April 4, 1903.
Schlemraer, John to Katharina Brandt, SSth st. No 524, s s. 248
e Av A, 25x102.2, P M. Prior mort $10,000. Mar 30, 1903,
3 years. 5%. 5:1581. „ ^, ^vOOO
Schloss, Gustavo and Alex P exrs and trustees Philip Schloss to
LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CO of N Y. 41st st. No 122, s
s, 280 w Gth av, 20x98.9. Mar 31, 1903, 3 years, 4^. 1:993.
Schneider, Charles to Jobn B Johnson. UGth st. No 235, n s,
19S.4 w 2d av, 10.8x100.10. Mar 31, 3 years, I'/a/^, April 1,
1903 6-1666 8,000
Schnepp, Henry' to Linda S Kahn. Cornelia st No 22 s s, 25x
S6, e s xl7x irreg. Mar SO, 3 years, S%. April 1, 1903. -^-^I^q^j
Schrader, Margaret wife and C Frederick H with Fredora Reardon,
SSth st No 341, n s, 108,9 w 1st av, 18.9x08.9. Extension mort.
Oct 25. 1902. April 2, 1903. 3:94L nom
Schrimer, Morris to Gustavus Held. Madison av. No 15^14, w s,
75.11 s 105th st, 25x70, P M, April 1, 1903. 3 years, 0/
0-1610 3,000
Schumann, Theo F to Philip Rosenberg, 122d st. No 257 ns 227
e Sth av, 27xlOO,lL Mar 31, S years, 6%. April 1, 1903,.. :192^S^^
Schurtz, Katie to Andrew J Forster, Ist aV, No 2390, e s, 81 s
12Sd st, 19.7x83x19,11x83. Prior mortgage $(,500. April 1
1903, 1 year, 0%. 6:1810. ^ ^, ^, '^.OOO
Seiferd, Rose. Lena and Kate to Franz F Pfaff. 2d av. No 1-31,
w s T5.S n 89th st, 25x100. P M. Mar 30. 1903, 2 years, 5/„,
5-1535 -i,ouu
Sheehan.' William lo John J Lenehan and Francis D Dowiey, 12th
av, B w cor 131st st, — to 130th st and Manhattan sl x—. Lease-
bold, Mar 30, 1903, 2 years, ^%. 7:2004. 5,000
20th st. No 31, n s, 545 w Sth av. 25x92. P M. Mar 31, 5 years,
4V-'%. April 1, 1903, 3:822. , ^ 35 000
Shweitzer, Julius to Rachel Rosen widow et al. Gouverneur st. No
26 e s, 74 s Henry st, 24x104.10x24x105. P M. Mar 23, due
Dec 10, 1907. 5M.%. Mar 30. 1903. 1:2G7, 8^000
Silverherg, Herman to Geo S Hamlin. Grand st. No 58A n s. 10
e Goerck sl. 25x75, wilh all tille to alley in rear. Mar 30, 3
years, 4'/,%. Mar 31, 1903. 2:32L . ^onfnn
Same to Nathan Shiman. Same property. Prior mort $20,000.
Mar SO, 3 years, 0%. Mar Sl, 1903. A-500
Silverstein, Morris to Max Epstein. Hester st. No 102, s s. 2o.(x
100.9x25.9x100.9. P M. April 1, 1903, 2 years, 6.^, 1:301.
Simpson, John R lo Isaac Haft and Jacob Hirsch. 134th st, Nos
240 and 242. s s, 250 e Sth av, 50x99,11. P M. Pi'ior mort $4p -
000. Mar 30, lyear. 6%. Mar 31. 190.3. 7:1939. 4,000
Sire, Lou to MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO of N Y, Madison av.
No 710 n w cor GSd st. 20x70. Prior mort $^------, Mar Sl. 1903,
due May 1, 1904, 4V.%, 5:1378. , ^^^^ ^ 5,000
67th Street Studio Building Assoc to Wm J Taylor. 67tb st Nos
23 to 27. n s. 325 e Columbus av. 7oxl00,5. Mar 31, 1903. 5
vpnrq 4V,V 4-1120 40,000
Same to s^rae. Sarae property. Mar 31, 1903, 5 years, 5%, 28,000
Same to same. Certificate as to consent of stockholders to above
morts. Mar 30. Mar 31. 1903,
Smith. Robert S to Henri P Wertheim. 14th st. No 46 s s. 2,0 e
Oth av. 25x103.3. P M. Mar 31, 1903. 6 years, 4Y2/o. 2:57,.
Sobel Elias and Joseph P Slater to Baron de Hirsh Fund. 1st st,
Nos 77 and 79; Houston st, Nos 180 to 184 Bast. Extension
mort. Mar 30. Mar 31, 1903. 2:428. " ^om
Solomon, Joseph to Thos W Jeralds Goerck st. No 8 e s, 125 s
Broome st. 25x100. P M. April 2, 1903, 5 years,_ 5.^. 2:321.^^
Same to Cath B Ossman. Same property. Prior mort $14,000.
April 2, 1903. 8 years, 5%. „,,.,3^™
Sonn Hyman and Henry to SEAMENS BANK POR SAVINGS,
Olst st No 19 n s, abt 496.1 e Columbus av, abt 18x100.8. P M.
Mar 23 due Mar 31, 1906, 4%. Mar 31, 1903. 4:1205. 15,000
Soear Edwin C and Emma A to Margt H Spear. 12Sd st, No IS,
s s'l6G.9 e Oth av, lO.SxlOO.lL Mar 30, 1 year, 5%. 0:1721,
Snielbereer LeoDor to Pincus Lowenfeld and William Prager, 19tb
st Nos 324 lo 330, s s, 240,3 e 2d av. 83.8x92. P M. Jan 20 du_e
Mar 30, 1904, G%, April 2, 1903, 3:924. lO.oOO
Spivak Joseph and Fallak Millman to Jonas Weil aud Bernhard
Mayer. Oth st, No 747, n s, 93 w Av D, 25x92.3. P M. Prior
mort $27,000, Mar 31, installs, 6%, April 1, 1903- 2:3,9
Stanley. Mary F to Charlotte B Moorhouse and Bertha M Johnson,
Varick st No 22 e s. —x—; Varick st, No 24. s e cor Beach st.
runs e 09.2 to s w s Walker st. No 12. x s e 34.4 x s 11,9 x w 100
to Varick st x n 25. Leasehold. Mar 27, 1903, due May 1, 1906.
G%. 1:190. „, <5'000
Steiner, Simon to John KaUman. Oth st, Nos 719 and ,21. on map
Nos 635 and 037. a s. 181 w Av C, 50x92.2. P M, Mar IG. 1
year. 6%. Mar 30, 1903. 2:392. 3.500
Steinhardt. Max and Theresa widow and heir Morris Steinhardt
to Adeline Weil and Joshua Welieman. Orchard st. No 183, w s,
150.4 n Stanton st, 25.2x87.6. April 1, 1903, 5 years, 5%.
2.417. 20,000
Steirt Emil to Henry Hamerschlag, Sd av, No 874, Leasehold,
chattel mort, &c. Jan 29, installs, 6%. Mar SO, 1903, 5:1307.
S ''>8th st No 114. s B, 185 e 4lh av. 20x98.9. P M. April 1.
1903 due Jan 1, 1905. 4'A%. 3:8S3. 14,000
105th st No 148, s s, 325 e Arasterdam av, 25x100.11. P M.
April 1, 3 years. 5%. April 2. 1903. 7:1859, 17,000
Sarae to Isidore Jackson and Abrahara Stern, Same property. P M.
Prior mort $17,000. April 1, 6 months, 5%, April 2, 1903.
Stilwell, Nelson D to James B Ford et al exrs John R Ford. OSth
st, n s. 100 e Amslerdam av. 100x100.4. P M. Jan 6. due Mar
31, 1904, 4^%. Mar 31, 190S. 4:1137. gold. 37.500
Sarae to Brevoort Real Estate Co. Same property. Mar Sl. 1903,
1 year, 6%, 19,000
StolofE Julius to Henry Ruhl. llth st. No 530, s s, 390.6 e Av A,
20x94.8. P M. April 1, 1 year, 5%. April 2, 1903. 2:404.
Strong. Emily B to Thos J Lewis. 121st st. No 217, n s. 225 w
7th av, 25x100,11. April 1, 1903. 2 years. 4Vi%. 7:1927. 22,000
Taglianetti. Fiore to Henry Elias Brewing Co, 114th st. No
339 East, Saloon lease. Mar 30. demand. 6%. April 1, 1903.
6:1686. 400
Tamsen, Edw J H to DRY DOCK SAVINGS INST. ISth st. No 329,
n s, 300 w 1st av, 20x92. Mar 30, 1903, 1 year, 4%. 3:924.
Tamsen. Edw J H to DRY DOCK SAVINGS INST. ISlh st. No
331. n s, 280 w 1st av, 20x92. Mar SO, 1903, 1 year, 4%. 3:924.
Tannenbaum, Max to Anna C Meisel. 10th st. No S4S, n s, 25 w
Av B, 20x70, P M, Mar 31. due May 1, 1905, 4i/>%, April 1,
1903. 2:404. 12,000
Same to same. Same property. P M. Mar 31, due May 1, 1905.
5%. April 1, 1003, 4.500
Tarshes. Max to Samuel Parnass and Rebecca Meryash. Monroe st.
No 1U9, n B, 1G2.G w Monigomery st, 23x100. P M. April 2.
1903. installs, 6%, 1:209. _3,500
Tarshis, Samue! to Betty Gluck. SufEolk st. No 170. e s, 12o n
Stanton st, 25x100, Mar 23, due Mar 15, 1906, G%. Mar 30,
1903, 2:350. 1,000
Telchman. Abraham to Bernard Galewski. Suffolk st. No 140, e s.
125.1 s Slanton st, 25x100. Prior morts $36,500. Mar 26, 1 year,
0%. Mar 28, 1903. 2:349, 750
Terry, Roderick to City Real Estate Co. Madison av. No 169, n e
cor 33d st, 24.8x100. Prior morts $00,000. Mar 30. 1 year, 6%.
Mar 31 1003. 3:803. 20,000
Tim, Jessie G to Henry W Rupprecht. Park av. No 1123, e s,
25.8 D OOlh st, 28x80. Extension mort. Peb 25. Mar 30, 1903.
5:1519. nom
Tompkins, Alice R to Mary C Heneken. St Nicholas pl. Noa 37 and
39, s w cor 152d st. No 400, 34.3x101.5 to e s St Nicholas av, x
35x108.10. April 1, 0 years, 4Yi%. April 2, 1903. 7:2006.
Trachtenberg, Benjamin, of 24 Suffolk st, to Ida B Gerber. ot 30
East Broadway, Bond of $1,000 to be paid upon death of party
1st part to party of 2d part. Sept 23, 1902. Mar 27, 1903. ------
Troiano, Andrew to Toraraaso Sileo. Sullivan st. No 147, ses,
243.6 n e Prince st, 24.8x100. P M. Prior mort $------. April
1, 1903, installs, 0%. 2:517. 6,600
Trowbridge, Sophia P T lo Frederick Sheldon. 70th st. No 123.
n s, 246 e Park av, 20x100,5, Mar 27, 1903, 3 years, 4%, 5:1405.
Trustees ot The Saint James Presbyterian Church of N Y City to
The Trustees ot the Presbytery of N Y, Slst st, Nos 355 to
3o9, n s, 143,6 e Oth av, 50.6x100.5. Mar 27, due —, —%, Mar
28, 1903. 4:1042. 39,000
Tuchfeld, Samuel and Joseph Gaswirth to Caroline Richhelmer.
Oth st. No 73S, s s, 243 w Av D, 25x70, P M. Prior mort $13,-
000. Mar 31, 1903, 4 years. 6%. 2:375. 3,750
Van Brunt, Arthur H lo CENTRAL TRUST CO of N Y. SCth st.
No 134, s w cor Lexington av, 17.2x74. Mar 12. due Mar 30,
1906. 4%, Mar 31, 1903. 3:891. 23,000
Vogier, Olga A B A, of Stamford. Conn, to Max Marx. 5th av. No
2192, B w cor 134th st. No 2, 24.11x85. P M. Prior mort .$25,-
000. Mar 31, 1 year, 5°^, April 1, 1903. 0:1731. 2,000
Volkening, Josephine M wife and Otto to NEW YORK SAVINGS
BANK, Amsterdam av, Nos 1247 to 1251, e s, 99,10 a 146th st,
75x100. Mar Sl, 1903, due June 1, 190G, 4%. 7:2061. 60,000
Voos, Nicholas to Nancy L Sherwood and Mary E Blodgett. 54th
st, No 233, n s, 150 w 2d av, 25x100.5. April 1, 1903, 3 years.
41/.%. 5:1328. 10,000
W'eed, Hamilton M to Joseph Hamershlag. Sth av, 5 e cor SSth st.
No 2, 50.8x102,2, Prior morts $395,000, Mar 28, due Oct 1,
1903, 6%. Mar SO. 1903. 5:1499. 25,000
Weekes, Henry De P with Clara Keller, Av D, Nos 97 and 99,
Agreement as to payment of interest, &c. Mar 27, Mar 31,
1903. 2:377. nom
Weinstein, Chas I to Harris Mandelbaum and Fisher Lewine. Mc¬
Dougal st. No 50, e s, abt 2GS s Houston st, 25x100. P M. Prior
mort $10,000. Mar 27. 1 year, 6%. Mar 28, 1903, 2:518. 6,900
Weinslein, Jacob and Abraham J Dworsky to TITLE GUARANTEE
ft TRUST CO. 9th st, No 428, s s, 213 w Av A, 25x94. Nov 6,
1902, 5 years, 41/3%, Mar 27, 1903. 2:436. 22,000
Wessels, August to Katharina wite and Alhert Brucker. Amsterdam
as. No 1752, w s, 25 s 147th st, 24,10x100x24.9x100, with all
title to strip adj, begins Amsterdara av, w s, 49,11 s 147th st,
O.l.xlOO. P M. Prior mort $26,000. April 2. 1903, 7 years, 6%.
7:207S. 7,500
71st st, No 219, n s, 550 e West End av, 18x102.2. April 1, 3
years, 4%. April 2, 1903, 4:1163, 5,000
Wheaton, Esther A to Everett B Heymann trustee. SSth st. No
165, n s, 250,6 e Amsterdara av, 16.2x100,8. P M. Mar 26, 1
year, 4V2%. Mar 27. 1903. 4:1219. gold. 15,000
White, Frank C to SEAMEN'S BANK FOR SAVINGS. Lenox av. No
242, e s. 23 n 122d st, 22x100. P M. April 2, 1903, 3 years, 4%.
0:1721. 15.000
Wilken. Carl to Jacob Schmidt, 2d av, No 1739. s w cor 90th st.
No 250, 25,8x75. P M. Mar 31, installs, 5%, April 1, 1903.
5:1.535. 11.000
son st. No 494. e s. 00.11 s Christopher st, 21,6x87x21,9x84,3.
P M. Mar 26, 3 years, 4^%, Mar 27, 1903. 2:5S5, 13.500
Wimpie, Maria to Jacoh Kottek. Av A, No 125, s w cor Sth st,
24.8x70. P M. April 2, 1903, demand, G%. 2:435. 7.500
Wittner, Joseph to Augustus F Holly. Allen st, Nos 197 and 199,
w s, 2bO n Slanton st, 50xS7.G. Prior morts $30,000. Building
loan. April 2, 1903, 1 year, 6%, 2:417. 20,000
Wood, Alan W to THE FARMERS LOAN ft TRUST CO. Riverside
av or Drive, No 40, n e cor 76th st, runs e S3 x n 32.6 x e 2.5
X n 10.10 X w 11.6 X s 11.4 x w 43,1 to e s av x s 32 to begin¬
ning. Mar 30. 1903. 1 year. 4V2%. 4:1185. 55.000
Wood. Henry R wilh Benjamin Wechsler. Amsterdam av. No 782,
w s, 25.9 n OSlh st, 25x84.2. Extension of mort. Mar 27, April
1, 1903. 7:1870. nom
Yung, Martin to American Mortgage Co. 23 av. No 793, w s, 80.4
s 43d st, 20.1x75. P M. Mar 27, 1903, 5 years, 4yo%. 5:1316,
Same to Chas W Hirrlinger. Same property. P it. Prior mort
$7,ii00. Mar 27, 1903, 5 years, installs, 5%. 4,500
Mortgages under this head marked with * denote that the property
is located in the new Annexed District (Act of 1895),
Ahl, Maurice to WEST SIDE SAVINGS BANK. 142d st, No 671,
n s, 175 e Willis av, 25x100. Mar 27. 1903, due May 1, 1904,
4^%.. 9:2287. _ 13.000
Berg, Chas W to James Glennon. Crotona pi. w s. 2o9.10 s 171sl
St. 25x100. P M. April 2. 1903, 5 years, 5%. 11:2927. 2 OOO
Same to Hannah B Lawton. Crotona pl. No 21, w s, 239,6 s 171sl
St. 20.4x100. P M, April 2, 1903, 3 years, 5%. 11:2927. 1,000
Jackson av, ses, 41.10 s w from point where said av meets