fanuary 25, 1902.
The Bronx Architectural Co,, No. 3307 3d av, have drawn plans
for a 6-sty fireproof brick and stone storage warehouse, 48.63x
100, to be erected on the southwest corner of Wales av and 150th
st, for William Reubel, No. 3029 3d av; to cost $30,000.
The Tidewater Building Co., No. 25 West 26th st, will build
for Col. J. J, Astor, No, 23 West 26th st, a brick warehouse at the
northwest corner of 13th st and 9th av; work will begin May 1.
Steinhardt Eros. & Co., No. 134 Mott st. are the lessees.
Frederick C. Browne, No. 143 West 125th st, is drawing plana
for a 10-sty store and loft building to be erected at No. 36 Eaat
10th st, on lot 25x92,3, for Philip Braender, No. 47 West 125th st.
Mr. Braender recently purchased the lot for $50,000. He erected
two similar buildings adjoining this on the west.
Edmund C. Stout of the firm of Hill & Stout, architects, will
undertake a new form of speculative building in the erection of
five automobile stables on the lots 168 to 176 East 75th st. Each
one of the new buildings will have afrontageof 18 feet and will be
three stories in height. The first floor will be used for the stor¬
age of automobiles and will be provided with all facilities for
charging those of the electric type. On the second floor will be
a room for the owners' use, while the top floor will be fitted up aa
a. living apartment for chauffeurs. It is said that the total
amount involved in the undertaking is not far from $300,000.
"William Cuming, Jr., who has just purchased the plot, 100x100,
on the south side of 116th st, 275 feet west of Lenox av, will erect
thereon a 6-sty elevator apartment house with stores.
George P. Mandel, No. 289 Henry st, who recently purchased
the plot 50.6x100 on Central Park West, 30,5 north of 100th st,
for $70,000, wiil erect a 7-sty apartment house from plans by
George P. Pelham, No. 503 Sth av. The walls for the building
are up to the second tier of beams having been started in 1899
by another builder.
Julius W^einstein, No. 190 Bowery, who has just purchased the
plot 44x96 at Nos. 310 to 314 East 4th st, will erect thereon a 6-
sty tenement to cost $35,000. from plans by M. Bernstein, No. Ill
Buchman & Pox, No. 11 East SOth st, are drawing plans for a
'14-sty fireproof apartment hotel, to be erected at Nos. 12 to 16
East 31st st, on a plot 54x112,6. for Joseph Fleischman, the flor-
3st. The building is estimated to cost .^500,000.
Moore & Landsiedel have drawn plans for three .5-sty brick and
fllmestone flats to be erected on the north side of 183d st, from
Washington to Basford av, for Thomas F. Costello, who is now
ready for estimates.
Max Katzen who has just purchased the lot 41x83x.39x93 at
Nos. 67 and 69 Avenue D, will erect thereon a 6-sty tenement
with stores, from plans by Michael Bernstein,
Oeorge Crawford, No. 7 Bast 42d st, has purchased property
on Broadway and lOSth st, and will improve same by the erec¬
tion of an apartment hotel; work to start when architect is se¬
John Hauser. No. 1961 7th av, is drawing plans for a 6-sty
brick and stone apartment house, 50x86.11, four families on a
fioor, to be erected on the south side of 134th st, 285 east of
Lenox av, to cost $60,000; Edward Muller, No. 56 Eaat OSth st,
owner and builder.
Albert B. Davis. No, 2558 3d av. Is drawing plans for a 2i4-sty
cottage, 21x35. to be erected at Undercliff av, Morris Heights;
cost. $3,000.
William Hall's Sons, who last week purchased from the estate
of Edward Kelly, the plot 52,6x100,5. on the north side of Slst
st, 252.6 east of 3th av, will erect two .5-sty American basement
dwellings, one 27.6 front and one 25 feet front, from plans by
Welch, Smith & Provot, No. 11 East 42d st,
C. H. P. Gilbert, No. 1123 Broadway, is drawing plans for a
5-sty dwelling, to be erected at No. 22 Bast 64th st. for William
Baylis. The front will be of limestone and the 1st story will be
■fireproof; an electric elevator wiil be installed. The general con¬
tract has been awarded.
C. B. Meyers, No, 1 Union sq. Is drawing plans for the altera¬
tion and addition to the brick dwelling at No. 142 Rivington st,
for Arthur J. Thearman, No. 144 Rivington st,
David Belasco, Carnegie Music Hall Building, No, S83 7th av,
Ihas leased the theatre "Republic," at No. 211 West 42d st, and
^vlll have alterations made in the summer.
Edwin D. Miner, owner of the ''Miners Sth av Theatre," at
Nos. 306-312 Sth av, which was recently destroyed by fire, will
rebuild on the site, a brick and stone fireproof building, for which
architect has not been selected,
Buchman & Fox, No. 11 East ,59th st, wil! draw the plans for
general alterations and 2-sty addition to the buildings which Leo
Schlesinger & Co. have leased at Nos, 372 to 377 South st corner
of Gouverneur slip. The building covers a plot 150x140.
Robert Maynicke, No, 725 Broadway, is taking estimates for a
general contract for the 12-sty building to be erected at No. 137
Sth av, on lot 28.9x101, for Henry Corn, No. 142 5th av.
Paul Mayer. No. 211 West 116th st, is taking estimates for a
10-sty apartment house to be erected at the northeast corner
of Manhattan av and 108th st, for Simon E. and Max B, Bern¬
heimer, from plans by Pollard & Steinam, No. 19 Union Square
J. Kastner & Son, No, 1135 Broadway, are taking estimates for
a 5-sty brick stable to be erected at No, 221 West 21st st for
Paul Schram; Charles Scheidecker is figuring.
Chas, Scheidecker, No, 556 West 170th st, has the general con¬
tract for the 3-sty apartment store, Nos. 229, 231, 233 West 124th
st; a store building at the northwest corner of 41st st and Broad¬
way, for Byck Bros., and alteration to four flats, Nos. 9, 11, 13
and 15 West 12Sth st, for T. M, C, A. Branch,
The contracts for the carpenter work and metal ceiling of the
Standard Union Building, Washington and Pulton sts, Brooklyn,
has been secured by S, M. Randall, 1123 Broadway, Manhattan.
The general contract for the County Savings Bank and Trust
Co., and Title Guaranty Co. buildings, Scranton, Pa., has been
awarded to Conrad Schroeder, Scranton.
The contract for mason work, carpenter work, painting, plumb¬
ing, and light iron work for the repair shop, inspection abed and
boiler house of the 179th st, yard of the Manhattan Railway Co,,
has been awarded to Edward Corning, 1133 Broadway.
The contract for improving the sanitary condition of public
school No, 20, Richmond, has been awarded to John S. Duff, at
H. P. & J. H, Stauts, No, 29 Broadway, New Tork City, have
been awarded the contract for the erection of a 1-sty frame pier
and shed at the foot of 15th st, Hoboken, N. J. The Hoboken
Land and Improvement Co., No. 1 Newark st, Hoboken, owners;
W, F. Whittemore, No. 1 Newark st, Hoboken, engineer.
J. K. Turton, No. 1135 Broadway,has been awarded thecontract
and desires estimates from subcontractors, for the alteration to
the brick and stone dwelling, at No. 62 East Slst st; Mrs. K. P.
Walker, owner; K. P. Walker, No. 1135 Broadway, architect,
D, H. Burnham & Co., of Chicago, are drawing plans for a 13-
sty hotel to be erected at 6th av and Grant st, Pittsburg, Pa., for
H. C, Frick. The building including the land, it is said, will cost
about .$5,000,000. It will front 217 feet on each street. The
exterior will be of marble or granite.
The plans of Louis Korn, Nos. 37 and 39 Maiden lane, have
been selected for the new club-house of the Progress Club, to be
erected at the north corner of Central Park West and SSth st.
Estimates for the excavating will be taken at once.
The West End Amusement Co,, of which A, Bimberg is secre¬
tary, has bought a plot on the south side of 125th st, 116 feet
west of St. Nicholas av, it fronts 84 feet on 125th st, and extenda
through the block to Hancock pl. Neville & Bagge, No, 217 West
125th st, are dravving plans for a theatre to be erected on the
site, at a cost of $200,000.
J. B. McElfatrick & Sons, No. 1402 Broadway, are drawing
plans for an amusement building to be erected at 62d and 63d sts
and Central Park West; It will be used for introducing the Span¬
ish game "Pelota."
q..,, BROOKLY.N.
Horenburger & Straub, No. 122 Bowery, New Tork City, are
drawing pians for a 2-sty brick storage warehouse, 50x70, to be
erected at Nos, 54 and 56 S. 2d st, to cost $8,000; Aaron Gottlieb,
No. 353 East 3d st. New Tork City, owner and builder.
Benjamin Driesler, No. 1432 Flatbush av, is drawing plans for
a 2-sty frame two-family dwelling, 20x34. to be erected on Ver¬
non av. near Rogers av; Thomas Flood, Erasmus st, near Rogers
av, owner; cost, $3,000,
T. Henry Randall, No. 51 Madison av, N. T. City, is drawing
plans for a 2iA-sty brick and stone dwelling, 40x74, to be erected
at Woodmere, L, I., for R. L. Burton. No. 384 Broadway, N. T.
Baltimore, Md,—Butler & Rostman, No. 16 East 23d st, are
preparing plans for the Babcock Memorial Church, stone con¬
struction. Romanesque architecture, witli memorial tower, on
plot 100x100; estimated cost, .$50,000; contract to be awarded to
local contractors, by Corporation Baltimore Memorial Church.
Scranton, Pa.—L. C. Holden. architect, No. 1133 Broadway, is
drawing plans for extension to residence of C. P, Davidson; 2^-
sty and basement; frame construction; steam heat, electric lights,
billiard ronm and library; estimated cost, $12,000.
Newark. N, J., Mt. Prospect av.-J, M. A. Darrach, 1133 Broad¬
way, is drawing plans for 2-sty and attic frame residence, on
plot 50x30; estimated cost, $9,000; owner, C. G. Parker, Newark.
Morristow-n, N. J.—J. M. A. Darrach, No. 1133 Broadway, Is
drawing plans for 2%-sty frame residence, on plot 54x36, and
wing 40x20: estimated cost, $18,000.
Kingston. N. T.^A. D. Pickering, 1133 Broadway, is drawing
plans for 3-sty brick building, on plot 44x80; owners. Trustees
Industrial Home, Kingston.
C. P, H. Gilbert, No. 1123 Broadway, has drawn plans for a
large number of dwellings to be erected at Rumford Falls, Maine,
for the Rumfrri' 'CVills Power Co. The company have laid out