The Record and Guide,
October 16,1886
$250; Charles Kaeppel, Anderson av, cor High
Bridge sfc. Plan 1753,
Bosfcon av, n s, 610 w Harlem R. R., two-story
brick and frame dwell'g, 36rl8, peak roof shin¬
gled; cosfc, $1,300; AdeUne D. Weeks, WiUiams
Bridge; ar'c, W, H. Rose; b'rs, James French and
Thomas Sharpe. Plan 1743.
Jackson av, w s, 301.7 n Cliffcon sfc, two-story
frame dwell'g, 23x40, tin roofs; cosfc, $1,800;
Bernharfc E. and Margaret Boosmann, 575 East
]58fch sfc; b'r, B. Boosmann. Plan 1734.
On dock foot of Lincoln av, abfc 13 Isfc sfc and Har¬
lem River, one-sfcory open shed for brick, &c,, 50
x55, gravel roofiing; cosfc, $400; lessees, John BeU
& Sons, foofc Easfc USfchsfc; ar'fc, H. S. Baker.
Plan 1750.
LoriUard sfc, e s, 135 n 184fch sfc, one-sfcory frame
sfcore, 30x37, fcin roof; cosfc, $500; Mary CJoyne,
Fordham; ar'fc, W. W. Gardiner; b'r, Michael
Duffy. Plan 1755.
158th st, s s, abfc 330 e Mofcfc av, seven frame
sheds, 13x10; cosfc, each, $350(?); Harvey Ken¬
nedy; lessee, Frederick Akers, 17 Jay st; ar'fc,
James Stroud; b'r, Henry HaU. Plan 1759.
168fch sfc, n s, 75 w Tinton av, two two-story
frame dweU'gs, Ifi.8x88; cosfc, each, $3,500;
Thomas Slater; ar't, John A. Knox. Plan 1754.
Bathgate av, w s, 210 n 174lh st, two two-and-
a-half-story frame dwell'gs, 18x43, peak roofs
shingled; cost, each, abt $3,500; ow'r and b'r,
Henry C MandevUle. 1760 Washington av; ar'fc,
P. F. Ward. Plan 1761.
Railroad av, e s, abfc 225 s 168fch sfc, two-story
frame stable and wagon shed, 31.8x25. gravel roof¬
ing; cosfc, $500; Annie Sfcucke 1280 VanderbUt
av; ar't and b'r, D. D. Kennedy. Plan 1766.
Plan 1539—Broadway. No. 391, e s, 35 s Hewes
sfc, one four-story brick store and tenem't, 25x62.6,
tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $7,500; James
Lyons, Ridgewood, L. I.; ar't, Th. Engelhardt;
b'r, H. M. Smith.
1540—-Kenfc av. No. 841, e s, 175 n Myrtle av,
one four-story brick tenem't, 25.6 and 37x56, tin
roof, iron cornice; cost, $8,000; Catherine Clark,
839 Kent av; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'rs, P. R.
Kelly aud A. McKnight.
1541—Evergreen av, w s, 7.5.8 s Palmetto sfc,
one fcwo-story frame dwell'g, 18x36, tin roof; cost.
$3,800; Edward Tobiason, 234 Ralph av.
1.543—Vanderbilt av. No. 595, e a, one one-sfcory
brick sfcable, 11x25, fcin roof; cosfc, $300; J. Pear¬
son, 563 Vanderbilt av; b'r, J. J. Bentzen,
1543—Seigel st, s w cor Bogart st, one four-story
brick fur dressing factory, 76x70, tin roof,
brick and stone cornice; Cijst, $12,000; Ferd.
Koscb, 783 Flushing av; ar't, Th. Engelhardt;
b'r, G. Lehrian's Sons and J, Rueger.
1544—Bogart sfc, w s, 105 s Seigel st, one two¬
story frame sfcable and shed, 30x40, gravel roof;
cosfc, $200; ow'r, ar'fc and b'r. same as last.
1545—Ralph sfc, s s, SOO w Cenfcral av, one fcwo-
story and basemenfc frame dwell'g, 15x30. tin roof;
cost, $1.4 0; ow'r and b'r, Charles W, Metcalf,
55 Keap st.
1546—46th st, n s, 279 e 3d av, three two-sfcory
and basement frame dwell'gs, 20x36, fcin roofs;
cosfc, each, $3,400; ow'r and b'r, Wm. Hunfc, 369
Carroll sfc; ar'ts. M. Freeman & Son.
1547—Uth st, sws, 157.4 w 7th av, two three-
story brick flafcs. 30x53, fcin roofs, wooden cornices;
cosfc, each, $4,500; Chas. Nickenig, 368 llfch sfc.
1548—46bh sfc, n s, 339 e 3d av, one fcwo-sfcory
and basemenfc frame dwell'g, 31x36, fcin roof; cost,
$3,450; ow'r and b'r, Wm. Hunt, 359 CarroU st;
ar'ts, M. Freeman & Son.
1549—Smifch av, w s, 100 n Bay av, one one-story
frame stable. 2.5x13, tin roof; cost, $50; Ephraim
Seaman, on premises.
1550—33d sfc. s s, 350 e 4fch av, one three-story
frame (brick filled) tenem't, 35x60, tin roof; cost,
$5,300; Frederick Zohrs, 5th av; ar'fcs and b'rs, J.
T. Perry & Son.
1551—De Kalb av. n s, 435 w Reid av, one four-
sfcory brick tenem't, 30x60, gravel roof, wooden
cornice; cost, $13,000; John C. Bushfield, 593
Herkimer sfc; ar'fc, Chas. Baxter; b'r. nofc selecfced.
1553—Sackefcfc sfc, No. 223, s s, abt 100 e Henry
st, one four-story brown stone .store and tenem'fc,
30x65, fcin roof; cosfc, $10,200; H. P. O'Farrell,
Henry sfc near Sackefcfc st; ar't, P. H. Gilvarry;
b'rs, P. Kelly & Son and J. Lewis.
1553—Broadway, n w cor Johnson av, one two¬
story frame sash and blind factory, 66x43.6, tin
roof; cost, $2,000; R. Cummings Sc Son; ar't, E.
E. Payne; b'rs, P. Kennedy and H. Smith.
1554—Herkimer pl, s s, 240 w Nostrand av, one
two-story brick dwell'g,' 20x35, tin roof, wooden
cornice: cost, $3,.500; J. O'Neal, 1311 Afclantic av;
b'rs, J. J. Bentzen & Co.
1555—Varet st, n s, 100 e Humboldt sfc, two
three-story frame (brick filled) tenem'fcs, 35x55,
tin roofs; cost, each, $3,400; Charles Engert, 183
Montrose av; ar't, F. J. Berlenbach, Jr.
1556—48th st, s s. 100 e Sd av, one four-story
frame store and tenem't, 30x45, tin roof; cost,
$3,800; Lorenze GuU, 3346 3d av. New York; ar'fc,
S. B. Bogerfc; b'rs, D. Cofcroneiand G. Pavol.
1557—Sfcone av, e s, 75 s Rapalje st, one two¬
story frame dwell'g, 18x30, tin roof; cosfc, $1,600;
Henry Brod, 192 Madison st; b'rs, J. Schwarz
and W. Almstadt.
1558-Grove sfc, s s, 85 e Evergreen av. two
two-sfcory and basement frame (brick filled)
dweU'gs, 20x40, tin roof; cost, eech, $300; P.
Hayes, 783 Monroe sfc.
1559—Van Brunt st. No. 74, w s, 45 from De¬
graw st, one three-story brick tenem't, 20x40, tin
oof, wooden cornice; cost, abt $8,000; Georgiana
. Hotchkiss, 80 WiUow sfc; ar't,-----Reynolds;
*"», Anderson & Bun and W, B. James,
1560—Atkins av, w s, 100 n Baltic av, one fcwo-
sfcory and attic frame dwell'g, 20x35, tin roof;
cost, $1,500; Unexcelled Fireworks Co., Bennett
av, near Broadway; superintendent, B. B.Lin¬
ton; b'r, H. M. Smith; ar'ts, McMahon & Schil-
1561—Dean st, n s, 100 w Rochester av, one
two-story and basement frame (brick fllled) dweU¬
ing, 20x36, tin roof j cost, $1,800; H. Kenney, 1739
Dean st; ar'fc, R. Dzxon.
1562—Moffat st, b s, 225 e Central av, one two¬
story frame dweU'g, 18x30, tin roof; cost, $1,000;
James J. CosteUo, 186 WUloughby; b'r, J.
Hopkins, Jr.
1563—3d st, Nos. 131-135, being 103 e Bond st,
one tkree-story brick factory and carpenter shop,
60x90, gravel roof, iron cornice; cost, $9,000;
ow'r and c'r, Chas. M. Whifce, 18 1st st; ar't, A. E.
White; m'ns, P. Carlm & Son.
1564—John st, e s, 150 s Fulton st, one two-
sfcory and attic dwell'g, 30x30, tin roof; cost,
$8,000; James M. Smith, 30 Bufcler av.
1565—Dean sfc, n s. 400 e Albany av, fcwo fchree-
story frame (brick fiUed) tenem'fcs, 35 and 15x50,
and one sfcory extensions 8x8 and 8x13, tin roofs;
total cost. $8,000; J. Kemp, 3 Herkimer court;
ar't, C, E. Hebberd.
1566—Bergen sfc, No. 1612, s s, befc Ufcica and
Rochester ava, one one-sfcory frame dwell'g, 82
and 16x45, tin roof; cost, $535; Robert Scheulin,
on premises; ar't, H. Vollweiler; b'r, O. Klune.
1567—3d av, e s, 55 s 53d sfc, one three-sfcory
frame sfcore and dwell'g, 20x40, tin roof; cost,
$3,550; Mrs. Rachel Colby, 3d av and 35th st;
ar't, S. B. Bogerfc; b'rs, Spence Bros.
1568—36fch sfc, s s. 185 e 4fch av, one one-story
frame store and dwell'g, 23x85, tin roof; cost,
$750; Patrick H. Malone, 333 26fch st; b'r, J. P.
M. Goodwin.
1.569—Grove st, ns, 75 w Central av, one two¬
story frame stable, 35x13, fcin roof; cosfc, $500;
ow'r and b'r, Mr. Beck, Cenfcral av, near MagnoUa
sfc; ar'fc, H. VoUweiler.
1570—Union st, n s, 350 w 6th av, four three-
sfcory and basemenfc dweU'gs, 18.9x43, tin roofs,
wooden cornices; cosfc, each, $7,000; Thomas F.
Green, 174 Sfc. Johns pl; ar'fc, W. H. Bennefcfc.
1571—Butler st, n s, 28 w Schenectady av, one
one-story frame (brick filled) dwell'g, 20x30, gravel
roof; cosfc, esfcimated $.500; ow'r and b'r, 8. C, Pres¬
cott, 47 Hopkinson av: ar'fc, J, C. Hooper.
1673—Jefferson av, Nos. 384 and 886, s s, 110 e
Marcy av, two three-story and basement brick
and brown stone dweU'gs, 30x45. tin and slate
mansard roofs, iron cornices; cost, each, $9,000;
ow'r and b'r, A. G, Sfcone. 1363 Deanst; ar't, G.
A, ScheUenger,
1573—6th av, w s, 100 n 32d st, one two-story
frame tenem't, 30x55, tin roof; cosfc, $3,850; Frits-
cheber & Selle, 5th av and Slst sfc; ar'fc, C, P.
Roberlee; b'rs, Smifch & Roberlee.
1574—Blake av, s w cor Sackman av, one two¬
story frame dweU'g, 30x30. fcin roof; cosfc, $1,800;
ow'r and b'r, John Power, Thafcford av; ai-'ts,
McMahon & SchiUenberger.
1575—Afclanfcic av, s s, 28 w Madison st, five
one-sfcory frame sfcores, 12.4x51 to 60, tin roofs;
cost, tofcal, $6,000; Arfchur H. Lowerre, 71 Orange
sfc; ar'fc, A. B. Reed.
1576—Afclanfcic av, s w cor Monroe st, two two¬
story frame stores and dweU'gs, 14x65 and 60, tin
roofs; total cost, $4,000; Arthur H. Lowerre, 71
Orange st; ar't, A. B. Reed.
1577—Atkins av, e s, 100 n Baltic av, one two¬
story frame dwell'g, 30i35, tin roof; cost, $1,300;
Unexcelled Fireworks Co., Bennett av, near Rock¬
away jav; ar'ts, McMahon & SehiUinger; b'r, H.
M. Smith.
1578—Central av, w s, 75 n Grove st, one three-
story frame (bi ick filled) store and tenem'fc, 25x
55, tin roof; cosfc, $4,200; ow'r and b'r, Chrisfcoph
Kunzel, 131 Jefferson sfc; ar't, H. VoUweiler.
1579—Palmefcfco sfc, s s, 335 e Cenfcral av, two
fchree-sfcory frame (brick filled) tenem'fcs, 85x50.
fcin roof; cosfc, each, $4,090; Catharine HUl, 57
Cedar sfc; ar'fc. P. W. Higginson; b'r, P. H. HiU.
1580—Arlington pl, w s, 100 s Halsey st, five
three-sfcory and basement brick and brown stone
dwell'gs, 16.4 and 15.11x44.6, tin roofs, iron cor¬
nices; cost,each, $6,000; H. B.Moore, 326Tomp¬
kins av; ar't, A. HUl; b'r, H. B. Moore.
1581—Madison sfc, n s, 24 e Sumner av, seven
fchree-story and basement brick and brown stone
dwell'gs, 18x45, tin roofs, iron cornices; cost,
each, $6,000; ow'r and b'r, Paul C. Grening, 480
Gates av; ar'fc, I. D. Reynolds.
1583—CJuernsey st, e s, 70 s Norman av, one
one-story frame stable, 20x40, gravel roof; cost,
$350; Wm. Boyd, 100 Manhattan av; ar't and
b'r, S. M. RandaU.
1583—Atlanfcic av, s w cor Troy av, one fcwo-
story frame sfcable, 18x25, tin roof; cost, $450; J.
B. Castendieck, 1660 Atlantic av; ar't and b'r, G.
W. Pipe.
1584—48fch sfc. s s, 200 e 3d av, one two-story
and basement frame dwell'g, 20x38, tin roof;
cost. $2,100; Thomas Monahan, 130 3d st; ar't, H.
G, Spicer; b'rs, Spicer & Son and J. Crouch.
1585—WiUow st, n s, 153 from Cypress av, one
fcwo-story and basemet frCme dweU'g, 23x30, tin
roof; cost, $1,800; John Smith, Grove st, near
Cypress av; ar't, McMahon & SchUlinger; b'r,
J. Jennings.
1586—4th av, w s, 56 s Baltic sfc, two three-story
brick flats, 19x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices;
cost, $3,000; E. A. Wooley, 7th av, cor CarroU
st; ar't, P. Dixon.
1587—Palmetto st, n s. 300 w Irving av, one
two-story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 35x38, tin
roof; cost. $3,()00; P. RiebUng, Bushwickav, cor
Varet st; ar'ts, Platte & Acker.
1588—MagnoUa st, s 8, 800 w Irving av, one
I two story frame stable and shed, 16z21 and 16x25,
tin roof; cost, $800; ow'r, &c, same as last.
1589—MagnoUa st, s s, 800 w Irving av, one
three-story frame (brick flJled) store and tenem't,
25x55, tin roof; cost, $4,300; ow'r, &c., same as
1590—Suydam sfc-, n s, 135 e Central av, four
three story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 35x55,
tin roofs: cosfc, each, $4,000; Wm. SchUdknecht,.
Bushvdcklav,'cor Greene av; ar'ts, Platte & Acker.
1591—Meserole st, n s, 50 w Waterbury st, one
three-story frame (brick fiUed) tenem't, 25x40, tin
roof; cost, $3,500; A. Abel, Stagg st, near Hum¬
boldt st; ar'ts, Platte & Acker.
1593—Meserole st. n s, 50 w Waterbury st, one
three-sfcory frame (brick fiUed) factory, 50x40, tin
roof; cost. $3,500; A. Abel Sttagg st, near Hum¬
boldt st; ar'fcs, Platte & Acker.
1593—2d av, n w cor 20tn st, one one-story
frame blacksmith shop, 25x80. iron roof; cost,
$800; P. C. Duchesne & Son, 16414th st.
159 i—49th st, s s, 260 e 3d av, one two-story and
basement frame dwelling, 20x36, tin roof; cost,
$2,800; George H. SUlery, 247 49th st; ar't, S. B.
Bogerfc: b'r, J. H. O'Rourke.
1595—9fch sfc, n s, 345 e 3d av, five three-story
brick tenem'fcs, 30x56, fcin roof, brick and stone
cornice; total cost, $30,000; ow'r and b'r, Wm.
Brown, 312 12th st; ar't, W. M. Coots.
1.595—Brooklyn av, n w cor Herkimer sfc; one
four-story brick sfcore and fcenem'fc, 24x68, tin
roof, wooden cornice; cost, $9,000; ow'rs and
b'rs, Jas. Ashfield & Son, 631 St. Marks av; ar't,
G. P. ChappeU.
Plan 2050—Huberfc sfc, s w cor Washingfcon sfc,
one sfcory brick extension for boUer an^l engine
house, 51.10x34, tin roof; cost, $400; Van Derveer
& Holmes Biscuit Co.; b'r, J. C. Lyons.
2051—2d av. No. 2289, floor relaid; cost, $50; D.
W. Wehrenberg, on premises.
2052—92d St. No. 430 E., new sfcore front and
internal alterations, iron beams and columns fur¬
nished; cost, $1,200; John CoUeran, 372 7th av,
and Michael CoUeran, 376 7th av; ar't and b'r, G.
W. Hughes.
2053—3d av. No. 3079, one-story frame exten¬
sion, 10x12, tin roof, also new show windows-
cost, $550; H. A. Koenig, 2073 2d av; b'r, John
2054—EUzabeth st, No. 201, new show window •
cost, $150; J. P. KenneUy, 56 Barclay st; b'r, F.
J. KenneUy.
2055—Jerome av, e s, 100 n 173d st; cost, $300;
Julius Kaesmeyer.
3056—7fch av, n w cor 58fch sfc, openings in walls
and new corrugated iron fronfc on 58th sfc; cosfc,
$5,500; lessees, Emile & Dolhom, 933 7fch av; ar'fc,
C. A. French.
2057—Chrysfcie sfc. No. 68, infcernal alfcerafcions;
cost, $200; lessees, Board of School Trusfcees, lOfch
Ward; ar'fc, G. W, Debevoise.
2058—2d av, No. 157, exfcension raised; cost,
$1,000; Laura Kean. 157 2d av; br's, G. D. HU¬
liard and W. H. B. Wallace.
2059—6fch av. No. 41, n w cor 4fch sfc, four-story
brick extension, 3.5x38, rear 16, fcin roof; cosfc,
$9,500; John Cavanagh, on premises; ar't, J, B.
Franklin; b'r, N. Conner.
3060—Housfcon sfc. No. 430 E., afcfcic raised to
full story; cost, $1,500; Isaac Goldstein, 449 East
Housfcon sfc; ar'fc, Wm. Graul
2061—156th st, n e cor Whitlock av; cost, $600;
Bridget Curnin; b'r, Wm. Mclntyre.
.3063—Houston sfc. No. 318 E., two-sfcory brick
extension, 25x15, connecting front and rear buUd¬
ings, and to be used as boiler-room and smoke¬
house; cost, $4,000; Moses Zimmerman, 67 St.
Mark's pl; ar't, J. Kastner.
3063—Av. A. Nos. 165-171, one-story brick ex¬
tension to store, 95x17.8, tin roof, iron beams fur¬
nished; cost, $3,000; lessee, Isaac WeU, 838 Easfc
18th st; ar't, J. Kastner.
8064—WiUiam sfc. No. 339, level of store floor
changed; cost, $1,000; H. C. Overing, Yonkers,
N. Y.; b'rs, James Noble and Cutwater Sc Co.
3065—8d av, s s, abt 300 e 3d sfc, one-sfcory frame
extension. 19.9x10, tin roof; cost, $100; ow'r,
ar'fc and b'r, W. T. Ackerson, Woodlawn.
2066—Bergen av, e s, 95 s 149fch st, two-story
and attic dweU'g altered to three-story and base¬
ment; cosfc, $3,500; Maria Schnebel, on premises;
ar'fc, A. Arcfcander.
2067—8d av. No. 3433, repau- damage by fire;
cosfc, $750; Adolph Jacobs, 166 East 93d st; ar't.
P. W. Klemt: b'r, J. D. Miner.
2068—3d av. No. 3393, frame extension raised
one-story; cost, $735; Conrad Friedricks, on
premises; b'rs, Schmalacker & Wieser.
2069—2d av. No. 695, one-sfcory brick extension
in front, 16.8x3 for store, iron beams and col¬
umns furnished; cosfc, $1,300; Pefcer AU^ch, on
premises; ar'fc, Wm. Gratil.
2070—36fch sfc, No. 314 W., new first story front;
cost, $300; J. D. Eldredge, 339 West 54th st; ar't.
John Pettit.
2071—lOtb av. No. 730, new store front; cost,
$400; Wm. Fenrich, on premises; ar't, Michael
Hayes; b'rs, Hayes & Kessels.
2072—57th st. No. 561 W., brick waU removed,
iron girder furnished: cost, $350; John BurchiU,
on premises; ar't and b'rs, same as last.
2073—37th st. No. 403 W.; cost, $100; Cabet
Lawrence; b'r, J. A. ReiUey.
8074—Ogden av, e s, 800 s Orchard st; cost,
$1,000; Union Reform Church; ar't, A. E. Bar¬
low; b'r, R. G. Hargrove.
2075—134th st, n w cor Lexington av, one¬
story brick extension to store front, 15x6, tin
roof, and internal alterations; cosfc, $600; John
Massimino, 1367 Fulton av; ar'fc, Andrew Spence;
built by day's work.
2076—Forsyth at, Nos. 198-202, part of pork
paokisg establishment raised to four stories and