Record and Guide,
April 13, 1895
Roller, Chas—Isabella E Conway.
Spaulding, Abel H F i
~ ...... I
1895.,.,742 08
W [ Walter Carter exr John
; Spaulding. 1895.172 47
Spaulding, Abel
SpauldiuK, Lorenzo
Spaulding, Justin
Spaulding, Jolin E
Spaniding. Heznie J
Same-----Board of Home Missions of Prealiy terian
Church in US of A. 1895...............'..119 47
JSchuater. George exr Adam Pchepp—August
VonHermanni. 1894......................436 63
SemUen. Frederick—WE Clearv. 1895.....355 66
Staab, Fi-edericit-T H Mulch, "i887........368 10
Stranss. .«nnon -WilUam Wil*ou. 1888.....133 75
Sonthern Boulevard R R Co-P N Spoffoid iu¬
divid ami as exr Paul Suofford, 1895.....362 65
Same-----T W Pe.arsall irustee Paul Spoffoid,
1895..........................................581 79
Turl, Jeannette and Joseph H exra JohnjTurl—S
D Van Bokkelen. 1895.................10,458 50
'Tennien, Sarah J and Kittie E—Ele.inor P Gage.
1892.........................................'J82 08
Talbot, Harriet L ) Walter Carter exr Johu
Turner, Abbie H L s Snauldin.ir, 1895... .172 47
Same-----Board of Home Missions oi Presbyterian
Church in U S of A. 1895...........119 47
Vail, Herbert—Oyster Bav Bauk, 1893 291 45
Vietor, Geo F and Carl — Joseph Hertafleld.
1895.........................................107 95
VanSchaicb, EUKCne-G E Pasco, 1894..,169 87
Westermayer, Edward—G N Manchester, 1878.
..............................................343 58
Weiss, Wm 8—HE Clallin Co. 1894........388 06
Watson, Cath S—Walter Carter exr John Spauld¬
ing. 1895..................................172 47
Same-----Board of Home Missions of Presbvleriau
Churchin U S of A. 1895.................119 47
^Wapner. Adam e,xr Adam. Scbepp—August Vou
Herraanni. 1.S94...........................436 62
I Wallach, Karl M — Manhattan Eailwav Co,
1895.........................................719 68
â– ^Whitraaun, Edmund 8 .ind Alfred—E L Johu¬
sou, 1894..................................305 76
Zeisler, Jolm—Albert Cappelle. 1895........95 70
'Vacated by order of Court. tSuapended on Ap¬
peal. lEeleased. SEeversal. llSatisfled by Exe-
Aprii. 6.
64tb st, Nos 28-32, s s, 225 w Central Park West.
75x100, Auguat Nipwobner agt Luther F
Hartwell and N Y Architectural Iron Works ,.
..............................................$58 00
E>3d St. No 538, s a. 250 e nth av. 25xl50s25x
153, Jobn Held afftBeriha Volbeuiu.g. (Lien
continued from April 7,1894).............85 00
81st St. Ko 29, n a, 4-.i5 w Central Park West. 1
25X102,2........................ ...........
82d st, 8 s, 425 w Central Park West, 25s |
Herter Bros agt John Doe and Uriah Lott.....
............................................9,134 34
181st st,n a, 125 w Jerome av, 25x100. Charles
James agt Otto Metz aud Frederick Koaton,,.,
..............40 00
22d St. iSo 126. s s, 95 w Lexington av. 20x98.9,
Morris Eschwege agt Chaa W Cooper aud Geo
A, Jr, andMary Freeman..................476 52
April 8.
62d st, ss, 100 e llth av, 100x100. HWKane
& Co aet Henry O and Marcy Kirchuer and
Ludwis Kurzenknabe....................1 0'5 00
Same property. Same agtsame aud Christian
Brann and Carrie Welsh..........,......i o2b 00
Same property. Empire Iron Works agt Kircb¬
ner & Kurzenknabe.......................686 39
Ist av.No 2030. e a. sos 105th st. 25x100. Saml
D Tomback agt Jnlin Miller.................18 51
99tU st, 3 s, 160 e 3d .iv, 50x100, Chas M O'Con¬
nor nst Frederick Bornkamp................45 50
62dst, N08 244-250, a s, 100 e West End av
lOixH'O, Wm E Pruden agt Kircbner & Kur¬
zenknabe....................................545 13
Same property. Thos J Kelly aj:t Chri.stiau
Braun, .Mary and Henry O tCirchner, Carrie
Welsh and Ludwig Kurzenknabe and John P
Kelly.......................................192 oo
Same properly. Jnseph Kelly act same... ,19i 00
Same property. John P KeUy agt same, except
J P Kelly...............................1,450 00
Columbus av, u w cor 95tb st, 25x100. John¬
stone &Cadien asrt Fredk V Osthoff and John
McDermott............................... 76 19
'78th st, s s, 130.3 e Riverside Drive, 50x100.
JamesG Wilson ast Clarence True.. ., 2 000 00
2,1th st. No 313, u s. 200 e 2d av. 25x100. Sie-
brandNiewenhnua awt Albert aud JnhuJMc-
Cord, Almira Diiseuberrv, Snsau A Hortou
and E Frank Hall..................... 687 85
Henry St. No 69, u a, 25x100. Jacob Edelmau
ast Pbilip H Samilsou, Jeremiah Mosea and
John Doe....................................100 00
April 10.
25th st, No 313. n s, 200 e 2d av. 25x100. Sie-
brandNieweniious aet Albert and Jobn J Mc¬
Cord. Almira Du.-enberry. Susan A Hortoo and
E Frank Hall.............................(JS7 85
JPrankiin -t. No 40, u w cor Elm st, 35xSo. Law¬
rence Houhhan agt Herman F Ahrens and
Baithasar Diehl..................... 1 U45 oo
62d st, Nos 24 l-'J50, s s, loO c Wrst End av. 100
xIoO, Union Stove Works agt Kirchuer &
Kur?enknab"...... ..................... 1764 00
167th St. n s, whole front bet Frankliu and Ful-
Apku. 11, 1895.
â– • Editor of The Rkcobd and Guide :
Tho lien of Jaraes G. Wilson against me for
$2,000 which appears iu to-day's issue of The
Record AND Guion is uu.juat and without cause.
Hir. Wilson is in debt fo me of over $1,000. The
lien will be bonded. Cl.^rijkce Truf.
'. Editor Record and (5hide :'
The lien filed against Baltbasar Diehl Is unjust.
Tbe lien should he against Diehl & Ahrens as part¬
ners. The claimant'a money is ready as soon aa
the work is completed. Diehl & AiiitENa.
ton avs, 111x244x86x86x262, Patk J Condon
agt Cburch of St Auguatine formerly Irustees
of St Aiignstines Eoman Catholic Church, City
133d st, Nos 1000-1004 E, Geo M Banks agt Jo¬
seph A Brautigam aud Andw J smith......19 50
Same property. Richard Carroll agt same.,, 22 50
62d St. B s, 100 e West End av, 200x100. Hvde &
Gload Mfg Co agt Kirchuer & Kurzenknabe
and Christian Bratm.....................1,200 00
Sarae property; Robinson Stoneware Co agt
Henry O and Mary Kirchuer. Ludwig Kurzen¬
knabe, Carrie Wel^h and Chiistian Braun......
...........................................2.856 00
62d st, s s, 200 e llth .-iv. 100x100. R W Kane
&Co agt same............................1.500 00
April 11,
133d st or Southern Eoulevard.Nos 599-605,n s,
250 e Alexander av, 80x100, G Olsen <k Co
agt John Doe and George Scbildwachter., I4ii 00
134th St. Nos 586 and 388. s s, 135 e Alexander
av, 40x100. Same agt same....................70
April 13,
82dst. N0SO3 aud 505, ns, — eAv A, 40x100.
Abraham Silversou agt Leon Sobel........470 00
121st ar, n s. 250 w 7th av. 200x100, Lansing
Lumber Co agt Thomas Donlon .-md Wm H
Brandt....................................3,765 35
^ame property. Same ast same.............651 30
62d st, s s, 200 e West End av, 100x100. Wm E
Lyon agt Kirschner & Kurzenknabe,,, ,2,7."i0 00
C2d St. s s. 150 e Weal End av, 25x100. Same
agtsame....................................175 00
145th at. n s, 200 w Amsterdaui av, loOxlOO.
Mary Johuston agt Albert C Morris and Os¬
borue & Morris.........................224 00
Rutgers pl. No 3, n s. 25 e Jeft'erson sf, 26x115.
M Reynolds Plamber.^ Supply Co agt Eva Kaye
aud Louis Freedman.......................152 97
April 6,
86th St. No 436, s s, 170.6 w Av A. 24.3x-.. S E
Schmeckenbeoher agt J Hooker Hamersley
and Josiah lUcLaughlin, (Lien filed jVIarob 28',
18951.......................................$358 20
117th at, n e cor Madison av, 260x100.11, Peter
Muller agt John J Macdonald and Tilly Smith.
(July 19,1893)............................i.ioo 00
Broome st. No 429, s w cor firoshy st, 25xlo3.5,
Wallace & Berghardl agt Dennis Shea aud A B
See .ind White Fire Proof Partition Co, (March
15.1895......................................48 00
April 8.
Monroe st, No 74, s s, 109.3 w Pike st and s e cor
Mechanics alley. 20.5x100. Patriek Fitzpat¬
rick agt L Aionowirz aud George Kessner,
(Feb l-,i, 18951..............................60 50
Same property. Murtagh & McCariliy agt L
AronowitK. (Oct lO. 1894)..............1 7(;7 02
Same property. Finn. Cole & Co agt Pauliue
Aronowitz. {March 12,1895).......',.....337 50
1st av. No 1483, w s, bet 77lh .and 78th sts, 25x
100. G L Schuyler .& Co agt Charles Rosen-
Derg aud uen.) F Ovcrhnlse. (Marcb 11, l89.^,)
..............................................178 97
IllSthst, Nos 135 and 137, n w cor Lexington
av, 40x100. Patk J Ryan agt Henry C Tuke.
(March 20,1895)...........................344 oO
149th Bt, s s, 85 e Convent av. I35x—. George
SpaetU agt Susan Olcott. (Jan 12, 1894),.549 00
April 9.
llth av, es, 200 feet, whole frout bet 26th and
27t.hsts.200x100, Comins & Evans agt Da¬
vidson Sons'Marble Co. (Jau 10.1895),.386 00
West End av.Nos 813-S19,s w cor 105th st
80,11x100. Chas A Pope agt Johu J Farlev.
(March 11, 1895)...........................530'00-
Saiiic property. Halavia Wood-Working Co agt
same, (March 0, 1895).................",3,275 00
'93d si,ns, 100 w West End av, 45x—. Gooro-e
Spaeth agt Alois B Kight. (March 15, 1895),.,
.............................................277 50
April lO.
114th st. No 34S, s 3,175 w 1st av, abt 25x—,
LouiB Bossert agt Mary A Whieton. (April 5,
189o)......................................1,150 00
76th st, Nos 21-^25, u 9, abt 351 w CentralPark
West. 82.4x—, Heroy & .Uarrenne'-agt Corne¬
liua W Luyster and Louisa Brandt. iJan 21
1S95)........................................486 01
'Sth av, n e cor H9fh st, 100x100. Leo Oppen¬
heimer agt Jobn Doe and Eichard W Hawaes
(April 5. 1895)..............................lOO 00
-Sth av. No 2214, e a. 50 n I I9lh st, 25^—. J,i"ob
Kaufmann agt Eichard W Hawkes. (April 8,
1895).......................................r,.(}y 30
Al'RlL 11,
'sthav. Nos22I4and22I6.es. 50u II9thst. 50
X—, Geo W Kuiffin agt Richard W Hawkes,
(April 11, 1895).............................324 45
April 12.
Sth av, w a, 50,6 u lllth st. 50.5x—. Hannah A
Martin and ano agt Peter W-Oslrander. (Mar
„ 5.1895)..........-.........................3,589 41
Same property, Allan A Irvine agt same, (Mar
„5. 1895).....................................380 00
Same property. East Eiver Terra Cotta Co^.-igt
same. iMarch 5. 1895)................ 157 00
Same property. Beat & O'Reilly agt same. (:\lar
„5, 1895).....................................267 00
Same property, Frederick Hafner agt same
(Marcb 5,1895)........................, ., 525 00
Same property. George Mackenzie agt same.
(March 8,1895)............................ 3^3 20
Sth^av, n wcor lllth st, 100,11x135. Wm T
Woodand auo agtsame. (March 5, 1895),.,.
„..............................................991 18
Siime property, Pasyuale Altieri agt same,
(March 5,189,i)..........................3,500 00
Same property, James Hunter agtsame, (Nov
,21.1894)........................:..........420 60
Same propertv, Andrew Byrne agt aame. (Dec
, 14. lPfl4)..........................,.........350 00
bame property, Diensti: Linck agt same, (Sept
12, 1894).....................................3;j 22
same propeity. Willi.am Hughes agt Mary A and
WmM Walsh, (Feb 4,1895)............1,268 00
S.ime property. NasonMfgCo agf. same, (Dec
20, 1891)...................................300 00
Same property. Becker & Co agt Wm M Walsh,
(April.4, 1895)...............................78 00
Columbine st, s s, 75 w Jefferson st, 25x75,
Owen Toher agt N Brugman and Betty Middle-
ton, (Feb 21,1895)......................1;550 00
Same property. James A and E T Woolf agt
same. (Feb 15,189.'i)......................140 66
*64fhst, No41. n s, 475 w Central Park West,
25x100, WiUiani Miller agt Mary A Walsh,
(Maich 26, 1895)...........................668 00
'Discliarged by deposit,
; Discharged by bond.
Thrjii:^! name i.t U-al "f the owuer ; ar'l stands for
arrhilerl. m'n f'lr niitson, c'r for carpenter andb'r
fur hiiltih'r.
When ehiiraMer of roof is noi meniioned il is lobe
I'.ndersluod Ihct the. roof is to be of tin.
SOUTH OF HTU street.
Plan 028-Broadwav, u e cor Sth st, 9-3ty
brk. irou aod limeatoue store aud loff builrf-
ing, 70.5x106, gravel roof; cost, $175,000;
aailors'Sung Harbor, ow'r ol laud; Louis M
Jones. Clinton TTall. ow'r of building; ar'ts,
Cleverdon & Putiel,
639—13tb st, Nos 208-210 E, 5-aty brk aud
hrowustoue flat. 31x89,11; cost, $18,000;
Dauiel Brnbacher, 6 Union so; ar't, Chas
Keuiz, 712 E 140th at,
659-Columbia st, No 3$, S-atv brk and
browns(one-trimmed tiat,25x88.8;"cost, $22,-
000; Henry Wirth. 115 Delancey st; ar't.
Chas Rentz.
618-Delancey st, No 238, 5-stv brk and
brownstoue flat. 25x88,8; cost, $22,00li; Ly¬
mau Trumbull, Cbicago, Ul, Pincua Lowen¬
feld lessee, 782 3d av; ar't. Cbaa Kentz.
671—Norfolk st, No 10, 5-3ty and baaement
brk. iron aud terra cotta teneni't, 22x45,6;
cost, $12,000; Isaac Kalmowitz, on premises;
ar't, V Hugo Koehler,
609-3d st, Nos 192-196 E, tbree 5-sty brk
flats, '.i4,3x90; cost. $18,000 eacb; John C
O'Connor, 24 E 33d at; ar'ts, J boekell &
630—57th St. s s. 100 w 10th av, 5-sty brk
and brownatone Hat, 25x90 ; cost, $30,000;
.John Hvrne, 510 W 57th st; ar't, -laa W Cole.
(35;i—17th at. No 445 W, two (front and
rear) 2-sty brk dwell'gs .and stablea, frout
24.11x43, and rear 24,11x34, gravel roofa;
coat. $5,OUO each; William Kirkpatriek, 4,18
W 17th st; ar't, Johu A Sinclair; b'rs, John
L Hamilton & Son,
66'2—23d at, No 12 E, 8-sty brk, atone and
terra cotta atore and office building, 25x85.
asphalt roof; cost, $(JO,000: Oswald Ole-
achlaeger, 918 Hudson st, Hoboken, N J;
ar't, F C Merry,
OF 5th avenue.
632—j9th st. No 153 E, rangeol 1-sty wood
and gla.ss greenhouses, 135x69, wood and
glass roof; cost, $7,000; Lyman G Blooiu-
ingdale, 3dav andsOth at; ar'ts and b'rs. Lord
&â– liiiruham.
625—IOlst s(,n a, 100 e Madison av, ei.ght 5-
sfy brk flats, 25x72; coat, $18,000 each;
Francis J Schnugg, 1 E 94th st; .ar't, Louis
Entzer. Jr.
633—103d st, n s, 155 w Parkav.S^sty brk
and brownstone flat, 25xS8; cost. $21,000;
Callman Rouse, l'J07 Park av; ar't, Edw
Weuz; b'r, Nicbolas J Reville,
634—104tb sr. No 242 E, 5-sty brk aud
brow-nstone flat. 25x89.4; cost. $22,000;
Louis Lese, 231 E 60th at; ar't, Ch.as Rentz.
640-Parkav.s iv eor llOlh at. 5-stv brk
store aud fl.at, 20x96.11; cost. $28,000 ; "Diet¬
rich W Wehrenberg, 507 Manhattan av; ar't,
Edw Wen/..
673—110th st, No 172 E, l-aty frauie w.igou
sberl, 25x41.7, gravel roof; cost, $100;
Spencer H Smitli, uo aduress; ar't, W A
649—Madisou av, u e cor 102d st. 5-stv brk
fiat. 100,11x47; cost, $35,000; Anguste L
Sevestre. 160 E 55th st; ar't. A Sovestre.
651-lst av, w s. 68.5 n OLid at. a-sty brk
dat. 3^x54; eost, $15,000: Edward C
Thatcher, 367 W lioth st; ar'ts, A li Ogdeu
& Sou. (Substituted for 14'2 New Buildings,
667—2dav, se cor 122d st, S-stv brk tlat,
25x100: cost, $17,000 ; hTancis L tflover, 39
E SOtb st!; art's, D'Oench & Simon.
668-2d av, e a, 25 s 122d st, two 5-stv brk
flats, 50x90; cost, $35,000 each; ow'r and
ar'ts, same as No 667,
647—65th st.s a, 274.11 w Central Park
Weat, 5-sty brk and brownstone flat, 24.llx
90,8; cost, $25,000; Joseph Cirrito, 56 W
65th st; ar'ta, Mowbray & IJtHuger.
637—69tb at, sa, 375 w Ceutral Park West,
seveu 4-aty and baaeTnentbrkand brownstone
flata o^ various diiuenaiona; cost. $32,000
each ; Thoa C Edgar & Co, 76 W 94tb st;
.ir't, ii A Schellenger.
6 10—Amsterdam av, e s,SOn lOOtli st, S-sty
hrk and stoue flat, 2Sx88.6: coat, $25,000;
William Cummings, 405 McDonough st,
Brooklyu; Robt Ferguson, 719 Sth av; ar't,
G F Pelham.
674—76tb at, n a. 85 e Riverside Drive, two
4-sty and baaeuient brk aud limestone
dwell'ga, oue 20x61 ' I one 20x65; cost.