May 3,1884
Tut RfeAL Estate RecoSS
to Gold st, x43.4, four-story brick store.
Joseph D, Eldredge to Fr^nk Lambrecht,
Brooklyn, Mort. JJS.OOtl. April m 40,000
Same property. The De Witt Wire Cloth Co.
to Joaeph D. Eldredge, April 25. nom
Jay st basin, comprising north )5f of old pier
No, 33, foot Jay st. North River, and south
J^ old pier No. 34, foot Harrison st. and all
the bulkhead between. New fork. West
Shore & Buffalo Railway Co, and the New
York, Ontario & Western Railway Co. to
the West Sbore Sc Ontario Terminal Co.
Oet. .30, 18S3. nom
Laight st. No. 26, n s, 87,3 w Varick st, 26.6x
175, extending through to No, 6 Vestry st,
three-story brick dweU'g and two-sbory brick
stable, i'homas Keunpally to Augustus C.
Bechstein. Mort. $13,000. April 36. 24,100
Lawrence st, Nos. 8 and 10, s s, 65,3 w of s s
126th st, and also 306.5 w 9th av, 51.6x11:0,
two four-story brick tenem'ts. William Mc¬
Reynolds to Mary M. wife of Clifford A. H.
Bartlett. Morts. $15,000. April 28. 24,000
Leonard st. No. 47, n s, lOl.Se West Broadway,
23,8x100, flve-story brick (ston© front) store.
J. Howard Nichols, Njwton, Mass., to Emily
G. Dailey, April 23, 8o,000
Lewis st. No, 112, e s, 180 n Stanton st. 30x
100, three-story brick dwell'g. Philip Urig
to Herman Bchneittacher and Sopbia his
wife, joint tenants. April 30. 7,700
Ludlow st. No. 71, w s, 137.6 u Grand st, 2.^x
87.6. four-slory brick store aud teufm't.
Otto Butcher to Henrietta Mayer. Mort.
$7,000. April SO, 18,000
Maiden lane, Nos, 154 and 156, sws. 41,3xS8..3x
41x37.9, two fourstory brick stores. John
P. Fellowa aud ano., exrs. Charlotte Rhodes,
to James Cosgrove, Brooklyn. April 30. 24,000
Mitchell pl. No. 3, n s, 36 e 1st av, 18x80,10,
three-story brick (stonefront) dwell'g, Heury
Vogel to Caroline Cobn, Mort, $0,0i:0,
Aprii 28. 8,250
Mulberry sb, w s, bet Prince and Houston st«,
26,9x85.7x41.8x81.6. Wiliiam P. AUen, Har¬
rison, N. Y,, to Georga Wiemera and Fred¬
erick Weygandt, Brooklyn, April 14. 13,250
Mott 8t, No. 35, w s, 139.11 u Park st, 19x91.1'
x24.2x89,ll, tbree-story brick dweU'g and
portion of four-story brick stablo nn rear.
Mott st. No. SV, w s, 25x93.4x25x93.3, four¬
story brick stable.
Francis Naughton to James Naughton. Mort,
$6,000. April 28. nom
Same, property. Ann Naughton to 'Francis
Naughton, Mort. $6,fit0. April 26. uom
Mott St. No. 24, e s, 153.8 s PeU st, 24,lx9S.6x
24.4x97.3, Ihree-story brick store and dwell'g
and four-slory brick tenem'c on rear, Ben¬
jemen Sire to Giovanni B, Nassano, Mort,
♦8,000, April SI, 16,000
Norfolk st, e s, ne3:t north from n e cor Riving¬
ton st, 311x78, with use of three-foot «lley.
PhiUp Boyer to Charlea Satt'.er and Eliza¬
beth his wife. Mort. $2,000, April 19, 6,350
Norfolkst, No, 154, es, 150 s Houston st. 2,5x
100, five-story brick store and lenem't, I.sauc
Lichtenberg to Fanny Sussman. Morts, ?ll,-
5(10. April 29. 3'J,;^00
Kew st. No, 73, nws. 391,4 s w Exchange pl,
13.8x73.11x13.3x71.8, with all title In agora
takeu from rear of No, 38 Broadway, 3 6 ou
New st property x 6, only two courses, three-
siory brick store. Ann E. Mitchell c ul.,
trustees 8, L. Mitchell, to The Standard Oil
Co. AprU 34, 30,COO
Orchard st, e s, 100 s Grand st, 25x87.6, five-
atory brick atore and tenem'c, Williara
Morrli to Bernard Wolbarst. Morts. ^16,500.
April 38. 34 600
Orchard st. No. 129, w s, 1,53.3 n Rivington st,
19,9x75, two-atory frame (briek front) dwell¬
ing, John A. Dinkel to GuLtlieb Mauafse.
Mort. $4,000. AprU 29. 8,500
Priuce at. No. 26, s s, 47.6 e Mottst, 24xl09.9x
23.1x115.3, flve story brick store aud renem't.
John Bornhoeft to Charles G. Rubsam.
April 25, 22.000
Rivington at, No. 258, n s, 75 eSberiff st, 25x7.5,
.four-story brick stare and tenem't. John V.
Bmith. trustee T. Hoehlein, dec'd, to Charles
H. Kranichfelt. April 36. 14,075
Same property. Magdalena Hoehlein, C-twrge,
Barbara and Joseph Hoehlein. Mary wifeof
Ernest Grob, Catbarine wife of Philip V\'olf,
Magdalena wife of Pelagius Wick, William
and Mathias Rohm, widow, autl heirs T.
Hoehlein, to same. Q. C. April ^(j, nom
Rivington st, No. 191, s p, 25.7 w Ridge st, 25x
73.11, flve-story brick store and tenem't.
Leopold May to Hyman Glick and Lizzie
Bturlz. Morts. $13,7,50, April 1, 30,350
Roosevelt st. No, 78, and New Chambers at.
No, 70, beginning Roosevelt sb, n e cor
Batavia st, runs north 33.9 x east 81,3 to
Chambers st, x south to Batavia st, x west
to poiut of beginning, five-story brick store
and tenem't. Chester L, Van Allen, Johns¬
town. N. Y., to Edward Lovelock. AU
liens. Morts,-?7,O0O. AprU 34. 3,(l00
Reade st, n s, lot 68L Church farm, 25x.53.
Joseph Cuming4, Rutherford, N, J., James
M. Cumiugs, M. Ida wife of Zina Doty,
Laura M. wife of George W. Roosevelt, Jr., ,
and IraT. Cumiugs, heira Jas. Cumings, to
William H. Ludlum. Brooklyn, Apr. 25. 19.(.'00
Reade et, n 9, lot 683 Church farm aud strip
off another lot on rear, [together 25x61,
Annie L, wife of Thomas J. MeCahill, Larch¬
mont^ N. Y,, to Frances Livingston. April
SO, a6,(.oa
Ridge at, No. 87, w a, 175 n Stanton st, 25x
100, two-Btory frame tbrick frout) btableg
and two-story frame stable on rear. Bertha
wife of Marx Solomon to George Muller.
Mort. S12,200. April 38. 32,000
Sheriff sfc, No. 65, w s, 100 3 Rivington st. 25x
100, two-story frame (brick fronl) dweU'g and
tbreestory brick tenem't on rear. Mary Abi¬
gail Whipple to Aadrew Prose. Mort, $3,01,0.
April 30, nom
South William st, No. 41, b s, 51,9 e Broad st,
runaeast 19 s south 7S to Stone st, x west
S3.4 to point 70,11 e Broad st, x north 77,
four-story brick store. Sarah S. S. Sturges
to Sophia C. Minton. April 29. 40,000
Tompkins st. No. 44. o s, 179 s Rivington st, 21
xlOO, fourstory briek factory building.
William E. Laimbeer to James R, Towns-
end and ano., exrs, and trusteea C. A. Coe.
April 35, 4,377
Tbompson st. No, 108, e s, 138 a Prince st, 19x
7u, three-story brick store and dwell'g.
Jacques Helmstetter to Caspar Wittendorfer,
April 24. 9,000
Water sb, INo. 6, n 9 cor Moorest, 16.4x51,8
xl6.4x51.3, four-story briek store and^jenem't.
Joseph Fransioli, Brooklyn, to Joseph E!d-
red^e. April 25. nom
Sameproperty. Joaeph D, Eldredge to Fran¬
cis A. Livingston. April 34. 25,000
Water st, No. 648, o e, 187.10 e Scammel sb,
20.6iS3.6, twostory frame dwell'g and brick
stable. Julia wife of aud Leopold Bohm to
Herman Wronkow. M. $1,500, April 26. 2,SC0
Wall st. No. 8', n e a, runs northeast 55.2 x
southeast 10 X northeast 16.6 x southeast 3,6
X southwest 8 x southeast 6,4 to alley, x
southwest along alley 63 to Wall st, x north¬
west 19,6, with privilege of alley about 3
feet wide, five-story brick (stone front) cfiice
building, J. Henry Stone and ano., exrs.
H. Spear, to James "D. Fish, April 23. 65,000
Same property. Release dower. Sophia H,
Spear, widow, Rahway, N. J., to James D.
Fish. AprU 23. nom
Thk Seamen's Bank for Savings, in the City
ot New York, to The Metropolitan Sav¬
ings Bank, City New York. - Assignment of
decree in foreclosure. Premises 83 Wall ,
sb '>°°^
Wiliiam st, No. 138, e s, 29,8 s Fulton st, 2.5.1X
lUO, 7x25x100,6, four-story brick store.
Sophia G, Minton to George H. Jones. April
26. nom
Wesfc st. No. 115, n e cor Cortlandt st, 20.9x64-4
i-;!9.5x55.1, four-story brickstore. John W.
Kaiser, Jersey City, to Peter WUkms, Ho¬
boken, N. J. Mort. 836,000. March 1,'82. 53,250
2d St. No. 16, n a. 313.3 e Bowery, 25x65.11x35
X66.S, two-story brick dweli'g. Jobn B,
Moreau to Andreas Widmaun. Morts.
$8,000. AprU 38. 13,000
4th st, Ko. 333, n s, 296.6 w Av D, 20.3x96,
Ihree-story brick dweU'g. Peter Caffrey to
Meyer Kleiner. April bO. 11,700
4th sfc, Ho. 17, n s, 23 a Lafayette pl, 25x100,
three-story brick dweU'g. Elizaheth and
James F. Mauiy. exrs. M. Maury, to Ros¬
well Smith and Tbeodore L, De Vinne. X
part. Morts. April 23. 5,tJ00
4th st, No. 17, n e e, 23 s e Lafayette pl, 25i
K'O, three-scory brick dweli'g. My tton
Maury and auo,, exrs, R. Maury, to Roswell
Smith and Theodore L. De Vinne. ^i part.
April 23, „ ^ , 15,000
Same property. Mary H. and James F,
Maurv, Morristown, N, J., tosame. >,i part,
Aprir23. .^ 5,000
Sarae property. Elizabeth Maury, widow,
Morristown, N. J., to same. Q. C, April
23. Eom
5tb st. No. 231. a s, 204 w Sd av, 31x96.2, four¬
story brick dwell'g. Conrad Hoss to John
Bardecker and Elisa his wife, Mort. $5,l'00.
ApriU'4. 19,000
Oth st, No.* 643, s s.l 174 w Av C, 31x97,
four-story brick store and tenem't, Anton
Huber to Gottfried Buhier. Mort, $2,200,
April 38. ».50O
6th St. No, 630, a s, 299 w Av C, 31x97, tbr^e-
'itury brick dwtjU'g. Martin Bossong to
Nathan Frankenthaier. April 28. 8,750
8th st. No. 303, u s, 158 e Av U, 25x87.10, four¬
story brick teuem't. Erasmus D. Garnsey,
C ifton Park, Saratoga Co., to Sydney Fish¬
er. Anril 33. H.500
Sth St. No. 312, s a, 239.4 e Av B, 24.7x97.6, four-
piory brick store aud tenem't. Susannah
Holmann to Adam Gutby. Mort. *4,000.
April 26. n,S50
9Lh st. No. 31, n a, 413.6 w 5th av, 17.5x93.3,
fonr-story brick dwell'g. Josephine Lee
wife of and Bruce Price to Mary M. wife of
Clifford A. H. Bartlett. Mort. $8,000. AprU
30. 31,000
9ch st, n a, 268 e Av B, 35x93.3. Philip Voelker
to I.inawifo of Marbus Katzenstein and Leo¬
pold Straus. April 30, 1.5,350
llth st, No. 504, 3 s, 94,6 e Av A, 2Gi75. four-
Btory brick store and tenem't. Patrick
Trainor to Jacob Wiehe and Magdalena
Euoholz. April 20. 12,000
llth St. new No. 32, a a, 169.10 w University pl,
35x94,10, tbree-story briok dweU'g, Sarah
W wife of and George Inness to Robert W.
Tmler. Mort, $9,000. April 39, 31,000
13th Bt, No. 530,8 E. 420.6 e Av A, 25x103.3,
five-story brick store and tenem't and four¬
story brick tenem't on rear. James R,
Candler to Karl M. Wallach. Mort. $7,000,
April 19. 14,000
12th st. No. 139, n 8, 283,8 w 6th av, 22,6x103,3,
fchree-story brick dweU'g, includes 8 feet in
front, forever reserved as court yard. Jus¬
tus S, Hiscox and Mary E, wife of Charlea C,
Reed to Thomaa Kean, April 28, 17,000
13th at, No, 513, n s, 171 6 AvA, 35x103,3. four¬
story brick store and tenem't and two-btory
brick stable on rear. Anna Mangels, widow,
and Annie Mangels to Ahlert Sluhrmacn,
C, a. G. April 29. nom
Same property. Ahlert' Stuhrmann to Ann
Collina. April 30. 13,.50O
13th St. No. 43, n a, 77.1 e Universitv pl, 19.2x
47.11x18.6x49.4, tbree-story brick dweU'g.
Austin Abbott, ref., and Thomas B. Leggett
etal, trusteea W. H. Leggett, to Frederick
A. O. Schwarz. Mar. 18. 15,000
13th st. No. 329, n s, 400 e Oth av, 25x80, two¬
story brick stable. Hannah L. wife of and
Thomaa J. Powers and William P., George
J., Sarah H. J, and Ten Eyck Powera to
Charles J, Day, April 28, lO.OOO
13th st, n s, 450 w7lhav, 35x103.3. Williara
F. Rohrig to Maria Gucker. Mort. $5,0110.
AprU 30. 11,800
15th st. No. 308, s s, 96,10 6 2d av, runs south
r28.3xeast21.2 xnorth 25 X northeast 0.11 X
north 103.3 to 15th st, x west 22.1, four-stoiy
briek (stone front) dwell'g, Edward A. Price
etal., exrs, F. Butterfield, to Eugene Lauer.
Mort. $13,000, AprU 35. 34,000
Same property. Caroline M. Butterfield,
widow, to Eugene Liuer. April 25. nom
I5lb st, Nos. 315-323, n s, 187 w 7th av, lOOx
103.3. George A, Phelps, Liverpool. Eng¬
land, Frauk Phelpa, Stamford, Conn., Cbas.
H, Pbelps, Fairfield, Conn,, Howard Phelps,
Harriet A. Brooke, widow, Julia M. wife of
and Royal Winters, Newton, Mass., to Lem¬
uel L. Fountaine. Mar. 27. nom
15th Et, No. 333, n s. 367.4 w 7ih av, 19.10x103.1
x30xlli3.1, four story brick dwelling and por¬
tion of two-stcry brick stable ou rear. Lem¬
uel [L. Fountaine to Philip Boyer. April
30. . 13,950
Same property. Charles H. Phelps et al., exrs.
G. A. Phelps, to samo. April 30. nora
15th st. No. 315. n s, 187.3 w 7th av, 30x103.2.
four-story brick dwell'g aud portion of two¬
story brick atable on rear. Same to Herman
Wronkow, April 30, IS.COO
15th st. No. 317, 219 and 221, n s, 307.2 w 7th
av, 60.3x103.1x60,2x103.3, three fourstory
brick dwell'gs and two-story brick stables on
rear. Same to Henry Hillebrandt, AprU 30,
16th afc, No. 106, s s, 150 e Union pl, 21x103,3,
tbree-aiory briek dweil'g. Annie P, and
Mary W. Ketcbum, heir,^. Sec, J. P. CofBn,
to Elizabeth O. Coffin, widow, Dec. 30, lb76,
16th st, No. 106, 3 s, 150 e Union pl, 31x103.3,
tbroe-slory brick dwell'g, Elizabeth O,
Coffia to George G, WUliams, trustee, April
17. nom
17Dh sfc, No, 433, s s, 375 e 10th av, 25x93, five¬
story brick store and tenem't, Cornelius
Cailoghan, exr, M. Doyle, to Charlea Cronk-
wrighc. Mort, $7,00r, April 38. 15,150
17th st. No. 218, a s, 133 w Rutherford pl, 19x
80, four-story brick (stone front) dwell'g, Ann
C. wife Of Tbomas Morton to Ignatz Hoff.
Mort. *9,000. April 8. 17,l!00
ISth St. No. 318, as, 344 e 2d av, 20x73, three-
story brick (stone front) dwell'g. William
Pleilto Adolph Le Moult. Morts. $13,750.
AprU 28. 15,125
19th st, No. 50, s a. 235 e 6th av, 25x93, four-
atory brick (.stone front) dweU'g. Elizabeth
and George Matthews, individ. and aa exrs.
J. Matthews, to William H. Streeter, April
25. 37,500
Same property. William H. Streeter to Mary
E, Bastine, Mort, $17,000. April36. 31,l00
Same property. Release mort. Julia E, Cam¬
eron, guard. A. S. Cameron, to Elizabeth
and George Matthews, individ. and as exra.
J. Matthewa. April 25. 17,000
20th st, No. 31, n a. 350 w 4th av, 21,4x93,
three-atory biick dweU'g. Therese wife of
and Frederick T. Frey, now of Wiesbaden,
Ger., to LiUia Webrie. C. a. G. Mar. 21, 25,100
SOth sc. No. 339, n s, liet 7th and 6th avs, two¬
story frame (brick frontj dwell'g. Jamea L,
Fleming, Feruaudina, Fla,, to Mary A. and
Eliza Fleming, two of the heirs Jane Flem¬
ing. O. C. All title. Nov. 17, 18^3. nom
SIstst, No. 115, ns, 175 w (ith av, 35x989, three-
story brick dweU'g. Seth E, Thomas to
Peter Hagan. Mort. $10,000. April 25. 33.000
23d st, No. 105. n s, 85 w Oth av, 2iix98.9, tbree¬
story brick dwell'g. Stephen J. Weaver, ear.
Maria L. Gassiot to Edward S, Simon. April
38. 3S.000
Same property. Stephen J. Weaver to same.
April 28. 35,000
33dst, No. 451,n8, 337.2 6 10th av, 13,6x98 8.
Release dower. Esther Hager, formerly
Esther HUborn, wife ot Julius, to Hollands.
Whiting. April 39. 300
23d st, No. 12, a s, 521.4 w 4th av, 26.3x98.9,
four-story briek (stone front) dweU'g. Jane
R. wifeof and Laurence Turnui'e, to Orson U.
Munn. AprU 35. 45,000
23d st. No. 20, a a, 416.3 w 4th av, 26,3598.9,
four-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. Jo¬
seph T. Low to Fridoline wife of Gottlieb
Epple. AprU 31. 42,500
S3d at, Noa. 139-143, n b, 400 w eth av, 75x98.9,'
tbree-story brick theatre.
24th at. No.'*. 130 and 18;J, s s, 375 w 6th av,
50x98.8, three-story brick theatre,
George BeU to Alfred U. Darling. Partition.
April 35. 144,000
Same property, Gilbert Griswold, Mineral
HiU, Nev,, Louise. G, Pierce, widow.