EXTERIOR ST. w s. 336.3 s 149th, 2-sty re¬
inforced concrete warehouse, 114.4x184. slag rf;
$120.000; [0) American Radiator Co.. W. H,
Hill. 104 W 42d, V.-P. ; U) F, D. Hutchinson,
. lUl Park av (295).
141ST ST, ss. 152,06 e So Blvd, 1-sty bk
storage. 23x24, plastic slate rf; $1,000: (o)
804 E Hist St. Hldg Co.. John H. Symmers,
804 E 141st. pres. ; (a) Chas. Schaefer, Jr.,
2853 3 av (302).
' 234TH ST, ns. 360 e Katonah av, 1-sty fr
garage l(Jx20, felt rf; $500; (o) Wm. F
Bruns?en. :^29 E 2;i4th; (a) Geo. Oetjen, ;>91
E 233d (304).
. PROSPECT AV, w B, 44 n IToth, i-sty bk ga¬
rage, llxlS, asbestos rf; $1,000; (o) Abraham
Taubin. 6S2 Bway ; ^a) Paul Lagano, 240..
Poplar (306).
2:^1ST ST W n s, 100 e Albany Cjescent. 1-
sty bk strs, 75x58.8. slag rf; $1^.001": \ o»
Michael J. Martin, 163 W 231st; ta) Moore ^
Landsiedel, 3 av & 158th (298).
141ST ST ss. ir>2.0(i e So Blvd, 1-sty bk
shop, 23.3x.57.10. plastic slate rf; $l.UOO; (o)
804 E 141st St. Hldg. Co., John H. Syramers,
S04 E 141st. pres.; (a) Chas. Schaefer, Jr..
2583 3 av (303).
CITY ISLAND AV, nec Winter, IMi-sty fr
shed & locker rooms. 50x20, rubberoid rt ;
$1,000; (o) Henry B. Nevins, City Island: (a)
S. H. Booth & Sons. City Island (:;08).
■ WEBSTER AV, e s,. 299.1J s Bedford Park
Blvd 6-sty bk ice plant, lOOxllO, slag rr :
M15 0UU: (o) Geo, N. Reinhardt. 9T2 Brook av ;
(a). Max Hausle. :W07 3 av (300).
(o) owner; (b) hulJder; (a) architect: (200)
plan No.; fr—frame; bk—brick; tct—ten&-
iiient; ext—estension; str—aiore; apt—apart-
tiicnl; dwg—dweUine; rf—roof-
CARMINE ST, s3-r». new front, wall, entrance,
stairs, partitions & flooring to :^'5ty bk bath
bldg; ^35,000; (o) City of N. Y.. Municipal
Bldg- (a) H. Rich. 2040 Mmiicipal Bldg: cor¬
rects error in issue Aug. 2 when cost was
omitted {V.161),
^DELANCEY ST. lt»8, new vent shaft & rear¬
range partitions to 5-sty bk str & tnt; $3,000;
lo) Herman Leiman. 1147 St, Johns pl. Bklyn;
(a) M. Jos, Harrison, World Bldg. (1981),
DIVISION ST, 133, closets, rearrange par¬
titions, fire escapes to ;>-sty bk strs & tnt;
$3,0Ut); (0) Raphael Hurwitz, ^1 o av: (a) M.
J Harrison, World Bldg. (2U0->J,
LAFA.YETTE ST 417-1!*, new doors, stairs to
2-R-sty bk lofts; ^800: (o) Alfred Lane; (aJ
Bruno W, Berger & Son. 121 Bible House
MADISON ST. 1S3, new doors, girden par¬
titions to 4-sty bk str, school & dwg; $-.i.o00:
(o) Beth Hakneses Ostorlenka. ISO Clmton : fa)
Louis A. Sheinart, 194 Bowery (19(2),
MULBERRY ST. 21.>, enlarge window, flre-
nroof, new windows, ext hre escapes; parti¬
tions to 5-sty bk str Sc tnt; $1,500; (o) Ellen
'C. McManus, 401 Grand; (a) Max Muller, llo
Nassau (201-^).
MONROE ST. S2. enlarge elevator, remove
stalls, new posts & girders, sprinkler system to
ii^sty bk stable & loft; $4.nOO; (o) Mountain
Side Dairy Co„ Inc., ilG Munroe: (Pres) H.
Margolen, OR Munroe: (a) Nathan Langer. 81
E 125th (2043).
PARK PL, 3, rearrange fire escape, doors &
windows to 5-sty bk publishers; ."^l.r'OO: (o)
Alice Davis. 15 Wm ; (a) Chas. Volz. oo W
37th (1085).
UNION SQ, 50 new partitions & toilet to M-
sty bk omoet;: S5.(K10; (o) Guardian Life Ins.
Co.. ".<! Union Sq; (o) Chas. E. Birge. 29 W
34th (1974)-
WASHINGTON ST, 400-70, new elevator
shaft of bk walls to 8-sty bk warehouse; $8.-
000: (o) Coastwise Warchouse,_ Inc., *-*34 Wash¬
ington, A. Pricken, v.-pres., ;>34 Washington :
(a) John Knubel. 30r» AV 4:M (2018).
lOTH ST 207 E. new partitions & windows to
a-sty bk str & lofts; ii^2,000; (o) Nicolas C
Partos. 201 E 10th; (a) Louis A, Sheinart. 194
Bowery (19711.
1^'TH ST 52 W, new skylights & windows to
4-sty bk dwg: $10.000; (o) Captain Floyd
Keeler 52 W 12th: (al Rich. & Mathesius. 320
n av (1970).
12TH ST, 34 W. new stair, porch, plumbing,
heating & elec to 4-sty bk dwg: $0,Otin: (o)
Mark H. Dix. 116' W 14th, Mt, Kisco, N. Y.;
^(a) -Ghas. C. Thain, 2r> W 42d (193(^>.
23D ST, IS E. new partitions & exit to o-sty
bk str office & mfs:; ¥i»00; (o) Mary L. Borden,
Oceanic, N. J., Wm. H. Owens, Mount Vernon.
NY.; (al Jule^ Dieracr. 1 Mad av (1988).
24TH ST 103 10. new front Sc window^ to 3-
stv bk olflces; $2,000: (o) Est. Fred'k W,
Saltzsieder, rhas. R. Bauersdorf, exr. 111
Bway: (a) Chas. E. Birge. 20 W 34th flS)3ni.
The text of these pagres is copyrighted. A
26TH ST, 29 W. remove partitions, new
windows, new fire escapes, new plumbing, front
& rear walls to 7-sty bk strs & hotel ; $9,000;
(o) Est of Geo. Gordon Hastings (exr), 204
5 av ; (a) Jno. H. Scheier, 25 W 42d (2052).
2STH ST. s s, w 8 av, 250 E, remove 2 up¬
per stys, new 2d sty, cover old steeJ, fire proof¬
ing 1 elevator & 2 new shafts to 3-sty storage
6 cold storage; $15,0u0; (o) Fur Merchants'
Warehouse Corpn.. 238 W 28th, pres, on prem;
(a) Freedman. Robertson & Reeler. 2U3 W 13th
20TH ST, 115-17 E, extend fire escape &
stairs to 6-sty bk str & lofts: $700: (o) Hud-
nut Realty Co. 120 Bway; (a) F. Albert Hunt,
220 W 42 (1D68)-
21>TH ST, 14 W, new stairs, elevator, show
windows & plumbing to 5-sty factory; $10,000:
(o) Brown & Sellar, New Port, R. 1.; (a) Geo.
F. Pilham, 200 W 72d (1076).
20TH ST, 630-41 W\ new wall &
bk warehouse; $2.500; (o) John
Co.. 642 W :^Oth; (a) Wm. H.
Sons. 12(> Cedar (1VJ17).
2I>TH ST, 206-208 W, replace columns &
strengthen girders to O-sty bk factory; $2,000:
(o) Sam. Greenstein. 206 W 29th: u) Henry
J. Nurick, 772 Bway (2004).
20TH ST, 152 W, extend front, new plumbing,
stairs, flooring & roof to 2-sty bk stable; $5,-
500; (o) Harry M. Sameth. 1:^5 W 27th; (a)
M, A. Cantor, 373 Fulton, Bklyn (1938).
3()TH ST. 212 W, new stair & partitions to
$1>000; (o) Milton Mayer,
Jos. Harrison, World Bldg,
ext to 4'sty
T. Stanley
Rohmann &
& tnt;
(a) M.
wall, install
to 5-sty ha.
(0) Goodwin Estate, John
Bway: lessee. J. Rabino-
Sam. Cohen, 32 Union Sq.
70 W, remove front
erect show windows
$600 ;
5'Sty bk str
115 W 3(nh;
36TH ST,
steel beams,
strs & lofts
Lenehan, exr,
wich 25 Bond
36TH ST. 158 E, remove iiartitions, new ga¬
rage, floor bathroom to 4-3ty bk dwg; $1,000;
(o) L N "Gillette, IS Woodbine av. Larchmont,
N. Y. : (a) Walker & Gillette, 128 E 37th (2013).
:^l)TH ST. 58 W, new doorway & window to 4-
(o) Bankers Statisti(;ai
Geo. F, Pelham. 200 W
windows & partitions to
(o) Dr. Lee M. Hurd. lo
T. Lindeberg. 2 W 47
stoop & area steps &
skylights, new win*
sty bk offices; $1,000:
Corp.. 1 E 39th; (a)
72d (1I1S6).
50TH ST, 39 E, new
5-sty bk dwg; $5,000:
E 48th : (a) Harrie
(;1ST ST, 10 E, remove
basement entrance, new
dows. new fixtures, soil, vent lines to 4-sty bk
dwg; $7,000; (o) 10 E 61st St. Co., Inc., Theo.
F. Graisse, Pres.; la) Sam B. Coley. 560 i>th
av (20221.
OlST ST, 159 W, new
5-stv bk dwg; $1,500:
Childs Hospital. 101 W
Amsterdam av (lOW).
i;2D ST. 242 E. new bathrooms, stairs.
.lee; $5,000: (o) Ceslie S. Work, 242 E
la) Louis S Weeks, 101 Park av (1989).
(j;in ST. 159 E, new entrance, fire places,
stairs partitions & add I sty to 4-sty bk dwg;
$25,000: (o) Mrs. Sybil K. W. Sellar; New¬
port. R. I.; (a) Sterner & Wolfe, 5011 5 av
TlJD ST 125 W. raise ext to 5-sty bk offices;
,1^1.SOO: (o) Inwood Rlty Co.. 271 Bway; (a)
Samuel Cohen, 32 Union sq (1979).
74TH ST, 120-22 E, new iron cage to 5-sty bk
flooring, ceiling, door to
f o) N. Y. Nursery &
61st: (a) H. Jones, 45
rf &
(o) Buckley School Bldj
school: $3,000
l2tl-22 E 74th: (engl C. W.
Bldg, Newark, N. J. (1994).
74TH ST, 5^.> W. rearrange partitions, bath¬
rooms, heating, roofing, vent shaft, painting &
decorating to 4-sty bk dwg; $7,000: (o) Robt
R. Moore, 1:^42 Fulton av. Bronx; engr, An¬
thony M. Culricci, 1342 Fulton av (2010).
75TH ST. 126 W. remove stoop, put in base¬
ment entrancya. Stairway, hathrooms, dumb¬
waiters, new window. neW partitions to 4^sEy
bk dwg; $13,000; (o) Walter G. Thomas, 140
W 73d. & Margaret H. Terriberry, 120 W 73d;
(ai Walter G, Thomas, 140 w 7.^d (2014).
75TH ST, s s. 314 W. remodel to bachelor
apartments & studios, reararnge partitions, new
partitions, remove staircase from 1st to 5th.
floors to 5-sty bk res: $25.o00; (o) Monolithic
Holding Co. Inc.. 115 Bway; (pres.) Jno, C.
Gabler 115 Bway; (a) Morgan M. O'Brien, .49
E nOth (20.55).
Jo.^TH ST. 2:» E, new ext. beams & show
window fo 4-sty bk tnt; $5,000; (o) Angelina
ratacidella. 242 E lOSth: (a) Mariano De
Miceli. 241 E 108th |in69).
114TH ST. "»26 W. new partitions, toilets &
stairs to 4'Sty bk boarding house: $10,000; (o)
Beriha M. Bentley, 540 W _114th : (al Chas.
B. Meyers, 1 Union sq. (197..>), --.
115TH ST, 26 W, new ext to 3'Sty bk dwg:
$1200: fa) Mrs. Grace G. Feinberg. 28 W
115th: (a) Alfred'L, Kehoe & Co., 1 Beekman
(1JI58), .. ^' , ^.
124TH ST. 256 W. new beams to 4-sty bk
tnt: $1,000: (o) Heuer Est, Co., 271 W 125th:
(al John Brandt. 271 W 125th (1035),
AV A, 45-47. new columns & beams to 4-sty
bk str; $3,000; (o) Est Bernhard Klulgenstein,
Solomon Klulgenstein. exr. 1 Madison av: (a)
Jacob Fisher 25 Av A (1995).
August 9, 1919
AV"^ 181, new 4'ety ext to 4-sty bk ext to
4-sty bk etr & tnt; $3,000; (o) David Zebro-
witz, 221 W 123d; (a) Jobst Hoffman, 188 St.j
Nicholas av (1959).
AMSTERDAM AV, 204, new stairs, window &
ext to 3-sty bk str & tnt; $20,000; (o) Max
Cohen, 405 Lexington av; (a) Samuel Levlng-
son, 405 Lexington av (1991).
BROADWAY, 32-34. add 2-Bty9. new elevators
Sc stairs to 16-sty bk offices; $100,000; (o)
Amerigus Rlty Co.. 71 Bway; (a) Alfredo C-
Janni, 71 Bwy (1978).
BROADWAY. 1881-85, new stair & sales
booths to 4-sty bk salesrooms; $10,000; (o)
Detroit Cadillac Motor Car Co., 1881-85 Bway;
(a) Chas. E. Birge, 29 W 34th (1973). ,
BROADWAY, 2721-25, remodel str fronts, new
columns, partitions & toilet to 5-sty bk strs &
apts: $6,000; (o) Bway 104th St. Corp., 542
5 av; ta) Randolph H. Almiroty. 46 W .46th
BROADWAY. 21U9. install electric elevator
$1,500: (o) Wm, E. D.
(a) G. V. Palm, 2109 Bway
to 17-sty bk hotel
Stokes, 2tJ2 W 72d :
CENTRAL PARK, 133, enlarge rooms, toilets
& coat rooms, assembly room, ball room> con¬
nect new & old pts. coal bunker & funnel to
l8-6ty bk hotel, annex to 18-sty hk & str hotel;
2(JOx250; $2,500,000: (o) Plaza Operating Co..
Plaza Hotel. 5 av & oOth. B. Beineck, pres.;
(a) Whitney Warren & Whetmore, 16 E 47th
MADISON AV, 777. new add, toilet & radi¬
ators to 10-sty bk apts; $10,000; (o) 777 Mad.
Av. Co.. 542 5 av; (a) Randolph H. Almiroty,
46 W 4Gth (1956).
MADISON AV. 931, extend str to 5-sty hi
str & tnt; $2,500; (o) Regina Safortas, 353
Madison av; (a) Ed, F. Angell, 57 W 127th
PARK AV, 101, new ext to 17-sty bk offices &
strs; $35,000: (o) Architects Offices, Inc., 101
Park av; (a) Ewing & Allen, La Farge & Mor¬
ris, 101 Park av (1993).
PARK AV. 784. addition to 7-sty bk dwg;
$800; (o) Harper Poor, 784 Park av; (a) Mr.
Olsen, 7S4 Park av (2009).
PARK ROW, 42, remove store fronts, cut well
bole f. p. shaft iron stairway, new partitions
to 6'8ty bk atrs & o^^ces; $4,000; (o) Park Co..
42 Park Row; (pres.) M. L. Zabreskie. 42 Park
Row; (a) Chas. H. ' Seymour. 405 Lex av
VANDERBILT AV, 3-11, add 14 stys. new
stairs & elevator to 6-sty bk restaurant, strs &
offices: $1,000,000; (o) N. Y. Central R. R. Co.»
70 E 45th; (a) Warren & Wetmore, 16 E 47th
7TH AV, 447. new stairs & toilets to 3-sty bk
str & tnt; $4,000; (o) Jacobson & Gluckman.
m(} 5 av; (a) Samuel Levlngson. 405 Lexington
av (1990).
7TK AV. 421, new show windows & stairs
to 3-sty bk hotel; $7,000: (o) Frank J Cassidy.
S E 40th; (a) Chas. H. Seymour. 405 Lex. ay
7TH AV, 701^709 & 47TH ST, 167-179 W,
extend balconies, new platform, gallery stairs
to 10-sty bk theatre strs & ofhces; $3,500; (ol
Columbia Bldg, & Theatre Co.. Sam, A. Scrib¬
ner pres., 701 7 av; (a) Wm. H. McElfatrlck
STH AV. 705, now show window to 4-sty bk
str & dwg; $2,000; (o) Astor Est. 23 W 26th;
(a) Falbert Hunt, 229 W 42d (1992).
ALBANY CRESCENT, e s. 297.7 n 231st. move
2^'Sty fr dwg: $5,0(»0; (o) Michael J. Martin.
163 W 231st; (a) Moore & Landsiedel, 3 av &
148th (229).
WATERLOO PL. w s. 84 s 176th. 2-sty fr
ext, 38,0x12.4. to 2-sty fr dwg; $2,000: (o)
Isaac Sager, 1981 Marmion av; (a) Goldner &
Goldberg. 391 E 149th (225).
134TH ST E, n s, 100 e Lincoln av, l-sty bk
ext, 28x72. to 2-5ty bk shop; $4,000; (o) Caro¬
line Duncan, 602 W 137th ; lessees, Davis Car¬
penter & Co.. Inc.. 216 E 41et : (a) Wm, A.
Lewis, 25 W 44th (228).
220TH ST, 755. new plumbing, partitions to
2-sty & attic fr dwg: $300: fo> Antonio Mar¬
ino, prem: (a) M. W. Del Gaudio, 1812 Gleason
av (231).
256TH ST, ss, 50.3 w Newton av. 1-sty fr ext.
18.11 to 1^-sty fr dwg: $600; (o & a) Edw.
Hisney. 404^ E 125th (222).
CRUGER AV, w s. 425 n Sagamore, new
plumbing, stairway & partitons to 2y2-sty fr
dwg; $500; (ol Margaret Newman, 1983 Cruger
av; (a) Henry Nordheim. 1041 Fowler av (27),
FULTON AV, 1344, 2-1-sty fr exts, 7x5.6, 6.6x
186 to 2-lV^-lsty dwg & garage; $1,500: Co)
Irene Goldner. 1295 Fulton av: ("al Philip
Bardes, 230 Grand (226).
MARMION AV, 1824. 1-sty bk ext. 12.2x10.8
to 2-sty fr dwg; $(>jO : (o) David Tannenbaum,
prem; fa) Carl J. Ttzel, 1365 Prospect av (221).
PARK AV, 4440. 3-Bty bk ext, 25x22.10 to
3-aty fr str & dwg: $1,500; (o) W. Weln-
raub. prem: (a) W^m. T. Koch, 3131 Hull av
il rights are reserved. Notice is hereby ^iven that infrlngrement will lead to prosecution.'