April IS, 1916
eiTOiirimiiiMiiiLiuiiiiiriuinoiiiiiiriiiiiwiiiiiittMiiiiiiriiiiiiiMiiiiiiitrMiiiit^^^ ......niiiuiiliJiuniiiiiiiirniimMnfliiirhiniiiTur.....rLrmuiiiiiimiiniiiininmill ^,>_ ^^ ^^ * ^ —. _ —_ -— _ _ -.^ —.^ ^ j—. ,^._ ^__
CURRENT wholesale prices,
on the Building Materia
_ Exchange
and elsewhere in the Metropolitan district.
Allowances must be made for yard and
store prices:
Note.—Price changes are Indicated by
black-face type.
BRICK (Cargo lots, alongside dock, to
dealers only), per M.:
North River common..........$S.00@$8.2o
Raritan common .............. ?.50@-------
Second hand common, per load
of 1,500 ................. 4.25@ 4.50
Front or face, in car lots......20.00@36.00
Paving brick ...............24J>0@-------
CEMENT (wholesale, 5U0 bbls. lots and
over, alongside dock, N. Y.):
Domestic Portland, Spot......$1.67@ -------
Over 30 days.................----(g)$1.72
lUc. bag; returns on bags.
Mill base................... 1.05(g-------
Con. Rosendale net, to dealers,
wood or duck bags......... 1.00@-------
Dealers' net prices to job..... 1.20®-------
Trie bag; return on bags.
Alsen's German .............No Quotation
Dyckerhoff German .........No Quotation
CRUSHED STONE (500 cu. yds. lots f. o.
b. aloncrside dock N. Y., wholesale);
Trap rock, I'A in..............$0.90@-------
Trap rock, vi in............... 1.00 (g>-------
Bluestone flagging, per sq. ft. .17@$0.18
Bluestone curbing, 5x16........40@ -------
GRAVEL (500 cu. yd. lots t. o. b. along
side dock N. T., wholesale):
1% in...............................$0.80
% in.................................85
Paving gravel ...................... 1.25
P. S. C. gravel.......,...............96
HOLLOW TILE (fireproofing. Prices f.
o. b. factory, Perth Amboy, N. J.):
4x12x12 In.................... $0.0625
6x12x12 in.....................0875
8x12x12 in.....................106
10x12x12 in....................125
12x12x12 in....................156
2x12x12 in.................... $0,042
3x12x12 in.....................042
4x12x12 in.....................0475
6x12x12 in.....................063
City Raw, car loads, per gallon..¥0.7S@$0.S0
City boiled ...................79@-------
Five-gallon cans ..............91 @ ——
LUMBER (Wholesale prices, N. Y.):
Y'ellow pine (merchantable 1905, f.o.b. N.Y).
8 to 12 in. 16 to 20 ft......$2S.00@34.50
14 to 16 in................ 35.50(gi 37.50
Heart face siding 4-4 & 5-4 -------@ 31.00
Flooring, 13-16x21/2 & 3 ins. 13.00® 25.00
Hemlock, Pa., f. o. b. N. T.
base price, per M....... 24.00(8) 25.00
Hemlock, W. Va., base price
per M.................; 23.00@ 24.00
Hemlock, Eastern mixeS
cargoes ................ 22.00(§) -------
(To mixed cargo price add freight $1.50.)
Spruce, Eastern, base price...-------(a)$2'7.00
Spruce (W. Va. f. o. b. N. Y., lighterage
2x4 to Sx8, 18 and 20 ft.............$30.00
9 in.. 16 ft. and under.............. 32.00
Add $1.00 per M. for each inch in width
over 12 ins. Add $1.00 per M. for every 2
ft. over 20 ft. in length. Add $1.00 per M.
for dressing.
Lath (Eastern spruce f. o. b. N. Y.):
lM;-in. slab ..................$4.50(a)$5.00
Cypress lumber (by car, f. o. b. N. Y.):
Firsts and seconds, 1-in. . $46.00@2------•
Cypress shingles, 6x18, No. 1
Hearts .................. 8.75@$9.00
Cypress shingles, 6x18, No. 1
Prime ................... 7.25 @ -------
Mahogany Lumber, Honduras and Mexi¬
First and seconds, % in ... .$85.00(g)-------
No. 1 common.............. 65.00 (5)-------
No. 2 common.............. 42.50@-------
NAILS—'Wire naile f. o. b. Pittsburgh
sell at $2.40; galvanized, 1 in. and longer.
¥4.40. and shorter, 94.90. These prices are
to regular customers and delivery is made
at the mill's convenience. From ware¬
house. New York, wire and cut nails sell
as follows: "Wire nails, ?2.!)0: cut nails.
PLASTER—(Basic dealer prlcea, at
yard, Manhattan):
Masons' flnishing in 100 lb.-
bags, per ton............$9.50(§)$10.50
Mill base ................. 8.50® -------
Screened and washed Cow Bav. 500
cu. yds. lots, wholesale.....$0.40@$0.45
SLATE (Per Square, N. Y.):
Penn, Bangor ribbon .........$4.10@$4.50
Munson, Maine, No. 1......... 5.50@ 5.75
Munson. Maine, No. 2.......... 4.50® 6 75
No 1 red.....................10.00®13.00
Unfading green .............. 4.OOO 6 00
Genuine Bangor .............. 4.00® 4 75
Pen Argyle .................. 4.00@ -------
Vermont, sea green........... 3.00® 4.35
STRUCTURAL STEEL (Plain material
at tidewater):
Beams & channels up to 14 in . .2.6(i!»@3.ir,!)
Beams & channels over 14 in. .2.K<>!t(S).'!.i(ifi
Angles 3x2 up to 6x8.........2.f!«<t@3.I6»
Zees and tees ................2.e«9@3.I(;9
Steel bars, half extras........2.e69@3.i«9
■R'HITE LEAD (dry and in oil. in cents
per pound):
100-Ib. keg ..................... «,0.r,0
25 and 50-lb. kegs.......... 10 7%
1214-ib. keg ...:..........::::::::: ii:^
1 to 5-lb. cans..................... 12.50
New Structure in District Largely De¬
voted to the Cultivation of the Arts
'"P' HE foundations are w^H under way
■*■ for the construction of the five-
story building which will house the
Chalif Normal School of Dancing. This
structure is being erected on a plot 39x
100 feet, at 163-165 West 57th street, in
a neighborhood where a number of
buildings devoted to art in its various
branches are located.
The new building, which embodies a
number of interesting features, has been
designed and planned by G. A. & H.
Boehm, architects, 7 West 42d street,
and the engineer far the structural steel
work is S. C. Weiskopf, 68 William
street. The active construction is pro¬
gressing under the direction of the Mur¬
phy Construction Co., 50 Church street,
which has a general contract for the
completion of the building.
Among the sub-contractors who are
supplying labor and materials are in-
G. A. & H. Boehm, Arch'ts.
eluded the following concerns: R. D.
Coombs & Co., 30 Church street, exca¬
vating and foundations; Otis Elevator
Co., 26th street and Eleventh avenue,
electric elevators; B. A. & G. N. Wil¬
liams, Walnut avenue and 133d street,
exterior marble; Federal Terra Cotta
Co., Ill Broadway, ornamental terra
cotta; P. J. Durcan, Inc., 128 West 52d
street, plain and ornamental plastering;
McLaury Tile & Marble Corporation,
Walnut avenue and 141st street, interior
marble and tiling; Empire City-Gera'-d
Co., 265 Greenpoint avenue, Brooklyn,
trim and cabinet work; Liberty Sheet
Metal Works, 584 Jackson avenue, cop¬
per roofing and skylights; Standard
Arch Co., 245 West 18th street, fire¬
proof floor arches; American Kalamein
Works. Inc., 99 Kent avenue, Brooklyn,
kalamein doors and windows; Charles
H. Darmstadt, 352 West 43d street,
plumbing; Reis & O'Donovan, Inc., 207
East 37th street, steam heating, ventilat-
ing and electrical installation, and Lieb¬
erman & Sanford Co., 623 West S7th
street, ornamental iron work. Other
contracts for the completion of this
buildmg will be awarded as the work
In the design of the facade a purely
modern style has been followed, which
has been relieved by decorations, classi¬
cal in character, and taken from the
Greek and Roman periods. For the
first story marble will be used, and the
construction of the upper stories will
be of buff brick and polychrome terra
cotta, topped by a colonnade, which
forms a loggia and supports the Spanish
tile roof. The facade will add consider¬
able interest to the locality in which it is
being erected as the design is pleasing
and denotes in a characteristic manner
the purpose of the structure of which
It is a part.
On the first floor the space has been
devoted to oflSces, reception foyer, coat
room, dressing rooms, lavatories with
four shower baths, and a large studio.
The second floor will be used entirely
as a large ball room with a mezzanine
gallery at the south end. The third
floor has been planned for use as a ba.n-
quet room and is equipped with a serv¬
ing pantry which includes all conven¬
iences for properly serving a dinner or
supper, luncheon, etc. The service will
be from a kitchen located in the base¬
ment, by way of the service elevator
On_ the fourth floor, Louis H. Chalif,
principal of the school, will have his
living apartments. This floor has been
planned as a nine-room housekeeping-
apartment, with three baths. The lay¬
out and arrangement of the rooms is an
excellent one and in its equipment is
included all of the features now to be
found in apartments of the highest type.
The fifth floor has been designed for
use as a sun parlor, which will be glass
enclosed and heated in winter, and open
on all sides when the weather is favor¬
able. This roof will be used for recrea¬
tion purposes and may also be used for
a variety of social functions during the
warm weather.
Structurally, the building is fireproof,
and it has been so planned that the
future addition of two extra stories will
be possible should the necessity for
more space arise. The structure will be
heated by steam and ventilated by a
system of intake and exhaust fans which
circulates the air after it has been fil¬
tered and washed. Two electric eleva¬
tors will be installed, one passenger
and the other for service. Both will be
operated so as to include the fifth floor
or sun parlor. In addition to these ele¬
vators, communication between the
floors will be possible by means of a
fully enclosed stairway, and in the event
of a fire panic egress may be had by
way of an exterior stairway which ex¬
tends from the sun parlor to the street
level and which is screened for its en¬
tire length.
The decorations of the principal
rooms, reception foyer, ballroom and
banquet-room, will be Classic in every
feature, and will harmonize in all re¬
The neighborhood in which this build¬
ing is being erected abounds in struc¬
tures devoted to the cultivation of the
arts, including Carnegie Hall and stu¬
dios, the National Arts Building and
many studio buildings which are well
rented. The ball room of the new struc¬
ture is said to be about the same size
as the Mendelssohn Glee Club Hall,
which was demolished a few years ago
and which has never been replaced by
another building of similar character.
The owner of this building intends to
permit the use of this room for small
private dances, recitals, chamber con¬
certs and functions of a like nature, feel¬
ing that there is a demand for accom¬
modations of this kind.