Atigust 10, 1907
High-Class Apavtnient Honse Near the St. Regis.
5TH AV.—Thomas R. A. Hall, No. 39 East 42ã st, has commis-
sioned Architect Alexander M. Welch, 11 East 42dt st, to complete
plans for a handsome high-class apartment house, to be erected
on the site of the old Babeock estate, No, 636 5th av, in the St.
Regis Hotel district, The pĩot measures 36.1x131 ft„ and is
covered by a superb 4-sty and basement dwelling, situated at
-■.;-H^y^ ■
160 Broadway, New York. Clinton & Russeli, Architects.
George A. Fuller Company, CoutractorB.
the southwest corner of 51st st, It was also recently conceded
in real estate circles that Mr. Hall had also practĩcally ac-
íjuired ownership of No, 634 5th av, occupied by D. Ogden Mills.
This is another palatial mansion, with a 50-ft. frontage and
having a depth of 131 ft. But at the oJSce of the architect on
Wednesday it was learned that the proposed structure would
only cover No. 636. Facing the Cathedral it is thus insured
with perpetual light, air and the imposing view of its massive
work of art, the Union Club occupying the northeast corner
of 51st st, with the beautiful Frick-Vanderbilt mansîons on the
opposite corner.
Coritract to Improve Old Jjedger Biiiltiiug.
WILLIAM ST.—Messra, Schickel & Ditmars, 111 5th av, have
awarded to Marc Eidlitz & Son, 489 5th av, the general con-
tract to renovate and improve for temporary occupancy the
oid 5-sty printing house, No. 1S2 William st, for the New Tork
Staats Zeitung, the German newspaper. It wiU be recalled that
the Staats Zeitung Corporation took title last March to the
property, situated în the west side of Lafayette st, between
Duane and Pearl sts, 160 ft. in Elm st and 60 ft. in Duane, an
irregular plot, with a rear depth of 140 ft., to protect them-
selves upon íhe city's action is acciuiring the present building
site for the propsed enlarged bridge ĩerminal. Messrs.
Schickel & Ditmars will be the architects for the new building.
No contracts have yet been awarded, and it is stiU indefinite
how soon operations will be commenced. The estimated cost
of the alterations to the William st building is plaped at
about $30,000. They include new plasíer ceilings, plumbing,,
steam fltting and new floors throughout.
Low Bidders for Rutgers Place Bath.
RUTGERS PL.—The Libman Contracting Co., 196S Broad-
way, stibmitted the lowest bid at $162,000 for labor anú ma-
terial required for the erection of the new public bath at Nos.
5 and 7 Rutgers pl for the city. For the installation of plumb-
ing work the lowest bid was made by M. J, O'Brien, of 2142
Broadway, It îs uncertain, however, how soon the city wiU
sign the contracts and niake the awards. The proposed struc-
ture wiU be fireproof, 3-stys in iieiglit, and contain a roof g;arden
and gymnasium. The first story will be of granite (unselected)
and thebalance will be of front brick and terra cotta. The
steam heating and ventilating plant will be a feature, The
roof will be of tile, Bernsfein & Bernstein are the architects.
Wells Bros, Coniĩiany to Bnild Galnsborongh Studios,
59TH ST.—Wells Bros. Company, No. 100 5lh av, has taken
the general contract and M'ill commence operatîons in a few
days for the S-sty fireproof studio, office and apartment struc-
ture, 50x8S ft., which the Gainsborough Studios, a corporation,
307 5th av, wiU erect at Nos. 222 to 224 West 50th st, to cost
in the neighborhood of $300,000. August Franzen, Carnegie
Studios, 56th st and 7th av, is president; Elliott Daiugerfleld,
202 West 74th st, vice-president; Colin C. Cooper, 58 West 5Tth
st, treasurer, and Barron G. Collier, 210 5th av, secretary.
Charles W. Buckham, 307 5th av, is arcliitect. (See issue May
25, 1907.)
Improvements to the Hem-y Seligman Kesidence.
56TH ST.—Extensive changes are to be made at once to ti^e
4-sty residence of Henry Seligman, No. 26 West 50íh st, from
plans by Architect Harry Allen Jacobs, 322 5tĩi av. At the rear
and front 4-sty extensions 8x29 and 19 ft. will be erected, new
baths, light shaft, plumbing, stairs, floors, partitions and an
entire new íront of brick and limestone ashlar wiil be the chief
improvements. The general contract has been let to Donald
Mitchell, of 306 West 53d st. Estimated cost is $30,000.
Moi-e Anai-tment Houses for llGth Street.
IIOTH ST.—Messrs. Schwartz & Gross, 35 West 21st st, áre
preparing plans for another large elevator apartment house, to
be erected on 116th st, south side, 110 ft. west of Broadway, for
Paterno Bros., Incorporated, 616 West 116th st, the estimated
cost of which will be in the neighborhood of $225,000. The
building wiil be similar in plan and design to the other struc-
tures the firm recently erected on the same side of llCĩh st, west
of Broadway,
Píew Biiilding foi' Mergentlialer Linotype Co.
RYERSON ST, BROOKLYN.—The Concrete Steel, Tile & Con-
struction Co., No 1 Madison av, has received the general con-
tract to erect on 8-sty concrete and steel structure, 165x174 ft.,
for the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, of the Tribune Build-
ing, in addition to the company's plant on Ryerson st and Park
av, Brooklyn. Operations have already commenced, Archi-
tect Albert Kahn, of Detrolt, Mieh,, prepared the plans.