September 14, 1912
^Gibraltar is symbolical of Strength.
QGnybco brands of common brick have the
fortitude of the Mediterranean Fortress. Their
quality makes them impregnable against
Time, Prost and Flood.
Sellers of Gnybco Brands
Phone, Murray Hilt, 7GI 103 Park Ave.
276-277 West Street
Telephone Spring 3729
Elevator Enclosures
Patent Folding Oates, Wire
and Orill Work, in Brass,
Bronze and Iron,
Bank and Office Railings
587 Hudson St., New Tork
Ross Bldg., Cor. Bank St.
Tel,, 891 Chelsea WINE BOTTLE RACKS
Granolithic and Asphalt PaTements
Office aad FacloiT. 620Ea«t20t]i Streat
Telephone, 4 Gramercy_____________NBW YORK
Late Hobbs & Oliver
Establiahed 1846
S^^'oV^"l/K£ Painting
Paper Hangings and Interior Decorations
104 and 106 UNIVERSITY Fl., NEW TORK
Telephone, 833 Stnyvesant___________
MA.VASQUAN, X. ,T.-iArthur Vales, this
place, has received the mason work, and Os¬
born & Lyons, the oarpeniry for the ii's-siy
frame cotcaKP for Arrhibald Johnson, owner
Cost, .$:i,(.i<X>.
OLE.XRIDGE. .\. .r.HAJbert Kistler, Has¬
brouck, Heights, .\'. J., has received the general
eontract to erect a 2Vi-sty Irame residence on
the east side of Forest av for Edward P. Mitch¬
ell, 32.1 Ridgewood av, owner. Marsh & Getto,
16 Cedar st, N. Y. C, architects. Cost, $7,000.
NORTHVAXjE, .\ J.—Aicella & Blaso, this
place, have received the general contract to
erect a 2'4-sty frame residence for Toni Danlreo
owner. Cost, $4,000.
MAHWAH. .\. J.—W. T. FiudlSy, Suffern. X.
»., has received the general contract to erect
the 2%-sty frame residence at Cragmere for
Ethel S. Watts, 1470 o7th st, Brooklyn, owner.
Cost, $5,000.
CLIPFSIDE, N. J.^Alfred lasillo, Fairview,
.\'- J., has received tbe general contract to erect
a 214-sty frame residence at 28-29 Riverview
pl for Natalie Heyer, owner, care E. F. Crois¬
sant. Hudson Heights, N. J., architect. Cost,
RAHWAY, .X. J.—S. S. Baretord & Son, this
place, have received the general contract to
erect a 2-sty frame bungalow in tbe west side
of Church st for Howard C. Brunt, owner.
Paul Mertens, this place, architect. Cost, $4,-
JAMESTOWN, X. Y.—Albert Ijndquist & Co..
137 Water st, have the mason work and A. J.
Lawson, New Wellmann st, the carpentry tor the
4-sty and basement brick warehouse, 70x100
ft., for S. M. Flickinger & Co., 308 North Main
st, owner. Robert J. Reidpath, Buffalo, N. Y.,
architect. Cost, $30,000.
VERONA ST.-The Raymond Concrete Pile
Co., 90 West St., N. Y. C, and Chicago, has
received the contract for the concrete piles nec¬
essary lor the foundations ot an addition to
the plant of the American Stopper Co., on
premises. N. M. Loney, engineer, 86-5 Eastern
RAVEXA, X. Y.—Jas. Stewart & Co., 30
Church st, X. Y. C., have received the general
contract to erect the 3-sty brick railroad Y. M.
C. A. building for the X. Y. Central R. R. Co.,
70 East 43th st, X. Y. C. owner, W. C. Brown,
president, D. R. Collin, care of owner, archi¬
tect. Cost, $12,000.
ORAXGE, X. J.—H. Becker & Sons, 356 Pros¬
pect st. South Orange, have received the mason
work, and Adolph Vogel, 35 Park av. West
Orange, the carpentry for the frame and
stucco addition to the Shepard Pavilion ot the
Orange Memorial Hospital, on premises, own¬
er. Taylor & Mosley, 40 Wall st, X. Y. C.
JEaiSBY CITY, X. J.—William Whyte, 382
Railroad av, has received the general contract
to erect a 2-sty frame and stucco addition, 18x
45 tt„ to the Fairmount Surgical Sanitarium,
Fairmount av, from plans by H. & W. Neumann,
202 Ogden av, architects. Cost, $6,000.
SYONKERS, X. Y.—W. A. • Brockhurst, 225
South Broadway, has received the contract to
erect the interior tile work tor the hospital
for scarlet fever on Saw Mill River rd for the
City of Yonkers. G. Starin Cowles, 8 Getty sq,
Yonkers, architect. Lynch & Larkin, 195 River¬
dale av, are general contractors. Bardon Bros.,
2 Locust Hill av, have the carpenter work.
Cost, $75,000,
43D ST.-The Central Sheet Metal Works,
260 East 78th st, has received the roofing, and
J. H. Shipway & Bro., Locust av and 136th
st, the interior marble and tile work necessary
for the 20-sty Hotel (Biltmore), 200x190 ft.,
at 43d to 44th sts, Madison to Vanderbilt ave,
tor the N. Y. Central R. R., 70 East 45th st,
owner, Gustav Bauman, 19 West 30th st, les¬
see. Warren & Wetjnore, 70 East 45th st, ar¬
chitects. George A. Fuller, 111 Broadway, gen¬
eral contractor. Sloane & Moeller, Inc, 310
East 6.5th st, carpenters. Cost, $5,000,000.
HACKENSACK, X. J.—E. C. Humphrey, 253
Passaic st, has received the genera^ contract
lor paving Fort Lee turnpike, at $47,o30.65, for
the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Bergen
County, Court House, owner. R. D. Earle,
Court House, county engineer,
IRVIXGTOX, N. J—William Lockhart, 193
South Ilth st, Newark, has received the mason
work for the 2-sty brick police headquarters
building to be erected in the east side of Wash¬
ington av, between Clinton and Springfield avs,
lor the Town Council ot Irvington, William L-
Glorieux, 944 Clinton av, president. Mr. Hart-
koff, chairman of building committee, Gilbert
C. Higby, 45 Clinton st, Newark, architect. En¬
tice Bros., 45 Clinton st, Xewark, general con¬
tractors. Cost, $16,000.
20TH ST.—R. Deeves & Son, 309 Broadway,
have received the contract to erect a brick
wall 1,C00 feet long at 20th st andAv A tor the
Consolidated Gas Co., 124 East loth st, owner.
HEMPSTEAD, L. I.—Carl Mirscher, this
place, has received the general contract to
erect the school building in School District Xo.
"7 tor the Board of Education ot Hempstead,
Xassau County, N. Y., Edgar L. Moulten, clerk,
Paul G. Ohrtman, president. I, B. Baylis, 55
Main st, architect.
WAUWORTH ST.—W. L. & G. H. O'Shea, 29
Broadway, N. Y, C, have received the general
contract to erect a 1-sty brick garage, 25x60 tt.,
in the west side of Walworth st, 161 ft. south
ot Myrtle av tor Jacob Dangler, 122 Myrtle av,
owner, Harold G. Danger, 215 Montague st,
architect. Cost, $4,000.
BROOKLYN.—M. Armendinger & Son, llo:;
Myrtle av, have received the mason work.
Plumbing and painting, Louis Abel. 327 Irving
av, the carpentry, and Eugene Brandt. 2012
Oleecker st, the rooflng, tor a 1-sty brick
garage, 27x50 tt., for the Xorth Ameriiau
lirewery Co., Hamburg av. owner. T. Engle-
hardt, 905 Broadway, architect. Cost, $3,000.
CTH AV.-The Strand Construction Co., 550
West o2d st, has received the general contract
for store front alterations to the department
stores at Cth av, from 20th to 21st sts, for
O.Xeill-Adams Co., 21st to 22d sts, owner, Alex¬
ander Macl.achlan, president. Goldwin Star¬
rett 6 Van Vleck, 45 East 17th st, architects.
Cost. $4,000,
EAST RUTHERFORD, N. J.-Frank Pirrone,
Jr.. Bank Building, Garflpld, X. J., has re¬
ceived the general contract to erect three 1-sty
frame stores, 30x60 ft., on Park av tor Peter
Semler, owner. Cost, $4,000.
24TH ST.-The Metropolitan Flooring Co.,
Flatlron Building, Broadway and 23d st, has
received the contract tor furnishing the maple
flooring necessary for the buildings at 119-125
West 24th st for Jos. L. Graf, owner, and the
lott at 20tli to 21st sts and 4th av. H. H.
Oddie, Inc., 20th st and 4th av, builders.
5TH AV.—Peet & Powers, 45 West 34th st,
have received the wiring contract, and H. W.
Miller, 501 East 22d st, the plastering for the
10-sty offlce building at 597-599 oth av tor
Charles Scribner Sons, 153 5th av, owner,
Charles Scribner, presldept, Arthur H. Scrib¬
ner, treasurer, George R. D. Schieffelin, sec¬
retary. Ernest Flagg, 109 Broad st, is archi¬
tect. John T. Brady & Co., 103 Park av, have
the mason work. The steel is up to the 8th tier.
OTH AV.—W. J. Ledden, 425 7th av, has re¬
ceived the heating contract for the 4-sty restau¬
rant at 527-9 6th av for the estate of Charles
F. Hoffman, 258 Broadway, owner. The Childs
Co., 200 oth av, lessee. J. C. Westervelt, 36
West 34th st, architect, Chas. A. Cowen & Co.,
1123 Broadway, general contractors.
149TH ST.—Cramp & Co., 33 East 26th st,
have received the general contract to erect the
theatre and restaurant at 4.32-442 East 149th
St. through to 148th st, tor the Bronx 149th
Street Realty Co., George M. Cohan, 43d st and
Broadway, president. George N. Cohan and
Samuel Harris, 1482 Broadway, lessees ot tiiea¬
tre. George Keister, 12 West 31st st, architect.
The general contractor desires bids on all subs.
BROADWAY.—Fleischmann Bros. Co., 507 5th
av, have received the contract to erect the the¬
atre at 2631-2635 Broadway, between 99th and
100th sts, tor W. E. D. Stokes, owner. The
Quincy Amusement Co., Philip Goldstone, 25
West 26th st, president, and J. T. Harris, sec¬
retary. William E. Jacobs, treasurer, is the
lessee. Work will begin October 1.
ARDSLEY, N. Y.—Grannis & Warley, Ossining,
X. Y., have received the general contract tor
station and bridge enclosures tor the New York
Central and Hudson River R. R. Co., William
C Brown, president. G. W. Kittredge, care ot
owner, chief engineer.
HEMPSTEIAD, L. I.—William C. Ansell, 185
Washington st, has received the general con¬
tract to erect a 1%-sty brick and local stone
railroad station in Centre st for the Long Island
R. H. Co., Pennsylvania Station, N. Y. C.;
Ralph Peters, president; Frank E. Haff, secre¬
tary. J. R. Savage, care ot owner, Jamaica,
chief engineer. Cost, $25,000.
STAATSBURG, N. Y'.—A. E. Badgley, 153
Washington st, Binghamton, X. Y., has received
the general contract to erect the 1-sty passen¬
ger station, 25x80 ft., for the X. Y. Central
R R. Co. Cost, $10,000.
WHITE PLAINS, N Y.—The Raymond Con¬
crete Pile Co., 90 West st, N. Y. C, and Chi¬
cago, has received the contract tor placing
the concrete piles in the foundations of the
abutments, walls and piers at Hamilton and
'Railroad avs tor the New York Central Rail¬
road. J. L. Hoist, engineer.
OGTH ST, 42 East, S-sty apartment house, 30.1
xS3.ll, plastic slate roof; cost, $100,000; owner,
Jackson Realty Co., 54 East 9th st; architect,
Emery Roth, 507 5tli av. Plan No. 541.
BROAD ST, 41, 6-sty offlce, 30.5x128.1; cost,
$80,000; owner. The Broad-Exchange Co., 115
Broadway; architects, Clinton & Russell, 32
Xassau st. Plan No. 540.
41 ST ST, 18-20 East, 20-sty store and office,
50x85; cost, $450,000; owner, Holland Hold¬
ing Co., 11 Pine st; architects, Geo. & E.
Blum, 505 5th av. Plan No. 539.
11 TH AV, 455, 4-sty cafe and loft, 49x100;
eost. $40,000; owner, Peter McGirr, 774 9th av ;
architect, J. C. Cocker, 2017 5th av. Plan Xo.
FOX ST, s e cor Barretto st, three 5-sty
brick tenements, tin roof, 52x95, 49x93. total
cost, $150,000; owners, B. V. Const. Co., S.
Behrman, 979 East 163d st, pres.; architect, C.
B. Meyers, 1 Union Sq WestL Plan No. 690.
COT Fordham rd, 5-sty brick tenement, tar and
gravel roof, 72.9x96.6; cost, $80,000; owner,
John August Keil, 4282 Park av; architect,
Abraham Berres, 35 Nassau st. Plan No. 697.
167TH Srr, s e cor Tiftany st, two 5-sty hrick
tenements, plastic slate root, 39.3x81.7, 40x88;
cost, $80,000; owners, Weiher Bldg Co., Wm. H.