Canal.,., 1313. from Canal to Hester___951, 1635. Hester to Grand.... 1137,1411, 1539, 1635. Broome to Delancey___1635. north of Rivington'^,.. .1335, 1475. Amity (see West od). Amity lane___1335. Amos {see West 10th). Ann, from William to Nassau___988,1475. west of Nassau___1476. Apbhorps lane-----1022, 1023, 1109, Ulu, 1338, 1510. Abtorney, south of Broome___1444, 1635. from Broome to Bivington___1031,1137, 1335, 1508. Rivington to Stanton___1475. north of Stanton,... 1S35, 1411, 1707. Bank___1508,1539, 1639. Barclay.,.. 1*1*. Baxter, from Worth to Leonard___1412. Leonard to Canal.... 1330, 1606,1707. Canal to Grand.... 1108,1313, 1636. Bayard, east of Chrystie... .1137. from Elizabeth to Mott... ,1313, 1444, 1673. Beach,... 1303, 1304, 154^ Bedford, from West Houston to Carmine___ 130.1; 1444. Carmine to Commerce .. .1508, 1639. Beekman, fiom William to Pearl.,. .1019, 1605. Bethune___1303, Bloom in gdale road (also see Broadway, Old Bloomingdale road, and Diagonal av) ....1313, 147.5,1541, 1710. Bleecker, from Bowery to Broadway. . .1079, 1606. Broadway bo South 5th av___951, 1370, 1413. Macdougal to Carmine___951, 1707. Barrow to Charles... ,951, 11S8. Charles st to 8th av....1079, 1335, 1035. Bolton road___9,'j4, 1444. Bond.... 1475, 1476. 1673, Boulevard, from 62d to 65th... .1053. 1110. 65th to 75th___95!, il'Jn, 1340. 7.5tb to 85th., ..951.1370, 1508. SSth to«9th.. .1079. 92d to 93d.... 1303. 94th to 95Lh... .1313, 1270, 1303,1336, 1503, 9.5bh tol0Uth....y5l, 1079. 100th to UOth.... 1339. 1606. 120th to 135th.... 1304, 1336. Bowery, from Division to Canal___1303,1539, Canal to Hester___■r,iu, io7(;. Delancey to Rivington___988, 90a, 1G76. .Hiviugtou to Stanton.,.. 1031, 1051, 1108. noi'th of Houston___1370. Bridge..,.1('21, 1079. 1108, 1336,1413, 1707. Broad, from Water to Stone___1639. Stone to Beaver. ...1021, 1033. north of Beaver,.. .988, 1635. Broadway, south of Morris .. .951, 1079. 174''!. from Morris st lo Exchange pi___1336, 1412. Liberty to Barclay... .103*, l«l,'>. 1242, 1606. Walker to Spring... .1475, 1673, Spring to Bleecker.. ,1444,1635. Bleecker to 4th.... 1444, 1574. e s, 4th to 8th..., 1021, 1163, 1707. ws, 4th to 8th.... 1335, 1336. 8th tol3th,...3.''»«. 1021, 1508, 1040. 14th to 34th. ...1606. 24th to 30th, ...989, 993 3(ith to 34tb.... 1110, 1137,1339. 3ithto 37th.,..989, 1412. 50tb to 55tb.... 1032, 1337, 1637, 5.5tbto59tb...,n88. 59th to Manhattan (see Boulevard). 130th to 133d.... 1475, 1635,1707. north of 162d.,. .951, 1304, 1339, 1576, 1673, 1707. Broome, from Man gin to Goerck___1S03,1635. Goerck to Lewis___1188, 1412. lewis to Cannon....951, 988, 1375, 1412, 1476, Cannon to Sheriff... .988,1370, 1476. Sheriff to vVilJett___1444, 1574,1635. Willett to Pitt.... 1444, 1476, 1574,163.5. Pitt to Ridge___1635. Ridge to Attorney.,, ,953, 11S8, 1343, 1303, 1606. Attorney to Norfolk,.. .1108, 1606,1740. Essex to Orchard..,, 951, 1635. Elm to Wooster___1606, 1707, Wooster to SuUivan___1336, 1635. Sullivan to Hudson.... 1508,1539. Burling lane___1606. Canal, east of Ludlow... 1213. from Orchard to Forsyth___951, 1574. Forsyth to Bowery___1051, west of Bowery___989, 1710. Cannon, south of Rivington... .988, 1476,1635, from Rivington to Stanton .. .1163, 1412. north of Stanton___951, 1606, Car lisle.... 1674. Caryiine, west of Bedford.....1051. Cathariae, from East Broadway to Madison___ 1340, 1673. south of Madison. .,.1051,1079, 1635, 1707. Catharine slip... 951, 1108, ll37, 1444, Cedar, east of Broadway.... 1303,1412. west of Broadway... .1740,17*3. Centre, south of White... .989. 1051. north of White.... 1108, lais. Cenbral Park West (fonnerly 8th av, from 59th to noth). 70th to 75th,...989. 80th to 84th.... 1053, 1082, 1272,1.508, 1635, 84th to 85th. ...1109, 1539. 87th to99tfa...,1508, 1606, 99th to 106th,,,, 133y, 1539, 1574. north of 110th (see 8th av). Chambers,.. .1053, 1270,1444. Charles, east of Bleecker.... 1079, 1606. west of Washington___1053. Chatham (see Park row). Chatham sq___mo. Cherry, from Dover to James___951. James to Mai'ket___988, 1303, 1508. Market bo Rutgers....1243, 1336. Clinton to Scammell....1343, 1270, 1574. Scammell to Jackson___1270. Christopher, from Waverleypl to 4tb st...,953. 4th to Bedford....1021, 1270, 1635. Chrystie, south of Canal.... 1031.116.J, 1336, 1.574. from Canal to Grand... .1413, 1710,1740. Broome to Rivingtou___9,53, 1021, 1079, 1163, 1476, 1636. e s, Rivington to Stanton___1444, 1539, 1574. w s, Rivington to Stanton.... 1163. Stanconto Houston... .1189.1375, 1673. Church, north of Franklin....1053, 1303, 1413, Clendenuing lane___1164, 1214. Cliff, from John to Beekman... .989, 1021, 1053, 1476. Beek-man to Hague.... 1606,1673. CKntun, from Mouroe to East Broadway___1188 1370. East Broadway to Broome___053, 1343 1606, 1635, 1707. Broome to Delancey___951, 989, 1336, 1508. Delancey to Rivington___951, 989, 1108 1213, t30,j, 1513. Rivington to Stanton___951, 1079, 1313 1336. Coenties slip... .951, 989, 1476, 1574. Commerce.... 1051, 1639. Columbia, from Broome bo Rivington___9S9 1079, 1336, 1476, 1,539. es, Rivington to Stanton___989,1108,1336. w s, Bivington to Stanton___951, 989, 1079, 1108, I47ti, 1,508, 1,539. Stanton to Houston,.. .103], 1336,1606. Cooper....1635, 1673. Cortlandt. from Greenwich to Washington, 1079. 1340. Crosby, from Broome to Spring.... 1079, 1508. north of Jersey___1635, Croton Aqueduct.... 1608. Delancey, east of Mangin___1707. from Mangin to Gnei'ck .. .951, 1079. Goerck to T^ewis___11.37, 1336. Lewis to-Cannon___951, 1213, 1336,1508 1313, 1635. Cannon to Columbia___989. Sheriff to WiUebb..., 1444, 1508, 1606 WillptttoPitb....989, 1444,1635. Pibt to Ridge.... 1336. Ridge bo Attorney___951, 1079,1163. Attorney to Clinton___1051,1370, 1336 Suffolk to Norfolk.,. .1108. Norfolk to Essex___13i::, 1.539, 1707 . Essex to Forsyth.... 951,1163, 1476. west of Forsyth___1108, 1137. Depot Road (see Fort Washington Eidge road), Desbrosses-----952, Dey.... 1508, 1673. Division, east of Ridge___953. from Attoi-ney to Essex___951, 1108, 1633 Forsyth to Bowery... .9.51, 10.51, Il