^^.^ .- ..------------ ,^j^j,^ Record and Guide "^ ' '" juiy^i, 1897.
Ä©n exchange for lots on Concord avenue, 25 feet south of 145th SUÍIdÍn? NCWS
street. The transaction is said to represent a total of $33,500. ^
7th avenue, east side, 25 feet north of lllth street, 75x100, va- MERCANTILE.
cant; seller, WiIIiam E. Callender; buyer, Thomas K. Moore, who Broadway, southeast corner of Duane street. The Wllliam
will improve, as stated in our Building News. Astor estate, No. 23 West 26th street, will begin the ereoUon of
109th street, north side, 150 feet west of Columbus avenue, 50x a twelve or sixteen-story oflice builfling, fronting 50 feet on Broad-
100, vacant; seller, Francis Crawford. Buyer wifl improve. way and 110 on Duane street, as soon as the leases of the tenants
M. Bargebuhr & Son were the brokers in the sale of No. 1341 on the grouncl expire, namely, on the flrst of May next. The archi-
5th avenue, and Manhattan avenue, 50 south of 117th street, men- tect has not as yet been selected.
tloned In our "G-ossip" coĩumn last week. Ist avenue, southeast corner of 61st street. The packing-box
NORTH SIDE. factory recently destroyed by flre on this site will be rebuilt at a
Valentine avenue, No. 2053, 16.8x100, two-story frame dwell- ^'^^'^ ^^ ^^'^''^'^f: Prederick Buse, No. 1118 Ist avenue, owner;
ing seÎS, W W. Munr-.e; buyer, Helena Piltz; price. .$4.000. Wesley D. Hunter, No. 90 5th avenue, will probably be the archi-
Elsmere place, 224 feet west of Marmion avenue, 25x100, va- ^^ â– ^^^^^ ^^^ teNEíments
cant; seiler, J. Trimmer; buyer. W. C. Bergen. ...,=.-. , ' .„
Stebbins avenue, corner Home street, irregular plot; seller, Sullivan street. east side, 12o feet south of Bleecker, six-story
dympia Eonfa-3ti' buyers Emma T. Short and Margaret C. Ste- IJ'-'cli and_stone tenement, oOx90; cost estimated at bietween $45,-
vens- brokers Morton Co.; see No. 279 West 114th street. "tiO and .i;:>0.0_00; D. O. MiHs, No. 15 Broad street, owner; Ernest
167th street' near Hall place, 25x165, vacant; seller, Olympia Flagg, No. 3:> Wall street, arehitect. This â– huflding, which is to
Bonfanti' buyers Emma T. Short and Margaret C. Stevens: t.e equipped throughout with the most modem sanitary appli-
ibrokers Morton & Co ; see No. 279 West 114th street. íi"ces, is intended for a model tenement, and adjoins Mr. Mills's
Kelly'street near 165th street, 60x100, vacant; seller, Olympia new $35(1.00(1 lodging-house on Bleecker street, between Suilivan
Bonfanti- buyers Emma T. Short and Margaret C. Stevens; and Thompson streets, whieh is expeoted to be ready foa- occu-
brokers 'Morton & Co.; see No. 270 West 114th street. l^'fincy aibout the first of September.
Jerom'e avenue east side, 75 feet north of Potter place, three lOOth street, â– south side, 225 feet east of Amsterdam avenue,
three storv flats'with stores; sefler, M. A, Costello; buyer, S. three flve-story brick and stone flats; James H. Havens, No. 823
Wri-hf broker John Peters; price, $1S,000. Mr. Peters gives in Hth avenue. owner; Neviiile & Bagge, No. 217 West 125th Street,
oart''Da'vmen' t'wo Ä©ots at the northeast corner of Grand avenue architects.
a-id Euchanan place one lot in Buchanan place. one in Aqueduct iSouíhern Boulevard. west oí St. Ann's avenue, two flve-story
avenue and two in Burnett place, near Barry street. at $9,000 brĩck flats, with modern improvements, 25x75; cost, $15,000 each;
Crand avenue northeast comer of Buehanan place, Buchanan Jas, D, Edwards, No. 306 West 141st street, owner and builder.
nlaee Aauefluct avenue Bumett place, near Barry street, six 7th avenue, east side, 25 feet north of lllth street, 75x100,
1 t â– '« ll^r S Wri.?ht; buyer, M. A. Costello; iDroker, John Thomas K. Moore. of West Brighton, S. Ä©.. who has purchased
-^ f' ^^ '^ â– 'r.f. røOOO. sêe Jerome avenue, 75 feet north of Potter this site. will erect two flve-story flats and stores. C. A. Millner,
Peters. price, $ , . ^^ ^23G Madison avenue. drew the plans for the ■buiĩdlngs which
^^íoncord avenue vacant, 25 feet south of 145th street; seller, Mr. Moore is putting up in the vicinity, on lllth street.
T b Madden- ibuyer, Thomas Maloney; brokers, Barnett & Co.; Ĩ06th street, West, south side, 135 feet east of Amsterdam ave-
â– iíl4th street nue. two .30-foot front apartment houses, with modern improve-
see No. 110 West o* LgASBS. menls; Mclntosh & Paterno, No. 151 West lOOth street, owners;
, , ~, , TT^v,!- *!.. Prank A. Lang, College avenue, near 164th street, arehiíect.
Frothingham & Timpson have leased for Charles Banks the DWLLINGS
dwelhng No. 58 West 40th street. for five yea.rs. at $3,000 pe, ^^^^^^ ^^^_^^^_ ^^^^_^^^ ^.^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^.^^^_^.^^ ^^.^^^ ^^^
year. , ,. ., ci,„oî„i>i -1?.,,-™ Cf^ tiii-nnpii flve-story American basement dwellings, with modern improve-
CharIesL.HarrelIhasleased otleShfi.eld^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ Broadway.
John T. Duff & Co., the store at the southeast corner of Amster ^ ^^ ^^ Eroadway, architect.
â– q^-v, nvpnue and 145th street for ten years, ihe flist five years at â–
?ÎĨ00 Ír year and the balance of the term at $1,920 per year. WORKING GiRi-S HOME.
$1,S00 per yeai, ana u^^ ^^^^^ j.^ne 17th í'Sã street, north side, between 2ã and 3d avenues. The firm of
ThlS eorrects item m i ^^^^eã for J H. McCoom, execu- Brunner & Tryon, No. 36 Union square, wilÄ© furnish the plans for
Douglas ^°"'":°^^ ^i^g'n,ortli side of Maûison square, No. 17 the Working Girls' Home, to be erected by the trustees of the
tor, the premi street, for the term of Baron de Hirsch Fund. The estimated cost of the builfling is
East 26th street, ana r^u. j.^ -^l .flO0,0(X).
three years. zoolûgical society plans.
â– , TT w™ „ trt T T> Rahiirl for Heins & La Parge, No. 5 Beekman streeí, have 'been entrusted
Phllips & Hill have sold for ^^"^^^ ^Ä©'™^''-^ %^^^on price ^'»h the preparation of the plans for the buildings of the New
Improvement 78 lots on Ist and -d stree , . â– â– y^^j^ Zoological Society, N-o. 69 Wall street. An advisory com-
$45,000. V, t "^ 11 her eountry seat mittee on the general scheme of the Society, consisting of Prof.
H. W. Nichols has sold for Mre. Robert ^^^' " outbuid- Charles S. Sargent, of Harvard University, Thomas Hastings,
at Tairrytown, comprising several acres, dw g architect, and Samuel Parsons, Jr., engineer, has been appointed.
ing, for .i;25,000 to P. C. Costello. ^^^^.^^ ^^ g^a Binswanger SOLUIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT.
Thomas & Son have ^*^ "^ of^ (ĨJq g'^g ^^0 142 West 97tli T^e Soldiers' and Saĩlors' M^onument Oommittee has adopted
20 lots at Yonkers Park for ^w. â– â– ^,^g terms of the corapetition of architects, as recommended toy
street and No. 469 Manhattan avenue aoove. ^^^^^ ^^.^^^ ^^^^ architect will receive $300 compensation for
" * c-íri'nr ^^^ submission of a plan, and the architeet chosen will receive
ARE TOU INTERESTED IN BBAL ESTATE. ^ _ p^^. ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ pj^j.^^ ^^^^. ^^ submitted by Septem-
oLie-ht to have a copv of the real estate man's Web- ^^^ j^^ rj>].jg cornmittee is not obliged to accept any of them.
ster-Van Sici?n-s "Guide to Buyers and SeUers of Real Es^ ALTERATIONS.
tate" It answers eveiT Question you can asK. bena lor n.. ii Broome street, southwest corner of the Eowery. Samuel Kahn,
loth $1.00; in paper, 75 cents. Record and Guide Offlce, 14-lb ^^,1^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^.^^^ estate office at No. 1-54 Madison street, ihas taken
„ ' g(.j.eet ^ fifteen-year lease of the Occidental Hotel, and will expend $10,-
--------—•—--------" 000 in remodeling the same. The kitchen will ibe reraoved to an-
BROOKLYN GOSSIP. other part of the buiding, an electric light piant and new boilers
are the comparative tables for the Brooklyn Con- will be put in, and the office and dining-rooms wiU (pe entirely
The foUowlng Pvniected Bulldings for the correspond- renovated. Mr. Kahn acts as his own architect, and may be seen
veyances, ^^^^l,^ f'^Ä©jig. on the premises.
jBg weekB of 1897 and lîsy . q^.^ street, No. 53 East, alteration of dwelling for business pur-
CONVETANCBS^^^^ ^^^^ poses; M. Rosenstein, owner; L. Korn, Nos. 37 and 39 Maiden
July "3 to 29, inc. Juiy '21 to 30, inc. lane, architect. â– '. 7
Tota; numter ........................ $340 Isl 5426,1™ ^^^^ ^''"^^^' ^^^ 36-B^t, four-story dwelllng, 25x60, will be al-
Amount involved ..................... ^' '^^gg ' '-^^^ tered to store and office building; alterations will include new
Number namlnal ............mcJrtGAGES front; cost, $3.000; David Bettman, No. 18 Broadway, owner; M.
.g„ ^.j^ Bernstein, No. 145 Centre street, architect.
Total i'"?^^^^^^.............'.".'.'.'.'.'.'. 1,071,258 $499,506 50th street, Nos. 104 and 106 West, addition to brick stable;
NĨmber ovlr 6 per'céni;;.'.'â– ;.';.'.''.'.'-'. ,.,,-cn?? soAft'M P3.rk & Tilford, No. 917 Broadway, owners; C. L. W. Eidlitz, No.
AmouDt 1?'°'^^^ â– â– Vir-iii,'.......... *l4a.byb $^=,^3 1123 Broadway, architect
Am'^ínt înYolved ...........'^^'.W^'.l'. $325,562 $251,241 Pearl street, Nos. 520 and 522, size 15,9x25x45.4x4L9x40.9; John
PROJBCTED BUILDINGS. V.Haĩk,No. 522 P^arl street. owner; alteratĩons due to Elm street
Number of bulldlngs .................. .,.,-^,9, ffnoi ^m widenlng. H. Gflvarry, No. 1 Eroadway, has been selected as
Hflttmated coat ........................ H3o,242 $^81,400 3^^.^^;^^^^
------------• Crosby street, No. 159, flre repairs, including carpentering, roof-
THE BEST SMALL MAP. jj^g^ ^j^, . ^^^^^ $1,000; Henry Dazian, No. 26 Unlon square, owner;
iSend in Twenty-five cents for the "Columbus Guide," contain- william Adams, tenant.
ing the best set that exists of small maps of New Tork City, MUNICIPAL.
Table of distances, street numbers. and a mass of other useful The Eoard of Estimate and Apportionment has approved the
information, PubUshed liy Record and Gulde, 14 and 16 Vesey pians submltted by the Commissioner of Publlc Works for a
a^QsU - pwbJÍc í)at}î-hpyse on Rivington Btreet, near Goerclc. Tlie plans.