The Real Estate Record.
AprU 24,1880
Schmidt, Henry-John Sewers. (1879)...... 331 38
Sands, Ledyard—John Patterson. (1880)... 118 52
IThorson, Nicholas-J. R. Harris. (1875)... 232 92
Mayor. Aldermen, &c., New York—Thomas
Costigan. (1880)................... 1,313 98
T^nderwood, John E.—C. W. Woodward.
(1879)..................................193 06
Whitehead, Mayer-Charles Bernstein. ('70) 256 52
Wenig, Edward O.—Eugene Coudray. ('79) 28 83
t Wilmerding, John C—Daniel Goldschmidt.
(1880).................................... 11,117 14
♦Vacated by order of Court. tSecured on Appeal.
tReleased, § Reversed. II Satisfled by Execution.
-----------« ^♦^ .------------
Apiril 16 to 22—inclusive.
Altenbrand, Henry, Louis ) Q. j. range
and Louis Jr. y (jg^')........'52,70162
Hillenbrand, Joseph ) â–
Barnes, Demas-W. E. Hale, (1879)....... 2,583 15
Same-------same. (1879)................. 75 09
Cassidy, Patrick-Jno. Carroll, (1877)...... 102 73
Ka- ton. James T. I J. L. Remond. (1880.)
McMalion, James ( (Suspended on appeal) 1,952 87
Graves, Ann E. (extrx. J. B. Graves)-G.
Mayer. (1880)........................... 540 95
Jackson, Jacob S. I Mary A. Powers. (1874)
Baldwin, Stephen i (Vacated! ........... 613 '9
Kelly. Beruard (p. p. .. J )(1S78)..... 86 84
Brenner, C. A ("-"^.s. unnstai. ^ (^gg^)..... j^g gj
K-^Ily, Bernard-C. Christal (exr.) (1880).., 120 00
Same-------same. (1878.................... 100 65
Same-------same. (1878)................. 356 99
Same-------same. (1878).................. 206 58
Kern, Eiigene-ri. Rawak. (1880).......... 26 50
Kerns. James—Jas. Jackson. (1878) ....... 503 79
Masrers, Augustus E.—E. W. Tuthill. ('78) 1,145 21
Poillon, Cornelius and Richard—Z. Seaver.
(lS-i0>................................... 43175
Stark. John-G. A. Mott. (1877)............ 506 44
TheN. y. Rooflng-M. Stokes. Jr, (1880.)
(Vacated).... ...................... 723 98
Wenig, Edward O.—E Coudray. (1879).... 28 83
Plan 320—Centre st, n w cor Duane; one one¬
story brick building, for saloon, 8x9, tin roof; cost
$100"; owner, M. Flynn, Duane and Centre sts;
builder, John Thatcher.
Plan 321-Peventy-second sfc, Kos. 241, 243 and
245, three three-story and basement dwellings, each
16.8x50, tin roof, galvanized iron cornices; cost,
$0,000 each; owner, C. H. Bliss, 61st st and East
lliver; architect, Wm. Graul; builder, Geo. J. Carey.
Plan 322—Thirteenth st, Nos. 713 to 725 E, one
four-story brick factory bitilding, 165x60, gravel
roof, galvanized iron'cornice; cost, $20,000; own¬
ers, John Koach & Sons, Morgan Iron Works; arch¬
itect, Wm J. Pryer, Jr.; builders. List & Lennon.
Plan 323—Stanton st, Nos, 152 and 154, two five-
story brick tenements and stores 25x58 each, tiu
roof, galvanized iron cornice; cost, S8,000 each;
owner, Thomas Rothmann, 21 Clinton st; architect,
Julius Boekell, 54 Bond st.
Plan 324—Mercer st. No. 239, one one-story brick
foundry, 25x48, gravel roof; cost,$1,000; lessee,
Henry Bernard, 49 Wooster st; builder, Patrick
Plan 3.'?5—11 adison av, s e coi G9th st, four four-
story and basement brick dwellings, corner house
26 wide, next 29, next 25 and next 25.5, all about
70 deep, slate and tin roots, stone and galvanized
iron cornices; cost, respectively, $40,000, $35,000,
$30,000 and $20,000; owner and builder, Anthony
Mowbray, 104 East 85th si; architects. Lamb &
Plan 32G—Lexington av, sw cor 73d st, six three-
story and basement brick (brown stone front) dwell¬
ings, 17 X 52, tin rools and galvanized iron cornices;
cost, each, $8,500; owner, James Judge, n e cor
Lexington av and 69th st; architects, Thom & Wil¬
Plan 327-Sixty-fourth st, n s, 100 w 4th av,
three lour-story and basement brick (brown stone
front) dwellings, two outside houses, each 18
wide, middle bouse 16 wide, and all 60 deep,
tin roof's and galvanized iron cornices; cost, each,
$12,000; owner, K. Waldron, 225 East 60th st; arch¬
itects, Thom & Wilson.
Plan 328—Lexington av, s w cor 75th st, six four-
story and bai.'ement brick (brown stone front)
dwellings, 17x53, tin roofs and galvanized iron cor¬
nices; cost, each, $9,000; owners and builders, Far¬
ley & Bros, 105 E Gist st; architects, Thom & Wil-
Plan 329—One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, 215
w 4th av, two four-story brick (brown stone
front) tenements, 25x60, tin roofs and galvanized
iron cornices; cost, each, $8,000; owner, G. L. M.
K.Yost, 2392 2d av; architectandbuilder. A, Yost.
Plan 330—Division st. No. 172, one tive-story
brick tenement, 25x90.11, tin roof and galvanized
iron cornice; cost, $16,000; owner, W. W. Egbert,
133 East J55th st; architect and builder, Stephen
Plan 331—White st. No. 36, one five-story brick
store, 25xG2, tin roof and galvanized iron cornice;
cost, $20,000; owner, Seth M. Milliken; architect,
J. Morgan Slade; builders, R. L. Darragh & J. B. &
J.M. CorneU.
Plan 332—Fifty-sixth st," No. 123 West, one two¬
story brick stable 25x95, tin roof and galvanized
iron cornice; cost, $9,000; owner, Geo, S. Scott;
architect, J. Morgan Slade; builders, J. W. Hogen-
camp & Son.
Plan 333—Bowery, s w cor Hester st, one six-
story brick store and factory, 50x100, gravel roof
and galvanized iron cornice; cost, $45 000; owner,
Samuel Mac:;; architect, George W. Da Cunha.
Plan 334—Seventj'-second st, 300 e 2d av, three
tliree-stoiy and basementbrick (brown stone front)
dweU'gs, each 16.8x50.4, fin roof and galvanized
iron cornice; coat, each. $9.000; owner, Mrs.
Helen Langdon; architect, Chas. W. Romeyn;
masons, J. & G. Ruddell; builder, Wm.. A. Hank¬
Plan 335—Second av, e s, IGO s 84th st, one four-
story apartment hoitse and store, 18x62.8, tin roof,
galvanized iron coruicie; cost, $12,000; owner,
Mrs. Mary Tracy, 300 East 75th st; architect, John
C. Burne.
Plan 33G—Fourteenth st, Nos. IIG and 118 E.,
one five-story brick store, 50x106.0, metal roof and
cornice ; cost, $32,000 ; owner, Wm, C. Schermer¬
horn, 08 Wall st ; architect, D. Lienau; mason,
Benj.Blackledge ; builder, Louis F. Williams.
Plan 337—Lexington av, n e cor C5th st, one
three-story and mansard brick build'g (convent for
the Dominican fathers), 88x49, slate and tin roof,
brick, stone and galvanized iron cornice; cost,
$75,000 ; owners, Dominican Fathers, 6Gth st,
betAveen Lexington and 31 avs; architect, Wm.
Plan 338—Sixty-ninth st, s e cor Lexington av,
one three-story brick building (Hospital to the
Foundling Asylum), 74x50, slate roof and .galvan¬
ized irou cornice ; cost, $50,000; owners. Sisters of
Charity, 68th st, bet Lexington and 3d avs : archi-
itect, Wm. Schickel.
Plan 339—Twenty-ninth st, s w cor 7th av, one
si,\-story brick factory, 12,5x100 , gravel and felt
roof; cost, $50,000; owner, P. Beck, 29th st and
7th av ; architect, Geo. W. da Cunha.
Plan 340—Twenty-third st, Nos. 27, 29, 31 and 33
West, extending through to 24th st, two six-story
brick stores, one 49.9 on 23d st, and 25 3 on 24th
st, and one 49.9 on 24th st, and 43.9| on 24th st,
depth of both 197.6, tin roof and galvanized ii-on
cornice; cost, each, $100,000 ; owners, R. Arnold
and H. Constable, 19th st and 5th av; architect,
Wm. Schickel.
Plan 214—Yates av, n w cor Ellery st, two three-
story brick tenements, 50x50, tin roof; owner, Ed¬
ward C. Reinhardt, 756 Flushing av; architect,
Th. Engelhardt; builder, Wm. Dafeldecker & M.
Plan 215—Furman st, e s, 75 n Middagh st, one
four-story brick factory, 91.9x67x77.8xG7, gravel
roof and brick cornice; cost, $15,000; owners, P. R.
& VV. C, Powler, 100 Columbia Heights; architect,
Isaac Gosling; mason, P. Castner.
Plan 216—Monroe st, n s, 200 w Throop av, two
two-story brown stone dwellings, 12x18x41x45, tin
or gravel roof and wooden cornice; cost $4,500;
owner, F. Sloat, 349 Tompkins av.
Plan 217—Amity st, No. 141, one four-story bro.wn
stone tenement, 25x75, felt and gravel roof and
wooden cornice; owner, George W, Brown, 728 Ful¬
ton street; architect,G.B.Sheldon; builders, Levi
Brown & C. E. Cozzens.
Plan 218—Dean at, n e cor New York av, one t .vo-
story brick school house, 50.8x104, tin roof and
wooden cornice; owner. Board of Education, Bed
Hook lane; architect, J. W, Naughton; builders,
Ashfield it Son and P. P. O'Brien.
Plan 219—75 from Hamilton av, and 30 from
3d av, ope one-story frame stable, 12x8, felt rool;
cost $12; owner, George Hanson; builder, M. Small.
Plan 220—South 5th st, s e cor 10th st, three two¬
story brick dweUings, 17.2x39, leltioof and wooden
cornice; cost, each, about $3,500; owner, M. J. Fer¬
guson, 82 10th st; builder, E. Ferguson.
Plan 221—Twentieth st, n s, abt 200 e 3d av, one
one-story frame dweUing, 25x42, tin roof; cost, $1,-
000; owner, Mr. Gerofakj', 20th st, near 3d av; build-
em, BoUman & Lenz.
Plan •.;22—Pacific st, n p, 330 w New York av, one
three-story brown stone dwelling, 20x65, tin roof
and wooden cornice; cost, $10,000; owner, W. R,.
AdaT)~s; architect, John Mumford; builders, James
Ashfield & Son and Perkins & Green.
Plan 223—Franklin av, e s, abt 50 w Meserole av,
one one-story frame blacksmith shop, 19x29x40,
felt roof; cost, $120; owner, T. GaUlord, 21 2d st;
builder, James Hays.
Plan 224—Spencer at, s e cor WiUoughby av, one
three-story fx'ame store and tenement, 20x40, tin
roof; cost, $3,000; owner, &c., George Loefiier, 140
Floyd St.
Plan 225- Spencer st, e s, 20 s Willoughby av, ono
two-story frame dwelling, 17x38, tin roof; cost
$2,000; owner, &c., George Loeffler, 140 Floyd st. '
Plan 226—Harrison st, s s, 150 w (Columbia st, one
one and two-story brick stable, 25x75, gravel roof
and brick cornice; owner, Thomas Clyne, 520 Heu-
i-y st; builder, Patrick McGuin.
Plan 227—Hancock st, n s, 110 o Bedford av, six
three-story brown stone dwellings, 20x43, tin roof
and wooden cornice; cost, abt $7,000 each; owner.
&c., S. E. G. Russel, 558 Grand av.
Plan 228—North 12th st cor 5th st, one two-story
frame shop, 24x40, gravel roof; owners, Smith A
Ehrgood, 158 North 8th st; builder, John Eueger.
Plan 229—Clymer st, s s, 100 w Lee av, one two¬
story brick carpenter shop, 25x37, gravel roof and
wooden cornice; cost, $600; owner, &e., E. Bur¬
cham, 24 Lee av.
Plan 230—Clymer st, s s, 100 w Lee av (rear), one
two-story brick stable, 20x18, gravel roof and wood¬
en cornice; cost,$350; owner, itc, E. Burcham, 21
Lee av.
Plan 231—Broadway, e s, 75 n Conway st, one
one-story frame store and dwelling, 13x30, tin rooi';
cost, $300; owner, George Hoffman, Broadway, cor
McDougal st; builder, John Dhuy.
Plan 232—Tompkins av, w s, 20 n EUery st, ono
three-story frame store and dwelling, 20x50, tin
roof; cost, $3,400; owner, Ch. Hoft'mann, No. 24
Tompkins av; builder, J. Finck; carpenter, Ch.
Plan 233—Court st, e s, 25 n Baltic st, one four-
story brick store and dwelling, 25.2x60, tin roof
and wooden cornice; owner, P. Haggertv, 2G1 War¬
ren st; architects and carpenters, M. Freeman k
Son; masons. Burns & McCann.
Plan 234—Leonard st. No. 231, w s, 100 n Grand
st, one-story frame wagon shed, 12x30; o^yner
Wm. McKee, 231 Leonard st. '
Plan 235—South 3d st, s e cor lat st, one nine-
story brick factory, 58.10x98, and extension 22.4x
41.2, gravel roof and brick cornice; cost, abt.
$G0,000 ; owner, Havemeyer & Elder; architect, T.
A. Havemeyer ; builders, Winslow & Janes.
Plan 236—Fifth st, n s, 95.7 w 6th av, five ihrec-
story brown stone flats, 20x56, and Sth st, n s, 290.7
w Oth av, five three-story brown stone flats, 20x5(1,
felt and gravel roof and wooden cornice; cost,'
each, 2,000; owner, Geo. W. Brown, 728 Fulton st;
architect, G. B. Sheldon ; builders, Levi Brown
aud C. E. Cozzens.
Plan 237—Prospect pl, s s, 97 e Otb av, two four-
story brown stone flats, 20x65, felt and gravel roof
and wooden cornice; cost, each, $2,500; owner,
Goo. W. Brown, 728 Fulton st; architect, C. b!
Sheldon ; builders, Levi Brown aud C. E. Cozzens.
Plan 482—Second av, No. 1115, three-story brick
dwelling and store, new store front: cost, $850;
owner, S, Rosenfeld; architect, Wm. Graul.
Plan 483—Eighth av. No. 937, four-story tenement
and bakery, two new ovens on rear of building;
cost, $800; owner,.R. S, Clark; builder, J. Allen."'
Plan 481—First av. No. 141, five-story brick tene¬
ment and store, store front and interior alterations
on first story; cost, $2,000; owner, Adolph Fuller;
architect, Charles Sturtzkober; builders, Scliaefl'er
& Sons.
Plan 485—Alexander av, n e cor, 143d st,
three-story frame dwelling, one-story frame exten¬
sion on rear, 25x40; cost, $800; owner, Mrs. Eleanor
C. OhUds.
Plan 486—Thirty-seventh st. No. 534 West, one¬
story brick workshop, to be raised to four stories,
also three-story brick extension on rear, 25x102;
cost, $5,000; owners Eohe & Brother: architect,
Wm. Kuhles.
Plan 487—Grove st, No. 21, two-story and attic
frame dwelling, attic to be raised to a full story;
cost, $750; owner, Geerge D. Keeper; builder, H.
Plan 488—Forty-third st, s s, 200 w llth av, two¬
story brick work shop and dye house, to be raised
to four stories, also four-story brick extension, 7x7-
cost, $1,500; owners, E. S. Higgins & Co.; archi¬
tect, J. G. Durkworth; builders, A. A. Andruss j^
Plan 489—Sixth av. No. 167, two-story brick
dwelling and store, new store front on first story;
cost, $800; owner. Estate of William C. Rhinelander;
builder, H. M. Reynolds.
Plan 490—Eighteenth st, '^o. 312 W., two and a-
half story brick dweU'g, to be raised to three
stories, also interior alterations; cost, $1,500;
owner, S. Wilson ; architect, Wm. .Johnson.
Plan 491—Second av. No. 1589, two-story frame
dwelling and store, brick wall in basement and new
store front; cost, $600; owner, Edward C. Sheehy;
architect, 'William Wallace; builder, Henry Peck.
Plan 492—Fifth st. No. 509 East, five-stor.y brick
tsnement and store, one-story brick extension on