Record and Guide.
October 18, 1890
Heilner & Wolf have purchased flve lots on the south side of 135th
street, 225 feet west of Lenox avenue. Brokers, Swartwout & Co.
Moore & Greene faave sold tfae private dwelling No. 144 West 132d street,
for Wm. McReynolds to a Miss Smith for $13,000.
L. N. Fowler ba?^ sold tha northwest corner of Amsterdam avenue and
147th street, 40x100, to a Mr. Sackman who will improve the plot by the
erection cf two flats.
Bamett & Co. faave sold for Mrs. Martin to Mrs. Fitzgerald the two¬
story house -'J.xSO, on lot 25x100, No. 709 East 141st street, for $4,950.
Max Simon faas sold for J. & P. Dunn to B. Cabn, tfae flve-story double
flat, 25x73x100.11, No. 70 West OOtfa street, on private terms.
J. p. Sloane faas sold for George H. and Walter E. Gerard the two-story
frame private dwelling, on lot 25x100, No. 6CS Lorimer street, to Samue
D. George for $3,400.
Corwith Bros, have sold the two-story and basement frame dwelling,
22x30, lot '-'."ixlOO, No. •'^SS Leonari street, for Geo. P. Walker to Mrs. J.
Allison, for $4,H00; and the two-story frame dwelling, 18x'i5, lot 25x100,
No. lo2 Newell street, for Sarah J. Wicks to Mary F. Silence, for $3,000.
Oct. 10 to 16 inc.
Number.................................... S6.3
Amount involved............................ 11,107,049
Number nominal............................ 68
Number..................................... 247
Amount involved............................. $867,602
Number at 5 per cent, or less................ 1.51
Amount Involved............................. $662,106
Oct. 11 to 17 Inc.
Number of buildings........................ 90
Estimatedcost............................. $423,410
Oct. 9 to 15 inc.
Oct. 10 to 16 inc.
Wm. E. Jackson has rented for Charles A. Fuller tfae corner store in tfae
Hotel Endlcot, 8Ist street and Columbus avenue, to Adolpfa Ammon for
ten years at an annual rental of $2,650. Mr. Jackson was tfae broker in the
sale of No. 147 West 78th street, reported last week.
Out Among the Bnilden.
N. Le Brun & Son are the architects for tfae proposed academy to be
erected for the Ursuline Sisters at Bedford Park. Tfae building, wfaich is
to be commenced tfais fall, will be built in wings. The completed structure,
it is said, will cost about $250,000
J. C. Burne faas plans under way for four flve-story brick and stone flats
to be built on the soutfawest comer of Madison avenue and 103d streets for
Jofan 8. Scott, at an estimated cost of $80,000. Two of the faouses will be
27x60, one 20x60 and one 26.11x66 in size.
John Haustr will draw plans for two flve-story buff brick and euclid
stone flats to be erected on the north side of lOStfa street, 280 feet west of
Park avenuel at a cost of $24,000. Tbe flats will have aU the modem
improvements. John O'Connor is tfae owner.
Edward Wenz is tfae arcfaitect for a flve-story brown stone and brick
flat, 2.5x82, to be built for Emest C. Kerl on the south side of llOtfa street,
250 feet east of 2d avenue, at a cost of $22,000; aud for two five-story brick
and brown stone flats, 25.1x88, to be erected on tbe soutb side of 87th street,
83 feet west of Madison avenue, at a cost of $25,000 each. They will have
all the modern improvements.
F. Wennemer will fumish plans for four flve-story brick and brown stone
flats, 25x71, to be erected on the sonth side of 90th street, 100 feet west of
lat avenue, for Frederick Sauer, at a cost of $18,000 each.
F. Ebeling has plans under way for a flve-story and basement brick, stone
and terra cotta flat, 25x87.3, to be built for C. Michel, at No. 344 East 118th
street, at a cost of $21,000.
Messrs. Thom and Wilson filed plans recently for a warehouse to be built
for J. R. Anderson at No. 168 Elm street. The coet, as stated in the plana,
was $'iO,000, wfaicfa flgure, we are informed by tfae arcfaitects, was an error,
and afaould have been $30,000.
Andrew Spence will furaish plans for a five-story tenement and stores,
32.7x80, to bo built on the east side of Park avenue, 100 feet south of 125th
atreet, at a cost of $18,000. Jobn McCarthy is the owner.
Joseph Turner will build a three-story and basement brown stone dwell¬
ing, 16.8x50, on the north side of 78ih street, 100 feet west of Otb avenue;
cost, not estimated.
Robt. B. Lynd will erect a handsome five-story fiat, 44.2x60.2, on the
west side of Madison avenue, 118 feet nortfa of 84tfa street, from plans by
John H. Duncan.
Cbas. Baxter is drawing plans for two five-story flats, 25xS0 in size, to be
built on the south side of 132d street, commencing 125 feet east of Sth
avenue, for Lizzie T. Wilkes.
Wm. Graul is preparing plans for eight five^tory stores and flats, to be
built on the block front covering the east side of Sth avenne, between
118th and llOth streets, by Th. Braender. Tbe corners will be 25.11x71
each, and the inside buildinga 25x6L
Aug. Ruck will build a flve-story flat, 26x102, lot 120, at No. 34 St.
Mark's place, from plans by Kurtzer & RohL
D. & J. Jardine are tfae arcfaitects for a flve-story flat, 25x88.9, to be
built at Nos. 119 and 121 West 41st street, for Mrs. Jane Moncrief.
Harry B. Van Benschoten will furnish plans for two flve-story flats, to
be built for a Mr. Sackman on the northwest corner of Amsterdam avenue
and 147tfa street. Tfae comer house will be 21x96 and the inside houss
19x65 in sise.
James W. Cole is preparing plans for a six-story stable and loft build¬
ing, to be erected or tfae south side of 35th street, 127 feet east of 7th ave¬
nue. Tfae building will be 23x98.9, witfa an extension forming an " L "
27x50.9. Tfae owners are Lowen & HalUday.
The jury appointed to select plans for the Fine Arts Building, to be
erected on 57th street, between Broadway and 7tfa avenue, met during
tfae week at the rooms of the American Fine Arts Society, and selected
tfaree plans out of tfairty-one submitted. The successful architects are: H.
J. Hardenbergh, associated with Walter C. Hunting and Jobn C. Jacobsen;
Edmund B. Wells, and Babb, Cook and Willard. These plans were
returned to the architects, to be perfected within sixty days, under the
instructions of the Society. When the plans are submitted the second
time one of these three will be selected.
John C. Grafaam will build tfaree tfaree-story and basement brick and
stone dwellings, 17.6x4.5, on Bedford avenue, near Bergen street, a ta cos
of $9,000.
Danmar & Fischer are tbe architects for a tfaree-story brick factory,
75x1.50, to be built on the west side of Cfaestnut street, between Fulton
and Atlantic avenues, for the Solidarity Watch Case Co.,at a oost of
$35,000; and for two three-story brick and stone dwellings, 20x
40, to be furnished with all modern improvements and built for R. A.
Salisbury on tbe east side of Waverley avenue, 60 feet north of Greene
avenue, at a cost of $20,000.
Ont of Town.
AsTOBiA, L. I.—F. Tyrrel will furnish plans for twelve semi-detached
two-story and basement frame dwellings, 20x35, to be built on i^incoln
near Crescent street, for Henry Furlong, at a cost of $2,300 each; and for
a three-story frame tenement, 28x63, to be built at a cost of $7,000 for
Joseph Dillie.
Bensonhurst, L. I.—Danmar & Fischer vrill draw sketehes for a two¬
story and attic frame cottage, 23x45, to be built here for a Mrs. Monjo,
at a cost of $7,000.
East Orange, N. J.—H. E. Reeve has plans for a two^md-a-half-story
frame house to be built by Mrs. Katie J. Merritt on the comer of William
and Grove streets, to cost $5,000.
Special Notices.
Louis Dreyer , of No. 339 West 18th street, is a manufacturer of galvan¬
ized iron cornices, metal and slate roofing aud ornamental zinc castings for
buildings. Tfae excellent quality of Mr. Dreyer's work has already com¬
mended faim to a large class of customers. His stock is large and varied
and of the best description.
Architects and builders who wish to furnisfa tfaeir buildings in mahogany
or other cabinet woods, will be sure to obtain satisfactory work by apply¬
ing to Damils & Co., whose oflSce is at No. 202 Centre street, and whose
telephone call is " Spring 10." The firm has large and well-furnished
yards at Nos. 202, 204 and 2t6 Centre street: No. 138 Baxter street, No. 213
Hester street, and Nos. 139, 141 and 143 Goerck street.
S. G. Brinkman has succeeded to the business of tbe well-known flrm of
J. F. Lutb & Co, skylight manufacturers.
Thomas L. Reynolds, who faas just retumed from a trip to Elizabeth
City, N. C, and other towns in the Soutfa, reports busineas cf all kinds
booming. He says tfaat the Fouth has resources that Northem people have
no idea of, and that it only needs men with small capital but lots of " push "
and energy to make the south a fortune-yielding country.
F. Zittel has retumed from his four months trip in Europe, inrigorated
in body and refreshed in mind. He says fae had a delightful time abroad,
and that his one regret is that he could not stay longer in Paris. Mr.
Zittel says that what strikes an American sooner than anything else in the
business life of the Old World is the shorter houre and slower way in
which work is done.
Strong, neat binders, especially made for The Record and Guide can
be obtained at this ofSce. Those of our subscribers who wish to keep a flle
of the numbers in a compact form and in r^^ular sequence, can have the
binder delivered at their oflSce on receipt of order by postal card. The
price is one dollar.
How to Draw a Oontract.
An invaluable work for all dealers in realty is found in " The Guide to
Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate," by CounseUor Geo. W. Van Siclen.
This pamphlet, of only flfty-six pages, oflFers a complete solution of all the
complicated questions that arise in drawing contracts. It discusses ques¬
tions of titles, liens, curtesy and dower rights, deads, searches, etc., and
contains forms of contracts and judicial decisions wbich, with other general
information, vrill go far towards making every man his own lawyer. It
tells all about fixtures, assumption' of mortgages, apportionment of rents,
description of property, terms of payment, damages for failure to carry
out contracts, information on setting aside contracts for mistake or fraud,
and forma of deeds. Published by The Record and Guide, 191 Brp^d'
way. Price SO centa.