May 19, 1906
Conveyancei RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattsji
54th St. No 131. n s, 129,4 w Lexington av. 10,10x100,5. 4-sty
stone front dwelling. Peter A Peterson to Elizabeth H Griswold.
Mori $18,500. May 5. May 15. 1906. 5:1309—11. A $13,000
—$17,000. _ other consid and 100
54th St. No 13, n s, 2(5 w 5th av, 25x100,5, .5-sty stone front
dwelling. Jessie L Neilson lo John D Rockefeller. May 7, May
15, 1906. 5:1270—26. A $84,000—$130,(X)0, other consid and 100
54th st, No 3-iO, s s, 100 w .1st av. 25x11)0,5, 5-sty brk tenement
aad store. Julia Kann and ano to Markns Wei!. Mort $16,100.
May 14. May 10, 1903. 5:1340—31. A $7.500-$14,000.
other consid and 100
■ 55th st. No 147, u s, 208,4 e Lexington av, Ki,8x100,5. 3-sty stoae
front dwelling. Mary L wife Geo W Panning to Arthur W Saun¬
ders, of Brooklyn. Mort $6,00*. May 10. May 31. 1906.
5:1310—28. A Sil.OOO-$11,500, other consid and 100
55lh st; Nos 146 and 148, s s. 108,9 e Lexington av, 37.0x11)0,5, two
3-sty stone front dwellings. Five Boroughs Realty Co to Heury
Meyers. May 15. 1906. 5:1309—16 and 461^. A $18,000—.'?24,-
000, olher consid and 100
SOth st, No 421, n s. 300 w Oth av. 25x100,5, 5-sly brk tenement,
Daniel Froad et al to Adolph Waibel. Mort $19,000, May 1.
May 15, 1906. 4:1066—20. A $9,000—$15,000,
other cousid and 100
56th st, No 50, s s. 233 e Oth av, 20x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwell¬
ing, Helena A Banks et al HEIRS, &c, Chas L Acker to flirason
Mayer. May 15, May 16, 1906. 5:1271—65. A $49,t)00—$SS.¬
OOO. other consid and 100
56th St. No 1-54, s s, 178.4 w 3d av, 16.8x100.5, 4-sty stone front
dwelling. Anue Maguire lo Henry E Coe, Mort $10,000. May
15. May 10, 1906. 5:1310-^4. A $11,000—$15,000,
other eonsid and 100
SOth St. Nos 535 and 537, n s. 250 e 11th av, .50x;00,5. 1-sty brk
building. Release mort on certain chattels at ahove. Knicker¬
bocker Trust Co TRUSTEE to Augustus H Skillin TRUSTEE in
bankruptcy of Liberty Silk Co and Olio Andreal, Jr. May 11,
May 15. 1900, 4:1085-11. A $13,0(X)—$1!t.OOO, ------
SOth st, No 40, s s, 273 e Oth av, 22x100,5, 4-sty slone front dwell¬
ing. Lewis A Mitchell to Samuel Kridel. All liens. May 14.
1906. 5:1271—03. A $-37.000—$65,000. other consid and 100
57th st. No 249, n s. 60 w 2d av, 10,8x100,5. 3-sty stoae froat
teaement, Joseph H Myers to Melville J Beckel. Mort $6,000.
Apr 22, 1901. Re-recorded from May 3, 1904. May 17, 1006,
5:1331—21V... A $8.000—$10,000. _ other consid aad 100
57th st, No 53!). n e s, 4.50 w 10th av, 2.1x100,5, 5-sty brk tcae-
meai aud store, Kate Bruntz to Vincent Realty Sc Constructiou
Co, Mort Slo.OOO. May 8, May 12, 1906. 4:1086-14. A
$8.0011-$12,0:;0, olh_er consid and 100
58th St. Nos 354 and 356. on map Nos 354 and 3oS, s s. 175 e Oth
av, 32x100,5, two 4-sty brk dwellings. Geo B Frisbie to Annie
K Watt, of Newburgh, N Y, Mort $36,000. May 1. May 10,
1900. 4:1048—56^4. and 57. A $22,000—$38,000, ■
other cousid and 100
58th Et, No 343, n s. ISO w 1st av, 20x100.5. 5-sty stone front
lenement, Emilie H Schmitt et al to John Klein, MorL $11,000.
April 28. May 16, 1906. 5:1351—19. A $6,000—$14,000,
other consid and 100
58th St. Nos 444 and 446, s s, 80 w Av A. 41.oxl00,o, 6-sty brk
tenenient. Hvman Schlessinger et al to Gustav Lewkowitz and
Herman Fuld, Mort S;52,500. May 35, May 10, 1906. 5:1369—
29. A $13,500—$47,000, other consid and 100
58th st, Nos 344 and 346, s s, 100 w Isl av, 40x100,5, two 5-sty
stone front tenements, Anna C F and Emily E Schwarz to
Fredk A 0 Schwarz, Q C and confirmaliou deed, April 24,
1905. May 11, 1900, -5:1350-31 and 32. A $12,000—$26,000,
SSth St. Nos 344 and 346. s s, 100 w 1st av, 40x100,5. two 5-sty
stoue front teuements, Louis Gordon et al to Caroline B wife
of and Sidney Jones, Mort $28,000. May 10. May 11, 1900,
5:1350—31 and 32, A $12,000—$26,000. other consid and 100
OOth St. No 349. n s, 100 w 1st av, 2.5x100,5. 4-sty brk tenement
and store and 3-sty brk tenement on rear. Abel J Sharlow et
a! HEIRS, Sec. Abel Sharlow to Caroline P Sharlow widow of
Abel Sharlow, All title. B & S. May 10. May 14. 1906,
5:1435—22, A .$6,500—$10,000, nom
GOth st. No 14.), n s, 45 e Lexington av, 20x100,5. 4-5ly stone
front dwelling. Josephine E Nichols to John L Martin. Mort
$li),000. May 15, May 16, 1906. 5:1395—21. A $16,000—
$20,000, other consid and 100
OOth St. No 219. n s, S-JO w 2d av. 20x100.5, 4-sty slone front
dwelliug, Louis J Levy to Minnie I Brown. Mort $17,000.
May 8. May 12, 1906. 5:1415—10. A $10,000-$15,000,
other consid and" 100
filst st.Nos 55 lo 59|n w cor Park av, 57,6xlft0.-5. vacant, Gilbert
Park av. No 540 | C Brown to City Rea! Estate Co. B & S
and CaG. Mort $125,000. May 2, May 11, 1906, 5:1376—
30. A $125,000—$125,000. other consid and 100
Gist St. No 338, s s, 119 w 3st av, 28x100,5. 5-sty hrk tenement
Regina Zuckerman to Bernard Nichthauser, ^A right, title and
interest. All lieus. May 15. May 17, 1906. 5:1435—32. A
$7,500—$3 G, (KIO. nom
61st st. No ,347, n s. 132,4 w 1st av, 23x100.5. 5-sty brk tene¬
ment. Baruet Feinstein lo Abraham Treibitz. Mort $18,000.
May 15, 1906. 5:14.36-20, A .$0,000—$15,000,
other coasid and 100
62d st, No 102, s s, 16 e 4th av. 16xS0.5, 3-sty stone front dweU¬
ing, Edwin Sommerich et al EXRS. &c. Daniel Miller to Chas
E Rushmore, Mar 27. May 14, 1906, 5:1396—70^. A $16,-
000—$19,000, 34,500
62d st. No 350. s s, 200 e Amsterdam av, 25x100.4. 5-sty brk
tenement. B M Weil Realty Co to Peter Aliesch, Mort $17,-500,
May 11. 1906. 4:3133—50, A $12,000—$18,000,
other consid and 100
63d st. No 158, s s. 202 w 3d av. 16x104.2x16x103.5. 3-sty stone
front dwelling, Jos Hornthal to F Livingston Pell. May 14.
May 16. 3906, 5:1397—45, A $13,000—$13 000, nom
OSd st. No 150, s s, 130,8 e Lexington av, 16,8x100, 3-sty stoue
front dwelling, Mary H H Betts to Henry Meyers, Mort
$15,000. May 15. May 17, 1906. o:1397^7iA. A .n2,000-
$14,o00. other consid and 100
64th st, No 159, n s, 150 e Amsterdam av. 24x100. 5-sty stone
front tenemeat. Terminal Realty Co to Frances Morris, Mort
$20,500, May 15, May 16, 1906, 4:1136. other consid aad 100
65th st, Nos 335 and 337, n s, 225 w 1st av, 33,4x100,0. 6-sty
brk tenement and store, Louis A Solomon to Harris Rogers.
Mort .$33,000. April 12, May 16, 1900, 5:1440—16^ and 17.
A $8,000—$12,000. aom
GSth st, Nos 248 and 2oO. s s. Ii5 e West End av, 50x100,5, two
2-sty frame tenements and stores. Homer F Emeus et al to
Bowling Green Storage and Van Co. Mort $8,000. May 15. May
16. 1906. 4:1156—56 and 57. A $10,000—$10,000. nom
GSth st, No 348. s s, 117 w 1st av, 27x100,5, o-sty stone front ten¬
ement. Joseph L Bultenwieser to Morris Kittenplan and Charles
Rubinger. E & S, Mort $19,500. May 10, May 15, 1906, 5:1439
—32. A $7,000—$17,500, other consid and 100
65th St. No 40, s s. 200 e Madison av, 20x100,0. 4-sty stone front
dwelling, Morris W Benjamin and ano EXRS Moritz Davidson
lo Eleanor E Blodgett. Apr 30. May 15. 1906. 5:1370—441^.
A $35,1 iOO—$42,000, other consid and 100
Same property, Louise Davidson to same, Q C. April 30, May
15, loot;, 5:1379, nom
GSth st, Nos 254 and 256, s s, 100 e West End av. 50x100,5, two
and 3-sty frame leaemeats, Ida Margoles to Edward Wackerha-
gen, of Fort Lee, N J, MorL $10,000. May 1. May 15, 1906.
4:1156—59 aad 60, A -$9.500—.'|;9,-500, other consid and 100
Oillh sl. u s, 200 Vi V.'est Ead av, -10x100,5. vacant. Junction
Reaity Co to Nathan A Cushman, May 11, 190G, 4:1178. nom
66ih st, n s, 200 w West End av. 40x100.5, vacant. Ida Margoles
to Junction Realty Go, Q C, May 11, 1906. 4:1178,
other consid and 100
G(>th st, n s. 260 w West Ead av, 40x100.5, vacant. Release mort.
Edward Tostman to Ida Margoles. May 9, May 11, 1906.
4:1178. 1,500
GGth st. No 2, s s, 100 e Sth av. 20x100,5, 4-sty stone front dwell¬
ing. Harold Walker to Graut B Schley, of Bernardsville. N J.
CaG. Mort $70,000, May 14, May 17. 1006. 5:1380—68. A
375.000—$92,000. _ nom
66th St. No li. s s, 140 e oth av, 20x100.5. 4-sty stone front dwell¬
ing, Harold Walker to Graut B Schley, of Bernardsville. N J.
CaG, Mort $70,000. May 14, May 17, 1906. 5:1380—67, A
$70.000—$80,000. . nom
GOth st, n s, 260 w West End av. 40x100,5. vacant. Release mort.
Equitable Life Assurance Soc of the U S to Junction Realty Co,
May 11, May 15, 1906. 4:1178, 7,000
G7th st, No 222, s s, 310 e 3d av, 40x100.5, G-sty brk tenement.
Alexander Diker to Barnet Zilevitz. 'A part. Mort $42,500.
May 11. lilOti, 5:1421, other consid and 100
G7th st, No 222, s s, 310 e 3d av, 40x100,5, G-sly brk teaement,
Joseph Sagovitz ct al_to Alexander Diker, Mort $42,500, May
10, May 11. 1900. 0:1421. other consid and 100
GSth st, No 25, n s, 268 w Central Park West, 19x100,5, 4-sty
stoae frout dwelling, Eugene Vallens to Fredk M Dearborn.
Mort $.30000. May 14, May 15, 1906. 4:1121—21, A $14,500
—$2o,000, other consid aud 100
GOth st, Nos 331 aad 333. n s, 425 w West End av, 50x100.5, two
5-sty brk tenements. Morris Haber et al to Preston Realtv Co,
Mort $30,250. May 15. May 16, 1900. 4:1181-14 and 15. A
$10.000—$24,000. other consid and 100
70lh St. Nos .320 to 326, s s, 244 w 1st av. 100x100,4, tour 4-sty
stoae front lenements, George Diamond to Max Jacobs and Mor¬
ris Claman, 1-3 part. All title, Apr 9. May 17. 1906. 5:1444
-30 to 39. _ A $24,000—$52,000. other consid and 100
70th Sl. No 1/1, n s. 158.4 w 3d av, 10.8x100,5, 3-sty stone front
dweiling. CONTRACT Roht H E Elliott with Georgina H
Stevens, Feb 8. May 12, 1906. 5:140-5—30. A $11,000—
$13,500, 23,500
70th st, Nos 154 and 156, s s, 80.6 e Lexington av. 40x100.5, 6-
stv brk sanitarium. Stephen H Brown to Grace V Q Brown his
wife. CaG. Mor .$24,500. May 9. May 16, 1906. 5:1404—49.
A $30,000—P $30,000. nom
71st st, No 112, s s, 125 e Park av, 25x100,5, 5-sty stone front
dweiiing. Wesley Thorn to Clinton Gilbert, Mort $44,000, May
14. May 15, 1906. 5:1405-67. A $32.000—$40,000.
other consid and 100
71st st, No 243, n s. 205 w 2d av. 19x102,2. 5-sty hrk teuement.
Henry A Sohl to Sarah Cohu. Mort $14,000. May 15, 1906,
5:142)3—16. A $7.50O-^$15,000. other cousid and 100
71st St. No 112, ss, 12o e Park av, 25x100.5. 5-sty slone front
dwelling. The Murray Lenox Land Co to Wesley Thorn, of
Piainfield, N J. Mort $35,000, May 4. May 15, 1906. 5:1405
—67. A -$32.000—$40,000. 100
72d st. No 232, s s. .342 e 3d av, 18x102.2, 3-sty stone front dwell¬
ing, Arthur W Saunders to Efiugham Maynard. May 4, May
15, 1906. 5:1420-35. A .$9,000—$15,-000. other consid and IOO
72d st, No 422, s s, 313 e 1st av. 2oxl02.2, 5-sty brk tenement.
Leah Morris aud ano to Adelheid Cohen. Mort S;21,000. May
15. May 16, 1906. 5:1406-36. A $6,000—-$20,000,
olher consid and 100
72d st, No 126. s s, 250 w Columbus av, 25x102,2,_4-sty brk dweU¬
ing. Margt H Porter to Wm J Casey. Mort .$oO,000. May lo.
May 17, 1906. 4:1143—43. A $38,000—$55,000.
other consid and 100
72d st, No 232, s s, 342 e 3d av, 18x102,2, S-sty stone front dwell¬
ing, Lucy G Keeler INDIVID and EXTRX Harold D Keeler to
Arlhur W Saunders, Mort $13,500. May 3. May 12, 1906.
5:1426—35. A $9.000—$15,000, 17,250
73d st. No 302, s s, 75 e 2d av, 25x77.2, 4-sty stone front tenemeut
and store, Joseph Saunders to Michael Kaber and Lena Miller,
Mort $12,000. May 15. May 16, 1906. 5:1447-^9'4- A $»,000
—$10,000. other consid aud 100
73d st. No 64, s s. 49 w Park av, 17x102.2, 5-3ty brk dwelling.
Annie A Moran to Lewis C Ledyard. Mort $20,000, May 12.
May 16, 1906. 5:1387-39. A $32,000—$53,000,
other consid and 100
74th st, No 342, s s. 199,11 w 1st av, 25x102,2. 4-sty brk tene¬
ment Henry C Kayser to Clara Thorman. Mort .$6,000, May
14. May 15. 1906. 5:1448—35. A $6,000—$9,000.
olher consid and 100
74th st. No 480, s s. 275 w Av A, 25x102.2. 5-sty brk tenement.
Wm F^lapper lo Joseph Stern and Morris Saltz. Mort .$21,000.
May 15, 1906, 5:3408—30, A -$5,000-$13,500.
other consid and 100
76th st. No 434, s s. 1-50 w Av A, 25x102.2, 5-sty hrk tenement
Hyman Fechter lo Isaae Goldstein. Mort $23,325. May 10.
May 11, 1906. 5:1470—32. A $5,000—$18,500,
other consid and 100
76th st. No 344, s s, 275 e 2d av, 2oxl02,2, 4-Bty stone front
tenement. Max Schneiderman et al to Samuel Max. of Brook¬
lyn. Vl part, Mort $13,500. May 11. May 12, 1906. 5:1450—
41. A $6,000—$12,000. other consid and 100
7Gth st, No 9, n s, 217 e Sth av, 20x102,2. 4-sty brk dwelling,
Ormond G Smith to Estelle Scbolle, Mort $50,000. May 15,
1906. 5:1391—10. A $56,000—$05,000. other consid and 100.
77th st, s 3, 98 e Av A, 300x102.2, vacant.
Plot begins at c I of block between 7Gth and 77lh sts, 173 e Av
A, runs e SO X s 41,5 x n w — x n — to beginning, vacant,
Samuel A Israel to Rae Cobn and George Colon. Mort $86,200.
Feb S. May 12, 1906. 5:1488—37 to 48. A $42,000—$42,000,
other consid and 100
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