March 22, 1902.
Gossip, NeWs and "Personals
The following are the comparative tables of Manhattan and
the Bronx of the Conveyances. Mortgages and Projected Build¬
ings for the correspondirtg weeks of 1901 and 1902.
1902. 1901.
Mar. 14 to 20, inc. Mar. 15 to '21, inc.
Total No. for Manhattan 264 Total Xo. Eor Manhattan 28-1
Amount involved.......$2,874,522 Amount involved. ...... $2 360 022
Number nominal....... 127 Number nominal....... 161
1902. 1901.
Total No.. Manbattan. Jan. 1 to date. 2,981 2,750
Total Amt., Manbattan, Jan. 1 to date $;ifi,i)14,670 .1:30,866.830
1902. 1901.
Mar. 14 to 20, inc. Mar. 15 to 21, inc.
Total No. for Tbe Bronx 77 Total No, for The Bronx SO
Amount involved....... $137,925 Amonnt involved....... $146,72-1
Number nominal....... 45 Number nominal....... -10
1902. 1001.
Total No.. The Bronx. Jan. 1 to flate.. 061 904
Total Amt., The Bronx, Jan. 1 to date .¥2,798,]9r. .$2,539,235
l')»2. 1001.
Total No., Manliattan aiitl Tlie
liroitx. Jail. 1 to tliite...... 3,!)45 S,<>(SiJ
Total Amt., Mmiliattitii autl Tlie
tw'Oiiit:. Jisu. 1 to iliite...... S(!;;!>.:tl 2,8ti3 $33,4Ufi,<iO.">
1902. 1901,
,— Mar. 14 to 20, inc.—, ,—Mar. 15 to 21, inc.--,
Mauhattan. Bronx. Majibattan. Bronx.
Tota! number............. 197 60 279 73
Amount iuvolvea......... $4,667,071 $301,7-)0 $5,078,781 $305,37S
Number over 5%......... 74 19 113 25
Amount involved......... $1,039,215 $70,265 $1,148,031 .$115,-52.^
Number at 5%............ 50 30 72 46
Amouni involved......... $703,65(> $160,775 $1,278,550 $178,0.'J3
Number at less than 5%.., 67 11 94 2
Amount involved......... $2,92S.100 $70,700 $2,652,200 $12,000
No. above to Bank, Trust
aud liisuvauce Co.'s..... 51 3 72 6
Amount involved......... $2,736,300 $9,500 $2,403,000 $31,000
1902. 1901.
Total No., Manhattan, Jan, 1 to date. 2,425 2,755
Total Amt., Manhattan, Jau. 1 to date $71,057,125 $66,477,518
Total No.. The Broux, Jan. 1 to date.. 693 874
Total Amt., The Bronx. Jau. 1 to date $4,115,691 $5,222,754
1903. 1901.
Total Ko.. Manliattan aud. Tlie
ln-onx, Jan. 1 to (late...... 3,118 3,G2y
Total Amt., Manliattan und Tlie
Urons, Jun. 1 to date...... $75,172,816 $61,700,272
1902. 1901.
Total No. New Buildiugs: Mar. 15 to 21, inc. Mar. 15 to 21, inc.
Manhattan...................... 14 5i)
The Bronx....................... 28 _________22
Grand total................... 42 72
Total Anit. New Buildings; _
Manbattan...................... $996,860 $2.977,100
The Broux....................... 94,050 92,450
Grand total................... $1,090,910 $3,060 550
Total Amt. Alterations:
Mauhattan...................... $265,935 $19S,r>lr>
The Bronx....................... 6,575 6.150
Grand total................... $272,510 $204,665
Total No. New Buildings;
Manhattan. Jan. 1 to date......... 165 376
The Bronx. Jau. 1 to date.......... 192 239
Manhattan-Bronx, Jan. 1 to date... 357 615
Total Amt. New Buildings:
Manhattan, Jan. 1 to date......... $17,108,985 $24,917,845
The Bronx. Jan. 1 to date.......... 1 310.469 2,123.780
Manhattan-Bronx. Jan. 1 to date... $1S,419,454 $27,046,625
Total Amt. Alterations:
Manhattan-Bronx, Jan. 1 to date., . $2,311,ao4 $1,201,675
Wm. J. Roome, No. 11 West 34th st, has an announcement In
our business pages which ought to attract the attention of In¬
vestors, operators and business men. This refers to the lands
and buildings recently occupied by the Colonial Brewery, at 17th
and ISth sts and Sth av. This property includes avenue fronts,
lots suitable for business purposes, fireproof buildings, tenements,
etc.. and ought to appeal to a large circle of buyers, especially
as it is located in a thriving and lively section of the oity. Dia¬
grams and particulars will be found in our business pages.
Attention is directed to the announcement on another page that
a large piece of water front property, on the north corner of
36th st and East River, with all wharfage and cranage rights,
is for lease for a term of years at moderate rental, and will be
improved to suit tenant. Applications shoufd be addressed to
Henry Keale, of No. 25 Broad st, for further particulars.
Richard V. Harnett & Co. (Inc.) announce the auction sale on
Thursday, 3d prox., of a part of the real estate owned by the
late Richard V. Harnett, consisting of a plot on the northeast
corner of West End av and 93d st; the business building, No. 70
Beekman st; the tenement. No. 917 3d av; lots on Eagle av,
Bronx; and on Marine av, Brooklyn. The sale is by order of the
executrix of the will, and liberal terms are offered to buyers.
The same firm will sefi on Wednesday next, the dwelling, No.
1S75 Madison av. Particulars of all these parcels will he found
in our advertising pages, and the auctioneer will supply maps
and answer inquiries at their offices, No. 73 Liberty st.
L. J. Phillips & Co. will sefi at auction, Tuesday, 1st prox., the
fiat. No. 23 West 114th st. Particulars are given in our advertis¬
ing pages, and the auctioneer will supply maps, etc., at No. 158
Where to Find Business.
At the request of a number of our patrons, we have .made
our "Wants and Oft'ers" column a part of our news depart¬
ment, and henceforth this information, of a business character
of value to all our readers, will be found immediately following
the Real Estate Department. This "Wants and Offers" column
will be open to all who have special requirements. By stating
their necessities here, they speak at the very centre of the real
estate and building interests of this city, and obtain thereby
not only an interested audience, but one of incomparably greater
efficiency than is to be obtained in any other manner. Every
re.ider of the Record and Guide counts. The attention of the
"trade" Is secured In its columns, as well as the attention of
real estate investors, real estate owners, building operators,
banks, financial institutions, lawyers, the big estates, investors
seeking an outlet for capital, architects, bufiding material deal¬
ers, and all who directly or indirectly are interested in real
estate. The clientele of the Record and Guide is one of the
richest In the world. The Record and Guide is one of the
designated official papers of the City of New Tork. In the
American Newspaper Directory, just published, the Record and
Guide Is classed among the "double bullseye" journals, of which
there are only a few in the United States, for the extraordinary
value of its circulation. The "Wants and Offers" column offers
a rare opportunity for business. Our readers will peruse it with
interest and profit.
Gossip of the Week,
44TH ST.—George S. Lespinasse has sold Nos. 128 and 130
West 44th st, two 3-sty dwellings, on plot 37.6x100.5. The price
is said to be $75,000, which is about the price that owners on this
block have been asking. Mary E. Herrick Is reported to have
sold No. 132. adjoining, a similar dwelling, on lot 18.9x100.5.
WALL ST.—Geo. R. Read has sold for the Eagle Fire Co. the
7-sty building at the junction of Wall, Pearl and Beaver sts. It
fronts 70.5 on Wall st, 22.5 on Pearl st, 61.5 on Beaver st, with a
rear line of about SO feet,
32D ST.~The Stuyvesant Realty Co. has purchased No. 31S
West 32d St. a 5-sty fiat, on lot 25x9S.9.
5TH AV.—A peculiar transaction, and one which can hardly
be called a sale, Is that at the southeast corner of Sth av and
52d St. a plot 125x100. which Stewart H. Chisholm is said to
have sold to the New York Realty Corporation. Flake & Dowl¬
ing sold this property to Mr. Chisholm, who, it was said, wouid
erect a hotel on the plot. He now resells, as it is termed, it to
a corporation in which Flake & Dowling are largely interestei^
They bought it from the Barney-Sheldon syndicate for $750,00(r
and resold It to Mr. Chisholm for $825,000. The plot has since
been excavated, and there are a year's taxes and interest to be
charged against it. The mortgages on the property aggregate
$650,000, and it is understood that the buyers pay about that,
plus interest, taxes and cost of excavating.
5TH AV.—Henry G. Trevor has sold No. 51S 5th av, a 4-sty
dwelling, on lot 28x124, altered for business purposes and ad¬
joining the northwest corner .of 43d st.
DET ST.—The Commercial Advertiser Association have exer¬
cised their-option to purchase Nos. 5 and 7 Dey st from the Becor
EAST BROADWAY.—Tin 11 iam Lemberg & Co. have sold for G.
F. Orange to Dr. B. Gordon No. 280 East Broadway, a o-sty flat.
77TH ST.—William Lemberg & Co. have sold for A. Coleman to
S. Wacht No. 34 East Tth st. a 6-sty tenement.
29TH ST.—Charles Hibson has sold for the Cardwell estate No.
409 East 29th st, a 5-sty tenement, on lot 25x100,
3D ST.—E. Kleine has sold to a Mr- Korn No, 346 East 3d st,
a 7-sty tenement, on lot 23x106.
55TH ST.—Howard A, Stevenson has sold No. 61 East 55th st,
a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 16.6x100.5.
RENWICK ST.—McVickar &.Co. have sold for Mrs. Sarah J.
Parker Nos. 6 and S Renwick st. two 3-sty tenements, on lot
33.4x70. Ambrose K. Ely is the buyer.
19th ST.—Harry J. Sachs and Robert M. Fulton have sold
Nos. 31 and 33 West 19th st for Eila Jenkins; also, to the same
buyer. No. 30 West 20th st. The 19th st property is 46.0x92, and
the 20th st house 23.6x92. No. 37 West 19th st, 25x02, sold in