January 20,
The Real Estate RncoRt)
owner, Morris S. Herrman, 115th st, near 5th av;
architect, Geo. W. Da Cuuha. Plan 13.
23d st, s s, abt ISu w 7th iv, one twelve story
brick, with brown stoue trimmings, flat for forty
private families, 175x8fi, mansai'd, brick and
News patent roof; cost, $300,000; owner, Geofjje
M. Smith et al: architects, Hubert, Pirsson &
Co., 19 East aoth st. Plau 34.
24th st, So. 331 E., one five-story brick tenem't,
25x83, tin roof; cost, $18,000; owners, Watkius
Bros.. 303 East 41st st. Plan 36.
37th st, No. 35a W., rear, one one and one-half
story brick stable, 11.0x18, tin roof; cost, Si50;
owner, Edwin R. Yan Deuseu, 352 West 37th st;
■ rchitect and builder, C. Kuspert. Plau 35.
Slst st, s s, from Broadway to 7th av. one two¬
story attic and basement brick stable, 41.7 on
Broadway, 5ti.3 on av, — xl58.5 on st, tin
roof; cost, abt $35,000; owner, C. Alfred Skrine.
863 West 42dst; architect, H. J. Dudley. Plan
54th st. No. 341 E., one one-story brick shop,
11x16.6. tin roof; cost, ?;00ii; owner, Jolm P.
Bohmfalk, 231 East .55th st, agent of Ehzabeth
Bohmfalk. Plan 41.
40th st, No. 237 West, one live-story brick
tenem't, 2.5x80, tin roof; cost, §16,000; owners,
L. aud K. Ungrich. 160 West SSd st; architect,
M. L. Ungrich; builder not selected. Plau 4li.
42d st, s s, 12.5 e 1st av, one-story brick work¬
shop, ySxSO, tin roof; cost, -?1,00(.'; lessee, Val¬
entine Daucher, 314 East 40th st; architect, Ch.
Sturtzkjber. Plan 42.
59rs AND 135th sts, east of .5th av.
SSth st, 11 s, :235.6 e 4th av, two five-storv brick
tenem'ts, 35.6sS0, tin roof; cost, each, ?15,000;
owner, Mrs. Honora Byrne, 138 East 90th st;
architect, J. Mclntyre; builder, ------ Byrne.
Plan 39.
lOSth st, n s, IJ'O w 3d av, twelve four-story
brown stone tenem'ts, 35j;';5, tin roof; cost, ?------;
owner, Jacob L. Maschke, iil3 Division st; archi¬
tect, J. C. Burne; builder, not selected. Plan40.
3d av, s w cor lOOtb st, four four-story Con¬
necticut brown stoue stores aud tenem'ts, 2,5.3x
(50, tin roof; cost, each, $13,500; owuer. Ellen
Murray, 315 East llGth st; architect, Andrew
Spence. Plan 37.
I06th st, s s, 73 w 2d av, one four-story Con¬
necticut brown stone tenem't, 87x60, tin roof;
cost, S13,500; owner and architect, same as last.
Plan 38.
59th st, u s, 30 e 9th av, one five-story brick
store and tenem't, 40x44, lin roof; cost, S18,000;
owner. Maiy J. Odell, 48 West ;?3d st; architect,
John Sexton; builder, E. H. Miller. Plan 32.
104th st, n s, 2-50 e 9th av, one three-story Con¬
necticut brown stone dweli'g, 33x55 and two¬
story extension 8x10,- tin roof; cost, $18,500;
owner, Charles D. Thompson, 21 West llth st;
architect, G. M. Huss; builder, J. Coar. Plan 29.
St. Nicholas av, n w cor 154th st, eleven three-
story brick dwell'gs—corner 22.6, others, each,
3l3:.53; mansard, timber, slate and lin roof; cost,
each, $9,000; owner, John Kelly, 34 Enst 69th st;
architect, James Stroud. Plan 30.
Sth ay, s e coi' 143d st. three four-story brick
tenements and stores, two 35x60, one 25x40, tin
roofs; cost, two, each, $10,000, one $8,000;
owner and builder, Patrick Whelan, 138th st,
near Southern Boulevard; aj-chitect, Geo. S.
Ferris. Plan 45.
S3d and 24th WAHD8.
143d st, s s, 275 e Willis av, two two-story
frame dwell'gs, 13.6x40, tin roof; cost, each,
$2,000; owner, Mary A. Martin, 686 East 143d st;
architect, H. Martin. Plan 37.
Marion av, w s, 500 n Kingsbridge road, two
two-story frame dwell'gs, 15x30, tin roofs;
cost, each, $2,000; owner, Annie Arctander,
Willis av, near 146th st; architect, Arthur
Arctander. Plan 44.
143d st, n s, 425 e Willis av, eight two and
basement story frame dwell'gs, 16.8x40, tin
roofs; cost, each, $2,3U0; owner, Chas. Van
Biper, 683 East 143d st: architect, H. S. Baker.
Plan 47.
Plan 31—Judge st, No. 14, e s. 100 u Powers
at, one one-story frame stable, 19x15, gravel roof;
cost, $65; owner, architect and builder, Xaver
Grozweiler, 283 Powers st.
33—McKesson pi, n s, ^65 w Schenectady av,
fifteen two-story frame dwell'gs, 15x30, gravel or
cement roof; cost, each, abt $I,.50O; owner, J.
McKesson, 1676 Fulton st; architect and builder,
W. J. Wilson.
33—Clifton pi, n s, 80 w Franklin av, one one-
story brick shed, 20x45, gravel loof; cost, $400;
owner, architect and builder, J. F. Carey, 418
Lafayette a v.
31—President st, n s, 210 e Hoyt st, one one-
story brick shed, 36 and 40x40, tin roof; cost, §300;
owner and builder, William Markey, 355 Court st.
35—Stagg st, Nos. 262 and 374, s s, 175 aod 335
w Waterbury st, two two-story frame dwell'gs, I
22x40, tin roof; cost, $5,000; owner, Chas. R. |
Baker, 244 Washington av; architect, Th. Engel-
hardt; builders, J. Rauth and C. Wieber.
36—Central av, w s, 25 s Bleecker st, one one-
story frame dweli'g, 23x25, tiu roof ; cost, MOO;
owuer, architect and builder, Thomas Greenen,
Sumner av, cor Floyd st.
37—Magnolia st. e s, 25 s Evergreen av, one one-
story frame shop, lSxi5, felt roof ; cost, $300;
owner, C. Reuther. 88 Magnolia street: architect
and builder. ■'. F. Miller.
3S—Sumpter st, No. 205. n s, 12,5 w Saratoga av,
ono two story frame dweli'g, 35x36, tin roof; cost,
$2,300; owuer, Anton Merz. 21 Hull st; builder,
J. Pierring.
39—Russell pi. w s, abt SOO.s Herkimer st. oue
two-story frame dweil'g, 20x30, tiu roof: cost, abt
$l,fiOO; owner. Anna Duncan, 1671 Fulton st;
architect aud builder, W. J. Wilson.
40—Fulton st, No. 1647, one oue-story frame
tbed, 13x36, hoard roof; cost, $^5; owner, archi-
sGct and builder, W. J. Wilson, 1676 Fulton st.
41—Herkimer st. Nos. 578 and -582, s s, 265 and
315 w Schenectady av, two two and one-half
story frame dwell'gs, 20x38, gravel roof; cost,
each, abt S3,iii.0; owner, John McKesson, 91 Ful¬
tou st; architect and builder. W. J. Wilson.
43—Hihst. ss, 20 e5th av, five two-story frame
dwell'gs, 16x40; extensions, lOsll and 10.0x16,
tiu roof; total cost, $13,000; owner, Charles
Long, 383 lltb st; builder, J. F. Wood.
43—Washington av, e s. 107.7 s Butler st, one
three storyfraiue tenem't, 25 aud 14x38, tin roof:
cost, $3,850; owner, Mr. Dale; architect aud
builders, M. Freeman's Sons.
44—Magnolia st, s s, 2.50 e Irving av, oue two¬
story frame stable, 3.5x14, tin roof; cost, $300;
owner, A. Vr-gt, 430 Humbold; st; builder, J.
4.5—Magnolia st, s s, 350 e Irving av, one three-
story frame store and tenem't, '.;5x.50, tin reof;
cost, $4,000; owner. Anton Vogt, 430 Humboldt
st; buiider, J. Dahlei-.
Plan 46—Fultou, Water end Pearl sts. United
States Hotel, interior and exterior alterations;
cost, $10,000; owner, Daniel C. Bloodgett, 43
West ISth st; architect, James M, Jlagregor;
builder. Wm, Haw.
47—ISSth st, s s, bet St. Anns av and Southern
Boulevard, 23d Ward, one story and attic
frame extension, 23x14, slate roof; cost, $1,000;
owner, J. C. Friedmann, 138 East 83dst; archi¬
tect, W, Rubles; builder, not selected.
4S—Market st, No. 53, add one-half story, flat,
tin roof, also new partitions, alao three-and-one-
half-story brick extension, 11x18, tin roof; cost,
$4,000; owner, Heury Schmuetsh, 85 South st;
architect, Chas. Schmeiser.
49—Market st, No. 54, raised one-half story, flat,
tin roof, attic re-partitioned ; owner, Mrs.
AmeUa Born, 53 Market st; architect, C.
50—53d st, ns, 100 eothav, one-story extension,
15x10, tin roof; cost, uiiknowni owners, Carrie
Shannon and Cnss. R. Purdy, SO West5Sthst;
architect, R. Mook; buiider, J. H. Rogers.
51—yth av. No. 741, repair damage iDy fire;
cost, $500: owner, H. S. Mott, 769 llthav.
53—Lispenard st, Nos. 49 andSl, repair damage
by fire; cost, $470; owner, A. Journeay, 153
Hewes st, Brooklyn; architect and builder, H.
53—3d. av. No. 14S7, repair extension, &e.; cost,
about $2.50; owner. Bertha Smith, 143 East 65th
54—16th st, No. 549 E.. cross partition first
story taken out and front alterations; cost, $500;
owner, John Bauer, .549 East 16th st; builder, J.
55—4th a;', No. 909, partitions altered and
chimueys built; cost about, $1,200; owner, Wm.
H. Russell, 31 West 10th st; architects, J. Ren-
wick & Co.; builders, B. D. Connolly & Son and
Smith & Bell.
56—5th av, No. 236, basement guttered, iron
columns inserted and front alterations; cost,
-——; owners, Messrs. Everali Bros, 337 5th av;
architect, T. Stent; builder, not selected.
57^—4th av, s e cor 83d st, doorway ou 83d st;
cost, $------; owner, A. F. Hallett, 1485 3d av;
builder, E. A. Thorp.
5£-tAv D, Wo. 35, general repairs, new floor¬
ing and reset partitions; cost, .^150: o^ner,
Chas. D. J. Noelke, 394 4th av; ai'chitect, W.
SO^Broadway to 7lh av, and s s 43d st, raised
from four to six stories, alteration for apart¬
ments; cost, $—-; owner, Amos F. Eno, S
Pine st; architect, R. Mook.
60—Sth av, Nos. 3S7 and S89, elevator, &c.;
cost, $100; lessees, Ehrich Bros.; architect, H.
J. Hardenburgh.
61—Chatham st. No. 156, repair damage by
fire; cost, $300; owner, Benjamin Lewis, Brook¬
lyn; builder, J. T. Stofford.
62—28th st, Nos. 229 and 231 W., reduced one
story, &c,; cost, $1,000; owners, Gary & Moen,
2M West 29th st; .architect, A. Crary.
63—Wooster st. No. 66, new supports and gir¬
ders; cost, $450; owner, Mrs. E. Specht, 44 Mac¬
dougal st; builders, J. Hahn&Son.
64—Madison av. No. 341j to be raised one stoiy.
and alterations to store front; cost, $5,000; own¬
er. Chas, A. Dards, on premises; arcHitect, J. E.
65—Mulberry st, No. 141, repair damage by
fire; cost, $180; owuer. Chas. R. Parfitt. 807 Lex¬
ington av; bulkier, Elward Smith.
66—North 3d av, No. 505, two-story brick ex¬
tension, 25xl;t, tin roof; cost, $1,000; owner,
Anton Kiuschler,on'premises;architect, Adolph
Pfeiffer; builder, not selected.
67—Allen st. No. 82, to be raised one st>ry:
cost. $1,500; owner, Simon Bing, 130 East 74th
st; architect. Wm. Gfraul.
08—27th st, No. 517 W., repair roof and side;
cost, $300; owner, F. Sanfenweiler, .531 West
27th st; builder, Andreas Heil.
Plan 13—Clinton st, near Fultou tt, one story
corrugated irou extensions, 68x29, gravel roof,
iron cornice; cost, $1,300; owners, Ovington
Bros., on premises; builders. Long & Barnes.
14-Walworth st. No. 198, near Willoughby
av, two-.^tory frame extension, 7 aud 8x38, tiu
roof, wooden cornice; cost, $400; owner, Edmund
Walker, South 10th st: builder, W. J. Manning.
15—3d av, No. 656, two-story frame extension,
23x13, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, -i;450; own¬
er, W. Hohlfeld, ^i3 Snckett st; architect aud
builder, J, Staebler.
lO^Flushing av, No. 511. raised 5 ft. 9 inches,
and put frame story bsneath: cost, $SO0; owner,
W. J. Mills. 511 Flushing av; architect and car¬
penter, W. Hunter; mason, J. Jaimsou.
17—Columbia st. No. 353, interior alterations,
irou girder removed from rear wall to front, &c.;
cost, $9oO; owner, Peter Duffy, on premises;
builder, W. A. Furey.
18^Flushing av. No. 794, two-siory frame ex¬
tensions, 8xlb, tin roof; cost, $250; owner, Ernest
Hoft'man, on premises; builder, J. Pjerring.
lO^Park av. No. 198, lower floor of extension;
cost, $150; owner, Maria Frazer, 196 Park av;
builder, A. McCurdy.
20—Eldert st. n e cor Broadway, raise gable
wall level with cornice, three windows, &c.;
cost, $100; owner, H. Wermann, on premises;
builder, S, H. Kelly.
Schedules of assets aul liabilities Hied by assignees
during; the week ending January 10 ;
Nomina! Beai
Liabilities. Assets. Assets.
Brown & Scobie........ $5.4-10 So.HSS $3,963
Brower, John J. & Son.. 5r>.044 44,735 33 975
Brower & Leeds...... 7.Hrj8 4,130 S,)SI
Cohen, Rosa............ S,191 5,114 3.953
Dolan, James A......... ItiGOS 9,760 8,758
Holman, George W ___ 26,709 -H.-iiS 4,768
Jackson, James L., Jr.. S,805 2,343 1,515
Nussbaum, Eva........ 3,931 flOO 772
Oulten, George B ...... 3,947 1,056 4?9
Peck, Bartholomew..... 4,364 4 3951 2 6M
Scheid, John............ 3.633 IMi 1,495
Weis, Moses............. 8.fi37 G,391 3,988
Zucca, Bros............. 37,825 89,177 73,flie
15 Boyntou, Nathaniel A., lo Louis Lefrance.
17 Blunt, William S.. pumps, to Edward G. Whittaker
18 Oohen, Rosa, to Abraham Becker.
18 Greenbaum. Louis, to Abraham Enslehart.
15 James, Sarah L.. hatter, to John B. Smith.
15 Lyons. Samuel L., printer, to John S. McWilliams.
15 Outten, George B., to George G. Nhsou.
8 Scheid, John, {entered Jan. 17, 1883), to Morris De¬
16 Smith, George, David A. Paul and Henry H. In-
glis. firm of Smith, Paul & Co., to Henry S. Bil¬
13 Thorle.v. Charles, florist, fo Eugene H. Lewis.
15 Weis. Moses, gloves, to Philip Benjamin,
City of New York, Fihasck Department. (
Comptroller's Oppicb, Jan. 18. 15S.3. f
In pursuance of Section 4 of Chapter 33 of the Laws
of 18H1. the Complroller of the City of New York gives
public notice to pmperty-owners that the followine
lists of assessments for local improvements in said
ciiy were confirmed by the Board of Revision and
Correction of Assessuients on the (ith day of Janu¬
ary, 1883. and, on Ihe same date, were ectered in the
Record of Titles of Assessments kept in tbe Bureau
for the Collection of Assessments and of Arrears of
Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, viz:
87th St. bet IOth av aud Boulevard.
93d st. bet Boulevard and West End avs.
Bith st, bet fith av and Boulevard.
HSth st, bet 3d and 4th avs.
l"lst st, bet 9th and New avs.
101st St. bet Sd and 3d avs.
105th st, bet 3d and 4th avs,
5th av, bet G5ih and 66tli sts.
.43d st, bet Lexington and 4th avs.
lUiJih st, bet 4th and Madison avs,
S3d st, bet Sth av and Boulevard.
113th st, bet 4th and 5tb avs.
n7th st, bet 5ih and 6th avs.
1st av, w B, bet 41st and 44th ats.