March 11,1893
Record and Guide.
overlooking Madison square, as it does, and with the Fifth Avenuo and
Hoffman hotels on eitber side and a score of theatres within the surround¬
ing blocks. Next, on thu programme are three choice pieces oE down-town
property, Nos. 77, Til and 81 Cedar street, ou which it fronts C5.11>i^ feet
with irregular side and rear lines measuring about 9:3.1x64.1x85,4. There
are three four-story aud cellar brick store and office buildings on tbe plot,
in good order and containing all the improvements. Next are the two
four-story and store brick buildings, Nos. 139 and 141 West Broadway,
near Lispenard street. The plot is 54.3 froat by 100 deep. The last item
ia No. 26 Varick street, northeast corner of Beach street, 25x95, with a
five-stjry store and cellar brick front buildiug. All these are good invest¬
ment properties, in advantageous locations, no two alibe, and all in tbe
direct line of new improvements. The sale promises to ba an interest¬
ing one,
On Tuesday, March Uth, L. J. Phillips & Co. will sell at the Real Estate
Exchange and Auction Room, No. 59 Liberty atreet, thirty-six choice lots,
belonging to the estate of Bernard Fellman, deceased. These lots are all
'well located and iu sections where values are increasing. Six are oa 95th
street, west of West End avenue; two in the rear on 94tb street; over five
on the east side cf West End aveuue, between 94tb and 95th streets; one on
99th street, east of Columbus avenue; eight on Post and two on Shermsu
avenues, between Dyckman and Academy stieets; four on corner of Nagle
avenue and Hawthorne street, and six on Vermilyea avenue, near Acad¬
emy street, and one on tbe latter street. Tbo estate also includes a plot
comer of St. Nicbolas avenue and Syhau place, with frame dwelliogs
thereon; a three-atory dwelliog on West 7Ist sireet. No. 145, aud the
Norfolk farm at Torkstown, N. Y., containing 185 acres, witb dwelling
house and out buildings. Mr. Fellman was a gocd judge of realty, and as
the property is offered on liberal terms (6] per cant may remain at 5 per
cent interest), it will doubtless be eagerly bid for. Full particulars can
be obtained from Messrs. M. S. & I. S. Isaacs, attorneys, No. 115 Broad¬
way, or the auctioneers, L. J. Phillips & Co., No. 149 Broadway,
Education aud Mayor of Brooklyn, a plot of twelve Ids, six on the .south
side of Kosciusko street and six on the uorth side of Lafajetto avenue,
between Reid and Stuyvesant avenues.
On Tuesday, March 14th, Peter F. Meyer & Co. will sel), at the New
York Real Estate Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway, by order of the heirs of
Peter A. Hegeman, deceased, the following important list of investment
properties: Nos. 350 and SSa Bowery, 43.'7Xx79x55.5x93, with three-story
brick buildings; No. 33 Delancey street, 25x80, with tbree-story frame
building, brick front; No. 6 Barrow street, 19s90, with two-story and attic,
basement and cellar brick house; No. 8 Morton street, 25x90, with three¬
story frame building, brick front; and the southeast comer of Tth avenue
and ITth street, 53.11^x100, with three-story frame front and three-story
brick rear buildings. Diagrams and further particulars are obtainable of
the auctioneers, at their offlce, No. Ill Broadway.
On Tuesday, March 14, Richard V. Harnett & Co. will ssli at tbe Real
Estate Exchange Auction Room, 59-65 Liberty street, by order of Wm. L.
Strong, trustee, Nes. 1843 and 1844 M aveuue, 2Ox65xlC0 each, with two five-
story and cellar stoue flats witb stores; and Nes. 213 and 215 East 97th
street, 34.0xSOxlCO,10 each, wilb two five-atory and basemeut brick flats.
On Wednesday, March 15th, Richard V. Harnett & Co. will sell, at tbe
R9al Estate Exchange Auctiou Room. 59 to 65 Liberty street. No. 44() Weat
4lBt street, 24,8}4^^0i9i.9, with front aud rear four-story brick tenements,
the front tenement with two stores; also, No. 110 (new No. 112) East 51th
street, £5x100,5, with a five-story and cellar Ohio stone double fiat, 25x62,
with estension 6x10; also by order of the executors of the estate of Mary
V. Gould, the valuable vacant plot near the main entrance to Prospect
, Park, Brooklyn, fronting 75 feet on Flatbush avenue and T5 feet on St.
Johns place, by irregular side lines.
On Wednesday, March 15th, Ricbird V, Harnett & Co. will sell, by
order of the Supreme Court, in partiticn, at the New York Real Estate
Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway, tbe valuable investment properties. No. 2J4
Spring street, near Sullivan, 25x100, with a threo-story brick^store build¬
ing; No. 13 Clark and 4 Dominick streets, 24.1xT5, witb two-story brick
front frame store ou ;Clark, and two-story brick front frame dwelling on
Dominick street.
On Wednesday, March 15lh, William Kennelly will sell, at the New
York Real Estate Salesrocui, No. Ill Broadway, by order of the Supreme
Court, in partitiou. No. 317 East 3jd street, 18.9x93.9, witb a three-story
brick dwelling: No. 215 East 29th street, 25x93,9, witha five-story base¬
ment and cellar brick flat, and No. S3T East 44th street, 30xl39x irregular,
â– witha flve-story and cellar front and four-^tory rear tenement. Also at
tbe same time and place the plot 42.3i82.3, Nos. 1501 2d avenue and 371 aud
UTA East T6th street, with tbree tbree story basement and cellar brick
On Wednesday, March 15th, George R. Read will sell, by order cf tbe
executors, at the Real Esiate Exchange Auction Room, Nos. .59 to 6.'i Lib¬
erty street, the four-story brownstone dwelling and lot, 20x50x98.9, No. 123
East 40th street.
On Thursday, March 16th, Richard V. Harnett & Co. will sell at the
New York Real Estate Salesroom, 111 Brosdway, by order of the Supreme
Court, in foreclosure, tbe prcperty No. 1^9 West 83d street, 17x50x103.3,
and a four-story and basement browcstong dwebing.
S. A, Horowitz and Cornelius Daly were elected annual members of tha
Exchange,at the meeting of the Directors on Tuesday.
At the oflice ofthe eatate of Wm. Astor it was positively denied yes¬
terday that the southwest oomer of oth avenue and S4th street, had been
leased to Louis C, Tiffany us rumor reported, or in fact to auy one else.
The house is the residence of Mra. Wm. Astor, aud she will occupy it
until her new dwelling at Stb avenue and 65th street is completed, which
will not be for ovor a yeer.
On Monday, March 3^, 'Ihonias A. Kerrigan will s;ll at auction, ot the
Salesrooms, No. y WiUoughby street; Brooklyu, by order of tbe Board of
OosBlp of the Week.
sourH OF 59th stskkt.
Douglas Robinson, Jr., & Co, and Winant & Goadby have sold for Wm,
P. Douglaa the plot 75x103,3, and a gore T5x44sliT.6 feet in the rear, Nos.
130 to 134 West 14th street, to Ballington Booth, of the Salvation Army.
The aame brokers have sold for Fanny M. Robinson to Mr. Booth No. 137
West l.^th street, a dwelling 20.6 wide and iu the rear of tbe above. A
six-story buildiug is to ba erected on the plot as a memorial to the mother
of Ballington Booth, The price waa about $335,000.
Benjamin Graham has sold to Morris K. Jesup, No. 195 Madison
avenue, adjoioing the latter's residence at the southeast corner of Madison
avenue and 35th street. The house is a four-story brownstone dwelling,
on a lot 24 8x100, and the price was about $95,000. It is said to be Mr.
Jesup's intention to connect the two dwellings and make of them one large
Riker & Son have sold for a Mrs. King to W. B. Thom No. 8 East 56th
street, a four-story brownstone dwelling, 31x60x98, for 3;73,000; for Theron
G. Strong to Adolph Offenheim No, 38 West SSd street, a four-story brown¬
stone dwelling, 33x55x98.9, and for Henry Day to J, E, Whale" No. 48 East
53d street, a four-story brownstoue dwelling, 18x55x98.9, for S^S4,000.
Tim & Co. have sold to a Mr. Spencer for Mrs. G, Prince tbe four-story
brownstone residence No, 33 West SOth street, 25x93,9, at preseut leased to
the Gilsey House; price paid being $6,5,000. The same brokers have also
sold to M, Philps for J. Bissell the four-siory English basement bouse No.
234 West 39tb street, on private terms.
Mitchell A. C. Levy we bear has sold a plot, 40x76, with addition, S0x30,
on the southwest corner of 4th and Greene streets, at $115,000.
John Pettit has purchased the lot. No. 1S3 Liberty street, 20xUS, run¬
ning through and fronting 30.3 on Cedar street. No. 139, and intends to
tear down the buildings on tbe site and erect thereon a seven-story addition
to the Electrical Exchange Building, which it ad.pins. Tbis will give a
total frontage of 90 feet on Cedar ani 97 feet .on Liberty. The
purchase made by Mr. Pettit on Pine and Water streets, reported
lart week, is the sacond purehasa made by him on those streeta
during the la^t few months, the first being under improvement, while the
second is to be improved by a ten-atory office building.
Blakely & Dodd have sold for Simmet, Gruuhut Sc Co. to Mrs. E.
McEee the four-story dwelling lot, 30x102, for $35,000.
Ascher Weinstein has sold to Dr. Norton No. 16 West 45th street, a four¬
story dwelling, 21x90x100, for $43,500; brokers, Williams & Greene. Mr.
Weinstein has purchased through W. W. Fogg, from John H. Hall, No, 258
Graud street, witb the building thereon, for $36,000. Mi-, Weinstein owns
tbe adjoining lot on Grand street, for tbe improvement of which he la^t
week filed plans. Together tbe lots make a plot 50x75.
Bellamy & Winans have sold for Geo, H. Penniman two lots on the
nortb side of 44tb street, between 5th and 6th avenues, for over |TO,000, to
the Harvard Club.
Chas. Buermann & Co. have sold for August Ruff, Nos. 346 aud 318 East
54th street, 50x6JxlOO, with two flve-story double flats to Conrad Heberer,
f jr $38,000.
The estate of Richard Bell has sold the four-story brownatone dwelliog,
lot 25x100, No. 351 Lexington avenue, for 840,000,
Winant Sc Qoadby have sold for Mr. Cone the four-story stone frout
dwelling, No. 39 Weat 52d street, to Dr. Forster.
Tim ife Co. have sold for Morris B. Baer to Mr. O. Shaw the three five-
story tenements Nos. 551, 553 and 555 West 571b street, 75x100, on private
terms; also for Mr. Sbaw his place on Long Island, comprising about 40O
acres, for ^30,000,
P. J, Mahony and Henry Wise have sold the property No, 104 Centre
street, 34.6x74, with a five-atory brick building, for Heury C. Schmidt to
Antoneo Cuneo, for $53,350; and No. 381 South street, 8Jxl40 and S3 feet
bulkhead line, for Smitb Ely to The John Simmons Co., for $55,000.
Ascher Weinstoin bas sold the iive-story brick flat No. 150 West SOth
street, 18x81x93.10, for $35,000; and tbe four-story English basement
brickdwelling No. 263 West 37th street, 16.8x65x98.9, for $12,500; both to
M. 0. Smith.
Sammet, Grunhut & Co. have sold No. 63 East llth street, a five-story
apirtment building, to Reuben Isaacs for $6S,000; No. 99 Macdougal street,
a fivc'Story double tenement, to Mrs, Malvina Levy; and the nonhwest cor¬
ner of Rivington and Eldridge streets, to McCool & Miller lor $25,00C, for
C. R. Grogor & Son have sold tbe four-story brownstone d welling, 19x90,
southwest corner Beekman placa and SOth street, for E. Terbell to F, A.
Mulgrew; and the four-story brownstone dwelling, 16.1x100, No. 339 East
SOth street, lor a Mr. Weil for $13,250.
P. C. Eckhardt bas sold for Cbas. L. Ritzman to Leopold Leicht, No, 6C6