August 21,1880
The Real Estate Record,
83d st, No. 227, n s, 355.10 e 3d av, 25.5x100.8,
four-story stone front tenem'c. Julia, Fanny
J., Julia L. and Emma Battersby to Matthew
Frame. Q.C. JuneS...................1,000
83d st, n s, 355.10 e 3d av. Release dower. Eliza
S. Conner, widow, to Matthew Frame. Au¬
gust 9 ......................... ......,. nom
85th St. s s, 75 w 1st av, 25x102.2. Otto W.
LoeflSer to William R. (jroft. May 21.....nom
SSth st, No. 352, s s, 75 w Istav. 25x102.2, four-
story stone front tenem't. William R. Croft
to Mariam S. Warshing. Mores $10,6()0. Au¬
gust 18.......................Consid. omitted
SSth st; s s, 120.6 w 2d av, 30x102.2. Otto W.
Loeffler to William R. Croft. May 21.....nom
SSth St. s s, 150.6 w 2d av, 30x102.2. Otto W.
Loeffler to William R. Croft. May 21.....nom
86th st, s s, 223 e Av A, 25x102.2. Oscar F.
Livingston to Bartholomew J. B. Galvin.
Aug. 16.................................3.250
86th St. s s, 248 e Av A, 50x102.2. Charlotte L.
Livingston, individ. and extrx. C. J. Living¬
ston, to Bartholomew J. B. Galvin. Au¬
gust 12.................................6,500
86th st, 8 s. 298 e Av A. 50x102.2. Margaretta S.
Cooper, Kingston, N. Y., to Bartholomew J.
B. Galvin.,.500
96th st, s s, 223 e Av A, 125x102.2, vacant. Bar¬
tholomew J. B. Galvin to John W. Russell.
Morts. $12,500. Aug. 16.................16,250
86th st, n s, 100 e Av A, 28x100.8, four-story
brick dwell'g. Emma J., wife of John S.
Johnston, Astoria, L. I., to William Boggs,
Millstone, N. J. Mort. $10,Ooo. Aug. 5..l8,o00
86th st, n s 128 e Av A, 22x100.8, four-story
brick dweU'g. Emma J., wife of John S.
Johnston, Astoria. L. I., to Sarah E. wife of
William Boggs, Millstone, N. J. Mort. $S,UOf.
Aug. 5..................................14,000
103d st, n s, 100 w 3d av, 50xl0(".ll, vacant.
John H. Deane to Ann M. Jenny. Mort.
$.5,000. Aug. 6...........................8,000
103d st, 8 s, 205 e 3d av, 50x100.9, vacant.
Spencer A. Fanning to John H. Deane.
Mort. $.^,600. Aug. 6......................5,465
107th st, s s, 250 w 2d av, 50x100.9. vacant.
Spencer A. Fanning to John H. Deane.
Mort. $3,500, taxes and assessmeuts, $743.
109th st,s s, 201.3 w 3d av, 18.9x100.11, four-
story brick tenem't. John C. Lamb to Enoch
C.Bell. Q.C. Aug. 13...................nom
Same property. Release mort. Silas J. Dono¬
van to Enoch C. Bell. Aug. 10...........4,393
Same property. Max Danziger to same. Re¬
lease mort. Aug 11 ......................1,000
114th st, n s, 380 e 4th av, 15.7x100.11. Fiancis
Bontecou, Toronto, Kansas, to Benjamin
Richardson. Correction deed. May 11...nom
114ih st, 8 s, 525 e 6th av, 25x100.11. Caroline
A. wife of Hem y C. Porter to William R.
Martin. Mort. $1,400. June 6, 1879.......nom
115th st, s s, 220 e 1st av, 25x100.10, vacant.
Peter Doolady to William J. Coates. June
Same property. William J. Coates to Cathar¬
ine Kehoe. July 31......................'^,0(0
115th st, n s, 134 e 3d av, 18x100.11, three-story
brick (stone front) dwell'g. Christopher
Keyes to Anna L.. Watson. Mort. $6,000.
Aug. 13.................................10,500
Same property. Thomas J. McKee to Chris¬
topher Keyes. Release mort. Aug. 13.....250
115th st, n s, 134 e 3d av. Release mort. Wil¬
liam H. Jackson to Christopher Keyes. Au¬
gust 6..................................... .1,900
115th st. n s, 119 w Pleasant av, or Av A. 25x
100.10, one-story frame stable. Smith D. Jen¬
nings to Henry Maguire. Mort. $1,750. Au¬
gust 11.................. ................2,250
121st st, Nos. 218 and 220, s s, 175 e 3d av, 32.6x
100, two two-story frame dwell'gs. Foreclos.
William C. Traphagen to Lydia A. Waldron.
Mort. $2,500; int. April 1, 1880. Aug. 12..1,400
Av A, w .s, 25 n 76th st, 25x75, four-story brick 1
store and tenem't........................[
Av A, w 8, 50 n 76th st, 25x75, four-story brick {
store and tenem't.......................... J
James L. Bogert to Anthony McQuade.
Assess't for Eastern Boulevard and Croton
tax 1880. June9.......................14,000
Av A, w 8, 50.4 n 90th st, runs west 107 x north
25 X east 0.2 x east 106.10 to Av A, x south
25.2, three-story brick store and dwell'g and
two-story frame stable in rear. John B.,
William J. and Mary J. Slattery, heirs T.
Slattery, to Mary Slattery, widow. Q. C.
Av St. Nicholas, s w cor 149th st, 102.2x103.5
x99.ll to 14yth st, x81.ll, vacant.
149th st, s 8, 575 e 10th av, 100x99.11, vacant.. ,
John M. Coman to Henry M. Bradhurst.
Foreclos. Aug. 13.......................19,000
Av St. Nicholas.'w s, 49.11 s i48th sfc, 25x100,
vacant. Foreclos. John M. Coman to Hugh
N. Camp, exr. Eliz. T. Bradhurst. Aug. 13.3,000
New av, n e cor 1 ISth st, fi()..5x95............|
New av, n w cor I Uth st, SO.i^.x 100..........\
Cath J. Pox to John D. Barry. June 7.. .nom
1st av, Nos. 1603, 1605, w s, 26.6 n 83d st, 50.6x70,
two four-story stone front stores and tenem'ts.
William R, Croft to Mariam S. Warshing.
Morts. $ 19,000. Aug. 18 ...............42,000
lst av, s w cor SSth st, 26.6x7.5, vacant. Otto
W. Loeffler to KLarian L. Van Dyck, Brook¬
lyn. May 5...............................21,000
1st av, w s, 26.6 s &5th st, 75.8x75, vacant. Wil¬
liam R. Croft to Mariam S. Warshing. Morts.
$3l,0iiO. Aug. 18......................63,000
2d av, w s, 53.2 n 47th st, 47.2x300x19.4x301.3,1
four-story lager beer brewery.. ..........
47th st, n s, 150 w 2dav, 77.6x74.9x77.10x67.2; \
Nos. 231 and 233. three-story brick stable; j
ISos. 235 and 237, four-story brick ice house. J
Robert Murray to Augustus F. Ferris. Q. C.
Aug. 7.................................. nom
Same property. Foreclos. William C. Gulli¬
ver to same. July 24...................58,500
2d av, 8 w cor 71st st, 100.4x100, vacant......|
71st st, 8 s, 100 w 2d av, 200x100.4, vacant___j
Oswald Schultze to Moritz Bauer. Mort.
$14,000. Aug 10.......................55,000
2d av, No. ISul, e s, 50 s 85th st, 25x88, four-
story brick (stone front) store and dwell'g.
Mary wife of Frederick Schuck to Albert
Fritz and Franciska his wife. Mort. $10,000.
Aug. 16..................................18,000
2dav, secor UOthst, 75.7x100...............|
UOth St. s 8, 100 e 2d av, 25x100.10...........\
John McLoughlin, Brooklyn, to Adam Harr-
mann. Q.C. Aug. 11....................nom
6tu av, n w cor 38th st, 22.9x60. John Faber
to Eugenia wife of Reinhold Vander Emde.
Murt. $12,000. Aug. 14.................. nom
10th av, Nos. 927 and 9i9, w s, 40.5 n 60tb st, 40
x8). Joseph Mathers, Jr., Brooklyn, to Van
H. Higgins, Chicago, III...................nom
10th av, w s, 80.5 n both st, 20x80. Wheeler
H. Peckham to Van H. Higgins, Hyde Park,
III. Q.C. Aug. 6........................nom
10th av, w s, 40.5 n 60th st, 40x80. Vau H.
Higgins, Chicago, HL, to Joseph Mathers, Jr.
Aug. 9....................................nom
All property of which party of ihe second part
is entitled under the will of William F.
Springer, dec'd. Gustave Schober, exr. W.
F. Springer, dec'd, to Carrie Springer. Au¬
gust 12.................................. nom
Copy of will of John J. Stewart, Monticello, N.
Y., bequeathing all his property to his wife
Sarah istewart.
Cogans alley, n s, 104.4 e Riverdale av, 21x42x
8.yx3 to w s of an alley x94x72x98. John
Tighe, Yonkers, exr. Margaret Cogan, to
Ehzabeth Moran. Dec. 1, 1871.............750
Orchard st, s s, 200 w Monroe av, 25x125. Lewis
G. Morris to Julia D. wife of Cornelius L.
Moore. Aug. 12............................475
Fitch st, s w 8. 125 n w Washington av, 75x108.
Joseph H. and John H. Voss, Amelia Stan¬
ley, Mary L. Disbrow, Delia Waterbury, New
York, and Rachel L. Ridgway, Chicago, 111.,
heirs J. H. Voss, to Moses Green. Aug. 11.1.625
Same property. Charles Ferris, exr. J. H.
Voss, to same. Aug. 11...................nom
163d st, s s, 125 e Washington av, 25x100. Jo¬
seph G. Wills to Patrick Duffy. Mort. $5oO.
Feb. 7, 1878...............................688
Same property. Patrick Duffy to Frederick
aud Catharine Johnson, his wife. Aug. 13. .975
Courtlandt av, w s, 75 n 151st st, 25xb 0, Caro¬
line Sanguirrette, widow, to Joseph Frey.
Mort. $1,800. Aug. 11....................1,800
Fordham av, n w cur Bathgate pl, 30.5x—x30x
59.3. Henry H. Bell, Jr., Brooklyn, to Louisa
wife of Gottfried Schultz. Q.C. Aug. 13.. 300
Fordham av, n w s, 515 from Kingsbridge road,
25x120. Eliza DuBois, widow, to Frederick
N. Du Bois. Q. C. of tax lease. Aug. 11. .nom
Franklin av, ses, part lot 92 map Morrisania,
25x150. Josiah W. Provoost to Reuban M.
Provoost. Correction deed. Nov. 1, 1879.,nom
Railroad av, south ^ lot 27 map Bathgate ]
farm. Central Morrisania, 25x150...........|
Railroad av, lot 28 same map, 50x150.......}â–
Fordham av, n w cor Bathgate pl, 30.5x—x30 1
Charles B. Tatham, Brooklyn, to Henry H.
Bell, Jr. Q.C. Aug.lO..................1,160
Walton av, w s, 300 n 150th st, 100x80. Henry
L. Morris to Robert C. Wilson. Aug. 12..3,200
Lot 184 Fisher Farm, Prospect Hill estate,
West Farms. Edward Rate to Elizabeth
Evans. Q.C. AprU29....................140
Same propertv. David Cromwell, Co. Treas..
to Edward Rate. Tax sale. Aug. 2........140
Prince st, s w cor Greene st, 20x75. Assign,
lease. Agnes Leporin to John H. Meyer 1,.350
14th st. No. 436 East. Assignment lease. Fried¬
rich Kastens to Tonjes Hinrichs...........nom
47th St. 8 s, 380 e 5ih av, 2oxl0(i..5. Foreclos.
Lease. Timothy C. Cronin to Robert, Ogden
and Jean B. Goelet and Hannah G. Gerry.
Aug. 9.................................2,000
47th st, a s, 360 e Sth av, 20x100.5. Foreclos.
Same to same. Lease. Aug. 9...........2,000
55th nt, n s, 75 e 4th av, 15x45.5. Robert and
Oglen Goelet to James Little. Recorded
July 13. lOJ^ years, per year..............100
SSth st, n 8, 6.)e4thav, I5x-l.5..5. Robertand
Ogden Goelet to James Little. Recorded
July 12. lOj^ years, per vear..............100
Sth av. No. 622, w s, 25 s 50th st, 25.5x100, four-
story brick (sione front) dwell'g. Foreclos.
Sturges M- Morehouse to John S. Sutphen,
Jersey City. Leasehold. Mort. $18,500.
Aug. 11.................................18,500
August 12,13,14,16, 17,18.
Adams st, e 8,200 s Myrtle av, 25x97.9. h. & 1.
Foreclos. William S. Cogswell to Nicholas
Amity st, n e s, 130 n w Court st, 20x100, h. & 1.
Josephine F. Thayer to Walter P. Denslow.
Mort. $ 1.000...,..........................7,000
Baltic st, n s, 275 e Hoyt st, 25x100. William
M. Macfarlane to John J. Drake. Mort.
Boerum pl, e a, 110.4 n Living.ston st, 44x74.10
to Red Hook lane, 46.8x59.7. Foreclos.
John A. Lott, Jr., to James Gildersleeve..8,650
Broadway, n e s, at centre line Jacob st. runs"
northwest 155 x northeast 100 x southeast
15 X northeast 350 x northwest 16 x north¬
east loo to Bu-hwickav, x southeast 155.6 to
centre Jacob st x southwest 550..........
Jacob st, centre line, at s w s Bushwick av,
runs southeast 80 x southwest loo x south¬
east SO X southwest 150 x northwest 13o to
centre Jacob st, x northeast 250..........
Broadway, n e s, 50 s e Jacob st. 50x100 ,....
Palmetto st, ses, 275 northeast Bushwick av,
25x100................. ...................
Evergreen av. s s, 50.5 e Palmetto st, 25.3x
Evergreen av, southerly cor Woodbine st,
runs southwest 89.6 x southeast 100 x south¬
west 75 X southeast 130 to centre Ivy st x
northeast 192 to s s Evergreen av, x west
232 to Ivy st, centre line, 3 .'5 northeast Bush¬
wick av, runs northwest ioO x northeast 25
X southeast 130 to centre Ivy stx southwest
Jacob st, centre line, at n e s Bu-hwisk av, ',
runs northeast 575 to s w s Evergreen av,
X northwest 260 to centre Ivy st, x south¬
west 472.10 x southeast 105.6 X southwest
102.2 to nes Bushwick av, x southeast 15.5..
Evergreen av, northerly cor Woodbine st,
runs northeast 443 x northwest lOu x south¬
west 456.8 to Evergreen av x east IJO.U...
Central av, s w s, 25 n w Woodbine st, SOx
100 .......................................
Woodbine st, n w s, 125 s w Central av, SOx
Jacob St. centre line, at n e s Evergreen av,
runs northeast along Jacob st 100, x south¬
east 102.6 X southwest 71.10 to centre old
road X south 157.10 to centre Cornelia st x
southwest to n e s Evergre.en av, x north¬
west 260........, ............... .. ......
Central av, n e s, 100 s e Woodbine st, runs
southeast 130 to centre Ivy st x northeast
225 X northwest 260 to centre Woodbine st,
X southwest 125 x southeast 130 x southwest
Linden st, indeft., runs southwest 200 x
southeast —x—x2.6 x southwest 200 x
northwest 135..............................
Samuel M. Meeker and ano., exrs. J. Suy¬
dam, to Adrian M. Suydam. Partition. %
Broadway, n s, 25 w Wyckoff av, "5x100. East
New York. George A. F. North to Leonhard
Broadway or East New York av. South Caro¬
line av, Van Sinderen and Snediker avs—the
block, 200x400, East New York. Foreclos.
Stephen M. Ostrander to Jane E. Wiggins.?,000
Bushwick boulevard, n e cor Montrose av. .. l
Montrose av, n e cor Bushwick boulevard, 30x >•
100. ...........................,..........)
Frederick Miller to George Proestler......5,000