Record and Guide,
June 15, 188S
'Seifert to Myndert A. Vosburg. B. & S.
All liens. Correction deed. Aug. 3, 1888. nom
Same property. Myndert A. Vosburgh to
Leopold Steinberg. Morts. SIO,000. June 12.
Greene st, Nos, 103 and 105, w s, abtl76.3's
Prince st, 37.6x100, five-sfcory iron front fac¬
tory Charles A, Haas to Edward Rotb¬
schild, B, & S. May 29, nom
Greenwich st, No. 113, e s, 35xll0.5x3i>xl09,2.
four-sfcory frame (brick front) store aud
dweU'g and;three-story brick shop onrear,
Patrick Kavanagh otherwise Cavauagb to
Augustus D, Shepard, Farnwood, N. J,
June 10, 26,500
Henry st, e s, 290 w Market st, 35x100. Mary
wife of and John Lynch, Brooklyn, to
Tbomas J. Naughton. June 11. 20,000
Jackson st. No. 7, ws, 78 n Madison st, 85x100.
four-story brick store and tenem't. Jobn
Judd to Abraham S'ern. June 4. 18,000
Jacksonst,ws, 35 s Hem-yst, 50x100; No. 3,
two two-story frame stores and dwell'gs; No.
5, three-story frame store anddwell'g, A.
D Laurence Jewett and ano. exrs,, &c.,
Richard W. Dickinsou to John Judd. May
25, taxes. - 33,000
Lewis st. No. 156, e s, 41 n 3d st, 19.8xl00.5x
Lewis st. No. 153, n e cor 3d st, 31.3x80x31.3
Lewis st, Ko.154, e s, 31.4 n3d st, 19,10x83,4x
3d st. No. 383, n s, 76.10 e Lewis st, 23.11x53.7
xl7.8x51.2, Xpai't-
Houston st, n s, 1'20 e Goerck st, runs east
" 60 X north 80 x west 30 x north 10 x west 40
X soutb 90,
Houston st, n e cor Goerck st. runs east 130 x
noi'th 90 X east 40 x soutb 9,11 x east 20 x
X north 78 to Sast 3d st x west 181.6 to
Goerck st, x south ISl. 1, Ji part,
Frederick Wagner to Jolm Rheinfrank and
Henry GanzenmuUer. Sub. to mort. S50,000,
May i, nom
Ludlow st, Koa. 83 and 84, e s, 60 n Broome st,
40x65.7, twO flve-story brick stores and tene¬
ments Myer Heilman to Pincus Lowenfeld.
Mort. S19,000. Juue 11. 41,000
Madison st, No. 331, n s, 47.8 e Jeffersou st,
83.10x80, two-story brick dwell'g. Charles
A. Fick,Westfleld, S. I,, to Hem-y Pasiusky,
June 7, 12,000
Maideu lane, No. 83, n s, 54.1 w Gold st, 2.5.3x
81.11x24.4x91.8, flve-story brick office. Sarah
W. wife of and Isaac Damon, Bridgewater,
Mass., to Pi-ed, L, Howard, Boston, Mass,
E. & S. AU title. Mar, 33. nom
Same property. Fred. L. Howard, Boston,
Mass., to George Hoadley. Morb. $25,000.
June 1. 40,000
Same property. Harold P. Barstow by Henry
J. Davison, Jr., guard,, to Ferdinand R.
Minrath, l-16th part. Juue 1, 937
Same property. Ferdinand E,, Minratb to
George Hoadley. l-IOpai-t. Ca. G. June 7. 937
Maiden lane, No, 83. Jacob P. Barstow to Sa¬
lome r. wife of Fred. L. Howard, Sarab W.
wife Isaac Damon and Harold P. Barstow.
Release of rights under wiU of Jane W.
Barstow. Nov. 10, 1888, nom
Market st. No, 91, w s, 20.4 n Wafcer st, 30x5lx
19.11x51,s, four-story brick store and dwell'g.
Samuel B. Pierce to Sarah A. wife of Abram
M. Fanning, Mort, ^7,liW. Dec. 9, '87. 9,250
Market st, e s, abt 75 n Madison st, 22,3xS6.9x
23,3x80.8. IsabeUa J. wife of and Edward L,
Fogbill formerly Norton, and William J.
and Alfred J, Norton and Mary T. wife of
and Thomas G. Norton to Harris Samilson.
June 10. 15,800
.MitcheU pl, No. 4, n s, 54 e Ist av, 18x80,10,
thi-ee-story stone front dwell'g, Babetta
wife of and Lazarus Weil to Berthold Veit
and Carrie bis wife, Mort. $7,000. JuneS, nom
Mouroe st, n s, 160.8 e Pike sfc, 25x100. Adol-
Sbus D. Pape to Catharine M,, Frances M,,
ravinia A. and Johu H, Pape. Alltitle. B,
&S. April 26, nom
Monroe st, Nos. 126-134)^, s s, 105.8 e Rutgers
st, 119.11x100, eight five-story briek stores
and tenem'ts, Joseph G. Hai-rison and ano.
exi-s, Isabella HaiTison to Ascher Wein¬
stein. Moi-t, $58,000. June II. 100,000
Mulberry st, No, 58, e s, 135 s Bayard st, 35x
93.9x25x93.11, tbree-story frame store and
dwell'g and four-stoi-y brick teneui't on rear.
Contract. Luigi Mega to Vito Cimino.
June 10. 22,000
New Bowery, s w cor Roosevelt st, runs south
38.5 X west 28,8 to New Bowery, x northeast
40.4 to beginning, No, 51 Roosevelt st, flve-
story brick tenem't. Lewis Fischer, Jersey
Ciby, N. J., fco Philip Bohnet. Q. C, Mort.
$6,000, June I. nom
New Eowery, No. 17, s w cor Roosevelt st, ruus
south 24.5 X west 3S.8 to New Bowery, x
northeast 36.4 x southeast 3.3. Louis Fiscber,
Jersey City, N. J., to Philip Bohnet, Mort.
$6,000. June 1. nom
Oliver st, Nos. 13 and 13>^, s s, 143.3 e Bowery.
17.2x40, also aU title of grantor to real aud
personal estate of Lonis Turk dec'd. Lillie
Turk au hen- Louis Turk to Celia Turk widow
and adinrx. Louis Turk aud Sophie aud
Robert Turk, also beirs Louis Tm-k. Re¬
lease of all interest under wiU. May 13 3,500
Rivington st, No. 91, s s, 50 w Ludlow st, 76x
100, brick synagogue. Sbaaer Hasbaraoimto
New York City Cbm-cb Extension and Mis¬
sionary Society of tbe Methodist Episcopal
Cburcb. Mort. §22,000. June 10. 70,000
Rivington st. No. 150, n s, 25 e Suffolk st, 35x
100, six-story brick store and tenem't. Her¬
man Wertheim to Aaron Goodman and Max
Lipscbitz. Morts, $36,500, June 6. See
Suffolk St. 43,500
Roosevelt st. No, 119, s w cor Water st, 31,7x
48,4x33x50.8, four-story brick tenem'fc. Par¬
tition. Allan McCuUoh to Glover Clapham.
Bloomingsburgh, N. Y. June 10. 13,100
Roosevelt st. No, 125, w s. 49,8 s Water st, ]9x
41.6x19x43,6, four-story brick tenemt. Par¬
tition, Same to same, June 10, 7,000
Roosevelt st, Nos. 108-110, e s, 32.4 s Cben-y sfc,
46,11x30,10x46.10x32, two three-story brick
stores and tenem'ts, Partition. Allan Mc-
Culloh to Charlotte E. French, Concord, N.
H, June 10. 11,100
Roosevelt st, Nos, 181 and 133, w s, 31,7 s Water
st, 38,1x43.6x38,1x46.4, two four-story hrick
stores and tenem't. Pai-tition. Same to same,
June 10. 13,100
South st. No, 181, n s, 137.5 e Rooseveltst, 231
South st. No. 183, n s, 150,5 e Rooseveltst, }
Two fonr-story brick stores. |
Oliver B. Tweedy exr. Joseph N. Lord to
MaryA. McGuire. Juue II, 31,550
Same property, Oliver B, Tweedy to same,
Q, C. Jime 11. nom
Sameproperty. Oliver L,, Isabel, MaryE,,
Florence, (Jliver B, and Frank Tweedy,
Elizabeth widow and Dexter O, Tiffany to
OUver B. Tweedy. Q, C. May 10. nom
South William st, ns, 113.1 w Beaver st if con¬
tinued, 36,10x63,10x31,6x65.9; No. 4, four-
story brick office; No, 6, four-story brick fac¬
tory, Robert Lawson to Charles C. Delmonico.
Mort.-----. June 6. 36,750
St. Marks pl (Stb st), Nos. 105 and 1051,^, n s,
300.6 w AvA, 37,6x97,10, two flve-story brick
stores aud tenem'ts. Felix Stoiber to Adol¬
pbus H. Stoiber. June 6. other consid. and 0,000
Suffolkst, w s, 1-25 s Broome st, 0.103^x100x0.9!^
xlOO. Tbe Fifth Avenue Baptist Church to
Morris Jacoby. May 38. 433
Suffolk st, No, 145, w s, 40 s Stanton st, 20x75,
two-story brick dwell'g. Aarou Goodman
aud Max Lipschitz to Herman Wertheim,
Mort. S8,000, June6. See Rivingtou st. 13,.500
SuffoUc st, No. 145, w s, 40 s Stanton st, 30x75,
two-story frame dweU'g. Herman Wert¬
heim or Wertheimer to Samuel Davis. Mort.
§8,000, June 7. See 2d av, 13,500
Suffolk st, No, 53, w s. 175 n Grand st, 25x100,
fcwo-story frame store and dwell'g and three¬
story brick dwell'g on rear. David B, San¬
ford to Morris Jacooy, June 6, 13,000
Suffolk st. No. ,53, w s, 175 u Grand st, 36x100.
Benjamin and Anna J, Webb individ. and
admrs. Benjamin S. Webb to same. Q. C.
May 29. 500
Suffolk st. No, 53, w s, 100 S Broome st, 35,10x
100x'.i5,9xl00, Morris Jacoby to Louis M,
Jones, Hoboken, N. J, Morfc. §10,000.
Juue 6. 18,250
Suffolk st, w s, 200 n Graud st, 1x100. David
B, Sanford to same. Q. C. June 6, nom
Washington st. No. 160, w s, 50 n Liberty st,
25.1x72.4x24.6x75,5, two-story brick stable ou
rear, Cbarles W, Gould to Central Railroad
Co., of New Jersey. B. & S, Mort, $10,000,
March 30. nom
Washingtou st. No. 150, n w cor Liberty st, 35x
78,0x24.6x81.0, three-story frar-ie [brick front)
store and dweU'g; No. 141 Liberty st. four-
story brick store and tenem'ts. Ferainaud
Fish, Plainfield, N. J,, to Ceutral Raib-oad
Co. of New Jersey, All title, E, & S. April
1. nom
Same property. Same to same. B, & S, Mort
$9,060, May 28. . 40,100
Water sl, n w cor Roosevelt st, 32.8x60.7x23.6
s60.4; Nos. 113 and 115 Roosevelt st, two
two-story brick stores and dwell'gs; No. 117
Roosevelfc st, threc-stoi-y frame store and
dwell'g. Partition, AUan McCuUob to Mary
Y. Oakley, June 10, 17,750
Waverley pl. No, 30, s s, 7,5,5 w Greene st, 35,2
xSO,6x25,-2x80.8, three-story brick dwell'g.
Josepb Becker to David Greenfield, Albany,
Ga. June 10, 23,500
4th st. No, 338, s w cor Horatio st, 22x74, two¬
story brick dweli'g. George D. HaUock exr.
Georgo HaUock to Adolpbus Koffman, May
3, 15,750
Sth st, No, 709, n s, 115,3 e Ave, 32,7x97, thi-ee-
story brick dwell'g. LaugbUn Dooley to
Cbi-istiue wife of PbUipp Neusch. Juue 1,
Otb st, No, 424, s s, 263 w Av A, 37,7x90 3x37.6
x90,3, six-story brick store and tenem't.
Felix Stoiber to Louis Stoiber. Juue 5.
val, consid
lltb st. No, 268, s s, 150,7 w 4th st, 35x95, foiu--
story brick dweU'g, Ascher Weinstein and
Harris Mandelbaum to Michael Sbea. Sub.
to mort. S6,O0O. June 10. 16,000
llth st, No, 424, s s, 244 w Av A, 25x94.8, five-
story brick tenem't. Annie wife of and Fer¬
dinand Weymann to Johanna Gutekuust,
Mort. 88,000. Junel. 21,125
Sameproperty. Agreement restricting build¬
ings. Cbarles E. Miller and James B, WiU¬
iams individ, and exi-, Fauny M. Williams
aud Henry E. Howland exr. Louisa M. How¬
land to Aunie Weymann, May 21. nom
Same propeity. Release covenant. Same to
same. May 31. nom
12tbst, No. 61, us, 90.10 eBroadway, 35x28,7x
27,8x19.3, five-story brick factory, Morris
E. Baer and Morris B. Bronner to Sarah De
Leeuw widow. May 28. nom
Same property, Sarab De Leeuw to Richard
H. Clarke. May 39. 40 000
16th st, No. 216, s s, 367.6 w 3d av, 75x103.3,
brick Lutheran church. Tbe EngUsh Evan¬
gelical Lutheran Church of St. James
(otherwise Tbe Evangelical Lutheran Church
of St. James) to Shaaer Hashamoim, a cor¬
poration. May 38. 80,000
10th st, s s, 220,6 G Av A, .50x]03,3:No, ,514, five-
story brick store aud tenem't and two-story
brick dwell'g on rear; No, 516, five-story
brick tenem't and three-story hi-ick' dwell'g
on rear, Karl M, and Samson Wallacb to
Kaufman Heuschel. Morts. $30,000. June
1, See Av A. 48,500
18tb st, Nos. 221-227, n s, 275 w 7th av, lOOx '
92, three, four aud five-stoiy brick aud
frame brewery.
ISth st, Nos. 232 and 334, s s, 425 w 7th av, 50
xl48.8x50xl44,10,two five-storybrick stores
and tenem'ts and two-story brick stable and
one-story frame wagon-bouse on rear.
Leonai-dS, Norfchrup, Broadalbin, N. Y,, to
John M. Moser, Brooklyn, and Cbarles Hei¬
denbeimer. X pai-t. All liens. June 6. 3,702
ISth st, n s, 325 w Sth av, 100x93. i
ISth st, s s, 485 w Sth av, 60x145.8x50x144,10. f
Release of claims under power of attorney.
Frederick L. Holmquist to Mary A. Burr,
Sarab L. Holmquist aud Sebastian aud Em¬
ma J. Sommer. April S. nom
83d sfc. No. 154, s s, 108,8 w 3d av, 16,4x98.9,
four-story bi'ick dwell'g, WUliam Lang,
Erooklyn, to Anna wife of Cbarles Lang.
All liens. April 23. nom
22d st. No. 333. u s, 413 w Sth av, 37.1x98.8,
three-sfcory brick dweU'g, Joseph Lotb to
Douglas Taylor. May 37. 37,100
34tb st, No. 130, s s, IOO w 4th av, 30x98,9, por¬
tion of foui' and flve-stot-y briek apartment
bouse. John D. R. Cogswell to Eiizabetb R.
Cogswell. Mort. $13,000. June 1. 31,000
a5thst, No, 131, n s, 376 w Oth av, 35x98,9,
thi-ee-story frame store and dweU'g and two¬
story frame dwell'g on Fear, James J,
Casey, Hoboken, N, J,, to Harris Mandel¬
baum, June 0. 50
39th st, n s, 100 -w 2d av, 50x08.9. Bernard
Gorraley to MitcbeU A. C. Levy. June 7,
3Ist st. No, 41. n s, .585 w 5tb av, 25x98.9, four-
story stone front store aud dweU'g. James
A, Hayden to Mary H, Cammack. Juue 10,
32dst, No. 44, ss, 147.10 e Broadway, 21x98.9,
four-story brick dwell'g. Peter Naylor to
Robert and Ogden Goelefc. May 16. 40,000
36th st, u s, 495,0 w Otb av, 17x98.9, vacant.
Anu wife of aud WilUam Armstroug to
Alexander Moore. June 10. 7,000
aoth st, No. 319, n s, 230 w 8th av, 34x98,9, five-
story stone front tenem't. John Cm-ry and
James B. GUlie to Melehior Hoffmann and
Sophie his wife, Mort, $18,000, Juue 8, 33,S00
37th st. No. 547, n s. 300 e llth av, 25x98.9, two¬
story frame dwell'g and two-story brick sta¬
ble on rear, Foreclos. Howard J. Forker to
Henry Craft, Hempstead, L. I. Mort. 3S3,656.
Juno 7. 6,000
Same property. Henry Craft, Hempstead, L.
I,, to Bernard Campbell. Juue 8. 0,300
37th st, No. 204, s s, SO w 7tb av, 20x24.9, tbree-
story frame dweU'g. George J, Greb to
Kate Metzer. )4 part. Re-recorded. Jan.
28, 1889. 3,500
46tb st. No. 336, s s, 375 w 1st av, 25x98.9, flve-
story brick teneni't. Mary E, wife of and
Patrick Norton to Bridget Golden. B, & S,
May 31. nom
40tb st, Nos. 136-343. s s, 124 e Lexington av,
72x98.9, two flve-story hrick flats. Geo,
W, Reeves to Frederick J. Stone. B & S,
and C. a. G. Morts. $85,000, Juue 7. uom
41st st. No. 107, u s, 100 w Oth av, 12.6x98.9,
four-story brick tenem't, Josepb H. Gain to
Alexander P. W. Kinnan. C. a. G. May 12,
1887. uom
43d st, No. 407, n s, 100 w Stb av, 36x100.4,
tbree-story brick dwell'g, Harry Norton an
beir of James C. Norton to Honora O'Meara,
Q, C, June 1. (Correctiou Deed,) nom
Same property, Honora O'Meara to The Sec¬
ond German Bapfcisfc Church, New York.
Mort, *3,.500, June 1. 15,000
45tb st, s s, 125 e 10th av, 35x100.4 (
45th st, s s, 150 e IOth av, 25x100 4 f
Sberifl's cei-tificate of sale. Hugh J. Grant
late sheriff to Thomas J, Clute, June 6. 38
Same property. JuUus Dreyfus to Jonas Weil,
Mort. §12,000, taxes, &e. June 10. uom
46th st, s s, 325 w 1st av, 100x100.6. vacaut.
Josepb Schwarzler to Alexander Buderus.
Morts, about S26,000, taxes, Sec. Juue 7. 3,500
47th st, No. 435. n s, 487.0 e 10th av, 19,9x100.5,
three-atory stone fronfc dwell'g, Robert Auld
to Wilham Arinstrong, June 11, 16,000
48tb st. No, 546, s s, 300 e llth av, 30x100,5.
three-story brick dwell'g and one-story frame
dweU'g on rear, Winifred Lynch, Brooklyu,
to Martin Lyuch. Mort. $2,2,50, Jan, 3, uom
o2d St. Nos, 483 aud 425, n s, 300 w 9tb av, 50x
100,5, two flve-story brick tenem'ts witb
stores, Jaeob Vix to William Wuerz, Morts,
$33,000, May 31. Corrects error, in last is¬
sue, as to buildings. 54,750
56th st, s s, 375 e 10th av, 50x100.5, two-story
frame buililing on rear, Jobn J. BurcheU to
James A, Adams. Mort. §8,000, June 10.
57th st. No. 50, s s, 375 e Madison av, 25x100,5.
four-story stone front dwell'g. Fi-ancis M.
Bixby to Bowles Colgate. June 11. 60,000
58tb st. No, 442, s s, 400 w Otb av, 25x100,5, flve-
story stone front flat, Wayland E, Beuja-
iniu to Dow S. Kittle, Mort, §18,000, May
39, 10,000
59th st, s s, 25 w Oth av, 46,6x100.5, vacant.