The Real Estate Record
October 11,1884
4 One Hundred and Twenty-seventh at, n a,
ISO w 3d av, 50 feat front. Daniel Fitz¬
patrick agt Charles H. and Wm. Barton.____
(Feb. 8, 1884).............................S175 00
6 Seventy-second st, Noa, 220 to 232 E„ s a,
bet 2d and Sd ava. 125x109.2, Duncan
Black agt Annie Fettretch, (Feb. 16, 'd4) 1,831 00
0 Madison av, Nos 6:i8, 640 and ei-,'. n w cor
5Hth St. Pottsville Iron and Steel Co. agt
Thomas Kilpatrick, J. M. Ducloa & Co.
and V, Y. City Iron Works. (Aue. 27,1884) 4,478 11
61-Eleventh av, n e cor 37th st, 45x100. Stew¬
art « Devlin agt R, and M. Steinhardt.
(July 18. 1881)...................â– â– -â– â– â– • B30 00
7 Hintb av. Noa. I'S? and 239, w a, 50 s 25th st.
Lo«i'» Bossert agt Marts Rinaldo. (Sept.
fi, 1884).................................1,-SaB 98
7 Fifth av ploza, w a, extdg. fron 5Sth to 59th
st 200.10 on plaza X 175 on 50th st and 12,%
on 58Ih St. George B. Gillies agt Phyfe &
Campbell. (Aug. 26,1881}................7,150 70
e Mott at, No, 181, w 8. bet Broome and
Spring sta. Samuel Nevioa agt Micbael
Collina and Henry Beinhauer. (Oct, 6,
1884)............... ....................... 2750
10 Greene st. No, Ifi. e e, bet Canal and Grand
ata. Sniffln & Masterton apt E, C. Hazard
and ano., assignees o£ Henry Adams.
(Nov, 29, IBH2)...........................17,950 00
10 Same property. Same agt aame, (Nov,
29, 1882)..............................22,5C0 CO
10 Same propertv. Same agt Henry Adams.
(Aug. 81. 1883).........................22,500 00
10 Twenty-third st. No, 42 W., s s. abt 2ro w
5tb av, 25 ft. front, John Elaworlh agt
W, Jennlnga Demorest, Drummond &
Jones and John Elder, (Sept. 5,1SB4).... 14 95
t Discharged by order of Court.
October 4 to 10—inclusive.
Seventh and Eighth ava and Sixlh and Seventh
sta—the block. Howell A Saxtan agt
George I. Seney and the Metbodiat Epis¬
copal Hospital, owners, ana George I. Se¬
ney, (May 14, 1881) ................87,500 00
Monroe st. s s, 101.8 e Lewis av. 93.4x100.
Michael Hughes agt Henrv C. Biiker,
owner,&c. (Oct. 6. 3P81) ................ 350 00
Franklin av. No. ^99, e s, 56 s Hancock at, I7x
EO. George S. Jame^ agt Clinton G. Wig¬
gins, owner. &c. (Augl8,ie8fl.......... 64 99
Same property. Same agt Jennie V. Wiggins,
owner, and Clinton G. Wiggins, (Aug, 19,
1881)....................................... SI 99
SOtlTH OF 14th ST.
Eldridge at. No. 143, one five-story brick
factory, 25x79.6, tin or gravel roof; cost, $19,000;
owner, Peter Reidenbach, 4S Delancey st; archi¬
tect, Wm. Graul, Plan l37ti,
BBTwaKM 14th ahd 59th sts,
52d st, Nos, 515, 517 and 519 W., three five-story
brick tenem'ts, 25x83.6, tin roofs; cost, each,
¥16,500; owners, Elsworth L. Striker, 308 Wesfc
,52d st, aud John (Juinn, n e cor llth av and 51st
6t; arcbitect, C, F. Ridder, Jr,; builder, not
aelected. Flan 13til,
Slst st. a s, 3U0 e 1st av, one two-story brick
refrigerator building. (50x93, tin roof; cost,
$10,000; owner, E. C. Swift, 9 to 31 Devoe av.
West Washington Marltet; arcbitect. L. C.
Wilber; builder, B. F, Bailey, Plan 1373,
54th st, n 3, 275 w IOth av, two flve-story brick
tenem'ta, 35x82, tin roofa; cost, each, *10,000;
owner, Jacob New, 109 Grand st; arcbitect, J,
H, Valentine. Plau 1384.
58th at, n a, 383 e 10th av, one five-story brick
and stone hospital, 50x170, slate and copper roof;
cost, SISO.OOO; owners, trustees of Roosevelt
Hospital, Jas, Roosevelt, chairman, 31 Finest;
arcbitect, John G. Prague, Flan 1375,
5th avknub,
let av, â–¡ w cor 70th st. one four-story and attic
brick school house, 95x60, tin and slate roof;
cost, $1H),000; owner. Citv of New Tork; archi¬
tect, J. N, Stagg. Plan 1360.
84th st, B s, l.'iO w 3d av, one five-story briek
tenem't, 35.5x86, tin roof; cost. $20,5011; owner,
Geo. Keller, West Farms; architect, Jobn Mcln¬
tyre; builders, Hollister Se Friedlein. Plan 1365.
68th st, n a 210 e 3d av, flve three-story brown
stone front dwell]Es, 35x50, tin roofs; cost, each,
glO,000; owner, Wm. C. Schermerhorn, 49 West
2Sd at; architect, H. J, Hardenbergh; builder,
John Banta, Plan 1377,
68th st, n a, 310 e 3d av, flve three-story brown
atone front dwell'gs, 20x50, tin roofs; cost each,
$10,000; owner, R. T, Auchmuty, treasurer. 61
University pl; architect and builder, same as
last. Plan 1378,
Av A, n e cor 75th st, one five-story brick
factory, 25x83, tin ronf; cost, |16,000; owner, P.
H, McManus, 110 East 91at st; architect, John
Brandt, PIanl3S3,
Av A, e s, 25 n 75th st, one five-story brick
tenem't, 25x83, tin roof; cost, $16,000; owner and
architect, same aa laat, Plau 1383.
8th avenue,
60th st, n s, 175 w 10th av, one five-story brown
atone front tenem't, 35x75, tin roof; cost, $13.-
OOO; owner, Thotnas Cowman, 513 West 60th st;
architect, M, Louis Ungrich; done by day's
70th st, n a, 425 w 9th av, five four-story brown
stone front dwell'gs, 31, 20 and 19x58, extensions
13x11, tin roofs; coat, each, $34,000; owner,
Henry V, Hamilton, 2078 5th av; architect, J,
H, Valentine. Plan 1385.
llth av, e s, from 6lst to 62d st, eight
flve-story brick tenem'ts and stores, 25x80, tin
roofs; cost, each, ¥20,000; owner, Abraham
Jonas, 39 Ridge st; architect, G. W. Spitzer,
Plan 1369,
NORTH OF 125th ST,
Croton lane, n s, 150 w 10th av, rear, one two¬
story frame stable and workshop, 2,5x30, tinroof;
cost, *375; owner, Samuel Joyce, on premises.
Plan 1363.
33d and 24th wards,
Courtland av, No, 561, one three-story frame
tenem't, 35x56 and 13, tin roof; cost, $5,.50O;
owner, Hugh Martin, 565 Courtland av; archi¬
tect, A. Janson; builders, Jaosou & Jaeger,
Plan 1359.
Sedgwick av, w s, 100 s Morris Dock station,
ooe two-story and actio frame dwell'g, 20x30,
slate roof; cost, $5,000; owner, Archibald
Buchanan, S74 8th av; architect, Chas, Baxter,
Plan 1363,
Brook av, e s, 25 s 146th at, one two-story
frame dwell'g and store, 35x43, tin roof; cost,
¥3,600; owner, Wenzel Kraus, 623 North 3d av;
architect, Adolph Pfeiffer; builder, not selected,
Pian 1366.
Morria av, w s, 53 n 148th st, one three-story
brick dvpell'g, 33x46, tin roof; cost, H 000; own¬
er, Carl Hulster, Morris av and 148th st; archi¬
tect, Adolph Pfeiffer. Plan 1367,
149th 8t, u a, 30O w Morris av, one three-story
framedwell'g, 25x50, tin roof; cost, $3,4i;0; own¬
er, Edward Farrell, 118th st, bet Sth and Madi¬
son avs; architect, M. Louis Ungrich; done by
day's work. Pian 1368,
Waverly st, s s, 200 w Monroe av (24'h Ward),
two tbree-story fraiiie dwell'gs, 23x50, and one
one-story frame carriage house, 14x18, tin and
slate roofs; cost, $4,000 and fSOO; owner; Susan
Westcott; builders. J, W. Crawford & Son end
Jesse Newman. Plan 1379.
Madison av, s e cor Williamsbridge road, one
threestory frame dwell'g, 25x40, tin roof; cost,
$3,000; owner, Elizabeth de Leyer, Williams¬
bridge; architect, W. W. Gardiner; builder,
Henry A, Sherwood. Plan 1380,
136ib st, n s, 20O e Sc^uthern Boulevard, one
one-story frame stable, 14x12, tin roof; cost, $25;
owner, James Clark, oa premises. Plan 1381,
147th st, s s. 300 e Willig av, one two-story
frame dwell'g and stable, 25x25, gravel roof;
cost, $700; owner, Christian Vorndran, 147th st
and Willis av. Plan 1374.
148th st, n s, 275 w Courtland av, one four-story
frame tenem't, 25x55.10, tin roof; cost, $8,00li;
owner, M. E, Robinson, 70S East 145th st. Plan
151st st, n s, 300 w 3d av, two three-story frame
tenem'ts, 28 and 22x54, tin roofs; ccst, J4,500 ami
$3,000; owner, Joseph Messerschmidt, 601 North
3d av; architect. A, Arctander, Plan 1370,
College av, No, 483, rear, one onestory frame
coal shed, 9x18; cost, 550; owner, Jaraes Hughes,
onpremises; builders, John Morran and Charles
West, Plan 1373.
Plan iay7—Broadway, n e cor Park st, one threa-
story brick store and tenem't, 35x60, tin roof,
wooden cornice; cost, $9,500; owners aud builers,
Jno, L, Gtaus and A, Voltz, 24 Jefferson st; archi¬
tect, John Herr,
139£—Sackett st, n s, 40 e Court st, one three¬
story brick store and dwell'g, 44,4x19, tin roof,
wooden cornice; cost, $3,800; owner, Jas, Cal¬
vert, cor 2d pl and Court st; architect and car¬
penter, Wm, Wilson; mason. Tnos, B. Rutan.
1299—6th av, w s, 35 u 15th sC, one three-story
frame (brick fllled) tenem't. 30x48, tin roof; cost,
$2,200; owner, Mra, E, Cutlen, 37117th st; archi¬
tect, J. T. Wood,
1300—North 6th st, No. 175. rear, one one-story
frame shop, 35x15, tin roof; coat, $300; owner,
James Boy an, on premises; builder, Hiram
13J1—Jefferson st, a s, 250 w Hamburg av, one
threa-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x55,
tin roof; cost, $4,000; owner. Ana M, Armen¬
dinger, 83 Melrosa st; architect, Henry VoUweil¬
er; builder, Jacob Armendinger.
1302—Locust st, n s, 235 a Broadway, one three¬
story frame (brick filled) store and tenem'c, 25x
55, tin roof; co-'^t, $4,300; owner and builder,
George Loeffier, 78 Jefferson st; architect, Henry
1303—Magnolia st, n s, 50 e Irving av, one
three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x60,
tin roof; coat, $4,000; owner, &c,, James Wil¬
liamson, 676 Gates av,
1304—Union st, n s, 212 e 7th av, two three¬
story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 31x48,
tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, eacb, $10,000;
owner, &c,, John Magilligan, 5G Berkeley pl.
1305—Bainbridge st, n s, 178 w Reid av, four
two-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 18x40,
tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $3,500;
owner, Kate Acor, 177 Bainbridge at; architect
and builder, C. Linken.
1306—Columbia st, w s, 150 s Hamilton av, one
three-atory brick store and tenem't, 50x37, tin
roof: cost. $5,000; owners, architects and builders,
M. Gibbons Sc Son, 55 Rapelyea st.
1307—35th st, s s, 180 e 3d av, one two-story
frame dwell'g, 20x53, tin roof; cost, $1,500; own-
Ier, John Nicholson, 49 35ih st; buildera, J. C.
AQdersQii aofl J. Abraham,
1308—Atlantic av, s s. 310 e Buffalo av, five
two-story frame (brick fllled) dwell'ga, 17x36, tin
roof; cost, each, $1,400; owner, architect and
builder, C, P, Skelton, 1895 Atlantic av.
1309--Boerum st. No. 159, n s, 150 e Graham
av, one four-story frame (brick filled) tenem't,
25x60, flat lin roof; cost, $6,000; owner. Barbara
Wiicberth, 57 Troutman st: architect, Tb, Engel¬
hardt; builder, Jacob Armendinger.
1310—North 4th st, n e cnr 5th st, rear, one
three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 23x35,
tin roof; cost, $2,000; owner and builder, W. H.
Wlecke, on premises; architect, A. Herbert,
1311—Ralph av, w a, 18 s Bainbridge st, four
threestory frame (brick filled} tenem'ts, 18x43,
felt and gravel roof; cost, abt $3,500 each; own¬
er. Elizabeth Phelan, 363 Hart st; arcbitect, F.
F. Tbomas,
1312_4th av, n w cor 46th at, one three-story
and basement frame (brick fllled) tenem't, 82x
95, flat tin roof; cost, $20,000; owner and arcbi¬
tect, W. A, Fries, 301 44th st,
1313—Rapelye st, n a, 125 e Hamilton av, one
fourstory brick tenera't, 20x50, tinroof; cost,
?6,000; owner, Mr. Keegan, 59 Rapelye st;
architect, Mr. Hayler; builders, M. Gibbons &
1314_jackson st. No. 100, a s, ICO e Leonard
st, one three-story frame (brick filled} tenem't,
.'?l,7x50, tin roof; cost, $5,.50ll; owner, Mrs. Pet¬
it, Jr., onpremises; architect, Tb. Englehardt;
builder, P. Kunzweiler.
33i5—56th st, a s, 440 w 3d av, one two-story
and basement framu dwell'g. 20x32, tin roof;
cost, $2,400; owner, John O'Donohue, 16 South
st, NewYork; architects and builders, Spence
1316—56th st, 9 s, 460 w 3d av, one two.story
aod basement frame dwell'g, 30x30. tin roof;
cost, $!,9.'i0; owner, Franklyn McDonald, 116
Sullivan at, NewYork; architects and builders,
Spence Bros.
1317—Arlington pl, s w cor Halaey st, two
three-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs,
one 17,Px47 and one 16.6x47, tin roofa, wooden
cornices; cost, eacb. $6,500; owner. Mr. West-
lake, 4 Spencer pl; arcbitect, Amzi Hill; builder,
D. H. Fowler.
1318—President st. Nos. 37 and 39, s s, 80 e Van
Bruntst, one two-story brick church. 40x80, wilh
vestry extension, 15x20. tin roof, brick cornice;
cost, $8,000; owner. Rev, J, Franaiola, Warren
st, near Hicks st; architect. A, Pauli; builders,
Francis Connelly and J, G, Curtis,
1319—Franklin av, s w cor Wallabout st, one
one and three st:)ry brick moulding mill, 99.1
and 77,3 X 150, gravel roof, brick cornice; cost,
$ 10,000; owner. A, Dugan, 999 Myrtle dv; archi¬
tect, A, S. Hait,
1320—Java at, n s, 275 e Franklin st, two tbree-
story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 25x,55, gravel
roofs; cost for both, $9,000; owners, Mrs. Nare
and ------- Zum, 313 Manhattan av; architect,
Fred, Weber; t.uildar, .Tobn Fallon,
1331—-Palmetto st. No, 233, u s. 135 e Hamburg
av, one two story frame (brick filledl dweU'g, 35
x2S, tin roof; cost, $1,800; owner, John Meehon,
178 Magnolia st; architect, Ernest Dennis;
builders, Chas. E, Baldwin and Owen Dennia,
1333—15th st, n s. 283.4 w 4th av, one three¬
story frame tenem't, 25x50, extension 16x18, tin
roof; cost, $5,000; owner, W. H. Conklin, 475X
1st Bt; architect and builder, L H, Herbert,
1333—MB,gnolia st, s s. 175 e Hamburg av, one
two-story and basement frame (brick fllled)
dwell'g, 35x36, tin roof; cost, $3,000; owner,
Owen McSbeiry, 183 Stuyvesant av; architect,
Ernest Dennis; builder, P, Bertram.
]324_Greene av. No. 255, n s. 275 e Grand av,
one four-story brick double fiat, 44x70, frame
and gravel roof. wooden cornice; cost, $13,000;
owner, &c., J. N. Smith, 3,^7 Greene av,
1335—Decatur st, s s, 163.11 w Throop av, four
three-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 14.7x34,
gravel roofs, brick cornices; costforal!. $13,000;
owner, Samuel Booth, 50 South Ponland av;
architect aud carpenter, W, C, Booth; mason,
C. Cameron.
1326—Park av. Nos, 708 and 710, two three¬
story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 35x55, tin
roofs;cost, eacb, 84,500; owner, C. F, Tewes, Jr,,
cor ,5th and South 1st sts; architect, Th. Engel¬
1337—Lewis av, ).?o. 7, e s, 70 n Stockton st.
one two-story frame (brick filled) dw ell'g, 35 and
13x35 and 13. tin roof; cost, $1,600: owner, M.
Coats, 881J^ Fark av; architect, Th, Engelhardt;
builder, J. "Rueger.
1328—Boerum st, Nos. 123 and 125, n s. 150 e
Ewen st, one two-story frame (brick filled) atable
and dwell'g, 50x98, tin roof; cost, $6,000; owner,
George Peth, 116 McKibbin st; architect, Th.
Engelhardt; builders, Geo, Deering and J. J.
Hopper & Son. j
1329—Seigel st, n s. 800 e Buahwick av, one
one-story brick factory, 50x44, gravel roof, brick
cornice; cost, $1,800; owners, Wm, Wall's Sons,
Busbwickav and Seigel st; architect, Th. En¬
gelhardt; builder, C. Schurer,
1330—Gwinnett st. No, 145, rear, one two-story
frame lodging house, 33x33, tinroof; cost, $1,000;
owner, B, J. Starch, on premises; architect, H.
133[_2d av, a a, 20 u 55th st, one two-story
frame dwell'g, 17x28, tin roof; cost, $1,000;
owner. M, Ducors, 39th st, near 3d av; architect
and carpenter, W. Spence; mason, J. Lee.
1332—De Kalb av, n s, 350 a Myrtle av, one
two story frame dwell'g, 25x46, tiu roof; cost,
$3,600; owner, Jacob Muller, Throop av; archi
tect, F. Holmberg.
1333—Bushwick av, e s. 51 n Grove st. two
two-atory and basement frame (brick fllled)
_ weU'gs, je.8s4i, tin roof; cost, each, »S,500