Record and Guide
Aymar. Calh 0 exr Phebe A Aymar to Cath 0 Aymar. Jamaica, L I.
Assigns 6 morts. nom
Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co to Alice A Hallock extrx. S.oOO
Benjamin, Wiiiiam individ and as admr Maria Bacon to Title Guar¬
antee and Trust Co. 10,000
Burnett. Henry to Johanna H C wife of Henry Weber, Jr. 2,5tj0
Blumensohn, Moses lo Rosa Axlrod. 175
Brown, Lorenzo D to Geo W Miller. x 2,400
Cily Real Estate Co to Walter Tomkins. 3,000
Curtis, Isaac H aud N Willard Curtis to Jane W Congdon. nom
Callahan, Edward P to Ida Ashner. 300
Dickinson, Hannah M and ano exrs will John Dickinson to Tbe Ham¬
ilton Trust Co. M.OOO
Dexter, Fred C to Walter R Lusher. 1.000
Davies, Mary to John L Culver, 2,300
Everitt, Edward A to Anna R Hurlburt. 1.000
Ehrichs, Henry and Wm admrs Frederick Ehrichs to WiUiam Ehrichs.
Same fo Henry Ehrichs. nom
Fulcher, John H to Lefferts G Wilkin, 3,000
Same to same. 5,000
Gascoine, James to Julia Hummel, 259
Gedney, Edgar C to Eurico 'Casablanca. 435
Howell. Mary E, PhUa, Pa. to Lawrence Hurlburt. 2,100
Halperin, Morris to Lewis Hurst. 600
Heeren, Louis A L to Geo B Voorhees and ano exrs Jacob R Ditmars.
Humphrey. Owen W. Freeport, L I, to Geo H Perry. 323
Hitchings. John M to Elizabeth Brooks extrx. nom
Ireland, John H to Janthe Caril. 1,400
Same to Lewis B and Marianna Carll. l.HK)
Kessel. Adam, Jr, and Cbarles lo Leopold Levy. 70O
Lusher, Walter R to .Artlissa V wife of Milee Gearon. 1,000
Lawless, Edward to Peter Lawless. 1,-500
Long Island Title Guarantee Co to City Savings Bank of Brooklyn. 7,500
Long Island Title Guarantee Co to City Savings Bank of Brooklyn. 500
Metcalfe, Joseph C lo D McLean Shaw genl guard Alfredo Gavin, N Y.
Morrison, Margaret, N Y, to Caroline D Morrison. All interest-
no consid
Macbeth. William to Lucinda K Greenman- l.OUO
Manger, Cbas C. New York, to Germania Real Estate and Improve¬
ment Co. 1,269
Moffati, R Burnham substituted trustee for benefit estate Susan B
Lyman to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Assigns 2 morts, each
$2,500. 5,000
Same to sarae. 3,50t)
Same to same. 2,300
Same to same. 11,0011
Same to same. Assigns 2 morts, each $3,000- 6,000
Same to same. 5,0OJ
Same to same. 6,009
Samo to same. Assigns 2 morts, each -$9,000. IS.OOO
Same to same. 5,500
Same to same, 5,00:)
Same to same. Assigns 3 morts. each $7,500. 22,300
Same lo same. 10.300
Same lo same. Assigns 2 morts. each .$8,000. 16,000
Mugford, Fannie J to Annie A Hodge, N Y. 1894. 500
Neil, Alice to Wm H Cochran. 3,000
Pirnie, Sarah M. Flint, Mich, to Franklin S Scheuck. 1,000
Parson, Anna R. formerly Lounsbery. to Wm H Hazzard et al trastees
James Brady. 5,000
Raynor, Florence to Valentine Hamman, 3,000
Reis, Rose and Flora Davenport to Benj F Carver. 3,013
Ross. Mary E wife of James R to Mary J wife of Wm J Runcie,
Buffalo, N Y. 5,400
Reynolds. Wm H to Thomas Monohan, 2,2.50
Reid. Ale.xauder successor to the late firm Reid & Duff, N Y, to Joseph
C Metcalfe- nom
Rogers, John L M to John W' Sutton. 5,500
Rotb, Henry to Wm S Hurley- fl nom
Skinner. Sarah A G, Newark, N J, and Fanny G G Stremmell. nom
Same lo Margaret Van Auken. nom
Same to Sarah A Eunson. nom'
Same to Sadie J and B Virginia Higgins, nora
Stooihoff, Stephen W to Isaac H and N WUard Curtis. 500
Schmitt. John H to The Schermerhorn Bank. Assigns 2 morts, nom
Schubert. Mary lo Tille Guaranlee and Trust Co. 1,2.30
Titus, Wm P as trustee lo Stephen W CoUins trustee will of Jobn
Titus. nom
Tille Guarantee and Trust Co to Maria P James and ano trustees will
Geo A Jarvis for benefit Maria P Jarvis.
Same to Ethel M Gillies.
Same to -Maria P Jarvis.
Same to Joseph Beck.
Same to Augustus F Brombacher et al exrs, £c, Thomas Garner.
Same to Franklin Trust Co.
Bame to Virginia B 'Matthews.
Same lo same.
Same to Charlotte Wilson.
Same to Ethel M Gillies.
S'ame lo Maria P Jarvis and ano trustees will Geo A Jarvis for bene¬
fit Maria P Jarvis. 2,500
Same to Alice A Hallock extrx. ' 3.000
Same to Joseph Beck, 3 500
Ullrich. Charles to Thos J Atkins. 1,200
Von der Lube. Amalie to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 1.500
Union Improvement Co to The West Brooklyn Laud and Improve¬
ment Co. 400
The first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect; b'r for
All rooting material is tin. unless otberwise specified.
4.30—Rogers av. w s, 100 n Verona av, 2-sty and attic frame dwell'g,
20,8x32, 1 family, shingle roof; cosl, $2,500; John K Lubcke, River
Edge, N J; ar't, J Petit, 1S6 Remsen st; b'r, W A Miller, 44 Stanhope
Et. (Corrects error in last issue.)
433~Beverly road, s w cor East llth st, 2-sty and attic frarae dweU'g,
29.x49, 1 family, shingle root, hot air; cost, $4,500; ow'r and b'r. Sami
Sherwoood. 1134 Flatbush av; ar'l. J A Davidson, 828 Flatbush av-
430—83d st, s s, 140 w 3d av. two 2-sty and attic frame dweU'gs, 2Sx
46. 1 family, shingle root; lotal cost, $8,000; ow'r and b'r, W L Dow¬
ling, on premises; ar't, W H Abbolt, ]i Broadway, N Y,
437—Kent av, s s, 30 w West st, 1-sty frame shed, 10S.2x25, gravel
-oof; cost, $300; C W Wilson & Co, cn premises; ar'ts, Johnson &
--liEle, Broadway and South Sth st.
438—Nostrand av, e e cor Hancock st, 5-sty brk flat, 40x91, gravel
roof, steam heat, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $3o,00O; jiw'r and b'r,
Harry A Cooper, 352 Hancock sl; ar't, Edward Betls, 124i FuUon_^st,
439—Frost st, n s, 125 e Manhattan av, 1-sty frame shed, 2ox20;
cost, .$50; Hirschberg Bros, 406 Maubattan av,
440—Lorimer st. w s, 25 s Richardson st, 1-sty frame laundry, 16x
10; cost, $150; Sabino Citaso, 376 Lorimer st; b'r, Raphael Dornie, 224
Union av.
441—Greenpoint av, n s, 423 w West st. 1-sty frame boiler house, 40
x23; cost, $1,300; Brooklyn Ferry Co, Kent av, near Broadway; ar't aud
b'r. G McMullen, 294 Van Buren st,
442—Winthrop st, n s. 45 w Bediord nv. 2-Ety and attic frarae dwell¬
ing, 34.6x34,0, 1 family, bot air; cost, $4,200; Mrs Leopoldiue L Aube,
34 Suraner av; ar't. A J Erdman, 56 Vernon av.
44;:J—Bedford av, n w cOr Norlh 12tb st, 2-sty frame stable, 53x33,
aud 1-sty frarae wagon shed, 65x18; total cost, $2,230; Christiau Fried¬
man, 90 Bedford av; ar't, W H C Hornum, 110 East 123th st, N Y.
444—Clarkson st, s s, 120 w Rogers av, two 2-sty and attic frame
dweil'gs, 20x33, shingle roof, hot air; total cost. $6,500; Chas C Manger,
822 Fiatbush av.
445—East llth st, e and w sides, 100 s Lewis pl, four 2-sty and attic
frame dwell'gs, 21.6x36, 1 family, shingle roof, bot air; total cost, $14,-
OOO;Wiiiiam Hawkins, 228 East 12th st; ar't, H B Hawkins.
446—East 7th st, e s, 280 s Av D, 1-sly frarae shed, 23x16; cost.
$150; C C Manger, S22 Flatbush av; ar't, A J Erdman, 50 Vernon av.
447—40th st, s s, 260 a 13ih av, two 2-sty and attic frame dwell'gs.
18x37, shingle roof, hot air; total cost, $5,400; W H Reynolds, 40
Court st; ar't, B Driesler, 1432 Flatbush av,
448—East 4th st, e s. 188 s Greenwood av, 1-sty frame shed, 10x20,
tar paper roof; cost, $.30; E B Hunt, 97 East 4th sl-
449—Woodbine sl. n s, 168 e Evergreen av, eight 2-sty and basement
brk dweU'gs, 18,9x45, 2 families; total cost, $28,000; E E KeUy, 450
Kosculsko st; ar't and b'r, Albert J Lamb, 73 Cornelia st.
450—51st st, s s, 2G0 e 13th av, 2-sty aud attic frame dwell'g, ISx
37, 1 family, shingle roof, hot air; cost, .$2,700; ow'r and ar'l, W H Rey¬
nolds, 40 Court sl; ar't, B I^reisler. 1432 Flatbush av-
451-Clarkson st, s s, llo e Flatbush av, seven 3-sty and basem_ent
brk dwell'gs. 1 family, hot air, galvanized iron cornice; total cost, $56,-
OoO: W A -A, Brown, 1042 Dean st; ar't, J L Young, 1221 Fulton st;
b'r, J McArthur, 1190 Bedford av.
452—Av F, n s, 35 w East 32d st. 2-sty and attic frame dweU'g, 22x
35,6. shingle roof, hot air; eost, $3,500; ow'r aud b'r, Edward R S;roug,
3108 Av F; ar't. B Driesler, 1432 Flatbush av.
453—Av F, s fi, 33 w New York av. two similar dweU'gs; total cost,
$7,000; L J Gangler, 845 East 34th st; ar't, same as last.
-i34^Av F, s w cor New York av. simiiar dweU'g; cost. $4,000; ow'r
and ar'l, same as last,
45-5—Battery pl, n s, 175 w OOlh st, 1-sty frame dweil'g, 18x30, 1
family; cost, $1,000; Francis Carroll, on premises; ar't, W BeU, 93d
St and 3d av,
456—Pilling st, n s, 100 e Evergreen av, frame factory, 155.0x99.8;
cost. $9,000; Peoples Hygienic Ice Co, 1460 Bushwick av; ar't, H Voli¬
weiler, 483 Hart st.
457—Carroll st, s s, 226.11 w 3d av, 4-ety brk tenem't, 31x70, IS
families; cost, $10,000; Vincenzo Christian, 45S Carroll sl; ar't, Frank
S Lowe, 186 Remsen st.
458—East 13th st, w s, 30O s Av U, 2-sty and attic frame dweU'g, 16
x36^ 1 faraily, shingle roof; ccst, $2,000; _ow'r aud b'r, Wm J Thorn,
128i Herkimer st; ar't, J R Campbell, 12(7 Herkimer st,
4.39^Bay 10th st, w s, 240 s Bath av, two 2-sty and attic frame
dweU'gs, 17x43, 1 family, shingle roof, hot air; total cost. $4,000; Chas
Cochrane, Bay lltb sl; ar't, B Drelsier. 1432 Flatbush av.
400—Halsey st, s s, 430 e Reid av, two 3-sty brk flats, 18x63, 6
families, galvanized iron cornice; total cost, $16,090; W F Heisinger.
990 Broadway; ar'ts. Hugo Smith and .4 A Schuster, S3G Broadway,
461—Hall st, w s, 430 s Flushlug ay. 2-sty and cellar power bouse.
50x90. galvanized iron cornice; cost, $15,000; Kings Co Refrigerating
Co, West and Horatio sts, N Y; ar't, G P Chappell, 24 State st, N Y,
462—Hancock st, n s, 230 w Stuyvesant av, 3-sty brk flat. 18x65. C
families, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $8,000; ow'r and ar't, same as
463—Fort Hamilton av. s w cor .39th st. 3-sty frame stores aud dwell¬
ing, 39x50, 2 families; cost, $5,500^ ow'r and b'r, W McCorraack, 33d
st and 3d av; ar't, T Bennett, 198 o3d st,
464—Fort Hamilton av, w s, 21 s 39tb st, two 2-sty aud basement
frame dweU'gs. lSx45, 2 families; total cost, $6,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r,
-same as last.
465—New York av. w s. 20 n Degraw st. eleven S-sty and basement
brk dweU'gs, l!>x47, 1 family, gravel roof, hot air, galvanized iron
cornice; total cost, .$.88,000; W R Pearce, 95 Av E. Jersey City. N J;
ar't. F L Hine, 990 St Johns pl; b'r, — Fredericks.
466—New York av, n w cor Degraw st, similar dweU'g. 20x47; cost,
$9,000; ow'r, ar't aud b'r, same as last.
4G7—New York av, s w cor St Johns pi, simUar dweH'g, 20.'c47; cost.
$8,o00; ow'r. ar't and b'r, same as last.
468—Evergreen av, w a, 90 n Himrod st, 3-sty frame stores and
tenem't, 2o.xG5, 0 families; cost. $4,.300; ow'r aud b'r. John Deinhardt,
250 Bleecker st; ar'l. Geo Acker. 148 Grove st.
469—SSth st, n s, 200 w 3d av, l^^-sty frame stable. 20x13; cost,
$100; Joseph Chingra, on premises, b'r. Wm Maxwell, SOlh st and
Sth av.
470—Lloyd st, e s, 1-50 s Cburch st. three 2-sty frame dweU'gs, IS.Sx
30, 1 faraily; tota! cost, $3,G00; Edward Mackey, IOS Church st; ar't,
J J Mackey, Church st near Nostrand av; b'r, Henry Qualmann, 160
Cburch sl.
471—Stanhope st, s s, 200 w Central av, l^^-sty frame stable, 13x30,
gravel roof; cost, .$360; Dr W Neuss, 24S Central av.
472—East Sth st, w s, 200 n .\v E, I'/^-sty frame stable, 20x25, shingle
roof; cost, ,$200; Rosa iVIeyer, 652 Coney Island av; ar't, Wm Meyer.
473—79th st, n s. 150 w ISth av. 1-sty and attic frame carriage house,
23x25, shingle roof; cost, $400; W Buckley, on premises; ar't, A Ulrich,
371 Fulton sl,
474—52d St. n s, 300 w 14th av, 1-sty frame- bicycle sbed, 12x14,
-shingle roof; cost, $.30; ow'r and b'r, J E Ryerson, 315 16th av; ar't,
G W Kenney, 598 lltb st,
475—Oth av, e s, 60 n G4tb st, 2-sty frarae dwell'g, lixSO, 1 family,
shingle roof; eost, $1,200; Horace Blankly, East 3tb st near Vanderbilt
av; ar't, G F Gildersleeve, 2d av and 67tb si; b'r, Johu Coiyer, 2d av^
and 67lh et. â– '
47(j_Av M, n e cor East 6tb st, 1-sty frame shed, 20x100; coat, $400;
Mike Minden, Ocean Parkway; b'r, N T Case, Harway and 20th avs,
477—East 32d st, e and w sides. 125 s Grant st. six 2-sty and base¬
ment frame dwell'gs, 18x34, 1 family; total cost, $19,300;Chris Weymar,
Eas^ 55th st; ar't, W J Cook, 620 Lafayette av.
4i8—Russell st, e s, 83 n Nassau av, 1-sty and basement frame
church and parsonage, 23x61, 1 family, hot water; cost, $4,300; Nor¬
wegian Lutheran Church, 103 .Monitor st; ar't, P Tillion, 121 Meserole
479^Parkway, n 'wcor St Marks av, 2-sty frame store and dwell's,
25.3.X40.6; cost, $1,500; Samuel Bedell, 2095 Dean st; ar't, L Dan¬
ancher, 2So Snediker av. _ .'_'^ '.'_ 1 ^.. .L'. .