Record and Guide.
June 1. 18S9
Number...................................... S67 333
Amount involved............................. Sa,67r,002 J3,R4S.566
Number at 5 per cent........................ 119 101
Amount involved............................. 5I,2o6,B35 $1,3TB,565
Number at less tlian 5 per cent.............. 16 31
Amount involved............................ S133,4C0 $436,050
Number to Banks, Tmst and Ins. Cos...... 35 25
Amount mvolved......................... 8583,050 8339,500
1888. 1889,
May 26 to June i. May 25 U> 31.
' Numberof buildings........................ 43 63
Estimatedcost............................. $948,690 S3,3S5,6W
Gossip of tie Week.
Otto PulUch and O. S. Holden have sold for James Alexander ytriker six
f uU lots on the east side of 9th avenue, betweeu 5'M and .53d streets, with the
old building thei'eou, for §00,000; and for Jacob Vix two flve-story tene¬
ments with stores, 2.5x85x100 each, Nos, 4as and 4'25 West S'M street for
J"). Kempner & Son have sold for P. Lavelle the threo three-story brick
buildings at Nos. 307 to '611 West 43d street, with plot 75sl00. for S4.5,000,
H, V, Mead & Co, have sold the three-story brick private house Ko. 250
West 31st street, 20x40x98,9, for Mrs. Flora R. Scott, to James Madden, on
private terms.
John J. Clancy & Co. bave sold tor Judge Charles P, Daly the four-story
brown stone dweUing, riOxliOxlOO, Ko. :J;}4 West SSth street, to Dr. M.
Deschere for §22,000 cash, and the three-story hrowu stone dwelUng No.
324 East 128th street, ou private terms.
L, Froeblich has sold for Mrs Lynch the four-story single flat, '20x50x63,
No. 1058 2d avenue, for ^12,000, and for Mrs. Disosway the fom'-story and
basement brown stone frout residence, 16.3x50x70, No. e03 Lesington
avenue, for §14,000.
J. S. Sturdevant bas sold for Eliza B. Morj to Augustus C, Bechstein
the lot and store No. 110 Hudsou street, 21.10x75, for S(8,0OlI.
B. Galewski has sold to Benedike Klain No. !)7 AUen street for §16,500.
Peabody & Co., the brokers in the transaction, have notified its tbat the
price paid for No. IS West 10th street, the sale of which we reported last
week, was §53,500,
In tbe article ou Columbia CoUege Leaseholds, last week, V. K. Stevensou
stated that he is the owner of No, (113 Sth avenue. Mrs. M, M. Huylar
writes to us that she has owned that house since 18S1.
Scott & Boweu have sold Co M. A. Lawsou the plot on the southeast corner
of 104th street and Manhattan avenue, 100.11x100, for improvement. E.
M. Mallett, broker.
C. K, BUl has sold for Elleu M. Harlow tbe apartment house No, 126
West SSd street, to Laura R. Concklin for §34,.5C0,
J. J, Schwartz has sold for Whitfield Terriberry tbe tbree flve-story
double brick tenements and stores at Nos. 2547, 2553 and 2S5S Sth avenue,
25x65x85 each, to Alex, F. Blinn for §78,000, and for the latter to the
former the three three-story brick tenements and stores at Nos. 3003 to
200T Fulton street, Brooklyn, 20x50x87 each, for S3O,00O, and the three¬
story frame house at No. SOS Bedford aveuue, Brooklyn, lot 2Sxl00, for
I, Kuhn has sold to D. Greenfield the three five-story houses, 75.11x75, on
the soutbwest coruer of 2d avenue and 102d street, and one house, 3.5x85x
100, adjoining on 102d street, on private terms; and for Heyman Bros,
fom- five-story flats witb stores, 100.11x75, on the northeast coi-ner of 101st
street and 2d aveuue, on terms which have not transpired.
We are informed that instead of one dweUing on 76th street, between Sth
and Oth avenues, as was reported iast week, B, S. Levy has sold flve
dwellings to Dr, Lozier,
M. A. Hcppock has sold for M. A, Lawson the four-story and basement
bro-wn stone front single flat No. 331 West 104th street, 21x73, lot 25x100,
to Mathilde R. Becbenberg for §27,750.
John B, Hibbard bas sold for Timothy Harrington the two three-story
brick dwellings Nos. 413 and 415 East SSth street, size 20x48x100 each, to
Weinberg & Uhlfelder for S2i,00O.
Walker & Lawson, the New York buUdei's, have sold the three-story and
basement brown stone front house No. 71 Lee avenue, 22x.'iOxlO0, to Messrs,
Scott & Boweu for §10,000. Broker E. M. MaUett.
MuUigan & Leggatt have sold for the estate of James Wiley thirteen lots
on the north side of Slacon street, between Lewis and Stuyvesant avenues,
for §23,500; for the Prentice estate, the southwest corner of Halsey street
and Sumuer avenue, 100x125, for §15,250; forH. Lengstakin a plot, 3.8x100,
on the west side of Tompkins avenue, 32 feet south of Jefferson avenue,
for §5,7.50; and for Isaac Halstead a plot, lOOxlOO, on the south side of
Bainbridge sti'eet, 305 feet east of Hopkinson avenue, for §8,000.
Corwith Bros, bave sold the three lots, 75x05, ou the soutbwest corner of
Norman avenue and Jewell street, for David Atkin to Leopold Heymann
for §3,400,
J. P. Sloane has sold for S. P. Welin the vacant lot, 35x100, on the north
side of Eagle street, 300 feet west of Provost avenue, to John McGrath for
§710; and for James Cowen the lot, 25x100, on the north side of Eagle
street, 175 feet west of Oaidand street, to Praucis Gray for $1,000.
On Wednesday, June 5th, Jere. Johuson, Jr., will sell at the Brooklyn
Real Estate Exchange, 393 Fulton street, 102 valuable lots on 3d avenue,
74th and 75th streets; a two-story brick dweUing, No. I(>7 Sth street, and
fifty weU-situated lots in Flatbush, Av B, East 2d and Ea.st 3d streets.
The sale by Jere, Johnson, Jr., ou Murray Hill, at Flushing, L. I,,
attracted about five hundred people. The bidding was very spirited and
the prices reaUzed were satisfactory. Out of a total of 41fi lots, ninety-
eight were sold for $37,490, averaging $185 per lot.
Jlay 24 to 30 inc,
Number..................................... 228
Amount mvolved........................... $920,330
Number nominal,......................... 51
Niunber.................................... 193
Amount involved,........................... 8818,290
Number at 5 S or less....................... 110
Amount involved.......................... 5413,325
May 3d to June 1 inc.
Number o£ biuldings......................... 125
Estimated cost............................ 3S579,105
1883. ■
May 80 to 38 inc.
May 34 to 89 mc.
Out Among the Builders.
Ralph S, Townseud has plans ou the board for seven three-story and
basement private dwellings, to be erected on the southeast comer of West
End aveuue aud 104th street, for M, A. Liwson, The flve houses, vrith a
front on West End avenue, will be 20x50. The street houses will be 16x58.
These dwellings wiU cost about §100^000.
Robert B. Baud intends to build a handsome seven-story apai-tment house,
82.8sll8and 119 insize, on the southwest corner of 10th avenue and 103d
street, from plans by E. L. Angell, Tne same architect is preparing
drawings for a six-story flat with stores, 40s9S, to be buUt by Frank L.
Pisher ou the northeast coi-ner of Oth avenue and 7fith street.
Bernard S. Levy intends to erect a handsome six-story flat with stores,
30x96, on the southeast corner of Oth avenue and 77th street.
The buildiug now occupying No. ^Q Cortlandt street will shortly be torn
down and anew office building erected in its place, whicb will be com¬
pleted by October uext. The agent is Geo. R. Reed.
Douglas Smyth has plans on the boards for Heury Mierisch fora flve-
story flat, 37.8x97.11, which he will buildou the southeast corner of Lexing¬
ton avenue and 134th street. It wUl bs coustructed of stone, brick and
terra cotta. The flrst story wil! be arranged for six stores, and the others
to accommodate twelve families. All modern improvements wUl be intro¬
duced. The heating will be by steam, and hot water connections wiU be
in aU the apartments, A fire-escape wUl be erected and electi'ic bells
placed on all the floors. The cost has not been estimated.
Ricbai-d Berger has plans for A, D, JuilUard for a six-story and
basement storage building, 24.6x175.3. which he will erect at No. 7
Vestry aud No, 28 Laight street. The fii'st stories will be of iron, and the
others of brick witb stone trimmings. Two elevators will be introduced
which will be run by electricity. The cost will be ^30,000. The same
architect has flnished plaus for Scbolle & Bros, for a fli'st-class apartment
house and store, 2SxSS, which they will buUd ou the south side of 92d
street, 100 feet west of 3d avenue. The material used will be brick, stone
and iron. The trimmings wiU be of hardwood. The cost is §22,000.
The same architect has plans ou the boards for the congregation of the
Jewish Sj'uagogue formerly in Rivington street who bave bought the old
church building on the south side of 15th street, between 2d and 3d avenues,
which they wiU alter and improve. The cost n'ill be about §10,000.
Renwick, Aspinwall & Russell havo plans for three five-story improved
tenements, to be built for Miss Serena Rhineiander on the northeast cor¬
ner of 2d avenue aud S7th street. Two will be 40.7x72 each and one
The J. M, Hortou Ice Cream Co. intend to build a flve-story flat, 25.6x
70x95, on the west side of Oth avenue, 25.8 nortb of r4th street, from plans
by Cleverdon & Putzel.
Work on removing the old foundations of French's Hotel is going on
rapidly. Inquiry at the office of George B. Post, the architect for the
World building which is to occupy the site, can elicit no definite state¬
ment as to the time the buildiug will commence, but it will, in all proba-
biUty, be in a very short time, as the plans have just beeu filed. The esti¬
mated cost of the buUding is §1,000,000.
Henry Lewis Morris wiU build a five-story improved tenement and store,
49.3x88, on the east side of 3d avenue, betweeu 149tb aud 150th streets,
from plans by Renwick, AspinwaU & Russell.
J. Averitt Webster and E. H. Hammond are the architects for five five-
story brick and stone single fiats, to be erected on the south side of 103d
street, 113 feet west of 10th avenue, for Stephen E. Davis. The buildings
wiU be 20x65, and will cost §15,000 each,
Ed, Wenz is engaged on plans for four five-story briek, stone and terra
cotta front tenemeuts and stores, to be built on the northeast corner of
Avenue A and 73d street, for WUliam A. WUson, at a total cost of §80,000.
The corner house will be 27.2x94, the other bouses 25x87 each, and tbey wiU
accommodate four famiUes on each floor.
D, & J. Jardine have the plans on the boards for thi'ee five-story brick
and stone front tenements, 25x80 each, to be built on the south side of 46th
street, 2O0 feet east of llth avenue, for Hurst & Trainor, to cost $45,000.
George W, Debevoise, Superintendent of Buildings for the Board of
Education, informs us that until the controver.sy between Coi'poration
Counsel Clark and Arthur Berry is settled as to the latter's retainers, no
new buUding operations can be undertaken.
James Barrett has plans under way for a flve-story flat, 25x70, to be
built for Antonio GaUo on the north side of llSth street, 125 west of 6tb
ftl. V. B, Ferdon has plans for a five-story tenement, 2oxS4.8, to be
built by H, W. Deane at No. 363 East 10th street.
Wm, Fernschild has plans for two five-.story flats, 25x68 each, to be built
by Geo. J, FemschUd.
Frank Wennemer has plans for a flve-story flat, 25x80, to be built on
the north side of 93d street, 20 feet east of Lexington avenue, for Geo, Mil.
The Executive Committee of the Montauk Ct'jb has decided to raise