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December 19,1908
..^ , J^, Nos. 712 and 714 5th av are shpwn two good examples of
hiislnass buildings, In the former case a certain residential
character is retained as befitting the use bf the building by a
decorative artist, without in any way affecting its rental
value. In the" latter building, No. 714,; is shown one with a
maximum of light and air on each fioor, the general composition
being good and at the same time securing tlie effect of proper
supports for the upper stories by means of the side piers â–
carried all the way down to the sidewalk level. : â– -:' "f
In the case of No. 520 Sth av, the old brownstone front has
been maintained above the store, but the alteration has been
carried out in such a manner as to make a harmonious front,
the store being the predominating feature.
In the photograph of the building on the southwest corner qf
62d st and Madison av can be seen what was originally a
dwelling-house, the lower 'two stories having had the beam
levels altered and the upper poftibn of the building changed
for apartments, entrance being secured by means of a central
tower building, containing the electric elevator and stairs which
are built fireproof, this part being the- new portion of the
structure. The exterior of the building being finished in cement
gray stucco and the small roofs of bay windows and main
cornice of red Spanish tile.
In No. 138 West 65th st, the beam levels were left as they
were originally in the dwelling-house, except that the first tier
of beams is raised in the front portion, so that entrance to the.
. An alteration, makeshift. Two stores would have been tel:ter, the
,flrst one, with high ceiling entering from street level. Second story
'^tore reached from an interior stairs and elevator; the general effect
of thia building is unkempt, the outside stairs and area disfiguring,
and the placing of signs haphazard.
,vator is compai'atively easy and not costly to install and
operate; the cost of the electric service in an ordinary 5-Bty
,building will run from eight to thirty dollars a month, accord¬
ing to the use and size of the car. This is an item which must
be taken into consideration in the laying-out of the plan, as
in some neighborhoods it is desirable to install an elevator,
[and the interest on the cost of its installation and running will
.often be more than offset by the increased rentals. Tbere are,
.however, many neighborhoods where an elevator Is not neces¬
sary Jn a 5-sty building.
The accompanying photographs tell their own stories. Take
jthe photograph of No. 400 Sth av as an example. Here, in the
;wrlter's opinion, good judgment has not been used, for while
I a number of stores are secured, the income of the three is not
so large as could be had in this neighborhood from two stores.
,by making the main one a well-proportioned business premises,
with high ceiling and entering from the street level, and the
! second story store reached by means of either an easy interior
.staircase or by means of an elevator placed so as to have easy
I access from the street.
No. 582 Fifth Avenue Is a building with a new front
;in which the floor levels of the first twb stories have been
i changed so as to conform to the new requirements. This is an
old building with a new front and seems to admirably solve
the problem, the front having dignity and a maximum of light
procured for the .upper floors without in any way detracting
from Its architectural treatment.
No. 138 West 65th street. A former (our-story browDBtone dwell¬
ing solentlflcally altered.