June 13,1896
Record and Guide.
Building News.
Tenth street, Nos. 31 and 33 East, eight-story basement and
subcellar, brick, stone, terra cotta and iron, flreproof store and
loft building; size, 44.5x94.9. The equipment includes two ele¬
vators, steam heating apparatus, open plumbing work, etc. Cost
about 1100,000; owners, Richard and Thomas Flanagan and
James P. Diskln, No. 20G7 7th avenue; architects, Angell & Hig¬
ginson, No. 108 Fulton street. Work to begin early in July.
Amsterdam avenue, west side, 30 teet south of 157th street,
one-story brick store; cost, $3,500; H. B. Van Benschoten, No.
1234 Freeman street, architect.
Park avenue, southeast corner of 98th street, four flve-story
light brick and stone fiats; Mary E. Garritt, No. 110 East 122d
street, owner; J. H. Valentine, southwest corner of 124th
street and 3d avenue, architect; size, one three-family corner
flat 25x95, and three inside double flats 25x86 each; total cost,
$70,000; all improvements; plans being drawn.
Fifth avenue, northeast corner of 113th street, four flve-story
light brick and stone fiats and stores; William C. Turner, No.
393 17th street, Brooklyn, owner and builder; Neville & Bagge,
No. 217 West 125th street, architects; sizes, corner flat 25.11x95,
three inside double flats 25x86 each; total cost, $110,000; all
improvements, steam heating; plans in progress.
One Hundred and Seventeenth street, south side, 425 feet west
of 5th avenue, one five-story brick flat; size, 25x80; cpst, $22,-
OOO; George Robinson, No. 132 West 117th street, owner; Ne¬
ville & Bagge, No. 217 West 125th street, architects.
One Hundred and Thirteenth street, north side, 100 feet west
of Sth avenue, two five-story brick and stone flats; size, 25x85.4
each; total cost, $48,000; Mrs. Emma Krug, No. 114 East 69th
street, owner; John C. Burne, No. 101 West 42d street, architect.
Specilications call for all modern improvements.
Eighteenth street, north side, between 1st and 2d avenues,
two five-story brick and stone double flats; size, 25x86 each;
cost, $36,000; John Walker, No. 149 East 125th street, owner
and builder; Andrew Spence, No. 7 Bast 125th street, architect;
all improvements.
Adams avenue, near Columbine street, three three-story frame
flats; total cost, $15,000; Esther Arnold, owner; Wflliam Gug¬
golz, No. 2305 Bathgate avenue, architect.
Northeast corner of 165th and Fox streets, three-story Roman
buff brick and brownstone front flats; cost, $8,000; Mrs. Meek-
man, owner; John De Hart, No. 1637 Fox street, architect.
Tremont avenue, south side, 25 feet west of Marmion avenue,
four-story brick flat; cost, $10,000; Ellen E. Austin, owner; John
De Hart, No. 1637 Fox street, architect.
One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street and Fulton avenue, two
flve-story brick flats; cost, $20,000 each; Mrs. Ronner, owner;
P. J. Miller & Co., No. 3363 3d avenue, architects.
St. Ann's avenue, east side, 350 feet east of 156th street, three-
story flat and store; size, 25x82; cost, $16,000; Jacob Ulhmar,
owner; Ernest W. Gries, No. 36 Union sq., architect.
Delancey street. No. 95, six-story tenement; size, 25x72; cost,
.$22,000; Fay & Stacom, No. 337 Pleasant avenue, owners and
builders; Chas. Rentz, No. 153 4th avenue, architect.
One Hundred and Nineteenth street, north side, 200 feet west
of Lenox avenue, five three-story and basement, brick and stone
dwellings; Anthony Smyth, No. 153 West 122d street, owner and
builder; Theodore E. Thomson, No. 247 West 125th street, ar¬
chitect; no details yet decided; all improvements.
Anthony avenue, IS feet north of Burnside avenue, two two-
story trame dwellings; sizes 21x40 each; cost, $4,500 each; Annie
P. Vreeland, owner; J. J. Vreeland, No. 709 Tremont avenue, ar¬
chitect. Specifications will call for hot-air heating and all im¬
Mapes Estate, 24th "^Sfard, two-story and attic frame dwell¬
ing; cost, $3,000; Mr. Cook, owner; W. C. Dickerson, 149th street
and 3d avenue, architect.
Architect Herrmann Horenburger, No, 802 Melrose avenue, has
plans on the boards for a two-story and attic frame parsonage,
to be erected on the northeast corner of Elton avenue and 156th
street, for The German Holland Reformed Church of Melrose,
Rev. G. H. Miller, Chairman ot Building Committee. The
building will contain all improvements, be heated by steam, and
cost about $5,000.
Van Nest.—Two-story and basement frame dwelling; cost,
$3,500; Mr. Hiller, owner; Altred Ericson, No. 1417 Longfellow
street, architect.
Vyse street, 118 teet north of Freeman street, two two-story
frame dwellings; cost, .$4,000 each; John Toelberg, owner; Niels
Toelberg, Home street and Southern Boulevard, architect.
Jennings street, near Southern Boulevard, three two-story
and basement frame dwellings; cost, $3,500 each; John Han¬
son, owner; Niels Toelberg, Home street and Southern Boule¬
vard, architect.
Valentine avenue, near 183d street, two-story and attic frame
dwelling; cost, $3,500; John P. Halloway, owner; William Gug¬
golz, No. 2305 Bathgate avenue, architect and builder.
Terrace View avenue, near Jansen avenue, two-story and attic
frame dwelling; cost, $7,000; Mrs. Maxman, owner; Geo. W.
Yeandle, Kingsbridge, architect and builder.
Terrace View avenue, near Jansen avenue, flve two-story and
attic frame dwellings; cost, $4,000 each; George W. Yeandle,
Kingsbridge, owner, architect and builder.
Undercliff terrace, Morris Heights, one three-story store and
basement frame dwelling; John Schroyer, owner, care of archi¬
tect, William Biehl, No. 211 West 133d street; size, 20x52; cost,
.$3,800; all' Improvements.
Sixth avenue, 30th street and Broadway, Herald Square Hotel;
Douglass H. Schneider, owner; Hill & Turner, No. 44 Broadway,
are drawing plans for a fifteen-story fireproof hotel. The first
story will be limestone, the second story terra cotta, the third to
twelfth story will be light Philadelphia brick, with terra cotta
trimmings, the twelfth story trimmings, cornice and thirteenth,
fourteenth and fifteenth stories will be mainly copper, the man¬
sard being slate. The interior will be finished in hardwood,
marble and ornamental piaster. There will also be required a
complete power, heatiUf, and lighting plant. The cost of the
building will be $l,200,l'.10. The general contractors are The
Charles S. Kendall Co., (110 West 130th street. The building Is
to be completed by May 1, 1897.
Eighth avenue, northwest corner of Hth street; architect, R.
H. Robertson, No. 100 5th avenue, is drawing plans for a white
marble bank building for the New York Savings Bank.
Twenty-Sixth street. No. 119 West, alteration of four-story
brick and stone residence to flat; cost, $20,000; John G. Morris,
No. 347 West 58th street, owner; John Carl, No. 48 Exchange
place, architect
John Caulfleld, builder. No. 250 Hamilton avenue, Brooklyn,
contemplates erecting 16 private dwellings on 72d street, be¬
tween 3d and 4th avenues, Brooklyn, early in the fall. They will
be two-story and basement, buff brick and brownstone, and
will contain all improvements, including hot air heating and
cabinet finish; total cost, about $72,000.
Northeast corner Stuyvesant and Lexington avenues, five
three-story stone dwellings; size, 19.8x65; total cost, $30,000;
Burghardt & Meyer, No. 743 Bushwick avenue, owners; F.
Holmberg, No. 911 Broadway, architect. Condition, plans un¬
flnished. Speciflcations call for all modern improvements and
hardwood trim.
John Caulfleld will build eight flats next fall on West 9th
street, between Henry and Hamilton avenues. They will be
four stories, of buff brick and bluestone, and contain cold water
improvements; total cost, $64,000.
South side of 36th street, east of 4th avenue, flve three-story
and basement brownstone two-family dwellings; size, 20x45
each; Henschel Bros., No. 191 36th street, Brooklyn, owner; W.
H. Wirth, No. 3.58 17th street, Brooklyn, architect; plans in
Oakland street, near India street, three-story double frame
flat; size, 25x56; cost, $4,800; R. Scully; Huron street, owner;
J. M. Baker, 110 4lh street. Long Island City, architect. Con¬
East 31st street, west side, 100 feet south of Avenue G, two-
story and attio frarae dwelling, containing afl improvements, in¬
cluding hot-air heating; cost, $3,000; M. Garod, No. 207 Wyckoff
street, owner; A. White Pierce, No. 1127 Flatbush avenue, ar¬
East 34th street, near Avenue G, two-story and attic frame
dwelling, to contain all improvements, including cabinet man¬
tels, hot-air heating, etc.; cost, $3,000; A. White Pierce, archi¬
Bay 36th street, near 18th avenue, two-story and attic frame
dwelling, to contain all improvements. Including hot-air heat¬
ing, hardwood trim, etc.; cost, $3,000; W. T. Paul, Bath Beach,
owner; A. White Pierce, architect.
Architect H. L. Spicer, Jr., No. 204 Montague street, has pre¬
pared plans for four flve-story stores and fiats to be built on
southwest corner of 3d avenue and 59th street, Brooklyn; will
contain all improvements; owner, W. L. Kant, care of architect;
cost about $70,000.
Architect Chas. Werner, No. 26 Court street, has prepared
plans for an extension to be built on Rockwell place, near
Pulton street; it will be three stories with a galvanized iron
front, to be used as store and flats; cost, $8,000.
Hastings, N. Y.—Architect H. Holt has prepared plans for a
two-story brick addition to the public school; size, 35.x21; cost,
$5,000. School District No. 4 of the Town of Greenburgh, owner.
New Rochelle.—Two two-story and attic frame dwellings;
cost, $4,500 each; John De Hart, No. 1637 Pox street. New
York City, architect.
Yonkers.—Woodiawn Heights, two two-story and attic frame
dwellings; total cost, $5,000; Frank Marian, No. 110 Orchard
terrace, owner and builder; W. C. Dickerson, 149th street and
3d avenue. New York City, architect.
Saratoga Springs.—J. B. McElfatrick & Son, No. 1402 Broad¬
way, New York City, have plans under way for a brick and stone
theatre. Specifications call for all modern improvements.